What do CC and BCC mean? (2024)

What do CC and BCC mean?

CC and BCC are two fields that sit next to or below the “To” field at the top of any new message you compose in your inbox. CC stands for “Carbon Copy” and BCC stands for “Blind Carbon Copy”. All are used to add the email addresses of the people you wish to send your message to.

What is CC and BCC in email with example?

CC stands for "carbon copy." BCC stands for "blind carbon copy." When you put an email address in the CC or "carbon copy" field it means that a copy of the email you are sending will also be sent to that address.

Why would you use BCC instead of CC?

Cc or bcc is not inherently better or worse – they simply serve different purposes. Cc is best for keeping people in the loop on an ongoing thread while providing transparency about who is being informed. Bcc is best for keeping addresses private on mail lists.

What does BCC mean when sending a message?

Bcc stands for blind carbon copy which is similar to that of Cc except that the Email address of the recipients specified in this field do not appear in the received message header and the recipients in the To or Cc fields will not know that a copy sent to these address.

What is the point of CC on email?

What does CC in email mean? CC, in its full form, stands for Carbon Copy, a function that allows you to send a single email to multiple contacts. It is often used to keep colleagues and clients in the loop, especially when you want to share information but you don't necessarily need a reply.

What happens if someone replies to a BCC email?

Their response will be sent to the original sender, in addition to everyone in the To and Cc fields. Assuming those Bcc'd were hidden for a reason, this can cause major trust and privacy issues for those who did not know the mail was available to additional people.

Is BCC really hidden?

If you add a recipient's name to the Bcc (blind carbon copy) box in an email message, a copy of the message is sent to that recipient, but that name is not visible to other recipients of the message.

How do you use CC and BCC correctly?

Remember carbon copies? Cc means carbon copy and Bcc means blind carbon copy. For email, you use Cc when you want to copy others publicly and Bcc when you want to do it privately. Any recipients on the Bcc line of an email are not visible to others on the email.

When not to use BCC?

Be cautious of using BCC to expose private conversations. If you're having issues with a colleague at work, you might be tempted to copy your boss to an email thread using BCC. However, using BCC in this way can erode trust between you and your coworkers.

How do you use BCC correctly?

In the BCC field, type the email address of your BCC recipient. For multiple addresses or a long list of recipients, you can separate each with a comma, space, or by pressing the enter key. Now, you can compose the message and then click “Send” when done.

What happens if you CC someone on a BCC?

If you use the CC and BCC functions at the same time, the BCC recipients will be able to see the email address you have entered into the CC field, but the recipients entered in the To and CC fields won't be able to see the addresses of any contacts entered into the BCC field.

Can you BCC someone on a text message?

It is possible to send a BCC text message from your personal Android or iPhone device using the native text messaging app. But often, there's a limit to the number of contacts you can add to the group (one Apple forum discussion suggests the limit is 32 for iMessage chats.)

What does CC mean in text?

In many scenarios, the acronym “CC” means carbon copy, like in the case of CCing someone on an email. On TikTok, though, “CC” means closed captions.

What is the etiquette for CC?

If you expect a direct response or action, use the “To” field. If you want to keep people in the loop or send copies in a transparent way, use the “Cc” field. If someone is not meant to be a main recipient, use “Cc.” If you want a “To” recipient to know other important people are aware of the correspondence, use “Cc.”

Can you reply to an email if you are CC?

Typically, the "CC" (carbon copy) is to keep you in the loop of a conversation even if you're not directly addressed in the message. Whether or not you reply should be determined case by case. If your participation is relevant to the conversation, then a "reply all" might be in order.

Should you read CC emails?

In keeping with email etiquette, you shouldn't expect a cc'd recipient to reply. Cc recipients are people who should see the email but don't necessarily need to take action or respond to it.

When should you use BCC in an email?

For security and privacy reasons, it is best to use the Blind Carbon Copy (BCC) feature when sending an email message to a large number of people. When you place email addresses in the BCC field of a message, those addresses are invisible to the recipients of the email.

Should I reply all to CC?

If you are sent an email and other team members are CC'd, the rule of thumb is to always keep those team members copied (meaning always use Reply All). Chances are, they were copied for a reason, so they likely need to know about your response too, not just the sender.

Is BCC unethical?

Emailing others via BCC isn't always unethical. Sometimes it serves important record-keeping functions. An attorney might send an email to a prosecutor and then BCC his client on the email. This notifies the client of the communication without revealing the client's email address to the prosecutor.

Can you send an email with only CC?

Yes, the email will still be sent to the recipients' inboxes even if there is no email address in the "To" field. The "To" field is not required for an email to be sent. As long as there is at least one email address in the "Bcc" or "Cc" field, the email will be sent to the recipients.

Can you BCC everyone in an email?

To send a mass message: Whether you're sending an email to family, friends, or your larger workplace, putting everyone in the bcc field will make it look like you've sent the email specifically to them.

Can you just CC and BCC?

Remember, both CC and BCC can be used together on a single email. This allows you to share certain email addresses and keep others confidential.

Who can see BCC messages?

View Bcc recipients

If you're the recipient of a message, you can't see whether the sender added Bcc recipients. Only the sender of a message can see the names of Bcc recipients by opening a message in the Sent Items folder where all sent messages are stored by default.

What does CC mean in text from a girl?

In many scenarios, the acronym “CC” means carbon copy, like in the case of CCing someone on an email.

What does BC mean in text?

BC. conjunction. informal (also bc, B/C, b/c) written abbreviation for because: used, for example, on social media or in text messages: I wasn't in school bc I was sick.


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Author: Rueben Jacobs

Last Updated: 07/06/2024

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.