Tiwa Savage On Her Biggest Move Yet (2024)

When it comes to pioneers within the Afrobeats genre, Tiwa Savage is an expected name on that list. With a career spanning over a decade, the Nigerian singer's discography has earned her countless awards and nominations including the MTV Europe Music Awards and the MOBOs, as well as working and collaborating with heavy hitters like Beyoncé, George Michael and Mary J. Blige.

Now, Savage has set her sights on the film industry, and has made her first foray into acting and producing, with her debut feature film Water & Garri. Inspired by her own upbringing in the media industry and living between Nigeria, the UK and US, the film tells the story of Aisha, a successful young fashion designer, and her return to her native home after spending 10 years in the US.

Already an immediate success just shy of a month since its release, the film has already drawn in audiences from around the globe and has reached the top ten spot in 14 countries on Amazon Prime.


Celebrated for its refreshing narrative, soundtrack and cinematography, we speak to Savage to discuss her inspirations, navigating the music industry as a woman and finding her sense of style...

What personal experiences did you draw from to build the character of Aisha?

'She travelled to America to pursue her dream as a fashion designer, then moved back to Nigeria. My parents moved myself and my siblings to London, and I moved back home because I wanted to be part of the Afrobeat movement that was still small at that time. So, I had to draw from that experience of going back home after a very long time and trying to readjust. Those were the little bits that I was able to draw from, to connect to Aisha.'

You have previously worked with Meji Alabi, how was the experience of co-producing the film with him?

'Well, it was much longer hours than doing a music video. It was fun. I feel like over the years we've built such a relationship where we feel like family. So, he knows my weak point and vice versa. He knows when I'm getting tired, and he knows how to ginger me, plus we know when to bounce off each other, so, it was a smooth transition. Plus, it was our first time producing a film, so we were very kind to each other.'

Why was it important for you to be a producer on your first film?

'I've been in the industry for many years, and I've picked up a lot of experience, so I wanted to get into a different role and to evolve. I didn't want to be just a creative, always just in front of the camera, I wanted to have some kind of control as well with what goes on behind it. I've got over a decade of being in this industry and you can't be in something for that long and not have picked up some nuggets.'

How did the 2021 EP Water and Garri and the film's soundtrack influence the film?

'The music was the starting point; it came first and we wanted to do a visual project surrounding it. Then as we were shooting, it became more of a short film, then a full feature film. The initial music from the E.P. was supposed to be part of it, but as we were shooting, I just could hear that I needed something new, something fresh for the project.'

How would you say navigating Afrobeats being a majorly male-dominated landscape changed from when you first started?

'It still is very male dominated. But I love that there are more and more women in Afrobeats now, and they are sure of themselves. They're not afraid to show their power, talent, and their sexiness. I don't feel alone anymore. At one point it felt very, very, lonely. I just love that now women are also doing big things as well.'

What have been your biggest takeaways navigating multiple music genres as a woman?

'You just can't ever limit yourself to one thing. I'm able to do different genres like R'n'B, Pop, Afrobeats and Gospel. It's all about pushing through, believing in yourself and knowing that even though you're from Africa, that doesn't mean that you can't do different genres and execute something well.'

'You've previously collaborated with Beyoncé on her Black Is King album, how was that?'

'Amazing. I was so inspiring to work with someone that huge and just be a part of the entire project. And then just her even deciding to do an Afrobeats project and putting the whole genre on her platform and basically co-signing it was incredible.'

When did you first find your personal style?

'It wasn't until late. I wouldn't even call myself stylish. I was a tomboy. I'm the only girl with three brothers, so I used to just wear T-shirts and baggy jeans. It wasn't until I really started my solo career, so in the last decade really. I noticed that music and fashion go hand in hand, and so it's important for you to build your brand, not just as a musician, but even in the fashion industry.'

Tiwa Savage On Her Biggest Move Yet (2)

What Nigerian designers are currently on your radar?

'I love Lanre Da Silva, Lisa Folawiyo and Tokyo James.'

How has your heritage has influenced your personal style today?

'When I was growing up, I would try to avoid it because I used to get teased for being African. But now I love it. I love to implement it in corporate wear. I love wearing boubous [a Nigerian Kaftan]. I remember one time I was in a mall in LA, and I was wearing a boubou and my friends were like 'Are you really going to wear boubou in here?' And funnily enough, everywhere I went, people thought I was African royalty, it got so much attention.'

'I also love wearing my hair in braids and wearing waist beads. There are so many parts of our culture that growing up, I was trying to avoid because I was ashamed of it because I was bullied for being African, but now I love it.'

Water & Garri is now available to watch on Prime Video.

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Tiwa Savage On Her Biggest Move Yet (2024)


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