gamebaidoithuonglifestyle (2024)


Game bài đổi thưởng đang ngày càng thu hút người chơi với cơ hội giải trí hấp dẫn và cơ hội kiếm tiền thật sự. Người chơi có thể đổi điểm thưởng thành cào hoặc tiền mặt, tạo cơ hội thu nhập phụ hấp. Game bài đổi thưởng mang đến cho người chơi sân chơi uy tín với giấy phép hoạt động rõ ràng, đồ họa chuyên nghiệp, tốc độ giao dịch rút nhanh chóng....

Sân chơi uy tín cũng cung cấp đa dạng trò chơi và hỗ trợ nhiều phương thức thanh toán, mang đến trải nghiệm tốt nhất cho người chơi. Theo dõi để tìm hiểu thêm về các tiêu chí lựa chọn và các sân chơi đáng tin cậy trong năm 2024.

Địa chỉ: T23 Đ. Lý Chiêu Hoàng, Phường 10, Quận 6, Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam.

Điện thoại: 0988008900.

Email: [emailprotected].

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#gamebaidoithuong #nhacaigamebaidoithuong #trangchugamebaidoithuong #dangkygamebaidoithuong #linkgamebaidoithuong

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Game bài đổi thưởng đang ngày càng thu hút người chơi với cơ hội giải trí hấp dẫn và cơ hội kiếm tiền thật sự. Người chơi có thể đổi điểm thưởng thành cào hoặc tiền mặt, tạo cơ hội thu nhập phụ hấp. Game bài đổi thưởng mang đến cho người chơi sân chơi uy tín với giấy phép hoạt động rõ ràng, đồ họa chuyên nghiệp, tốc độ giao dịch rút nhanh chóng....

Sân chơi uy tín cũng cung cấp đa dạng trò chơi và hỗ trợ nhiều phương thức thanh toán, mang đến trải nghiệm tốt nhất cho người chơi. Theo dõi để tìm hiểu thêm về các tiêu chí lựa chọn và các sân chơi đáng tin cậy trong năm 2024.

Địa chỉ: T23 Đ. Lý Chiêu Hoàng, Phường 10, Quận 6, Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam.

Điện thoại: 0988008900.

Email: [emailprotected].

Trang web:

#gamebaidoithuong #nhacaigamebaidoithuong #trangchugamebaidoithuong #dangkygamebaidoithuong #linkgamebaidoithuong

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© trang nội dung công khai gamebaidoithuonglifestyle

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if ( arrFileEasyOCRText[ intItemIndex ] != '' && bolIsOwner ) { $( '#gallery2__sidebar__info-easyocr_text' ).show(); $( '.gallery2__sidebar__info-dropdown_button.easyocr-text_recognition' ) .addClass( 'disabled' ); } } if ( bolIsOwner && arrFileTypes[ intCurrentFileIndex ] == 'audio' ) { $( '#gallery2__sidebar__info-google_cloud-speech_to_text-button .gallery2__sidebar__info-dropdown_button' ) .html( '' + 'Recognize speech' + '' + '' ) .removeClass( 'disabled' );; $( '#gallery2__sidebar__info-google_cloud-speech_to_text-button' ) .show(); $( '#gallery2__sidebar__info-metadata-tags' ).removeClass( 'gallery2__sidebar__exif_tags-top-separator' ); } if ( bolIsOwner && typeof arrFileAudioTranscription != 'undefined' && typeof arrFileAudioTranscription[ intItemIndex ] != 'undefined' ) { $( '#gallery2__sidebar__info-google_cloud-speech_to_text-text .gallery2__sidebar__info-value' ).text( arrFileAudioTranscription[ intItemIndex ] ); if ( arrFileAudioTranscription[ intItemIndex ] != '' ) { $( '#gallery2__sidebar__info-google_cloud-speech_to_text-text' ).show(); $( '#gallery2__sidebar__info-google_cloud-speech_to_text-button .gallery2__sidebar__info-dropdown_button' ) .addClass( 'disabled' ); } } if ( arrFileTypes[ intCurrentFileIndex ] == 'image' && ( bolIsOwner || ( typeof( bolIsAnonymousUpload ) == 'boolean' && bolIsAnonymousUpload ) ) ) { $( '.gallery2__sidebar__info-dropdown_button.google_cloud-vision' ) .html( '' + 'Find objects PRO' + '' + '' ) .removeClass( 'disabled' ); } var jqObjectTagsElem = $( '#gallery2__sidebar__info-object_tags .tags' ); jqObjectTagsElem.empty(); if ( typeof arrObjectTags != 'undefined' && typeof arrObjectTags[ intItemIndex ] != 'undefined' && arrObjectTags[ intItemIndex ] != '' ) { let arrTagsSplitted = arrObjectTags[ intItemIndex ].split( ';' ); $.each( arrTagsSplitted, ( i, tag ) => { jqObjectTagsElem.append( '' + tag + '' ); } ); $( '#gallery2__sidebar__info-object_tags' ).show(); $( '.gallery2__sidebar__info-dropdown_button.google_cloud-vision' ).addClass( 'disabled' ); } if ( typeof arrYoloObjectTags != 'undefined' && typeof arrYoloObjectTags[ intItemIndex ] != 'undefined' && arrYoloObjectTags[ intItemIndex ] != '' ) { let arrExistingTags = jqObjectTagsElem.find( '.tag' ).map( function() { return $( this ).text(); } ).get(); let arrTagsSplitted = arrYoloObjectTags[ intItemIndex ].split( ';' ); let arrTagsToBeAdded = arrTagsSplitted.filter( tag => ! arrExistingTags.includes( tag ) ); $.each( arrTagsToBeAdded, ( i, tag ) => { jqObjectTagsElem.append( '' + tag + '' ); } ); $( '#gallery2__sidebar__info-object_tags' ).show(); $( '.gallery2__sidebar__info-dropdown_button.yolo-object_detection' ).addClass( 'disabled' ); } if ( typeof arrLabelTags != 'undefined' && typeof arrLabelTags[ intItemIndex ] != 'undefined' && arrLabelTags[ intItemIndex ] != '' ) { let jqTagsElem = $( '#gallery2__sidebar__info-label_tags .tags' ); jqTagsElem.empty(); let arrTagsSplitted = arrLabelTags[ intItemIndex ].split( ';' ); $.each( arrTagsSplitted, ( i, tag ) => { jqTagsElem.append( '' + tag + '' ); } ); $( '#gallery2__sidebar__info-label_tags' ).show(); $( '.gallery2__sidebar__info-dropdown_button.google_cloud-vision' ).addClass( 'disabled' ); } $('.gallery2_share-input').val('' + strCurrentFileHash );if ( typeof arrDatesDelete == 'undefined' || arrDatesDelete[intItemIndex] == '' ){$('#gallery2__sidebar__info-date-delete').hide();}else{$('#gallery2__sidebar__info-date-delete .gallery2__sidebar__info-value').html( ( typeof arrDatesDelete != 'undefined' ? arrDatesDelete[intItemIndex] : '' ) );$('#gallery2__sidebar__info-date-delete').show();}var strName = arrDisplayNames[intItemIndex];if (strName == ''){strName = arrNames[intItemIndex];}var $name = $('#gallery2__sidebar__info-name .gallery2__sidebar__info-value'); $name.val( strName ); if( bolIsOwner ) { autoGrow( $name.get( 0 ), '32px' ); $(".not_owner_show").hide(); $(".not_owner_hide").show(); } else { $(".not_owner_show").show(); $(".not_owner_hide").hide(); $( ".gallery2__sidebar__file_name_value" ).html( strName ); $( ".gallery2__header__file_name_value" ).html( strName ); } var $desc = $('#gallery2__sidebar__info-description .gallery2__sidebar__info-value'); var strDescriptionForInput = arrDescriptions[ intItemIndex ].replaceAll('', String.fromCharCode(13, 10)); var strDescriptionForHtml = arrDescriptions[ intItemIndex ].replaceAll('', '
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"" : arrTags[intItemIndex]); } else { $('#gallery_file_tags_container .file_tags_error').show(); } } , error: function() { $('#gallery_file_tags_container .file_tags_error').show(); } }); } , 'onRemoveTag' : function(strTagName) { $('#gallery_file_tags_container .file_tags_error').hide(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", dataType: "json", url: "./ajax/file_tag.php?PHPSESSID=1b8a494dc1cbd07e708bddcfbb2c5111ea3ad925", data: { 'delete_file_tag': true , 'file_hash' : strCurrentFileHash , 'tag_name': strTagName } , success: function(data) { if (data['status'] == 'ok') { var intItemIndex = getItemIndex(strCurrentFileHash); arrTags[intItemIndex] = arrTags[intItemIndex].replace(strTagName, ''); // update tags in filebrowser $('#sidebar_file_tags_container .file_tags_input').importTags(typeof arrTags[intItemIndex] === "undefined" ? "" : arrTags[intItemIndex]); } else { $('#gallery_file_tags_container .file_tags_error').show(); } } , error: function() { $('#gallery_file_tags_container .file_tags_error').show(); } }); } , 'onSearchTag' : function(strTagName) { if (strPublicProfileHref != '') { + '#search='+ strTagName, '_self'); } } , 'delimiter' : [';'] , 'removeWithBackspace' : false , 'minChars' : 1 , 'maxChars' : 245 , 'placeholderColor' : '#666666' }); } if (strPublicProfileHref != '') { $('#gallery_file_tags_container .tagsinput').addClass('searchable'); } else { $('#gallery_file_tags_container .tagsinput').removeClass('searchable'); }$('#gallery_file_tags_container .file_tags_input').importTags(typeof arrTags[intItemIndex] === "undefined" ? "" : arrTags[intItemIndex]);if ( ( arrTags[ intItemIndex ] == '' || typeof arrTags[intItemIndex] === "undefined" ) && ! bolIsOwner ){$( '#gallery2__sidebar__info-tags' ).hide();$( '#gallery2__sidebar__info-metadata-tags' ).hide(); }else{$( '#gallery2__sidebar__info-tags' ).show();$( '#gallery2__sidebar__info-metadata-tags' ).show();}if( bolIsOwner && arrFileTypes[intCurrentFileIndex] != 'image' ){$( '#gallery2__sidebar__info-set-custom-thumbnail' ).html( '' ); if ( arrFileAttributes[ intItemIndex ][ 'hasCustomThumb' ] ) { $( '#gallery2__sidebar__info-set-custom-thumbnail' ).append( '

Change file image

' ); $( '#gallery2__sidebar__info-set-custom-thumbnail' ).append( '

Delete file image

' ); } else { $( '#gallery2__sidebar__info-set-custom-thumbnail' ).append( '

Set file preview image

' ); }$( '#gallery2__sidebar__info-set-custom-thumbnail' ).show();}else{$( '#gallery2__sidebar__info-set-custom-thumbnail' ).hide();} if( bolIsOwner ) { $( "#gallery2__item_info_delete, #gallery2__item_info_delete_middle" ).on( 'click', function() { GalleryDeleteFile(arrHashes[ intItemIndex ], strName ); }); } else if( bolCanDelete && typeof arrFileDeleteKeys != 'undefined' && arrFileDeleteKeys[ intCurrentFileIndex ] != '' ) { $( "#gallery2__item_info_delete, #gallery2__item_info_delete_middle" ).on( 'click', function() { GalleryDeleteFileAnon( arrFileDeleteKeys[ intCurrentFileIndex ], arrHashes[ intCurrentFileIndex ], strName ); }); } $( '#gallery2__sidebar__info-price, #gallery2__sidebar__info-price_middle' ).html( '' );$( '#gallery2__sidebar__info-price, #gallery2__sidebar__info-price_middle' ).hide();$( '#gallery2__item_info_save' ).hide();if ( arrFeeDownloadPrice[ intCurrentFileIndex ] != null ){if ( bolIsOwner ){$("#gallery2__sidebar__info-price, #gallery2__sidebar__info-price_middle").attr("onclick", "showSetPriceFormModal(strCurrentFileHash)") $("#gallery2__sidebar__info-price, #gallery2__sidebar__info-price_middle").append("Change price") $( '#gallery2__item_info_save' ).show(); 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if(strHash == strCurrentFileHash) { $('#gallery_select_middle').addClass('selected') } }); }function galleryChangeLocation ( strLocation, bolAuto ) { var strHashtag = window.location.hash; var strTitle = ''; if ( strLocation.indexOf('/f/') !== -1 ) { var strHash = strLocation.replace( '/f/', '' ); var intFileIndex = getItemIndexByHashOrName( strHash ); strTitle = arrDisplayNames[ intFileIndex ] + ' - gamebaidoithuonglifestyle' ; } //when changing gallery items, don't add new entries in history - change last one if(history.state == 'gallery') { history.replaceState( 'gallery', '', '/' + strScriptURL + strLocation ); } else { history.pushState( 'gallery', '', '/' + strScriptURL + strLocation ); } document.title = strTitle; galleryCheckLocation (); } var bolCheckLocationRunning = false; function galleryCheckLocation () { if ( bolCheckLocationRunning ) return; bolCheckLocationRunning = true; var intFileIndex = null; bolHashtagViewUseSemicolon = false; var strPathname = decodeURIComponent(window.location.pathname); var strViewLink = strPathname.slice(decodeURIComponent('/gamebaidoithuonglifestyle').length, strPathname.length); var strItemHashOrName = strViewLink.slice(3, strViewLink.length); intFileIndex = getItemIndexByHashOrName ( strItemHashOrName );if (window.location.hash.indexOf(';zoom') == -1){ $('#gallery_panzoomdiv').css('display', 'none'); }if ( typeof intFileIndex !== "undefined" && intFileIndex !== null ){$('#gallery2').show();if ( strCurrentFileHash !== arrHashes[ intFileIndex ] ) { setTimeout( "showGalleryItem( '" + arrHashes[ intFileIndex ] + "')", 0 ); }} else { if ( bolGalleryIsVisible && bolCloseGalleryIfHashRemoved ) { closeGallery(strCurrentFileHash); } } bolCheckLocationRunning = false;} var galleryCheckHashtag = galleryCheckLocation; if(/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { var mql = window.matchMedia("(orientation: portrait)"); // If there are matches, we're in portrait // Add a media query change listener mql.addListener(function(m) { if(m.matches) { // Changed to portrait $('#gallery2__content-wrapper').removeClass( 'gallery__only_image' ); 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var logoImgUrL = logoHref; logoImgUrL += "/images/logo/white/filesfm_logo_full.svg"; var player = new FilesFm_VideoJS( "video_" + arrHashes[ intFileIndex ], { autoplay: false, posterHref: 'https://' + arrFileHost[ intFileIndex ] + '/thumb_video_picture.php?i=' + arrHashes[intFileIndex] + '&PHPSESSID=1b8a494dc1cbd07e708bddcfbb2c5111ea3ad925' , } ); objVideoPlayers[intFileIndex] = player; player.objPlayer.on( 'ready', function() { var domVideo = $( '#' + player.strContainerId + ' video' )[ 0 ]; var objQualitySelector = player.objPlayer.controlBar.qualitySelector; var objPlaybackRateMenuButton = player.objPlayer.controlBar.playbackRateMenuButton; // Add title to PlaybackRateMenuButton $( ) .prepend( '


' ); // Close QualitySelector and PlaybackRateMenuButton when any of CenterButtons is clicked. // Event 'touchend' is specifically for touchscreens. // Mouse click is implemented in VideoJS by default. player.objPlayer.getChild( 'CenterButtons' ).children().forEach( button => { $( button.el() ).on( 'touchend', () => { objQualitySelector.unpressButton(); objPlaybackRateMenuButton.unpressButton(); } ); } ); // Do not make further changes to QualitySelector // if there is no source of the original video. if ( player.objPlayer.currentSources().length != 2 ) { return; } function onMetadataLoaded() { domVideo.removeEventListener( 'loadedmetadata', onMetadataLoaded ); // If preview and original video resolutions are the same, remove QualitySelector if ( typeof arrWidths != 'undefined' && typeof arrHeights != 'undefined' && arrWidths[ intFileIndex ] == domVideo.videoWidth && arrHeights[ intFileIndex ] == domVideo.videoHeight ) { objQualitySelector.el().remove(); return; } styleQualitySelector( player, intFileIndex ); $( objPlaybackRateMenuButton.el() ).addClass( 'vjs-quality-selector-available' ); $( ).find( '*' ).addClass( 'bx_allow_events' ); var jqQualitySelectorList = $( ); var jqOriginalQualityBTN = $( objQualitySelector.items[ 1 ].el() ); jqOriginalQualityBTN.remove(); // Create plain copy of element (to prevent any event listeners and other stuff) jqOriginalQualityBTN = $( jqOriginalQualityBTN[ 0 ].outerHTML ); jqQualitySelectorList.append( jqOriginalQualityBTN ); jqOriginalQualityBTN.on( 'click touchend', function() { player.objPlayer.pause(); showCreateAccount(); } ); } if ( domVideo.readyState == 0 ) { domVideo.addEventListener( 'loadedmetadata', onMetadataLoaded ); } else { onMetadataLoaded(); } } ); player.objPlayer.on( 'qualityRequested', function( event, newSource ) { $( ) .find( '.vjs-control-bar .vjs-quality-selector .vjs-quality-selector-value' ) .text( newSource.resolutionLabel ); } ); player.objPlayer.on("ended", (event) => { if ( bolGalleryIsVisible ) { var intNextSlideIndex = intNextIndex; if(intNextIndex == null || isNaN( intNextIndex ) && arrHashes[0] != null) { intNextSlideIndex = getItemIndex ( arrHashes[0] ); } if ( intNextSlideIndex != null && !isNaN( intNextSlideIndex ) ) { if (strSlideshowInterval === 'reset') { objVideoPlayers[intCurrentFileIndex].objPlayer.loop(true); galleryChangeLocation ( getItemLink ( arrHashes[intNextSlideIndex] ) ); } } } }); fitVideoPlayer( $( "#video_" + arrHashes[ intFileIndex ] ) ); $( "#video_" + arrHashes[ intFileIndex ] ).find( "*" ).addClass( "bx_allow_events" ); $( "#video_" + arrHashes[ intFileIndex ] ).addClass( 'ffm_video_fallback' ); $( "#video_" + arrHashes[ intFileIndex ] + ' .vjs-loading-spinner .vjs-control-text' ).text( 'Wait for the mp4 video preview to be created for playback in the browser. This takes time, depending on the length of the video. If the video does not start, refresh the page or download the original.' ); // let's not resize the player anymore player.setFluid( false ); } function styleQualitySelector( player, intFileIndex ) { var strDefaultQualityLabel = 'HD'; var domVideo = $( '#' + player.strContainerId + ' video' )[ 0 ]; var objQualitySelector = player.objPlayer.controlBar.qualitySelector; $( ) .prepend( '


' ); // PREVIEW QUALITY BUTTON var jqPreviewQualityText = $( objQualitySelector.items[ 0 ].el() ).find( '.vjs-menu-item-text' ); jqPreviewQualityText.html( '


' ); var intPreviewWidth = domVideo.videoWidth; var intPreviewHeight = domVideo.videoHeight; if ( typeof intPreviewWidth == 'number' && typeof intPreviewHeight == 'number' && intPreviewWidth > 0 && intPreviewHeight > 0 ) { var strPreviewResolutionLabel = getResolutionLabel( intPreviewWidth, intPreviewHeight, true ); if ( strPreviewResolutionLabel === '' ) { strPreviewResolutionLabel = 'SD '; } jqPreviewQualityText.append( '

' + strPreviewResolutionLabel + intPreviewWidth + 'x' + intPreviewHeight + '

' ); $( objQualitySelector.el() ).prepend( '

' + strPreviewResolutionLabel + '

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' + strDefaultQualityLabel + '

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You can buy this file or print-on-demand products:

' + '' + '' + '' + 'View products' + '' + '' + '

' + '

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' + '' + 'Wait while the preview is being created.
This will take longer for large files. Download to view the original.
' + '

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' + '

' + '

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' ); $.ajax( { type: 'GET', url: 'https://' + arrFileHost[ intFileIndex ] + '/down.php?i=' + arrHashes[ intFileIndex ] + '&PHPSESSID=1b8a494dc1cbd07e708bddcfbb2c5111ea3ad925&code_highlighter&plain_text&view&pv=1', success: function ( data ) { var jqCodeContainer = $( '.modal_gallery_code_container', $jqSlideElem ); var jqCodeHighlightElem = $( 'pre code', jqCodeContainer ); jqCodeHighlightElem .text( data ) .addClass( 'gallery2__item__base-width-on' ); // Forcing helper classname for highlight.js to properly detect syntax let strHljsCodeClass; switch ( arrExtensions[ intFileIndex ] ) { case 'js': strHljsCodeClass = 'language-javascript'; break; case 'html': strHljsCodeClass = 'language-xml'; break; case 'cc': case 'c': case 'h': strHljsCodeClass = 'language-cpp'; break; case 'jsp': strHljsCodeClass = 'language-java'; break; case 'pl': strHljsCodeClass = 'language-perl'; break; case 'py': strHljsCodeClass = 'language-python'; break; case 'rb': strHljsCodeClass = 'language-ruby'; break; case 'sh': strHljsCodeClass = 'language-bash'; break; case 'vb': strHljsCodeClass = 'language-vbnet'; break; case 'php': case 'cpp': case 'css': case 'java': case 'json': case 'xml': case 'ini': strHljsCodeClass = 'language-' + arrExtensions[ intFileIndex ]; break; } /* If new extension has been added to FILE_TYPE_CODE, highlight.js won't fail, it will try to determine to which file type the syntax looks most likely (out of available types in compiled highlight.min.js script) */ if ( typeof( strHljsCodeClass ) !== 'undefined' ) { jqCodeHighlightElem.addClass( strHljsCodeClass ); } hljs.highlightElement( jqCodeHighlightElem[ 0 ] ); if ( ! false ) { jqCodeHighlightElem.addClass( 'bx_allow_events' ); $( '*', jqCodeHighlightElem ).addClass( 'bx_allow_events' ); }; }, error: function () { $( '#gallery2__item__code-wrapper__' + intFileIndex ).hide(); }, } ); }; fnLoadCode.apply( $jqSlideElem ); } else { if ( arrFeeDownloadPrice[ intFileIndex ] == null && ! currentFolderHasFeeDownload( intFileIndex ) && arrSizesInBytes[ intFileIndex ] < 50 * 1024 * 1024 && arrUploadPassword[ intFileIndex ] == '' && arrAccessType[ intFileIndex ] == 'LINK' ) { var fnLoadIframe = function () { $( this ).attr( 'disabled', 'disabled' ); var $jqSlideElem = $( this ).closest( ".gallery2__item" ); var intFileIndex = $jqSlideElem.attr( 'id' ).split( "-" ).slice( -1 )[ 0 ]; $jqSlideElem.prepend( '

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' + '' + '' + '

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"; strHtml += "

"; $jqSlideElem.append( strHtml ); if ( arrFileTypes[ intFileIndex ] === 'video' ) { if ( !useEmbedPlayer( intFileIndex ) ) { initVideoPlayer( intFileIndex ); } } break; case 'audio': if ( arrAllowDownload[ intFileIndex ] || ( false && arrFileAttributes[ intFileIndex ].hasPreviewVideo ) || arrFileAttributes[ intFileIndex ].readOnly || arrFileAttributes[ intFileIndex ].hasPreviewVideo ) { var strAllHashes = ''; for ( var strHash in arrHashes ) { strAllHashes += ',' + strHash; } if( objAudioPlayer === null || ( objAudioPlayer.getAllUploadFileHashes() !== strAllHashes ) ) { if ( objAudioPlayer !== null ) { objAudioPlayer.destroy(); objAudioPlayer = null; } objAudioPlayer = new AudioPlayer(); objAudioPlayer.loadTracksFromGlobalArrays(); if ( objMainShareParams != null && typeof( objMainShareParams['all_files'] ) !== 'undefined') { if ( typeof PublicProfile != 'undefined' && PublicProfile.openFolderDisplayName != '' ) { objAudioPlayer.setPlayListTitle( PublicProfile.openFolderDisplayName ); } else if ( typeof PublicProfile != 'undefined' && PublicProfile.strProfileName != '' ) { objAudioPlayer.setPlayListTitle( PublicProfile.strProfileName ); } else { objAudioPlayer.setPlayListTitle( strFolderName ); } } objAudioPlayer.setCurrentTrackByHash( arrHashes[ intFileIndex ] ); objAudioPlayer.setAllUploadFileHashes( strAllHashes ); objAudioPlayer.setIsPlayerForOneFile( arrHashes.length == 1 ); objAudioPlayer.getElem().addEventListener( 'audioTrackLoaded', function ( data ) { var hash = data.detail.strHash; if( arrHashes.indexOf( hash ) !== -1 && arrHashes[ intCurrentFileIndex ] !== hash ) { galleryChangeLocation ( getItemLink( hash ) ); } } ); objAudioPlayer.getElem().addEventListener( 'audioTrackLikeChange', function ( data ) { var hash = data.detail.track.strHash; var bolState = data.detail.state; var intFileIdx; if ( strCurrentFileHash === hash ) { intFileIdx = intCurrentFileIndex; } else { for ( var i in arrHashes ) { if ( arrHashes.hasOwnProperty( i ) && arrHashes[ i ] === hash ) { intFileIdx = +i; break; } } } bolState ? arrVoteCounts[ intFileIdx ]++ : arrVoteCounts[ intFileIdx ]--; arrHasVoted[ intFileIdx ] = bolState ? 1 : 0; galleryUpdateVoteCount(); } ); objAudioPlayer.getElem().addEventListener( 'audioTrackEnded', function ( data ) { if ( bolGalleryIsVisible ) { var intNextSlideIndex = intNextIndex; if(intNextIndex == null || isNaN( intNextIndex ) && arrHashes[0] != null) { intNextSlideIndex = getItemIndex ( arrHashes[0] ); } if ( intNextSlideIndex != null && !isNaN( intNextSlideIndex ) ) { if (strSlideshowInterval === 'reset') { objAudioPlayer._isSlideshowOn = false; galleryChangeLocation ( getItemLink ( arrHashes[intNextSlideIndex] ) ); } } } } ); } $jqSlideElem.append( "" ); var jqItemAudioWrapper = $( "" ); jqItemAudioWrapper.appendTo( $jqSlideElem ); objAudioPlayer.appendTo( jqItemAudioWrapper ); } else { var jqThumb = $( '' ).addClass( 'fa-5x fa ' + arrIconClass[intFileIndex] ); if ( typeof( arrIconSvg ) !== 'undefined' && arrIconSvg[ intFileIndex ] ) { jqThumb = $( 'gamebaidoithuonglifestyle (20)' ).attr('src', '/images/file_types_v2/' + arrIconSvg[ intFileIndex ]).addClass('ext-icon'); } $jqSlideElem.append( '' ); $( '.gallery2__item__doc-wrapper', $jqSlideElem ).append( jqThumb ); $( '.gallery2__item__doc-wrapper', $jqSlideElem ).append( '

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' + arrDisplayNames[ intFileIndex ] + '

' ); $jqMainContainer.append( $jqFileName ); // A container for buttons/actions var $jqButtonContainer = $('').css({'white-space': 'normal'}); // Download button var $jqDownloadButton = $( '' ).attr( { 'href': 'javascript:void(0);', 'onclick': 'modalGalleryDownloadFileBtn( "' + arrHashes[ intFileIndex ] + '" )', 'title': 'Download', 'class': 'gallery2__item__doc-wrapper__download_button gallery2__save_button' } ).html( 'Download original file' ); // Add the download button to the button container $jqButtonContainer.append( $jqDownloadButton ); // Holds the load image timeout var intLoadImageTimeout; // Holds the image var $jqImg; var fnLoadImageFailed = function() { clearTimeout(intLoadImageTimeout); $jqImg.remove(); $jqIcon.hide(); $; $jqLoadingIcon.hide(); } var fnLoadImageSucceeded = function() { clearTimeout(intLoadImageTimeout); $jqMainContainer.empty().append($jqImg); } var fnLoadImage = function() { $jqPreviewButton.hide(); $jqIcon.hide(); $jqErrorIcon.hide(); $; var strImageURL = 'https://'+ arrFileHost[ intFileIndex ] +'/thumb_show.php?i=' + arrHashes[intFileIndex] + '&view&v=1&PHPSESSID=1b8a494dc1cbd07e708bddcfbb2c5111ea3ad925'; if (arrFeeDownloadPrice[intFileIndex] > 0 || currentFolderHasFeeDownload( intFileIndex ) ) { strImageURL += '&wm=103'; } if ( typeof( arrFileVersion ) != 'undefined' && typeof( arrFileVersion[ intFileIndex ] ) != 'undefined' && arrFileVersion[ intFileIndex ] > 0 ) { strImageURL += '&version=' + arrFileVersion[ intFileIndex ]; } $jqImg = $('gamebaidoithuonglifestyle (22)').attr('src', strImageURL); intLoadImageTimeout = setTimeout(function() { fnLoadImageFailed(); }, 30000); $jqImg.on('load', function() { if (!this.complete || typeof this.naturalWidth == "undefined" || this.naturalWidth == 0) { fnLoadImageFailed(); } else { fnLoadImageSucceeded(); } }); } var $jqPreviewButton = $( '' ); $jqPreviewButton.attr( { 'href': 'javascript:void(0);', 'title': 'Download', 'class': 'gallery2__item__doc-wrapper__download_button gallery2__save_button gallery2__item__doc-wrapper__download_button gallery2__preview_button' } ); $jqPreviewButton.css( "marginLeft", "0px" ); $jqPreviewButton.html( 'Preview this file' ); $ function() { fnLoadImage(); } ); $jqButtonContainer.append("
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} else { return 'Buy'; } } ) .click( function() { if (bolIsOwner) { return showSetPriceFormModal(strCurrentFileHash); } else { return showBuyFileFormModal(strCurrentFileHash); } } ) $( '.gallery2__item__information-wrapper', $jqSlideElem ).append( jqPreviewButton ); } if ($('.gallery2__item__information-wrapper', $jqSlideElem).find('.gallery2__preview_button').length<1) { var jqDownloadButton = $( '' ).attr( { 'href': 'javascript:void(0);', 'onclick': 'modalGalleryDownloadFileBtn( "' + arrHashes[ intFileIndex ] + '" )', 'title': 'Download', 'class': 'gallery2__item__doc-wrapper__download_button gallery2__save_button' } ).html( 'Download original file' ); $( '.gallery2__item__information-wrapper', $jqSlideElem ).append( jqDownloadButton ); } $('a', $jqSlideElem).addClass( 'bx_allow_events' ); $('a', $jqSlideElem).find( "*" ).addClass( 'bx_allow_events' ); $('.gallery2__video_downloadbutton', $jqSlideElem).find( "*" ).addClass( 'bx_allow_events' ); $jqSlideElem.addClass( 'content_ready' ); 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Use it only if you trust the sender. If not sure, use to double-check. Do you want to save this file?', '', 'OK', 'Cancel', function ( r ) { if ( r ) { objWebTorrentDownloadForm.showForm( 'file', arrHashes[ intItemIndex ] ); } } ); } } else { modalGalleryDownloadFileBtn( arrHashes[ intItemIndex ] ); } } } function modalGalleryDownloadFileBtn( strFileHash, strDownloadType="simple" ) { var intItemIndex = getItemIndex( strFileHash ); if ( typeof(bolHideDownloadButtons) !== 'undefined' && bolHideDownloadButtons ) { return; } if ( typeof(arrHideDownloadButtons) !== 'undefined' && arrHideDownloadButtons[intItemIndex] ) { return; } var intItemIndex = getItemIndex( strFileHash ); var bolUserIsAuthenticated = false; if ( typeof(arrForbidDirectDownload) != 'undefined' && typeof(arrForbidDirectDownload_Authenticated) != 'undefined' && arrForbidDirectDownload[ intItemIndex ] && ! arrForbidDirectDownload_Authenticated[ intItemIndex ] && ! bolUserIsAuthenticated ) { if ( ! bolIsListViewForSpecificFile ) closeGallery(strCurrentFileHash); var jqSigninErrorContainer = $('#signin-modal-content-error'); $('.alert_main_text', jqSigninErrorContainer) .html('Direct download limit reached. Please, login or signup to directly download this file');; showSignIn(); } else if ( typeof(arrForbidDirectDownload) != 'undefined' && typeof(arrForbidDirectDownload_Authenticated) != 'undefined' && arrForbidDirectDownload[ intItemIndex ] && arrForbidDirectDownload_Authenticated[ intItemIndex ] ) { modalGalleryDownloadFileP2PBtn(intItemIndex); } else if ( strDownloadType == 'pdf' ) { var strDateModified = ( typeof arrDatesModified != 'undefined' ? arrDatesModified[ intItemIndex ] : ( typeof arrModDate != 'undefined' ? arrModDate[ intItemIndex ] : '' ) ); window.location = '/api/file/get_thumb_pdf.php?i=' + strFileHash + '&PHPSESSID=1b8a494dc1cbd07e708bddcfbb2c5111ea3ad925&dm=' + strDateModified + '&v=102&n=' + arrDisplayNames[ intItemIndex ] + '.pdf'; } else if ( strDownloadType == 'mp4' ) { var strDateModified = ( typeof arrDatesModified != 'undefined' ? arrDatesModified[ intItemIndex ] : ( typeof arrModDate != 'undefined' ? arrModDate[ intItemIndex ] : '' ) ); window.location = '/thumb_video/' + strFileHash + '.mp4?PHPSESSID=1b8a494dc1cbd07e708bddcfbb2c5111ea3ad925&dm=' + strDateModified + '&v=102&n=' + arrDisplayNames[ intItemIndex ] + '.mp4'; } else if ( strDownloadType == 'jpg' ) { var strDateModified = ( typeof arrDatesModified != 'undefined' ? arrDatesModified[ intItemIndex ] : ( typeof arrModDate != 'undefined' ? arrModDate[ intItemIndex ] : '' ) ); window.location = '/thumb_show.php?i=' + strFileHash + '&PHPSESSID=1b8a494dc1cbd07e708bddcfbb2c5111ea3ad925&dm=' + strDateModified + '&download'; } else if ( strDownloadType == 'my-files' ) { objUploadCopyForm.showForm( strUploadHash , false , [ strFileHash ] , [] , true , '' , function( strTargetUploadHash ) { window.location = '/filebrowser?u=' + strTargetUploadHash; } ); } else { var strFileExtension = arrExtensions[ intItemIndex ]; var arrExecutableExtensions = ['exe','com','dll','pif','scr','bat','bin','pl','sh','scf','sct','shs','vb','lnk','jnlp','apk','vbs','js','msi','jse','jar','dmg','bin','wsf']; if ( arrExecutableExtensions.indexOf( strFileExtension ) == -1 ) { window.location = 'https://'+ arrFileHost[ intItemIndex ] +'/down.php?i=' + strFileHash; } else { fConfirm( 'This file was checked with antivirus on the serverside, but executable files may contain potentially dangerous code that antivirus software is yet unable to detect. Use it only if you trust the sender. If not sure, use to double-check. Do you want to save this file?', '', 'OK', 'Cancel', function( r ) { if ( r ) { window.location = 'https://'+ arrFileHost[ intItemIndex ] +'/down.php?i=' + strFileHash; } } ); } }}function modalGallery_changeFileThumbnail( strFileHash, intItemIndex ) { var $input; $( "

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' ).attr( {'value' : 'link' ,'desc' : 'View and download access' ,'selected' : ( this.strAccessType == 'link' ? true : false )} ).text( 'Anyone with a link' ));strHtml = '

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';objTypeCopyWrap.append(strHtml); if ( this.strItemType == 'upload' ) { objTypeSelect.append( $( '

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' +'Copy add link' +'You can add files, but not delete or edit existing files' +'

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' ).attr( { 'value' : 'link-can-edit' , 'desc' : 'Link to add, edit or delete content.' , 'selected' : ( this.strAccessType == 'link-can-edit' ? true : false ) , } ) .text( 'Get a link to edit content' ) ); if ( this.strItemType == 'upload' ) { objTypeSelect.append( $( '

' ).attr( { 'value' : 'link-can-upload' , 'desc' : 'Visitors can add files, but can’t delete or edit existing.' , 'selected' : ( this.strAccessType == 'link-can-upload' ? true : false ) , } ) .text( 'Get Link to add content' ) ); }}if ( this.strItemType == 'upload' && this.bolOwnerLoggedIn ){objTypeSelect.append( $( '

' ).attr( { 'value' : 'password' , 'desc' : 'Visitors must enter a password to access' , 'selected' : ( this.strAccessType == 'password' ? true : false ) } ) .text( 'Set password' ) );objTypeSelect.append( $( '

' ).attr( { 'value' : 'public' , 'desc' : 'Visible to anyone on your profile and via search.' , 'selected' : ( this.strAccessType == 'public' ? true : false ) } ) .text( 'Posted on my profile page' ) );}objTypeSelectWrap.append( objTypeSelect );$('.url_wrapper ').removeClass('switch');if ( this.strUploadAccessSwitchType == 'sharing_form' ){strHtml = '

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' ).attr( {'class' : 'upload-access-switch_type-wrapper' } ).append($( '' ).text( ( this.strUploadAccessSwitchType == 'sharing_form' ? 'Access rights:' : 'Access:' ) )).append($( '' ).attr( {'class' : 'upload-access-switch_type-wrapper-desc' } ).text(( this.strAccessType == 'private' ? 'Only with private permission' : 'Anyone with a link' )))).append( strHtml ));}else{$( this.objParentElement ).html($( '

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' ).attr( {'class' : 'upload-access-switch_password-save-btn'} ).text( 'Save' ))).append($( '

' ).attr( {'class' : 'upload-access-switch_loading-mask'} ).append($( '' ).attr( {'class' : 'fal fa-spinner fa-spin'} ))));}checkTooltips();var x, i, j, selElmnt, a, b, c, d, e;/*look for any elements with the class "styled-select":*/x = document.getElementsByClassName("upload-access-switch-select");for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {if (x[i].getElementsByClassName("select-selected").length < 1) {selElmnt = x[i].getElementsByTagName("select")[0];/*for each element, create a new DIV that will act as the selected item:*/a = document.createElement("DIV");a.setAttribute("class", "select-selected");a.innerHTML = selElmnt.options[selElmnt.selectedIndex].innerHTML;x[i].appendChild(a);/*for each element, create a new DIV that will contain the option list:*/b = document.createElement("DIV");b.setAttribute("class", "select-items select-hide");for (j = 1; j < selElmnt.length; j++) {/*for each option in the original select element,create a new DIV that will act as an option item:*/c = document.createElement("DIV");d = document.createElement("DIV");if(selElmnt.options[j].value == selElmnt.value){c.setAttribute("class", "checked");}e = document.createElement("DIV");e.setAttribute("class", "value");d.setAttribute("class", "desc");//c.innerHTML = selElmnt.options[j].innerHTML;e.innerHTML = selElmnt.options[j].innerHTML;d.innerHTML = selElmnt.options[j].getAttribute('desc');c.appendChild(e);c.appendChild(d);if ( !! && !!selElmnt.options[j].value ){c.setAttribute( 'id', + '_' + selElmnt.options[j].value );}c.addEventListener("click", function(e) {/*when an item is clicked, update the original select box,and the selected item:*/var y, i, k, s, sjq, h, clicked;clicked = this;s = this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("select")[0];sjq = $(s);$(clicked).parents().children().removeClass('checked');$(clicked).addClass('checked');h = this.parentNode.previousSibling;for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {if (s.options[i].innerHTML == this.getElementsByClassName("value")[0].innerHTML) {s.selectedIndex = i;h.innerHTML = this.getElementsByClassName("value")[0].innerHTML;y = this.parentNode.getElementsByClassName("same-as-selected");for (k = 0; k < y.length; k++) {y[k].removeAttribute("class");}this.setAttribute("class", "same-as-selected checked");sjq.trigger("change");break;}};});b.appendChild(c);}x[i].appendChild(b);a.addEventListener("click", function(e) {/*when the select box is clicked, close any other select boxes,and open/close the current select box:*/e.stopPropagation();closeAllSelect(this);this.nextSibling.classList.toggle("select-hide");this.classList.toggle("select-arrow-active");this.parentElement.classList.toggle("blue-border");if (this.parentElement.previousElementSibling){this.parentElement.previousElementSibling.classList.toggle("blue-span");}});}}function closeAllSelect(elmnt) {/*a function that will close all select boxes in the document,except the current select box:*/var x, y, i, arrNo = [];x = document.getElementsByClassName("select-items");y = document.getElementsByClassName("select-selected");for (i = 0; i < y.length; i++) {if (elmnt == y[i]) {arrNo.push(i)} else {y[i].classList.remove("select-arrow-active");}}for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {if (arrNo.indexOf(i)) {x[i].classList.add("select-hide");x[i].parentElement.classList.remove("blue-border");if (x[i].parentElement.previousElementSibling){x[i].parentElement.previousElementSibling.classList.remove("blue-span");}}}}/*if the user clicks anywhere outside the select box,then close all select boxes:*/if ( ! bolUploadAccessSwitch_closeAllSelect_Binded ){document.addEventListener("click", closeAllSelect);bolUploadAccessSwitch_closeAllSelect_Binded = true;}if ( ! this.bolOwnerLoggedIn ){if ( this.strUploadAccessSwitchType == 'sharing_form' ){// do nothing}else{ $( this.objParentElement ).on( 'click', function( event ) { showCreateAccount(); } );}}else{ $( this.objParentElement ).find( '.upload-access-switch_type-select' ).on( 'change', function() { _this.changeAccessType( $( this ).val() ); } ); $( this.objParentElement ).find( '.upload-access-switch_password' ).on( 'blur', function() {if($( this ).val().trim() != '' ) {$(this).parent().delay(500).queue(function(next) {$(this).removeClass('open');$( '.upload-access-switch_password-save-btn' ).html('Save');$( '.upload-access-switch_password-save-btn' ).removeClass("green");next();});}else{$( this ).parent().removeClass('has_password').removeClass('open');$( '.upload-access-switch_password-save-btn' ).html('Save');$( '.upload-access-switch_password-save-btn' ).removeClass("green");}} ); $( this.objParentElement ).find( '.upload-access-switch_password' ).on( 'change', function() {$(this).parent().addClass('has_password'); _this.changeAccessType( 'password' ); } );$( this.objParentElement ).find( '#upload-access-switch_type-toggle' ).on( 'change', function() {if ($(this).is(':checked')){_this.changeAccessType( 'link' );}else{_this.changeAccessType( 'private' );} } );$( this.objParentElement ).find( '.upload-access-switch_hide-download-toggle' ).on( 'change', function() {if ($(this).is(':checked')){_this.changeHideDownloadButtons( 1 );$(this).next().next().html('Yes');}else{_this.changeHideDownloadButtons( 0 );$(this).next().next().html('No');} } );$( this.objParentElement ).find( '.upload-access-switch_password' ).on( 'input', function() {$( '.upload-access-switch_password-save-btn' ).html('Save'); $( '.upload-access-switch_password-save-btn' ).removeClass("green"); } );}}this.init();this.changeHideDownloadButtons = function( intHideDownloadButtons ){this.showLoadingMask();var strAjax_Url = ''; var objAjax_Data = null; if ( this.strItemType == 'upload' ) { strAjax_Url = '/ajax/upload_info.php?PHPSESSID=1b8a494dc1cbd07e708bddcfbb2c5111ea3ad925'; objAjax_Data = { 'set_upload_hide_download_buttons': true ,'upload_hash' : this.strUploadHash ,'hide_download_buttons' : intHideDownloadButtons }; } $.ajax( { type: "POST", dataType: "json", url: strAjax_Url , data: objAjax_Data , success: function( data ) { if ( data['status'] == 'ok' ) { if ( _this.strItemType == 'upload' && ( _this.strEmbedPlace == 'filebrowser' || _this.strEmbedPlace == 'list' ) ) { location.reload(); } _this.hideLoadingMask(); } else { _this.afterErrorOn_changeAcceccType(); } } , error: function() { _this.afterErrorOn_changeAcceccType(); } } );}this.changeAccessType = function( strNewAccessType ){$( this.objParentElement ).find( '.upload-access-switch' ).attr( 'data-selected-access-type', strNewAccessType );if ( strNewAccessType == 'password' && $( this.objParentElement ).find( '.upload-access-switch_password' ).val().trim() == '' ){if ( this.strUploadAccessSwitchType == 'sharing_form' ){this.changeAccessType( 'link' );$( this.objParentElement ).find( '.upload-access-switch_password' ).parent().removeClass('has_password').removeClass('open');$( '.upload-access-switch_password-save-btn' ).html('Save');$( '.upload-access-switch_password-save-btn' ).removeClass("green");}return;}if (strNewAccessType == 'link-can-view'|| strNewAccessType == 'link-can-edit'|| strNewAccessType == 'link-can-upload'){strNewAccessType = 'link';} this.showLoadingMask();var strAjax_Url = ''; var objAjax_Data = null; if ( this.strItemType == 'upload' ) { strAjax_Url = '/ajax/upload_info.php?PHPSESSID=1b8a494dc1cbd07e708bddcfbb2c5111ea3ad925'; objAjax_Data = { 'set_upload_access_type' : true ,'upload_hash' : this.strUploadHash ,'upload_access_type' : strNewAccessType ,'upload_password' : $( this.objParentElement ).find( '.upload-access-switch_password' ).val() }; } else if ( this.strItemType == 'file' ) { strAjax_Url = '/ajax/file_info.php?PHPSESSID=1b8a494dc1cbd07e708bddcfbb2c5111ea3ad925'; objAjax_Data = { 'set_file_access_type' : true ,'file_hash' : this.strFileHash ,'file_access_type' : strNewAccessType }; } $.ajax( { type: "POST", dataType: "json", url: strAjax_Url , data: objAjax_Data , success: function( data ) { if ( data['status'] == 'ok' ) { _this.strAccessType = strNewAccessType; _this.bolAccessTypeChanged = true; if ( _this.strItemType == 'upload' ) { if ( strNewAccessType != 'password' ) { $( _this.objParentElement ).find( '.upload-access-switch_password' ).val( '' );$( _this.objParentElement ).find( '.upload-access-switch_password-wrapper' ).find('label').eq(0).html('Set password');$( _this.objParentElement ).find( '.upload-access-switch_password' ).parent().removeClass('has_password').removeClass('open'); }else {$( '.upload-access-switch_password-save-btn' ).html('Saved!'); $( '.upload-access-switch_password-save-btn' ).addClass("green");$( _this.objParentElement ).find( '.upload-access-switch_password-wrapper' ).find('label').eq(0).html('Password:');} if ( strNewAccessType == 'link' ) { $( '#upload_button__publish' ).show(); $( '#upload_button__unpublish' ).hide(); } else if ( strNewAccessType == 'public' ) { $( '#upload_button__publish' ).hide(); $( '#upload_button__unpublish' ).show(); } else { $( '#upload_button__publish' ).hide(); $( '#upload_button__unpublish' ).hide(); } if ( _this.strEmbedPlace == 'filebrowser' ) { gaev( 'filebrowser-folder-info', 'access', strNewAccessType ); } } if ( _this.strEmbedPlace == 'filebrowser' || _this.strEmbedPlace == 'list' ) { location.reload(); } _this.hideLoadingMask(); } else { _this.afterErrorOn_changeAcceccType(); } } , error: function() { _this.afterErrorOn_changeAcceccType(); } } );}this.afterErrorOn_changeAcceccType = function( strErrorMsg ){if ( this.strAccessType == 'link' && this.strUploadAccessSwitchType == 'sharing_form' ){this.strAccessType = 'link-can-view';} $( this.objParentElement ).find( '.upload-access-switch' ).attr( 'data-selected-access-type', this.strAccessType );$( this.objParentElement ).find( '.upload-access-switch_type-select option[value="' + this.strAccessType + '"]' ).attr( 'selected', 'selected' );$( this.objParentElement ).find( '.upload-access-switch_type-select' ).trigger( 'change' );if ( typeof strErrorMsg == 'undefined' ){strErrorMsg = 'An error occurred. Try again!';}fError( strErrorMsg );this.hideLoadingMask();}this.showLoadingMask = function(){$( this.objParentElement ).find( '.upload-access-switch_loading-mask' ).show();}this.hideLoadingMask = function(){$( this.objParentElement ).find( '.upload-access-switch_loading-mask' ).hide();}}

gamebaidoithuonglifestyle (2024)


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Article information

Author: Edwin Metz

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Author information

Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.