Telegraph-Forum from Bucyrus, Ohio (2024)

7 u. i ii 4j i "in KGirrmf Tin Btrcpus, (OmO) TELEGRAPH-FORUM WEDNESDAY, AUGUST XI, 1851 WANT-ADS PHONE SSI-231 7 WANTED TO BUY IWANT- -ADS Phone ISG3-2331 or SGZS8Z CASH or trade for Used Gas or Elec. Ranges, Refrigerators. Living Room, Bedroom Suites, Dinettes. Lawrence Furs.

Col AUTOMOBILES 8 AUTOMOBILES fOB SALE (Arana mi muttm pm Hae 1963 PONTIAC Grand Prix, Marimba, red, white tot Only 83495. Will consider trade on 62 or 63 Corvette. Ph. 965-2379 after 6:38 p. m.

its pp im ix us (OlBlmni Char eee Waal Ada IB ha iindil eg fhaaa oatll Mia (SatarOays a a) fcj pabUcatt aa Caf Can fate apply aHaa paid Otthla eta daja altar pobileatlaa. MOT RFSPONStHL FOR MORI than on mcoaaicT nraurr- ION II Oeat iwata mar me esAFk-rOROM by in Phone 563-2831 or 562-58M FOR SALE 1961 Truck. Excellent eoodition. Good rub-, ber and paint. Priced below book for quick sale.

Jolly 238 E. Rensselaer Si. OizUL VMIKJGTOI MARCH OF EYLN7S tsmaatmmim wobuoims scs IKNIIB B2H0 CACERS PAUOTT OP ACnON ar USaiKV CATBCAKX Writ leadwriiip am Capital ECS tag created by tha lack of activity Until tte Ctva tight km injected into tho wtmkn, tte leadership defended tbo tasrtivity with tbo prefletioa that bf manor Cbagwaa would ten written a record that tte Democrats could speak of with pridw 1 Bat ttera'c ten onM cteogo if ttlliaite pewHctkee-tn tte hot lew mdts. Ete BepabBcn minority nicer ttet teo ft potentially Imm cb Uib mtUf lack cf action, and theyra beginning to axplctt tt-frepefully with tte mcecr Hanjr tkan ted te IMS when te apart tte poBUal expert cn tte keuo ef tte RepdbHcco-ccntinlled Do Nothing goth Congison Ahnort dally, onp tew ocntlnnc of domothfa*gneas wue te dimmed tte poliikaQy-Inqrind i FOR SALE 1962 Ford Conv white with black top, red interior 300 cruise-a-maUc. Inq.

209 Gauis St. after 5 p. m. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 4 PERSONALS 1955 Nash Amb. Custom.

Good motor, 875. ltt miles East of Fairgrounds. Cy Seybert. I WANTED 3 Bedroom borne Sept 1. tevc children.

Bax-care Telegraph-Forum. MUST SeU 1959 Austin Healy Sportscar. Very reasonable. Ph. 5623781 or Inq.

Bills Cycle Center, 1 mi. SE on Gallon Road. IS SPECIAL NOTICES I CANNING fruits and veg. everyday Monday tbni Friday. Please have products here by 2 P.

M. Phone 458-253L 1958 CUSHMAN Eagle 7 H. P. Scooter, ww, duals, chrom an excel, cond. Ph.

New Washington 4922454. Cracked Eggs Artour-Louk Produce. Ph. M2-1SU LOSE weight safely with DEX-A-DIET tablets. Fall weeks supply only 98c.

Foulks Drugs. 1963 Ford 6 cyL stan. trails. 1962 Buick Special VI motor 1962 Ford VS PS 1962 Chevrolet 6 cyl. auto, brans.

1961 Ford 6 cyl. stan. trans. 1961 Chevrolet Corvair Sta. Wagon 1960 Chevrolet VS PS 1959 Rambler Station Wagon 1956 Chevrolet Vi Auto.

Wane, 1961 Ford IT stake side truck -1955 Cbev. 2T VS Fugnose truck i SCHOTT BROS. SALES Old Nevada Rd. Ph. 5622801 AUG.

PERM. WAVE SPECIAL 825 Milk Bath Wave 820. 820 Foundation Wave 815. 817.50 Protein Wave 812 JO LynAs Beauty Center Merle Norman Cosmetics 301 E. Ren.

Phi 5624861 NERVOUS? Cant sleep? Try new time released Sleep-Wel Capsules. Only 90c. Foulk Drugs. I TRY DEX-A-DIET Tablets. Flill week supply 88c at Foulk Drugs.

QUICK relief from sinus. Ask for Dr. Stephens Sinus Capsules. Foulks Rexall Drugs You know where "On the Square BED CHINESE DRAGON SPITS FIRE-Dragon flames eanng Korea symbolize renewed tension in ut part of Asia. Ambushes of U.S.

soldiers may signal a gen-ctm step-op of pressure by tte Cblneie fvwimimgf to prove theyre still tough. The dragon constitutes menaee on all. sides, of him: India is watching a build-up of Chinese air and ground power in the border area which saw bitter fighting in 1962. Laoa is tte object of constant attempts to sabotage prw carious cease-fire, South Viet Nam fights a aeon. endless war against Chinese-inspired North Vietnamese guerrillas.

Formosa, stronghold of toe Nationalist Chinese, maintains a watchful alert on a momentarily quiet front ef Bttedmkktnfkai IrgMstrow, Aseob Mk New Tadc tte esmtei tte mtewdsWl Cass-Tte Mggset and kgiAnBato show to hit Washington to years. Rep. Peter Fielinghuysen, New Jersey Republican, recall Sanneiy HwBa rampalgn Mogan and jibes: "What about get ting Congroae aoolngr Rep. WUliam H. Ayne of Ciio eUinsA WsVe hems Ut by wst node ef apathy.

However. Bep. Joe Martbv who waa tte speaker dmtog tta much-maHgnad 80th Congreos, tea a word ef caution to younger and mow eager member ef his party. Say Martin: 1 think we had better go doer la criticizing this Congreaa. A fellow never know te might have to take It an back.

One of theoa days they (tte Demoenta) may atari moving. they do they can put tte whole pogrom through to a week. SOUR ON WWeLmJ mail beginning to nflect public Impatience with the move-on tte pert ef both govern ment and private Twtosae la reduce everything to numbers. Tte latest complaint cornea riom a constituent ef Rep. Joe Pod, Texaa Democrat, who doesnt like tte Idea ef having to provide hla ZIP cods number to a federal agenqr with which te communlcatca.

In particular, tha constituent, who signed Mmif Texas 75209," complained ttet te couldnt understand why one department of govemmeul should ask him, a citixen, to provide soother with which the Office Department so xippy, tome. Fleas Postmaster! Id a a firerrtary cf the Interior Btcwart his linage to tte public ax aa the New Frontier way of Ufa Ja tte Jurisdiction. tte OuU HdaO ergarriaatioa. Aa a awarded a complete and a specially inscribed carbine the honors: citizen. go hack to Washington and Wyatt Eaip.

II WANTED TO BUY WANTED Horse drawn mower 4, 5 or 8 ft out Ph. 5628951. Museum Rarity An Indian Peace Medal (CASH for cut glass, painted china, gold, guns. Waldoa Antiques. 1012 Burkwood Rd, Mansfield Franklin Got Meager Salary i.

4 ii 1 '1 i 1 Believes In Breaking 'Em ln Properly By THOMAS F. BECHERER UP! Sports Writer ST. LOUIS (UPD Bob Stewart (believes to bringing college players into organized base-I ball the right way. Stewart, co-founder of the National Collegiate Baseball Foun-dation, says college player (needs to compete in GO to 70 games a summer to show whether hes ready for; professional riay or not. The 47-year-old former All-fjfyjgg America prospect at Syracuse P1055 'WUniOII took on the so-called part-time UJJ Ax vLfne job of running the league in ad- TvICI Psl 5 dition to his duties as athletic di- rector, of St, Louis University.

The class of 1000 of Lyketis Id work SO to 70 hours school held its annual reunion ait week at the league during the Lykenr pommimity Park re-" Stewart 'said. cently. department cf government first wanted tte second to know. fit 75209 monk, Tf tte Boat theyve got mow energy than lather youd do It youradC a srtfi'hOOBS MAN UIMIli Udall lias succeeded la projecting athletic, vigorous exponent ef so doing, of coma te tea promoted parka ayaten over which te tea Aa a reward for Ms achievements, doors Writer ef America recently a lifetime member cf their part of the ceremony, TJdall was set ef fishing equipment rifle. Said T7daU cn accepting came up here as a simple an a combination cf Isaak Walton opening stages, Stewart WASJHNGTNON (UPD Benjamin Franklin was the first postmaster general, serving from July 26, 11775 to Nov.

7, 1T76. Die Continental Congress fixed his sslary at 91,000 a yew. Franklin immediately began trying to speed up mail delivery. He increased the service between New York and Philadelphia from ionce to three times a week in If you have several window hj I summer and from twice a month one room, rotate tte curtains aot once a week winter. Rates 1 963 Chevy II 4 Dr.

Nova 1962 Corvair Monza 4 Sp. 1962 Chev. Monza Convertibli 8,000 Miles i 1962 Corvair 2 Dr. Std. 1961 Pontiac Convertible 1961 Chevrolet Impala HT 1961 Chev.

Parkwood Wagon 960 Ford Falcon Wagon 1 960 Chev. Parkwood Wagon 1960 Ford Galaxie Convertible 960 Chev. Biscayne 2 Dr. 1 959 Ford Galaxie 2 Dr. ITT 158 Cadillac Coupe De Villa Specials 1957 DeSoto Hardtop 8493 1957 PLYMOUTH 4 DR.

8195. 1956 BUICK 4 DR. HT 8195. 1955 PONTIAC 8243 1958 RAMBLER 4 DR. 8495, TRUCKS 1956 Ford Ton Pickup 1954 Ford Ton Pickup Ken Smith Motors that one pair is not always hung ranged from Six cents for a at the sumriest window.) of 30 miles to 25 cents Bf Central Frets Association CLEVELAND On display today Iqr tbs Western Reserve Blctcrlwil Society here an object the like et which tew Americana havs seen and moat knew existed.

Iki medal, a Peace Medal, itad to an fcuHan by tte States government at Symbol friendship and trust. She Peace Medal on loan R. Henry Norweb, a for-V. I. ambassador and Mnioc rice preeideot ef the ao-alety.

Tte racipirat ad this partteo-lar Peace Medal, at the conduces of ths Treaty of Greenville (Ohio), was 41-year-old Michi-kkikwa (little Turtle), a prom-ksst ehlef of the Miami tribe. One of the 18 signatories to tte treaty, the Mlamis bad held way over what now comprises tte stats of Indiana, the western half of Ohio, parts of south- Michigan and northeastern fcinois. They had shared in the mitt-tkey disaster which had befallen the other tribes hi the Battle Cf Fafira Timbers the previous Summer, tfda engagement, Anthony Wayne, the 'Chief-Who-Never-Sleeps," to' Dieted a crushing defeat a Ms leouuUy Indian foes. distance for more than 400 miles. If a letter contained more than one sheet of paper or weighed more than an ounce, tte rates were' doubled or tripled depending on the number of sheets of paper.

fXlTTJLM from (left) end bock views ef the Peace Medal awarded te Chief little Turtle of tho Miamis at Greenville Treaty signing. Front tide shows President Washington handing a Peace Pipe to an Indian who wears a Peace MedaL I background settler plows his land peace, while Hie tomahawk an tha ground signifies that warlike pursuits have beau abandoned. On bask is the typical America eagle emblem. Die Ainu tribe of Japan speaks (a language which has no known relatives today. Die Amu a believed to have occupied at one time most of the Japanese arebi-(peiago, from which they we (gradually pushed northward or (absorbed by the ancestors ef tte (Japanese.

i Test For Players Stewart teamed with Walter Shannon, midwestern director of scouts for tte Cleveland Indians, last winter to found tte organization aimed at providing a prov- baUplay I merman and son of M- EM1 Briegel The foundation was seen as a Mr and Mrs Cswev Himnm-in ni betTen frfrEari art1 to iwidmimmer Ka Brown Sycamore, Mr. and Mi. coUetot WiHiam Kepler of Lykens, Mr. tS sjjg sd A basket dinner was served at noon. In tte afternoon a short business meeting was conducted by Virgil Barts.

Refreshments wera later served to Mr. and Mira. Witts Zim-Ghatfield, Chatfield, A fool and his money do cbout mk0 peraa Sell By Classified DC ii tog an end to Indian hostilities to ths Old Northwest Its provisions established a boundary to the Northwest Territory separating Indian lands from those claimed by White settlers. The treaty, involving a dozen tribes situated on the American frontier, bad been hopefully sought after by the young government cf the United State. Prolonged conflict between the red and white man ould have seriously hindered the Inevitable westward thrust cf the settlers from ths original thirteen eoloniee into the new lands beyond the Ohio River.

TO SIGNALIZE the importance the treaty, ths federal government negotiator, Gan. (Mad Anthony) Wayn presented ths tribal chieftains with the silver Peace Medals. This custom had been practiced by the colonial power ef Spain, France and England In their dealings with the Indians of Continental America. This practice was continued for 100 year an official policy of the United States toward friendly Indians. These medal impressive in appearane became Mghly prised possessions ef their owners.

Worn around tts neck, they were displayed as symbols of a proud allegiance of the wearers and their adherence to the government which presented them, oa A PEACE MEDAL called conspicuous attention to the trust and confidence of a great foreign power to an Indian of distinguished rank. Sous ef these medals wera buried on tho breasts of their owner while others were bequeathed to their successor through many generations. Tte msdris were sometime regarded as sacred tslisman possessing oharma and supernatural capabilities which would ward off danger and discs; from the wearer. Few ef theae earlier Peace edals aw extant today, and are aa much treasured by contemporary collectors as they wera by their first owner LITTLE TURTLE, jaarare ef the omnipotence of the IpvadsnUy led Americans, faflu-ssmed hie pedple to favor of at-tonding the Treaty Council. Considered by historians as a notable aborigine orator, statesman and diplomat be died peaceful death to 1812, to contrast to such stormy and venge-firi chieftains aa Fontiao and Teeumseh.

little Turtle remained faithful to hi friendly alliance with tte palefaces to tte end of Ms 00 yean of life, despite the sot that! hla awn prestige easing tts Indians later suffered a decline. The Treaty of Greenville waa Mgned at Greenville, Ohio, on Aug. 2, 1795, and ratified by tte V. 8. Senate in Dec.

22 of that year to the hope of bring- (Every A Cesiiy!) Ctrysl: Full Power-Like New ONLY mto fIM. conceived to set up a league for (the acid test of college play-ers before the majors gambled I on signing him. Die league provided a place for a college player to learn from a coach other than tte one he played under in school, said Stewart, "Here, too, a kid learns I whether he has it or not Stewart said tte founders realized that once a boy was 17 to 16 yeans old there was no further competition otter than ttat of-fered by tte colleges for him to try. Age Group Maligned feel tte 16 to 21 year old age group is the most maligned in our country today, said Stewart "We keep tte kids off tte labor maiiket. Theres no place (for them to be employed and accept responsibilities or play I ball.

i The foundation, and the Central (Illinois Baseball League to par-ticular, was originally aimed at I fitness through fun. We looked on this as an ave-(nue to take kids somewhere in this area and run summer camp programs to physical fitness, said Stewart. At the same time, the boys working as counselors would be gaining valuable expe-rlence toward play with organ-ized baseball. Die foundation received a gift (of 850,000 from the major leagues to conduct a pilot league to Central Illinois for colleges freshmen, sophom*ores and juniors. Die program is supported and (endorsed by tte executive coun-cil of the National Collegiate Athletic Association and tte U.S.

(Baseball Federation, Tooth Betting Jobs We would go into an area and "We now hav a set ef stand- tell community leaders we would ards for league organization in need 82,500 from them along with the future, said Stewart. "We playing facilities' and living quar- should organize four leagues next At players, said Stew-1 year covering the country art. Die toughest part of the "Die amazing thing is ttat tte job was to obtain summer jobs people we worked with to organ-for our players, since they would izing this years league are al-be taking jobs from the commu- ready talking about next year, 57 PACMU 61 VALIANT V-200 4-dr. Auto. Dans.

Clean C3 FLYUj'JTH STU2Z3ME2 E3 President 4-dr. One Owner Like New owner 57STUIZ2AIHZ1 Hawk Coupe, Auto. Dans. Like New 57 FLYII3UTII Belv. V8 2-dr.

H.T. Full Power, 1 Owner H.T. rl rmVXTmml HT Impala VI Mr, va tewitas A Real Clean nH VTTTT Bdv V8 2-dr. Auto Dans. White WaUs ntTPUn Lark DeLuxe VI 4-dr.

Clean 57 Rectal 4-dr. H.T. White Wall Radio, Heater, Auto. Dans. A 57 rcD Fairlane 500 V8 2-dr.

Auto. Trans. White Walls, Clean Royal 4-dr. V8 Auto. Dans.

Real Clean. Jt vj kvtuu Riv. Coupe 2-dr. New Tire. Auto.

Dans. ci v.UL'jn,a.r,r Oean. Low MUeags KISS FROM CY Martha Tung, Miss Norway at the International Beauty Congreos in California, gets a "kiss from Cy, the sea Uon, at Marineland of ths Pacific to Palos Verdes. ir ji Stewart commented. Theyve been great to our kids, having them to their homes for dinner, getting them dates and accepting them as part of the community.

We achieved our end," said Stewart. Organized baseball has had a good look at these kids and tte boy themselves know whether or not theyre ready tor professional ball. nitys own young people. Flayers receive no pay from the league to order to maintain their amateur status. Stewart pointed out most of our kids are from middle-class and lower middle-class families.

need the money from turn about 760 tunes the mer Jobs for school and, God their knows, thats a problem all over to sountiy. tte planets and iiE.KAr::rCLDT. Cr.T.TM INTO 8IO PRINK A group of acton and ea at Cap DAntibes, France, find that tha hotel pool is just tte place for a birthday party as the temperature soara. PffAkfV pa The mi fe mass of all satellites together..

Telegraph-Forum from Bucyrus, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.