Unwavering Will in the Sea - Chapter 89 - DeterminedSpirit (2024)

Chapter Text

Nami raced across the verdant expanse of Weatheria, her heart pounding in her chest. The unsettling dream, the ominous parting gift of gold, and the gnawing fear for Frisk's safety had fueled a desperate urgency within her. She needed to leave this peaceful haven, to find her friends, to uncover the truth behind Frisk's disappearance.

As she approached the edge of the island, a figure standing beneath a gnarled Weather Ball tree caught her eye. A flicker of hope ignited within her.

"Frisk!" she cried out, her voice echoing through the thin mountain air.

She sprinted towards the figure, her heart soaring with anticipation. But as she drew closer, the hope dwindled. The figure was not Frisk, but Chara. her translucent form shimmered in the sunlight, her expression a mask of neutrality.

"Chara?" Nami asked, her voice laced with confusion and a desperate plea. "Have you seen Frisk? She... she gave me this," she held out the pouch of gold, its weight a chilling reminder of the nightmare.

Chara remained silent, her gaze fixed on the horizon. She slowly extended a hand towards Nami.

Confusion warred with instinct within Nami. She didn't understand, but the sight of Chara's fading form, the desperation in her silent gesture, triggered a deep-seated trust. Without hesitation, she grasped Chara's outstretched hand.

The world around her dissolved in a blinding flash. Nami felt herself falling, tumbling through a swirling vortex of darkness. The vibrant colors of Weatheria, the scent of the fresh mountain air, vanished, replaced by an oppressive emptiness.

Then, with a jolt, her descent stopped. She landed on solid ground, her surroundings a vast, desolate expanse devoid of color or life. The vortex above her sealed shut, leaving her alone in this strange, new world.

She looked around, her heart pounding in her chest. Where was she?

The vast, empty expanse stretched before Nami, a stark contrast to the vibrant world she had left behind. Questions swirled in her mind, a whirlwind of confusion and worry. But even amidst the disorientation, a spark of determination ignited within her. She wouldn't let fear paralyze her. She would find answers, she would find Frisk.

Scanning her surroundings, she noticed a faint trail of golden flowers snaking across the barren landscape.

Could this be a clue, a path leading her closer to the truth? With newfound resolve, Nami set off, following the trail of golden flowers into the unknown.


Usopp, fueled by a frantic desperation, frantically attempted to navigate the treacherous jungle of Greenstone Island. The haunting memory of his nightmare, the chilling vision of Frisk's lifeless form, spurred him onward. His usual cowardice was replaced by a reckless determination to escape this accursed island and uncover the truth behind his friend's disappearance.

"I gotta get outta here!" he muttered to himself, dodging a venomous vine that snapped at his heels. "There's gotta be a way off this blasted rock!"

Heracles, the eccentric hermit who had taken Usopp under his wing, watched his protégé's frantic attempts with a mix of amusem*nt and concern. "Easy there, Usopp-kun!" he called out. "This island ain't as simple as it seems. The more dangerous beasties lurk on the outer rim, making escape a tricky proposition!"

But Usopp, his mind consumed by the urgency of his mission, barely registered Heracles' words. He was fixated on a small figure he had spotted darting between the trees, a figure that bore a striking resemblance to Frisk.

"Frisk!" he cried out, hope momentarily eclipsing his fear. "Is that you?"

He chased after the figure, ignoring Heracles' warnings and the rustling of unseen predators lurking in the undergrowth. As he drew closer, the figure turned, revealing not Frisk, but Chara. her form shimmered, translucent and ethereal.

"Chara?" Usopp panted, coming to a sudden halt. "Where's Frisk? What's going on? How did you get here?"

Questions tumbled from his lips, but Chara remained silent, her expression a mask of cold neutrality. Usopp's heart sank, the familiar dread from his nightmare returning with a vengeance.

"Hey, uh, Chara?" he stammered, noticing a large shadow looming over him. "Any chance you could, like, answer a few questions? I'm kinda freaking out here."

He turned to face the source of the shadow, his blood running cold. A colossal carnivorous plant towered over him, its gaping maw dripping with digestive juices.

"AHHHHHHH!" Usopp screamed, his voice echoing through the jungle. With a burst of adrenaline, he grabbed Chara's arm and leaped backwards. The two figures tumbled into a swirling vortex that had opened beneath them, the hungry plant snapping its jaws shut moments too late.

The vortex closed with a whoosh, leaving Heracles staring at the empty space where Usopp and Chara had once stood.

The void spat Usopp out onto solid ground, leaving him sprawled in a heap. He scrambled to his feet, his heart pounding in his chest. Chara was nowhere to be seen.

"Chara?" he called out, his voice echoing in the vast emptiness. "Where'd you go?"

There was no answer. Usopp scanned the desolate landscape, a sense of dread gnawing at his gut. But then, a glimmer of hope caught his eye. A trail of golden flowers snaked across the barren ground, a beacon in the otherwise bleak surroundings.

With newfound resolve, Usopp took a deep breath and followed the trail of golden flowers, his heart pounding with a mix of fear and determination. He had to find Frisk. He had to know what was happening. And he had to make things right.


Chopper, his heart heavy with the memory of his unsettling dream, bid farewell to the kind villagers of Torino Kingdom. The giant birds that inhabited the island had agreed to help him leave, their strong wings promising a swift journey back to the Grand Line.

As he prepared to embark, a familiar silhouette flickered at the edge of the forest. Chopper's heart leaped with hope.

"Frisk!" he cried, a surge of joy momentarily erasing the lingering shadows of his nightmare.

He bounded towards the figure, his hooves drumming against the earth. But as he drew closer, the hope faded. It wasn't Frisk. It was Chara, her form translucent and shimmering in the sunlight.

"Chara?" Chopper's voice trembled with a mix of surprise and relief. "You're here! Do you know what happened to Frisk? I had this awful dream..."

His words tumbled out in a rush, the worry and fear he had been suppressing spilling over. But Chara remained silent, her expression neutral, her gaze fixed on the horizon.

Then, slowly, she extended a hand towards Chopper.

Confusion warred with desperation within him. He didn't understand, but the sight of Chara's fading form, the urgency in her silent gesture, triggered a deep-seated trust. Without hesitation, he reached out and clasped Chara's outstretched hand.

The ground beneath them gave way, a swirling vortex of darkness opening up. Chopper felt himself falling, the familiar landscape of Torino Kingdom disappearing in a dizzying rush.

He landed with a thud, the impact knocking the wind out of him. He scrambled to his feet, his heart pounding in his chest. Chara was nowhere to be seen. He was alone, surrounded by an endless expanse of nothingness.

"Chara?" he called out, his voice a tiny echo in the vast emptiness. "Where are we? What's going on?"

But there was no answer. The only sound was the whisper of the wind, a chilling reminder of the uncertainty that lay ahead.

Chopper, his heart heavy with the sudden disappearance of Chara, took a deep breath, his keen reindeer senses taking over. A familiar scent wafted through the air, a delicate fragrance of chocolate and cinnamon, mixed with the subtle aroma of golden flowers.

His eyes widened as he followed the scent, his hooves padding softly across the barren ground. A trail of golden flowers snaked across the desolate landscape. The sight filled him with a renewed sense of hope.

"Frisk!" he whispered, his voice filled with a desperate longing. "I'm coming!"

With a newfound determination, Chopper set off, following the trail of golden flowers and the familiar scent of his beloved friend.


Brook, the skeletal musician, was imprisoned in a sturdy cage, his bony frame a spectacle for the gawking crowd. The Longarm Tribe, having captured him after he liberated the villagers from the Thriller Bark remnants, saw him as little more than a freak show attraction.

Yet, Brook's jovial demeanor remained unshaken. He hummed a cheerful tune, his skull-like face a mask of nonchalant amusem*nt. But beneath the façade, worry gnawed at him. Frisk's chilling dream, the cryptic farewell, haunted his thoughts.

Suddenly, a flicker of movement in the corner of his eye made him pause. There, standing just outside the cage, was a familiar figure – Chara. her translucent form shimmered in the dim light, her expression unreadable.

"Ah, hello there," Brook greeted, his voice echoing in the confined space. "You must be Chara. I remember hearing about you from the others. It seems your relationship with Frisk is quite...complicated."

Chara's lips curled into a wry smile. "Complicated? Hardly. I'm simply a ghost inhabiting Frisk's body."

Brook's single eye socket widened in surprise. Before he could respond, Chara continued, her voice urgent, "Listen carefully, Brook. There's not much time. Frisk is in grave danger."

A cold dread washed over Brook. "Danger?" he echoed, his voice tinged with worry.

"Yes," Chara confirmed. "And I need your help to save them."

Brook didn't hesitate. "Of course! I'll do anything to help Frisk."

Chara's eyes softened for a fleeting moment. "Just like Papyrus," they muttered under her breath, a hint of fondness in her voice.

"What was that?" Brook asked, tilting his head.

Chara shook her head, her focus returning to the task at hand. "Take my hand, Brook. We don't have much time."

Brook extended his bony hand, his grip surprisingly firm. As soon as their fingers touched, the ground beneath them gave way, a swirling vortex of darkness opening up. Brook and Chara plunged into the void, their forms disappearing in a flash of light.

The Longarm kidnappers, who had momentarily turned away to discuss their next act, spun around in astonishment. The cage was empty, the skeletal musician vanished without a trace.

As Brook tumbled through the swirling vortex, his skeletal frame rattling with the turbulence, he clung tightly to Chara's hand. The darkness enveloped them, a suffocating emptiness that threatened to swallow them whole. Then, with a jarring thud, they landed on solid ground.

The void stretched out before them, a desolate landscape devoid of life or color. Brook blinked, his single eye adjusting to the dim light. Chara, still gripping his hand, spoke.

"Follow the golden flowers, Brook. They'll lead you to Frisk."

Brook nodded, his heart heavy with worry. But before he could ask any further questions, Chara's form shimmered and began to fade.

"I... I’m only able to talk to you because you’re dead," Chara explained, her voice growing fainter with each word. "But my time here is limited. Follow the flower trail."

With a final flicker, Chara disappeared, leaving Brook alone in the vast emptiness. A sense of urgency washed over him. He glanced down, noticing a trail of golden flowers leading into the distance. A memory stirred within him - a dream of Frisk playing a sorrowful melody, a song of loss and longing.

"Yohohoho!" Brook chuckled, a spark of determination replacing the fear in his eye socket. "Well then, onward we go! After all, a gentleman never abandons a friend in need, especially not one as dear as Frisk-san!"

With a newfound resolve, Brook set off, following the trail of golden flowers into the unknown.


Franky hunched over a salvaged blueprint, his brow furrowed in concentration. The intricate schematics of Vegapunk's genius filled the makeshift workshop he'd created amidst the wreckage of the laboratory. But despite the thrill of discovering such advanced technology, his mind was elsewhere.

The memory of his dream, of Frisk's fading form and the cryptic warning from Gaster, gnawed at him. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong, that his little sister was in danger.

A sudden flicker of movement caught his eye. He looked up, his heart leaping into his throat. Standing before him, a familiar figure emerged from the shadows, her silhouette bathed in the soft glow of the lab's emergency lighting.

"Frisk!" he cried out, relief and joy flooding his circuits.

But as the figure stepped closer, Franky's elation turned to confusion. The resemblance was uncanny, but something was...off. The eyes were colder, the smile less warm. This wasn't Frisk. It was Chara.

Chara extended a hand towards him, her expression unreadable. Franky, ever the quick thinker, pieced together the clues. The uncanny resemblance, the strange circ*mstances of her appearance, the lingering unease from his dream. He understood.

“You must be Chara. I don’t think we’ve ever officially met but I have heard about you. You must be here for a reason.”

"Don't worry, lil' sis," he said, a determined glint in his eyes. "Big bro's coming to save you."

Without hesitation, Franky grasped Chara's outstretched hand. The ground beneath them trembled, a swirling vortex of darkness opening up, swallowing them whole. The lab, the blueprints, the remnants of Vegapunk's genius – it all vanished in an instant.

Franky and Chara tumbled through the void, the darkness pressing in on all sides. Then, with a jarring thud, they landed on solid ground. Chara was gone, and Franky found himself standing alone in a vast, empty expanse.

The barren landscape stretched before Franky, an endless expanse of nothingness. But a familiar sight caught his eye, a beacon of hope in the desolate void – a trail of golden flowers.

"Super!" Franky exclaimed, his voice echoing in the silence. "I knew there had to be a way forward!"

With a burst of mechanical energy, he sprinted along the trail, his heavy footsteps leaving a trail of dust in his wake. His heart pounded in his chest, a mix of fear and determination fueling his pursuit. He would find Frisk, no matter the cost.


Sanji slumped against a moss-covered tree trunk, his cigarette smoke mingling with the humid air. His usually suave demeanor was replaced by a hollow exhaustion. The tense conversation with Ivankov had left him emotionally drained. He had pleaded, argued, even resorted to physical threats, trying to convince the flamboyant revolutionary of his allegiance to Luffy and his concern for Frisk.

But Ivankov remained unconvinced, his jovial facade cracking only once to reveal a flicker of sadness. "The child is gone, Sanji-boy," he had said, his voice heavy with grief. "Akainu's attack... there was nothing we could do."

The words echoed in Sanji's mind, He couldn't believe it. Frisk, the kind, resilient child who had always brought a smile to his face, was gone?

A sob caught in his throat as he remembered Frisk's tearful confession in his dream. her words, her unspoken pain, haunted him. He should have done more, protected them better.

A rustle in the undergrowth snapped him out of his reverie. He looked up, his heart leaping into his throat. A figure emerged from the shadows, her silhouette bathed in the moonlight. It was Chara, her eyes devoid of emotions.

"Chara-san," Sanji breathed, a flicker of hope igniting within him. "You're here... because Frisk-san is in danger, right?"

Chara didn't speak, her silence a chilling confirmation. They extended a hand towards him, her gesture an unspoken invitation.

Sanji took a deep drag from his cigarette, the ember glowing brightly in the twilight. "Don't worry, Frisk-san," he murmured, his voice laced with a steely resolve. “I’m on my way.”

He extinguished the cigarette, a single tear rolling down his cheek. He grasped Chara's outstretched hand, a surge of warmth flooding his body. The ground beneath them trembled, a swirling vortex of darkness opening up, swallowing them whole.

Once Sanji fell in the hole, he immediately saw that Chara was gone but in front of him lay a trail of golden flowers. “I'm coming, Frisk-san!” Said Sanji as he started to follow the trail.


The biting wind howled across the barren landscape of Tequila Wolf, carrying with it the scent of freedom. Robin stood amidst the ruins of the labor camp, her heart heavy with the memories of her ordeal. The revolutionaries, who had orchestrated her daring rescue, offered her a safe haven, a chance to join their ranks and meet the enigmatic Dragon.

"We understand your desire for answers, Nico Robin," their leader had said, a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "But for now, your safety is paramount. Join us, and we will protect you."

Robin nodded, her eyes filled with gratitude. "Thank you," she said, her voice barely a whisper. "But there is one more thing I must do before I can join you."

The revolutionaries exchanged a knowing glance, their respect for Robin's independence evident. "Very well," the leader replied. "We will await your arrival at the bay."

With a final nod, they departed, leaving Robin alone amidst the wreckage. She took a deep breath, the crisp air filling her lungs with a newfound sense of purpose.

As she turned to leave, a figure materialized before her, her form shimmering in the twilight. It was Chara, her eyes fixed on Robin with an unreadable intensity.

Robin's heart skipped a beat. Frisk's cryptic message echoed in her mind: "Find Chara."

"Chara," she began, her voice barely a whisper. "Is Frisk alright?"

Chara remained silent, her hand outstretched towards Robin. A wave of understanding washed over her. This was her chance, her opportunity to repay the debt she owed to Frisk.

"I'll save her," Robin murmured, more to herself than to Chara. "Just like how they saved me."

With a newfound resolve, she reached out and grasped Chara's hand. The ground beneath them trembled, a swirling vortex of darkness opening up, swallowing them whole.

Robin landed on solid ground, her body still reeling from the sudden descent. The world around her was a stark contrast to the harsh reality of Tequila Wolf. It was an endless expanse of nothingness, devoid of color or sound, a chilling emptiness that stretched as far as the eye could see.

But a flicker of hope emerged from the desolation. A trail of golden flowers, bright and vibrant, wound its way through the barren landscape. Robin recognized them instantly, the memory of the dream.

"This must be the path," she murmured to herself, a newfound determination filling her voice. "The path to Frisk."

Without hesitation, Robin set off, following the trail of golden flowers, her footsteps the only sound in the vast emptiness. She didn't know where the path would lead, but she trusted her instincts, her intuition honed by years of deciphering ancient mysteries.

She had to find Frisk. She had to fulfill the promise she had made in that fleeting dream.


Zoro, battered but unbowed, stood panting amidst a clearing littered with defeated Humandrills. Mihawk, perched atop a moss-covered ruin, observed the spectacle with a mix of amusem*nt and disappointment.

"It seems you're still far from reaching the sea," Mihawk remarked, his voice echoing through the dense jungle. "Despite your time away from the castle, you've made little progress."

Zoro wiped the sweat from his brow, his gaze fixed on the broken remains of the small boat he had hoped to use. "The damn thing's useless now," he grumbled, his voice rough with exertion. "But I can still use the wreckage to help me swim."

Mihawk's lips curled into a sardonic smile. "It appears I overestimated you, Roronoa Zoro," he said, a hint of disdain in his voice. "I had hoped what the child said about you was true, but it seems they were mistaken."

Zoro's head snapped up, his eyes narrowing with a dangerous glint. "What are you talking about?" he demanded, his voice sharp with suspicion.

Mihawk's gaze turned towards the horizon, his expression unreadable. "I saw a child at Marineford," he began, his voice low and measured. "A child with an extraordinary spirit, a latent potential that could have shaken the very foundations of this world."

He paused, a shadow of regret passing over his face. "But it seems they were unable to reach her full potential," he continued, his voice laced with a hint of disappointment. "A wasted opportunity."

Zoro's grip tightened on his swords, a knot of unease forming in his stomach. "What happened to the child?" he asked, his voice sharp with urgency.

Mihawk turned, his back now facing Zoro. He began to walk away, his footsteps echoing through the jungle. But before he disappeared into the shadows, he spoke one final sentence, a sentence that sent a chill down Zoro's spine.

"She saved your captain and his brother's life," Mihawk said, his voice barely above a whisper. "And paid the ultimate price."

Zoro's heart plummeted, a cold dread washing over him. The fragments of his dream, Frisk's chilling farewell, and Mihawk's cryptic words coalesced into a horrifying realization. Frisk was gone. They had sacrificed themselves for Luffy and Ace.

A wave of anger and grief washed over him, a primal roar erupting from his throat as he lashed out at the nearest tree, splintering the trunk with a single blow.


Zoro, fueled by a mix of grief and rage, charged through the jungle, his swords a blur of deadly arcs as he cut down any Humandrill foolish enough to cross his path. Perona, hovering above him on her ghost cloud, watched with growing alarm.

"Stop you moss-head!" she cried, her voice a thin wail against the sounds of battle. "You're going to get yourself killed at this rate!"

But Zoro ignored her, his mind consumed by the image of Frisk's sacrifice. He had to get to the sea, he had to find a way to bring them back.

A flicker of movement in the distance caught his eye. It was a small silhouette, barely visible against the dense foliage. "Frisk!" he roared, hope momentarily eclipsing his rage.

He raced towards the figure, Perona following close behind. As he drew closer, the silhouette resolved into a familiar form, but it wasn't Frisk. It was Chara, her translucent figure shimmering in the fading light.

"Chara?" Zoro's voice was thick with emotion. "What's going on? Where's Frisk?"

Chara remained silent, her gaze fixed on Zoro with an unsettling intensity.

Perona, who had been watching from the sidelines, suddenly gasped. "I can hear her!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide with surprise.

"She wants you to listen," Perona replied, her voice trembling slightly. "She is saying Frisk is in danger."

Zoro's grip tightened on his swords, his resolve hardening. "Tell her I'll do anything to save them," he said, his voice a low growl.

Perona relayed his message, her eyes fixed on Chara's ghostly form. A faint smile flickered across Chara's face.

"Tell him to take my hand," Chara instructed.

Zoro, without hesitation, reached out and grasped Chara's outstretched hand. A swirling vortex of darkness opened beneath them, swallowing them whole.

The jungle fell silent, the only sound the rustling of leaves in the wind. Perona stared at the spot where they had vanished, a sense of foreboding settling over her.

“Sigh… Good-Luck you Moss-head.”

The darkness pressed in on all sides, a suffocating silence amplifying the echoes of his own ragged breaths. He scanned the desolate landscape, his eyes searching for any sign of life.

Then, a glimmer of gold caught his attention. A trail of golden flowers, Zoro started to follow it but he started to stray away from it due to his nature of getting lost, a mysterious force hit him on the head correcting him whenever he started to go somewhere else from the path. It happened very often.


The moon cast long, eerie shadows across the lush landscape of Amazon Lily. Inside the palace, a restless silence hung in the air. Luffy, still plagued by nightmares and grief, tossed and turned in his sleep.

Suddenly, a soft glow emanated from his chest. A heart-shaped fragment of Frisk's soul emerged, its crimson light pulsating with a gentle rhythm. It floated above him for a moment, then darted towards the window, its glow beckoning Luffy to follow.

He awoke with a gasp, his heart pounding in his chest. "Frisk?" he whispered, his voice thick with sleep and longing.

He scrambled out of bed, following the heart-shaped light as it drifted through the palace corridors and out into the moonlit jungle. Ace, awakened by the commotion, followed close behind, a look of concern etched on his face.

"Luffy, where are you going?" he asked, his voice hushed in the stillness of the night.

Luffy didn't answer, his eyes fixed on the glowing heart as it led them deeper into the jungle. The air grew heavy with the scent of damp earth and blooming flowers. The heart pulsed faster, its light growing brighter as they approached a clearing bathed in moonlight.

In the center of the clearing, a patch of golden flowers bloomed, their petals radiant under the night sky. And there, standing amidst the flowers, was Frisk. her form was translucent, their smile bittersweet.

Ace gasped, his hand flying to his mouth in shock. Luffy, his eyes wide with a mix of disbelief and hope, approached Frisk slowly, his every step a silent question.

He reached out, his trembling hand touching Frisk's shoulder. The moment their skin made contact, the ground beneath them gave way. A swirling vortex of darkness opened up, swallowing them whole.

The sensation of falling abruptly ended as Luffy and Ace landed on solid ground. They blinked, disoriented, as their surroundings came into focus. The familiar wooden deck of the Thousand Sunny stretched before them, the sails billowing gently in a non-existent breeze. But something was amiss. The ship was suspended in a vast, empty void, a sea of blackness stretching as far as the eye could see.

The heart-shaped fragment of Frisk's soul, which had guided them here, hovered in the air between them. It pulsed once, twice, then merged back into Luffy's chest, leaving a lingering warmth behind.

Ace looked around, his brow furrowed in confusion. "Where are we?" he asked, his voice echoing in the silence.

Before Luffy could answer, a figure materialized from the shadows. It was Chara, her form translucent and shimmering. They looked at the two brothers with a calm, almost serene expression.

"Your questions can wait," Chara said, her voice echoing through the void. "Until everyone arrives."

Luffy, ever the pragmatist, decided to take Chara's advice at face value. "Alright," he said with a shrug, plopping himself down on the deck of the Sunny. "If we gotta wait, I'm gonna wait comfortably."

Ace, still bewildered by the situation, watched his brother with a mixture of exasperation and amusem*nt. "You can't just take a nap in the middle of all this, Luffy!" he exclaimed. "We need to figure out what's going on!"

But Luffy, already half-asleep, simply mumbled something about trusting her ghost friend and the importance of keeping his strength up. With a sigh, Ace decided there was no point arguing with Luffy in his current state. He leaned against the railing, his gaze fixed on the endless void, his mind churning with unanswered questions.


One by one, figures emerged from swirling vortexes of darkness, each drawn by the golden flower trail. Nami, her eyes wide with wonder, stepped onto the deck of the Sunny, followed closely by Usopp, his slingshot clutched tightly in his hand. Chopper, his fur ruffled and eyes filled with worry, scurried towards Luffy and Ace, while Brook, his skeletal frame rattling slightly, tipped his hat in greeting. Franky, his body gleaming with metal, landed with a resounding thud, followed by Sanji, his cigarette smoke momentarily dispelling the gloom.

The Straw Hats, reunited in this strange and desolate place, exchanged greetings and shared wary glances. A sense of urgency hung in the air, a silent question echoing in their hearts: where was Frisk?

Robin, her eyes scanning the crowd, finally spoke. "Chara," she said, her voice clear and resolute, "Frisk told me to find you. They said you would know how to help them."

Chara, who had been watching silently from the shadows, stepped forward, her translucent form illuminated by the faint glow of the Thousand Sunny's lanterns. her expression remained neutral, but a hint of sadness lingered in their eyes.

"Frisk is dead," Chara stated bluntly, her voice devoid of emotion. "Beyond the resets and the power to SAVE, Frisk forfeited those abilities back in Sabaody. They are gone."

A wave of shock and sorrow washed over the Straw Hats. The reality of Frisk's death, a truth they had desperately tried to deny, crashed down upon them. Luffy's grip tightened on his hat, his eyes hidden in the shadows. Nami bit her lip, fighting back tears. Usopp's shoulders slumped in defeat.

But Zoro, ever the pragmatist, refused to accept defeat. "If that's truly the case," he said, his voice sharp with defiance, "then why have you brought us here?"

Chara's lips curled into a faint smile. "Because," she said, her voice filled with a newfound determination, "there may still be a chance."

Chara's smile faded, replaced by a deep frown. "But what if death is a mercy?" she asked, her voice a chilling whisper that hung in the air. "What if Frisk is better off dead?"

The Straw Hats stared at them, their expressions a mix of shock and confusion. "What are you saying?" Nami asked, her voice trembling. "Why would you say that?"

Chara gestured towards the windows of the Sunny, her eyes filled with a chilling emptiness. "Look outside," they commanded.

The Straw Hats hesitantly approached the windows and peered into the void. A collective gasp escaped their lips as they beheld the horrifying sight. Hundreds of Frisk's lifeless bodies, each bearing the same wounds, floated in the endless darkness.

"What... what is this?" Chopper whimpered, his eyes wide with horror.

"This is the price Frisk has paid," Chara explained, their voice devoid of emotion. "The sacrifices they've made, not just on your adventures, but in her entire life. she’s lived a life of pain and misfortune, constantly sacrificing themselves for others."

Usopp's voice shook as he spoke, "Wait! I thought you said they couldn't use her Reset ability anymore? She can be revived one more time and we'll-"

Chara's gaze hardened. "You're missing the point, Usopp," she said sharply. "Even without the ability to Reset, Frisk's nature remains unchanged. She is a being of pure selflessness, always willing to sacrifice themselves for others. And now, she’s done it again."

Chara turned to the Straw Hats, her eyes piercing through them. "Would you ask someone who has endured so much pain and suffering to live one more time?" she challenged me. "Who's sake is it truly for? Hers, or yours?"

The Straw Hats were speechless, their hearts heavy with the weight of Chara's words. The image of Frisk's lifeless bodies, a testament to her endless sacrifices, haunted them. Had they been selfish, clinging to a hope that only brought Frisk more pain?

Chara's stern expression softened, a hint of sympathy replacing the harshness in her eyes. "I'm not here to guilt-trip you," they said, their voice quieter now. "But I want you to understand what you're asking of Frisk. The truth is... I'm not sure what's right either."

A flicker of surprise passed over the Straw Hats' faces. Chara, always the enigmatic figure, rarely revealed her emotions so openly.

"In the past," Chara continued, her voice heavy with regret, "I might have let Frisk go. After all the pain and suffering they endured, death might have seemed like a mercy. But now..."

Tears welled up in Chara's eyes, a sight that shocked the Straw Hats to their core. "Frisk always told me how much they loved being here with you all," Chara whispered, her voice trembling. "How much fun they were having, how truly alive they felt."

A tear rolled down Chara's cheek, leaving a shimmering trail on her translucent skin. "I don't trust humans," they admitted, their voice raw with emotion. "They're selfish, they're cruel, they're destructive. But... through Frisk and you guys, I've seen another side. I've seen the potential for kindness, for love, for genuine connection."

Chara took a deep breath, her voice steadier now. "I still don't know if saving Frisk is the right thing to do," she said, her gaze sweeping over the Straw Hats. "But I know one thing for sure: Frisk loves you all more than anything in the world. And that's why I'm here. I'm here to give you a choice."

Unwavering Will in the Sea - Chapter 89 - DeterminedSpirit (2024)


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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Author information

Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

Phone: +5983010455207

Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.