The Charleston Daily Mail from Charleston, West Virginia (2024)

4 K52Mail I Aeronautics Board Studies W. Va. Airlines Proposals Airlines Men Eye Proposal All American line Seeking Expansion Proposed expansion of All American Airways aervice in Weat Virginia came up for discussion to BEE PICTURE AT RIGHT day at the quarterly meeting here of the state aeronautics commission. Scheduled to talk over the proposal at today's meeting were representatives of affected communities and officials of AU American, Capital Airlines, and American Airlines ALL AMERICAN'S present passenger service through the state extends from Washington to Cin cinnati, with stops at Hagerstown and Cumberland in Maryland; Pittsburgh, Wheeling and Parkers burg. AAA wants to include one leg with stops at Hagerstown, Morgan town.

Clarksburg and Parkers burg and another with stops at Airlines to stop service to Park ersburr, Clarksburg and Elkins, The company now has a petition fer those changes before the aeronatlcs board (CAB) Washington. The petition tentatively is CAB hearing March 3 in (Continued from Page One) association and the state livestock auction marketing association. National GOP committeeman Walter F. Hallanan said that he understands "Jones is a possible candidate." Jones was present at the gathering as a committee member. Another leading Republican said Jones would be an "able" candidate because "he's intelligent and has had experience in legislative MAYOR JOHN T.

Copenhaver, and. automobile dealer Melvin Muntzlng, of Clarksburg, have already filed for the Republican nomination for governor in the May IS primary. Former U. B. Sen.

Rush D. Holt, Weston, is an announced candidate. Holt switched to the GOP two. years ago after 20 years as a Democrat. He was the Republican nominee for congress in the third district in 1950, but was defeated by Rep.

Cleveland M. Bailey, Clarksburg Democrat, in November. Proposed airline extensions in West Virginia mnrnlnr rpreiveil attention nf the state's Elkins, Clarksburg, Parkersburg, ler0nautlc board during a meeting at Kanawha and Huntington. airport. Both Ail American and Capital are seek All American wants American in present routes.

Left to right are ROLAND W. CLAY In another development, Hallan announced that Allen Overtonltne contest. The list This removed Overton from thelOharles Pauley, Aaron Ryder primary race for the GOP nomi iHowal'd nation to congress in the fourth dis Russell Edens. Frank Lutz, trict, where Dr. Will E.

Neal. for Miller, George Dunnett, mer mayor of Huntington, has al jHarlan Gorrel! John Dearien. Roy ready filed Summerfield, Eugene Bird. Overton replaced H. Hayden Mor "aynes, Stanley Bumgardner.

Fairmont, as executive sec stewfrt retarv. Morgan was appointed to the office when it was first estab Walker, Frank McDan lished last August, but he entered V' Leavitt, the armed services in the fall. Camerson Markham. and Jess iWehrle. Parkersburg.

the home town of wil! be Biv2n to nim at lhe state Republican chairman Robert. 011 Ke McDougle Hallanan said. 1116 merchants who contributed Other persons named as "possi 'pnzes to recognize the services bie candidates for congress" bv of tlle mailmen were Phillips Fruit the GOP leaders attending the Market, lungs Kestaurant, jh'rea committee meeting were: Francis Love, former congressman A. C. Schlffler, and attorney Carl O.

Schmidt, all of Wheeling, In the first district. State senate minority leader Dayton Stemple, Phillppl, in the second district. Myron B. Renick and former Fayette county GOP chairman Frank Love, both of Fayetteville, Clsude P. Hill, Oak Hill, and William O.

Thompson, Montgomery, former President of the West Virginia university board of governors, in the third district. Cyrus Gadd, Princeton, Republican nominee against Rep. Mrs. Elizabeth Kee in the special election last July, in the fifth district. Carlsen Gets (Continued from Paxe One) Scott's Music Shop, Cohens Drug store, Lee's Shop for Men, Lee Rexall Drug Store, Deluxe Studio, Friendly Men's shop, Howard Clothes, Smart Men's shop, Mos kins, Silver Brand clothes, Valley Cut Flowers and the Rialto Theatre.

the order that he was very happy chemical to receive it and did not know how to express hts thanks. "But please accept from me as a simple sailor my simple thanks to all of you," Carlsen said, first In English, then in Danish. Unless he alters his plans, Carlsen will leave by Pan American Airlines flight 101 at 7 p.m. tomorrow (2 p.m. e.s.t.) and arrive in New York at 9:35 a.m.

e.s.t. Wednesday Exploding (Continued from Page One) the only product he manufactures from the brushed rayon yarn. "No customer of mine will ever touch one of these sweaters again" Toffler said. Toffler told Scott he immediately notified the Empire State Mills, a New York concern which sold him the yarn, of his peddler's report. He said a mill spokesman advised him the yarn now was being treated with a fire resistant Scott said Toffler believed at least five other manufacturers in the metropolitan area had been "turning out these sweaters 100 times faster than Toffler said that whereas he only manufactured sweaters, he believed some of the other firms might also use the yarn in making playsuits for children.

Scott found at least 600 sweaters and more than 1,000 yards of the Arriving unnoticed by train from material in Tomer's small ant. Vilmmith thlc mnrnlno rlorUpn The marSHftl tOOX one 01 the llgnt, went to the Grosvenor House sweaters to the sidewalk hmpI whPrP h. chantreri from civ. and lighted it. xne sweater Dumea clothing to a new shiD can 1 to ashes within 50 seconds, Scott tain's uniform.

sald Then he went to the Danish luncheon in his honor. llrHS ly gathering when the news' spread! (Continued from Page One) tn.t Cruen was eominn. cheered with her three children. She While Carlsen was being honor Cox, telephone operator d. other shii lng the cruel sea.

His ship smashed on the southeastern English coast, Capt. Maurice Landreau of the French freighter Agen ordered his 37 crew men overboard and tried to em Edward, Wheeling; Hubert Libby told the Reds that both sides "Is it possible that you as a belligerent can give us any ad vantages without betraying the in terests of your state? inereiure, it is ft lie that you can give us a special advantage." It was then that Libby said he would "not sit here and listen to unfounded charges that the U.N. Command is lying." 13 4381 tarv nart of what Hallanan I SINCE Mr. Clay will not be able! made tWs morning in detail and If vou can find one, our side will withdraw it with apologies. If you cannot, you will retract your ill considered remarks French War (Continued from Page One) foster mother, said last night she would bring the body home for burial.

At 22 the corporal was an old hand at war and fighting. When he was 12 he? ran away from an or phanage In Alsace, Joined the underground and finally escaped to North Africa. He was adopted by the 133rd Regiment of the 34th Infantry Division and fought with them for five North Africa, Sicily, Anslo. When the war was over Alex stowed away on a troop ship and came to America. Members of the 133rd gave him $200 and he struck out on his own.

When he tried to enlist In the TJ. S. Army he discovered he was an alien. Back to France he went. There was no record of his citizenship there.

Ap fttn hp stnwpH awav nn an Amer ican ship and arrived in Galveston, I July 4, 1947. His foster mother then was an assistant TJ. S. district attorney warn, MARCELLA WITHROW she returned io her tive director; Atty. Robert G.

Keeley, Charleston; T. Guy Reynolds, Martinsburg, and Hulett C. Smith, Beckley. Mailman R. W.

Clay Elected Man Reports civ 'Most Popular9 Missjng com 1 RninnH W. Clav. who carries mail on the Kanawha Boulevard I Washing com Roland Clay, who carries mail on the Kanawha Boulevard ton. The state aeronautics Intervene at that time as an in route between Summers street and Morris street and from Brooks terested party. to Lee streets, was elected "Charleston's Most Popular Mail State Director Hu man bert H.

Stark said information ob 1 Mr ciav veteran 33 year tained from today's meeting would member of the postal staff having be considered in determining what Started to work in 1919. He is 56 uio i.uuiiuu»a»uu years old and saw service the CAB hearing. Jones Urged World War I. He married Mary Clay in 1915 and has a son and Mrs. Marcella Withrow been missing from her home at 426 N.

since Saturday morninc and her husband said she son agamM me ana aniioiv may have been forced to accom tipped me over. pany a man with a known criml They ran outside, uninjured. nal record. The large section of the tank that Jesse Withrow said he had been went through the Randall kitchen working in Parkersburg. His wife flew over two vacant lots, another was supposed to visit him Satur two aaugnters.

house, the tplenhone exchanoe. and rinv nnfl hnmp finnrtav He resides at 1605 Kanawha Cammed against the second story She left early Baturday morning Turnpike in South Charleston. of another house. to catch a bus. A short while lat A total at 37 mailmen named as popular postmen during IT ol (Continued from Page One) i echoed Radio Peiping's charge Ithat 16 American planes flew Sun Iday over Mukden, industrial center and probable Chinese military headquarters for Manchuria.

I A Far East Air Force spokes man offered only this comment on the charge: "I can assure you that the Far East Air Force is confining Its aerial activity to North Korea." Gen. Claude B. Ferenbaugh of the U.N. again pressed the Communists In the subcommittee to agree to a ban on military airfield construction during a truce as "your first positive indication of sincerity toward a stable armistice and peace." Fang refused on grounds that the Allied demand constituted interference in North Korea's internal affairs. In the prisoner subcommittee would benefit if only war prisoners Witu a man and told her year order of and civilian Internees loyal tojoia daughter she had to "go with of Parkersburg.

was named lnelr mciuuea riea uo ias, them were repatriated as spec ihim executive secretary of the state par was 3ust 15 votes belUnd Unified in the Allied exchange pro withrow said his daughter has organisation this week end. (Popular Mr. Clay: Harry Hanna.i gram General Lee snapped back: become ill from worry over her mother. He asked Mrs, Withrow to "please contact us." The woman is described as 5 feet tall weighing 180 pounds, with dark hair and blue eyes. Anyone having seen her, or knowing her whereabouts, is asked to contact the Charleston detec tive bureau, which is investigating or to call the Withrow home, "You will therefore go over our Det.

Set. Arnold Wolfe said the proposal and the explanation we. man with whom Mrs. Withrow was by her daughter was known nrcroni. to appear at the Rialto Theaue to niease noint out any instance and has a Dolice record win Hp activp IBs ritvt night for the showing of "Theiwhere the proposal is deceitful in A year," Barefoot gifts contribut any way or in which Cfa*gheS (Continued from Page One) POLICE harbor launches, coast guard vessels and two helicopters raced to the scene, and began re moving passengers as the heavy plane sank swiftly.

The crash, at 9:10 a. m. (EST) was at a point near where the rlv er joins the boroughs of Manhattan, the Bronx and Queens. The current, swift and deep at this spot, shoved the plane down stream. The department of hospitals set up a temporary hospital at Queens pier, which thronged with doctors and nurses as survivors were brought ashore from tugs Most of them were suffering from shock and submersion, A fleet of ambulances' sped the pier.

WITNESSES ON Rlker's island, a small strip in the river near the crash, said that only tne tip a wing and the tail of the plane remained above the water The La Guardia field control tower said it lost radio contact with the plane as it was making its runway approach. A heavy overcast limited visibil ity to a half mile and the cell ing to about 600 barely above minimum flying conditions. The plane roared down out of i La the fog and smashed into the wa nassed in nf 1950 a fPwlEdo days later Alex enlisted in the Army and was sent to Japan. him as he entered the club. loutsiae wnere sne louna that he gets his Japan and wrote that he wanted could to get into action," Mrs.

Axelrodina7e neIp I 0ther.S said. "About a month later I got said Archibald Brown, an of a letter from Rep. Thomas saying ficlai ot tne that Alex had written asking tor must "ot least help to get in the fighting. Rep. into the crash boat and took Thomas said, 'I hope I haven't done the wrong thing by seeing ulate Carlsen by staying aboard C.

C. Campbell, Baptist minister, on me poie ana siignx Druises the pole and slight bruises on I flown (i He sa he and his family were tne Dear dbck inaicaxe tne Dear Berry Placed On Probation Manslaughter Plea Accepted By Court Private Detective Otis Berry of 1641 Chandler who was allowed to plead guilty to involun tary manslaughter In the fatal shooting of a man he arrested, was placed on two years' probation today by Judge William J. Thompson who opened the Janu ary term oi inter mediate court. i The Judge also fined the 43 year old employee of the West Virginia Inspection bureau a total of $150 and costs after suspending a 12 month sentence in the county jail. Berry was charged with the pistol slaying of Millard rani Barker, S3, ef Ruth, July 1S51, in front of a business establishment in Kanawha city which Barker allegedly had burgarttxed.

The January grand jury began considering the first of 130 case presentments following a charge by Judge Thompson today at 11 a. m. Dudley L. Sims was appointed foreman of the jury. In his charge, the Judge pointed out that only two murders would be presented to the jurors and said that the majority of the cases consist of malicious wounding, breaking and entering, grand larceny, burglary and policy numbers.

ROBERT EUGENE Shawver of Sixth avenue, Charleston, who pleaded guilty during the last term of court to a charge of sodomy, was sentenced to 1 10 years in the state penitentiary. Several men were placed on pro bation by the judge. Arnold Atkinson or Davis ureex who pleaded guilty to a charge of malicious wounding, was placed on probation for five years. Okey Larch of Clendenin received two years probation. He guilty to carrying a dan gerous and deadly weapon.

Three Charleston men who pleaded guilty to charges of pub lishing literature were piaceu on lishing obscene literature were placed on probation. S. C. Abrams was fined 1500 and costs and placed on two years pro bation. Robert Harding was fined and costs and given six months nrobation.

James F. (Jack) Beverly was fined and costc and proba ticmed for a year. Bivang And Wife Will Be Honored Brig, and Mrs. John Blvans, Sal vation Army commanders being transferred to a new post in as, will be honored by the organ izatlon's board of directors Jan 28 in the Citadel gymnasium, 301 Tennessee Av. Mack Mathews, president of the citizens board, said the annual service and a financial report will accepted during ttie aession a farewell given the retiring couple.

A noon luncheon will precede the business session. Dollar Deficit (Continued from Page One) taxes high enough to balance the budget, Mr, Truman in this election year won't demand excise or income tax boosts to close the gap between outgo and Income. 4. Instead, the administration will press for tighter tax enforcement and closing of alleged If the national economy continues to expand rapidly, and Congress approves the proposed tax reforms, the deficit may be reduced to near 10 billions. 6.

Large portions of the 89 billion dollar spending program were authorized by Congress in past years. Requests for new appropriations will total only about 83 billion, 10 billion less than Mr. Tru man sought for the current year Figuring By hitting hard on the "loopnoie" plugging which Congress repeatedly has refused to pass in other years the administration would have a talking point in reply to attacks on already high tax rates. The United States defense build terested others, among them Rep. farnd is the key to the budget.

Offi Albert Thomas (D Tex). Thomas i v. i i ciais say Mr. lruman wui esiim re introduced a special law in Con Pu st help reachK plane direct mmtary spending at roughly gress to let Alex stay. The measure foot bt? 59 billion, compared with about 44 operated by Wally I THE FIRST thing Smith and will tnu.1 the other men did was to get bout billion dollars compared with about 65 billion for tug first pushed, and then towed the almost submerged plane toward shallow water on the east bank.

telephone office and spread the I Bronx and Queens district at alarm. pa. tup) offices ordered investiga Mrs. Allen Cozart, about 65, was siaxe game protector, jonn a. ttons of acnldmit burned critically.

Her husband was Shuler, found the carcass of a 300 lnjured slightly. The tank belonged to the Rev. bmion for the current year. I But new mllltarv annronriation the current year, ending 30. Much smaller spending increases are expected to be outlined for atomic energy, civilian defense and defense housing, and interest payments on the national debt.

Various "Fair Deal" proposals, such as federal aid to education and national health insurance, would call for spending less than half a billion. I Arthur Perlman Named pound bear six feet from a power ton lt not had a fatality) Arthur Perlman, attached to the line pole. Shuler said clay marks passenger mUes office of price stabUhation's Wash on lng ton office, is serving as the act ing OPS enforcement director in h. fnrcpn in tn waltinir eettlilir readv for church. iprobably mistook the humming of use their tails as parachutes 1 West Virginia 3ie first explosion knocked my tne line lor a oee tree iwnen stopping 1 rerunan iuiea a vacancy caused Officers Are Chosen By W.

Va. Chapter Of Architects II BSBM'' MsH sH' I These officers will head the West Virginia chapter, American Institute of Architects, for the next It months. Seated, left to right, are Irving Bowman, Charleston, president elect; Paul Vaughn, Charleston, vice president; Robert P. Greife, Charleston, secretary treasurer. Standing, L.

D. Schmidt, Fairmont, retiring president; Charles A. Haviland, Charleston, and Harry R. Nay, Wheeling, chapter directors. Glenn C.

Hanco*ck is to head the membership Randolph L. Patterson, practice of He sentenced William E. Hughes of sissonvtue to spend the next 30 days In the city jail Mrs. Louis B. Hawkins of 3801 Noyes Av.

obtained warrant for Hughes' arrest after her children said he had thrown away some sandwiches she had given him when he asked for food. Officers who arrested the pa it er homes in that area, telling a story about having no work Judge Thomas remarked: "Food is high enough without throwing it away." Continued until Wednesday were hearings of several men Involved In recent city break ins. Edgar McCormick, 18, of Washington East, and William Thompson, 19, of 704 Lewis are charged with theft of narcotics from the office of Dr. C. A.

Litton, 714 Lee and burglar izing several rooms and offices at Charleston high school. McClure V. Whitttagton Rt. 3 Gauley Bridge, is being held for passing a check on a lstent bank. He was arrested while trying to pass the check at a local service station.

He later will be turned over to state police at Montgomery who want Whittine ton on forgery charges. CLEMON JOHNSON, 18, of 1329 Washington East, has been charged witfl twice breaking into the Old duch*ess bakery and once entering the Blossom Dairy store on Washington street, East. Richard D. Reed, 26, of Broad is charged also with breaking into the dairy store. Charles B.

King, 18, of 1112 Lee has been charged with break ing into the Keystone service station, Washington and Broad streets, where officers seised McCormick and Thompson early this morning. Charges of contributing to the de linquency bf a minor against two Marmet women were withdrawn able government by officers for lack of evidence. A spending during the coming year at 80 to 83 billion dollars, the Citizens Committee for the Hoover Report said that will mean a minimum of $513 for each man, woman and child In the country, or $2,011 per family. The committee sent a telegram to Mr. Truman last night urging him to press for reorganization man involved in the same case is being held under $1,000 bond for action of the next grand Jury, Police released Virginia Mae White, 18, and Rebecca Mi la 27, but held William Sloan, 27, of Eskdale.

Judge Thomas fined each of the women a total of $17 on plans which the group said would IRO'K'c Ttfui save more than five billion dollars AS OU a year. The telegram was signed by Dr. Robert L. Johnson, president of Temple University and chairman of the Citizens Committee, and 17 other leading members. The nonpartisan organization Is working for enactment of the government streamlining program recommended by a commission headed by former President Herbert Hoover.

The President's political advis and cut rails at 31 places in North Korea. The South Koreans pushed off before dawn Monday against two bills guarding Paik's peak. elements of a counterattacking Red battalion blunted the assault and drove them back four hours later. A U. S.

8th army staff officer! said the close in fighting was "bit 1 Am architecture; William Grant, relations with the construction Industry; Edward M. Craig, program; Emory N. Mick, legislative and building code; Robert Martens, public information; Clio Vecellio, civil defense, and G. C. Hunter, education committee.

The group will continue to seek modernization of existing building codes on both the state and local levels. Its members are planning a traveling exhibit to show the public the many ways in which architects serve their communities. Wasteful Panhandler Meted 30 Days With No Sympathy Judge Joseph Thomas this morning didn't think the fellow who threw away a handout of food given him by a Kanawha City housewife Saturday deserved much sympathy. employment doss mm Oscar A. Duff, above, is the new Charleston office manager of the state employment department.

He replaces James L. Brown, who resigned after four years to accept a post with Ford, Bacon and Davis, Inc. Before coming to Charleston, Duff was office manager of tbe department's Welch branch. He is a native of McDowell county, is married and has three children. The change is effective Jan.

21. Beckett Becomes Court Candidate charges of loitering and vagrancy. Maiden district. (Continued from Page One) fog and haze held down fighter and bomber strikes Monday. Fleet 86 Sabre jets, sweeping MIG alley over northwest Korea, spotted about 40 Russlan a MIG 15 jets on the Manchurian side of the Yalu river border, but no contact was made.

PILOTS of other TJ. N. planes reported they Inflicted about 86 Red troop casualties in close era were said to have cautioned attacks long the warfront have made It clear they dont ex pect Congress to favor new taxes Republican, committewoman from third ward in Charleston district. ter." Paik's peak, lost to a Red ar Um vitcose mored thrust last month, is close I tO the tWO hills. A two pronged Republic of Ko sti rea (ROK) force with screening; Ck unite launched the attack.

011 THE ROKS ran Into two platoons: Atchtion of Chinese Communists at each of if! three pomts and another Red Bald Lima Ham toon, at another point. Bank Two Chinese companies thenlglth sti counterattacked one hill, and an1 Boeing Air unknown number of Reds hit the other hill. A nv The ROKa withdrew to Allied; lines. They said they counted dead "Communists, and estimated Pac they had killed another eighty. In another action on the western front ROK troops early Monday counterattacked and drove Chinese Reds off one of the two hills they lost Sunday night.

The Communists still held the more important hill, an advance Allied outpost. by the death of John B. Smith, Jan. 2. Russell Nichols, director of the state office, said a permanent appointment would be made later.

Cerro De Pa ClUes Se Col Carbon Com Credit Cons Edison Nat Gai Cont Bak cent Mot Cont Oil Crucible Sti Curt. Pub Curtiss East Kodak iGltdden Hudson Mo Bill Proposes GI Home Aid WASHINGTON W). A bill de signed to relieve a "serious situa in the veterans home loan program Is being drafted by Rep. Ramsay (D WVa). The bill would authorize the use of the veterans life insurance re serve funds to buy the guaranteed loans advanced to veterans for home purchases, Ramsay said many veterans are finding it difficult if not impossible to get the government leans since banks are reluctant to make the deals for four per cent interest.

"The situation is serious in West Virginia panhandle and probably in other parts of West Vir ginia and the country," Ramsay told a reporter. "Our people are saying that they pay taxes to help maintain the guaranteed government loans, but they still can't get the loans," he added. THE USE OF tbe veterans Insurance funds, he explained, pwould not incur any additional risk for the government since the veterans loans are backed by the government anyway. The insurance funds, he added, would merely be put to another use instead of being placed in the U. S.

treasury. Ramsay said the reserve insurance funds would be more than sufficient to back the veteran home Rebels' Seek (Continued from Page One) The California Republican Assembly, a volunteer organization which campaigns in the primary before the State Central Committee takes over in the general election, has endorsed Warren. The assembly wound up a two day session yesterday with a denunciation of "the wanton soillins Republican' nomination for countv'of American blood in Korea," con commissioner, Circuit Clerk Mai tending "a strong, cosistent for colm Hix reported. eign policy" would have prevented Other filing today included I the war. (Cap) Derrick of Clen denin, Democrat, justice of the peace in Big Sandy District.

Alvin S. Alexander, Washington Democract, com mitteman from third ward in Charleston district. Mildred W. Foster, Box 21, Reed, Democract, committeeworaan from Conservative elements of the Republicans seemed likely to get together tonight under the leadership of Edward Tickle, former Republican state chairman, on a slate which in effect would go to the convention uncommitted but nominally pledged to Rep. Thomas Werdell.

Opposition to tying up California's 68 Democratic convention votes for Mr. Truman went aheRd under the leadership of L. A. Pipkin, Long Beach attorney. N.

Y. Stock Market Adams Exp No Pacific V. PeT (Ohio Edison El SO Owens 111 Gl 18'A PacknrS Pan Plct tinb Min Sinclair Oil IStd GtE 4 PF Oil Ca Un Cur Unit Aire Unl; Airl IV.P.rd Unit Cp Unit Gas US Loath US Rubbe US Steel US Tob Westing Elec Wheel St! Mot IV. Willys Ovid Lone Star Gas.

The Charleston Daily Mail from Charleston, West Virginia (2024)


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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.