NJ Gold EPO 70% EMB

Aetna certifies that the Employee named below is entitled to the benefits described in this certificate, as of the effective date shown below, subject to the eligibility and effective date requirements of the Policy. This certificate replaces any and all certificates previously issued to the Employee under any group policies issued by Aetna providing the types of benefits described in this certificate. The Policy is a contract between Aetna and the Policyholder. This certificate is a summary of the Policy provisions that affect Your insurance. All benefits and exclusions are subject to the terms of the Policy. POLICYHOLDER:



Refer to the cover letter to your Certificate


Refer to the cover letter to your Certificate


Refer to the cover letter to your Certificate


$0 $0


30% except as noted below in the Schedule of Benefits


$6,000 $12,000

Mark T. Bertolini Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President

Aetna Life Insurance Company Aetna Phone Number: 1-888-802-3862 Fax Number: 1-859-455-8650 E-Mail: www.aetna.com, click on "Contact Us."

B-E Certificate












































B-E Certificate


SCHEDULE OF INSURANCE EMPLOYEE AND DEPENDENT HEALTH BENEFITS Copayment for Preventive Care and Women’s Health Benefits - including Female Voluntary Sterilization - including Breast Pumps and Supplies - including Lactation Counseling Services - including Female Contraceptive Counseling and Services - including Pre-natal visits


*The plan will cover the expense of purchasing one non-hospital grade electric pump every 36 months. The copayment, if applicable will apply to any visits or services that are not provided under the Preventive Care and Women’s Health Benefit. Vision Benefits (for Covered Persons through the age of 18) Performed by a legally qualified Ophthalmologist or optometrist


Preferred Eyeglass Frames, Prescription Lenses or Prescription Contact Lenses*


Dental Benefits (for Covered Persons through the age of 18) Preventive and Diagnostic Services


For treatment, services and supplies given by a Network Provider For all other Covered Charges: Primary Care Physician Visits

$30 per visit

Specialist Physician Visits

$50 per visit

Post-Partum care and delivery services provided by attending Obstetrician


Outpatient Mental Illness and Substance Abuse (including Applied Behavioral Analysis for the Treatment of Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities)

$50 per visit

Outpatient Alcohol Detoxification or Rehabilitation

$50 per visit

Physical and Occupational Therapy

$10 per visit

Speech and Cognitive Therapy

$10 per visit

Autism/Autism Spectrum Disorder and Other Developmental Disabilities Physical and Occupational Therapy

$10 per visit

Autism/Autism Spectrum Disorder and Other Developmental Disabilities Speech and Cognitive Therapy

$10 per visit



Outpatient Hospice Services

$0 per visit

Outpatient Home Health Care

$50 per visit

Hearing Aids for Covered Persons age 15 or younger

$0 per item

Other costs related to the hearing aid (such as the audiologist visit) are subject to the PCP cost-sharing. Orthotic and Prosthetic Appliances

$30 per item

Diagnostic Lab Testing

$10 per visit

Diagnostic X-Ray

$40 per visit

Complex Imaging Services

$0 per visit

Prescription Drugs less than a 31 day supply Generic Brand Name Formulary Brand Name Non-Formulary

$20 $50 $75

Prescription Drugs more than a 30 day supply but less than a 91 day supply Generic $40 Brand Name Formulary $100 Brand Name Non-Formulary $150 Calendar Year Cash Deductible For treatment, services, and supplies given by Network Providers, except for Preventive Care Services and Women’s Health Benefits including Female Voluntary Sterilization, Breast Pumps and Supplies, Lactation Counseling Services*, Female Contraceptive Counseling and Services*, and Pre-natal visits; Primary Care Physician Visits, Specialist Physician Visits, Routine Eye Exam, Post-Partum care and delivery services provided by attending Obstetrician, Outpatient Mental Illness and Substance Abuse (including Applied Behavioral Analysis for the Treatment of Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities), Outpatient Alcohol Detoxification or Rehabilitation, Physical and Occupational Therapy, Speech and Cognitive Therapy, Autism/Autism Spectrum Disorder and Other Developmental Disabilities Physical and Occupational Therapy, Autism/Autism Spectrum Disorder and Other Developmental Disabilities Speech and Cognitive Therapy, Therapeutic Manipulation, Outpatient Hospice Services, Outpatient Home Health Care, Hearing Aids for Covered Persons age 15 or younger, Orthotic and Prosthetic Appliances, Diagnostic Lab Testing, Diagnostic X-Ray, Complex Imaging Services, Emergency Room, Urgent Care Facility, Ambulance, Inpatient Hospital, Inpatient Maternity, Inpatient Mental Illness, Inpatient Substance (Alcohol and Drug) Abuse, Inpatient Skilled Nursing, Inpatient Hospice Services, Outpatient Surgery – Performed at a Hospital Outpatient Facility, Durable Medical Equipment, Prescription Drugs, Pediatric Vision Eye exam and Preferred eyeglass frames, prescription lenses or prescription contact lenses for Covered Persons through age 18, Pediatric Dental Preventive and Diagnostic services for Covered Persons through age 18, Food and Food Products for Inherited Metabolic Disease *The deductible will apply to any visits or services that are not provided under the Preventive Care and Women’s Health Benefit. Per Covered Person: Per Covered Family:


None None


Emergency Room Copayment (waived if admitted within 24 hours)


Urgent Care Copayment


Note: The Emergency Room/Urgent Care Copayment is payable in addition to the applicable Deductible and Coinsurance.

Coinsurance Coinsurance is the percentage of a Covered Charge that must be paid by a Covered Person. However, Aetna will waive the Coinsurance requirement once the Network Maximum Out of Pocket has been reached with respect to any combination of Network services and supplies. The Coinsurance, as shown below, does not include Cash Deductibles, Copayments, or any other Non-Covered Charge. The Coinsurance for the Policy is as follows: For Preventive Care and Women’s Health Benefits - Including Female Voluntary Sterilization - Including Breast Pumps and Supplies - Including Lactation Counseling Services - Including Female Contraceptive Counseling and Services - Including Pre-natal visits


*The plan will cover the expense of purchasing one non-hospital grade electric pump every 36 months. The coinsurance will apply to any visits or services that are not provided under the Preventive Care and Women’s Health Benefit. Vision Benefits (for Covered Persons through the age of 18) Performed by a legally qualified ophthalmologist or optometrist


Preferred Eyeglass Frames, Prescription Lenses or Prescription Contact Lenses


Dental Benefits (for Covered Persons through the age of 18) - Preventive Services - Diagnostic and Restorative Service - Endodontic, Periodontal, Prosthodontic and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgical Services - Orthodontic Treatment • if treatment, services or supplies are given by a Network Provider for all other Covered Charges

NONE 30% 50% 50%

30%, except as stated below

Exceptions: The Coinsurance for Physical and Occupational Therapy


Speech and Cognitive Therapy


Autism/Autism Spectrum Disorder and Other Developmental Disabilities Physical and Occupational Therapy




Autism/Autism Spectrum Disorder and Other Developmental Disabilities Speech and Cognitive Therapy


Therapeutic Manipulation


Outpatient Hospice Services


Outpatient Home Health Care


Hearing Aids for Covered Persons age 15 or younger


Diagnostic Lab Testing


Diagnostic X-Ray


Urgent Care Facility




Durable Medical Equipment


Prescription Drugs


Network Maximum Out of Pocket Network Maximum Out of Pocket means the annual maximum dollar amount that a Covered Person must pay as Copayment, Deductible and Coinsurance for all Network covered services and supplies in a Calendar Year. All amounts paid as Copayment, Deductible and Coinsurance shall count toward the Network Maximum Out of Pocket. Once the Network Maximum Out of Pocket has been reached, the Covered Person has no further obligation to pay any amounts as Copayment, Deductible and Coinsurance for Network covered services and supplies for the remainder of the Calendar Year. The Network Maximum Out of Pocket for the Policy is as follows: Per Covered Person per Calendar Year: Per Covered Family per Calendar Year

$6,000 $12,000

The family Maximum Out of Pocket is a cumulative Out of Pocket for all family members. Note: The Network Maximum Out of Pocket cannot be met with Non-Covered Charges.



SCHEDULE OF INSURANCE (Continued) Daily Room and Board Limits During a Period of Hospital Confinement For semi-private room and board accommodations, Aetna will cover charges up to the Hospital's actual daily semi private room and board rate. For private room and board accommodations. Aetna will cover charges up to the Hospital's average daily semi-private room and board rate, or if the Hospital does not have semi-private accommodations, 80% of its lowest daily room and board rate. However, if the Covered Person is being isolated in a private room because the Covered Person has a communicable Illness, Aetna will cover charges up to the Hospital's actual private room charge. For Special Care Units, Aetna will cover charges up to the Hospital’s actual daily room and board charges for the Special Care Unit. During a Confinement In An Extended Care Center Or Rehabilitation Center Aetna will cover the lesser of: a. the center’s actual daily room and board charge; or b. 50% of the covered daily room and board charge made by the Hospital during the Covered Person's preceding Hospital confinement, for semi-private accommodations. Payment Limits: For Illness or Injury, Aetna will pay up to the payment limit shown below: Charges for therapeutic manipulation per Calendar Year Charges for speech and cognitive therapy per Calendar Year (combined benefits) See below for the separate benefits available under the Diagnosis and Treatment of Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities Provision Charges for physical or occupational therapy per Calendar Year (combined benefits) See below for the separate benefits available under the Diagnosis and Treatment of Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities Provision

30 visits

30 visits

30 visits

Charges for speech therapy and cognitive therapy per Calendar Year provided under the Diagnosis and Treatment of Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities Provision. The 30-visit limit does not apply to the treatment of autism.

30 visits

Charges for physical and occupational therapy per Calendar Year provided under the Diagnosis and Treatment of Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities Provision (combined benefits). The 30-visit limit does not apply to the treatment of autism.

30 visits

Charges for hearing aids for a Covered Person younger

One hearing aid per age 15 or hearing impaired ear per 24-month period

Other costs related to the hearing aid (such as the audiologist visit) are subject to the PCP cost-sharing



Charges for Home Health Care per Calendar Year

60 visits

Any visit by a nurse or therapist of a home health care team on any day shall be considered as one home health care visit.

Preferred Eyeglass Frames, Prescription Lenses, or Prescription Contact Lenses: Eyeglass Frames Maximum per 12 months Prescription Lenses Maximum per 12 months Prescription Contract Lenses Maximum per12 months (includes Non-Conventional Prescription Contact Lenses and Aphakic Lenses Prescribed After Cataract Surgery)

One set of eyeglass frames One pair of prescription lenses Daily Disposables: Up to 3 month supply Extended Wear Disposable: Up to 6 month supply Non-Disposable Lenses: One set

Charges for Preventive Care: Covered Charges for Preventive Care Routine Physical Exam Physician Office Visit for

Maximum Subject to any age and visit limits provided for in the comprehensive guidelines supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration. For details, Members may contact their Physician or Member Services by logging onto the Aetna Navigator website www.aetna.com or calling the toll-free number on the back of the ID card.

Members through age 21

1 visit

Members age 22 and over but less than 65

1 visit

Members age 65 and over

1 visit Maximum Visits per 12-month period

Covered Charges for Preventive Care


Preventive Care Immunization Benefits

Subject to any age limits provided for in the comprehensive guidelines supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration. For details, contact your physician, log onto the Aetna website www.aetna.com or call the number on the back of your ID card.



Screening and Counseling Services Obesity (This maximum applies only to Members ages 22 and older.)

26 visits (however, of these only 10 visits will be allowed under the Plan for healthy diet counseling provided in connection with Hyperlipidemia (high cholesterol) and other known risk factors for cardiovascular and diet-related chronic disease)* *Note: In figuring the Maximum Visits, each session of up to 60 minutes is equal to one visit. Maximum Visits per 12 months

Misuse of Alcohol and/or Drugs Benefit.

5 visits* *Note: In figuring the Maximum Visits, each session of up to 60 minutes is equal to one visit. Maximum Visits per 12 months

Use of Tobacco Products Benefit.

8 visits* *Note: In figuring the Maximum Visits, each session of up to 60 minutes is equal to one visit. Maximum Visits per 12 months

Comprehensive Lactation Support and Counseling Services Benefit Lactation Counseling Services 6 visits* Maximum Visits per 12 months either in a group or individual setting Important Note: Visits in excess of the Lactation Counseling Services Maximum Visits as shown above, are covered under the Primary Care Physician Services and/or Specialist Services. Family Planning Services – Female Contraceptives Benefit. Female Contraceptive Counseling Services - Office Visits

2 visits Maximum Visits per 12 months either in a group or individual setting

Important Note: Visits in excess of the Female Contraceptive Counseling Services Maximum Visits as shown above, are covered under the Primary Care Physician Services and/or Specialist Services section. Per Lifetime Maximum Benefit (for all Illnesses and Injuries):




GENERAL PROVISIONS INCONTESTABILITY OF THE POLICY There will be no contest of the validity of the Policy, except for not paying premiums, after it has been in force for 2 years from the Effective Date. No statement in any application, except a fraudulent statement, made by the Policyholder or by a person insured under the Policy shall be used in contesting the validity of his or her insurance or in denying a claim for a loss incurred after such insurance has been in force for two years during the person's lifetime. Note: There is no time limit with respect to a contest in connection with fraudulent statements. PAYMENT OF PREMIUMS - GRACE PERIOD Premiums are to be paid by the Policyholder to Aetna. Each may be paid at an Aetna office or to one of its authorized agents. A premium payment is due on each premium due date stated on the first page of this Policy. The Policyholder may pay each premium other than the first within 31 days of the premium due date without being charged interest. Those days are known as the grace period. The Policyholder is liable to pay premiums for the time this Policy is in force. CLERICAL ERROR - MISSTATEMENTS Except as stated below, neither clerical error nor programming or systems error by the Policyholder, nor Aetna in keeping any records pertaining to coverage under the Policy, nor delays in making entries thereon, will invalidate coverage which would otherwise be in force, or continue coverage which would otherwise be validly terminated. Upon discovery of such error or delay, an appropriate adjustment of premiums will be made, as permitted by law. Exception: If an Employee contributed toward the premium payment and coverage continued in force beyond the date it should have been validly terminated as a result of such error or delay, the continued coverage will remain in effect through the end of the period for which the Employee contributed toward the premium payment and no premium adjustment will be made. Premium adjustments involving return of unearned premium to the Policyholder for such errors or delays will be made only if the Employee did not contribute toward the premium payment. Except as stated in the Premium Refunds section of the Premium Amounts provision of the Policy, such return of premium will be limited to the period of 12 months preceding the date of Aetna’s receipt of satisfactory evidence that such adjustments should be made. If the age or gender of an Employee is found to have been misstated, and the premiums are thereby affected, an equitable adjustment of premiums will be made. RETROACTIVE TERMINATION OF A COVERED PERSON’S COVERAGE Aetna will not retroactively terminate a Covered Person’s coverage under the Policy after coverage under the Policy take effect unless the Covered Person performs an act, practice, or omission that constitutes fraud, or unless the Covered Person makes an intentional misrepresentation of material fact. In the event of such fraud or material misrepresentation Aetna will provide at least 30 days advance written notice to each Covered Person whose coverage will be retroactively terminated. If a Policyholder continues to pay the full premium for a Covered Person who is no longer eligible to be covered the Policyholder may request a refund of premium as explained in the Premium Refunds provision of the Policy. If Aetna refunds premium to the Policyholder the refund will result in the retroactive termination of the Covered Person’s coverage. The retroactive termination date will be the end of the period for which premium remains paid. Coverage will be retroactively terminated for the period for which premium is refunded. OFFSET Aetna reserves the right, before paying benefits to a Covered Person, to use the amount of payment due to offset a claims payment previously made in error.

B-E Certificate


CONTINUING RIGHTS Aetna’s failure to apply terms or conditions does not mean that Aetna waives or gives up any future rights under the Policy. CONFORMITY WITH LAW Any provision of the Policy which is in conflict with the laws of the state in which the Policy is issued, or with Federal law, shall be construed and applied as if it were in full compliance with the minimum requirements of such State law or Federal law. LIMITATION OF ACTIONS No action at law or in equity shall be brought to recover on the Policy until 60 days after a Covered Person files written proof of loss. No such action shall be brought more than three years after the end of the time within which proof of loss is required. WORKERS' COMPENSATION The health benefits provided under the Policy are not in place of, and do not affect requirements for, coverage by Workers' Compensation. CLAIMS PROVISIONS A claimant's right to make a claim for any benefits provided by the Policy is governed as follows: NOTICE OF LOSS A claimant should send a written notice of claim to Aetna within 20 days of a loss. No special form is required to do this. The notice need only identify the claimant and the Policyholder. When Aetna receives the notice, it will send a proof of claim form to the claimant. The claimant should receive the proof of claim form within 15 days of the date Aetna received the notice of claim. If the form is received within such time, it should be completed, as instructed, by all persons required to do so. Additional proof, if required, should be attached to the form. If the form is not received within such time, the claimant may provide written proof of claim to Aetna on any reasonable form. Such proof must state the date the Injury or Illness began and the nature and extent of the loss. PROOF OF LOSS Proof of loss must be sent to Aetna within 90 days of the loss. If a notice or proof is sent later than 90 days of the loss, Aetna will not deny or reduce a claim if the notice or proof was sent as soon as possible. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Aetna will pay all benefits to which the claimant is entitled as soon as Aetna receives written proof of loss. All benefits will be paid as they accrue. Any benefits unpaid at the Covered Person's death will be paid as soon as Aetna receives due proof of the death to one of the following: a) his or her estate; b) his or her spouse; c) his or her parents; d) his or her children; e) his or her brothers and sisters; or f) any unpaid provider of health care services. When an Employee files proof of loss, he or she may direct Aetna, in writing, to pay health care benefits to the recognized provider of health care who provided the covered service for which benefits became payable. For covered services from an eligible Facility or Practitioner, Aetna will determine to pay either the Covered Person or the Facility or the Practitioner. The Employee may not assign his or her right to take legal action under the Policy to such provider.

B-E Certificate


PHYSICAL EXAMS Aetna, at its expense, has the right to examine the insured. This may be done as often as reasonably needed to process a claim. Aetna also has the right to have an autopsy performed, at its expense. DEFINITIONS The words shown below have special meanings when used in the Policy and this Certificate. Please read these definitions carefully. Throughout this Certificate, these defined terms appear with their initial letter capitalized. Accredited School means a school accredited by a nationally recognized accrediting association, such as one of the following regional accrediting agencies: Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, New England Association of Schools and Colleges, North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, or Western Association of Schools and Colleges. An accredited school also includes a proprietary institution approved by an agency responsible for issuing certificates or licenses to graduates of such an institution. Actively at Work or Active Work means performing, doing, participating or similarly functioning in a manner usual for the task for full pay, at the Policyholder's place of business, or at any other place that the Policyholder's business requires the Employee to go. Affiliated Company means a company as defined in subsections (b), (c), (m) or (o) of section 414 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. All entities that meet the criteria set forth in the Internal Revenue Code shall be treated as one employer. Allowed Charge means an amount that is not more than the lesser of: • the allowance for the service or supply as determined by Aetna, based on a standard approved by the Board; or • the negotiated fee schedule. The Board will decide a standard for what is an Allowed Charge under this Policy. For charges that are not determined by a negotiated fee schedule, the Covered Person may be billed for the difference between the Allowed Charge and the charge billed by the Provider. Please note: The Coordination of Benefits and Services provision includes a distinct definition of Allowed Charge. Ambulance means a certified transportation vehicle for transporting Ill or Injured people that contains all life-saving equipment and staff as required by state and local law. Ambulatory Surgical Center means a Facility mainly engaged in performing Outpatient Surgery. It must: a) be staffed by Practitioners and Nurses, under the supervision of a Practitioner; b) have permanent operating and recovery rooms; c) be staffed and equipped to give emergency care; and d) have written back-up arrangements with a local Hospital for emergency care. Aetna will recognize it if it carries out its stated purpose under all relevant state and local laws, and it is either: a) accredited for its stated purpose by either the Joint Commission or the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Care; or b) approved for its stated purpose by Medicare. Aetna does not recognize a Facility as an Ambulatory Surgical Center if it is part of a Hospital. Anniversary Date means the date which is one year from the Effective Date of the Policy and each succeeding yearly date thereafter.

B-E Certificate


Birthing Center means a Facility which mainly provides care and treatment for women during uncomplicated pregnancy, routine full-term delivery, and the immediate post-partum period. It must: a) provide full-time Skilled Nursing Care by or under the supervision of Nurses; b) be staffed and equipped to give emergency care; and c) have written back-up arrangements with a local Hospital for emergency care. Aetna will recognize it if: a) it carries out its stated purpose under all relevant state and local laws; or b) it is approved for its stated purpose by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Care; or c) it is approved for its stated purpose by Medicare. Aetna does not recognize a Facility as a Birthing Center if it is part of a Hospital. Board means the Board of Directors of the New Jersey Small Employer Health Benefits Program. Calendar Year means each successive 12 month period which starts on January 1 and ends on December 31. Cash Deductible means the amount of Covered Charges that a Covered Person must pay before the Policy pays any benefits for such charges. Cash Deductible does not include Coinsurance, Copayments and Non-Covered Charges. See the Cash Deductible section of the Policy for details. Church Plan has the same meaning given that term under Title I, section 3 of Pub.L.93-406, the “Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974.” Coinsurance means the percentage of a Covered Charge that must be paid by a Covered Person. Coinsurance does not include Cash Deductibles, Copayments or Non-Covered Charges. Complex Imaging Services means any of the following services: a) Computed Tomography (CT), b) Computed Tomography Angiography (CTA), c) Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), d) Magnetic Resonance Angiogram (MRA), e) Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS), f) Positron Emission Tomography (PET), g) Nuclear Medicine including Nuclear Cardiology. Copayment means a specified dollar amount a Covered Person must pay for specified Covered Charges. Note: The Emergency Room Copayment, if applicable, must be paid in addition to the Cash Deductible, any other Copayments, and Coinsurance. Cosmetic Surgery or Procedure means any surgery or procedure which involves physical appearance, but which does not correct or materially improve a physiological function and is not Medically Necessary and Appropriate. Covered Charges are Allowed Charges for the types of services and supplies described in the Covered Charges and Covered Charges with Special Limitations section of the Policy. The services and supplies must be: a) furnished or ordered by a recognized health care Provider; and b) Medically Necessary and Appropriate to diagnose or treat an Illness or Injury. A Covered Charge is incurred on the date the service or supply is furnished. Subject to all of the terms of the Policy, Aetna pays benefits for Covered Charges incurred by a Covered Person while he or she is insured by the Policy. Read the entire Certificate to find out what Aetna limits or excludes. Covered Person means an eligible Employee or a Dependent who is insured under the Policy. Current Procedural Terminology (C.P.T.) means the most recent edition of an annually revised listing published by the American Medical Association which assigns numerical codes to procedures and categories of medical care.

B-E Certificate


Custodial Care means any service or supply, including room and board, which: a) is furnished mainly to help a person meet his or her routine daily needs; or b) can be furnished by someone who has no professional health care training or skills. Even if a Covered Person is in a Hospital or other recognized Facility, Aetna does not pay for that part of the care which is mainly custodial. Dependent means Your: a) legal spouse which shall include a civil union partner pursuant to P.L. 2006, c. 103 as well as same sex relationships legally recognized in other jurisdictions when such relationships provide substantially all of the rights and benefits of marriage; except that legal spouse shall be limited to spouses of a marriage as marriage is defined in Federal law, with respect to: • the provisions of the Policy regarding continuation rights required by the Federal Consolidated Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1986 (COBRA), Pub. L. 99-272, as subsequently amended; and • the provisions of this Policy regarding Medicare Eligibility by reason of Age and Medicare Eligibility by Reason of Disability. b) Dependent child through the end of the month in which he or she attains age 26. Note: If the Policyholder elects to limit coverage to Dependent Children, the term Dependent excludes a legal spouse. Under certain circ*mstances, an incapacitated child is also a Dependent. See the Dependent Coverage section of the Certificate. Your "Dependent child" includes: a) Your legally adopted children, b) Your step-child, c) Your foster child, d) the child of his or her civil union partner, and e) children under a court appointed guardianship. Aetna treats a child as legally adopted from the time the child is placed in the home for purpose of adoption. Aetna treats such a child this way whether or not a final adoption order is ever issued. Dependent's Eligibility Date means the later of: a) the Employee's Eligibility Date; or b) the date the person first becomes a Dependent. Developmental Disability or Developmentally Disabled means a severe, chronic disability that: a) is attributable to a mental or physical impairment or a combination of mental and physical impairments; b) is manifested before the Covered Person: 1. attains age 22 for purposes of the Diagnosis and Treatment of Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities provision; or 2. attains age 26 for all other provisions; c) is likely to continue indefinitely; d) results in substantial functional limitations in three or more of the following areas of major life activity: selfcare; receptive and expressive language; learning; mobility; self-direction; capacity for independent living; economic self-sufficiency;

B-E Certificate



reflects the Covered Person’s need for a combination and sequence of special interdisciplinary or generic care, treatment or other services which are of lifelong or of extended duration and are individually planned and coordinated. Developmental disability includes but is not limited to severe disabilities attributable to mental retardation, autism, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, spina-bifida and other neurological impairments where the above criteria are met.

Diagnostic Services means procedures ordered by a recognized Provider because of specific symptoms to diagnose a specific condition or disease. Some examples are: a) radiology, ultrasound and nuclear medicine; b) laboratory and pathology; and c) EKGs, EEGs and other electronic diagnostic tests. Except as allowed under the Preventive Care Covered Charge, Diagnostic Services are not covered under the Policy if the procedures are ordered as part of a routine or periodic physical examination or screening examination. Discretion / Determination / Determine means Aetna’s sole right to make a decision or determination. The decision will be applied in a reasonable and non-discriminatory manner. Durable Medical Equipment is equipment which is: a) designed and able to withstand repeated use; b) primarily and customarily used to serve a medical purpose; c) generally not useful to a Covered Person in the absence of an Illness or Injury; and d) suitable for use in the home. Some examples are walkers, wheelchairs, hospital-type beds, breathing equipment and apnea monitors as well as hearing aids which are covered through age 15. Items such as walkers, wheelchairs and hearing aids are examples durable medical equipment that are also habilitative devices. Among other things, Durable Medical Equipment does not include adjustments made to vehicles, air conditioners, air purifiers, humidifiers, dehumidifiers, elevators, ramps, stair glides, Emergency Alert equipment, handrails, heat appliances, improvements made to the home or place of business, waterbeds, whirlpool baths and exercise and massage equipment. Effective Date means the date on which coverage begins under the Policy for the Policyholder, or the date coverage begins under the Policy for an Employee or Dependent, as the context in which the term is used suggests. Emergency means a medical condition manifesting itself by acute symptoms of sufficient severity including, but not limited to, severe pain, psychiatric disturbances and/or symptoms of Substance Abuse such that a prudent layperson, who possesses an average knowledge of health and medicine, could expect the absence of immediate medical attention to result in: placing the health of the individual (or with respect to a pregnant woman, the health of the woman or her unborn child) in serious jeopardy; serious impairment to bodily functions; or serious dysfunction of a bodily organ or part. With respect to a pregnant woman who is having contractions, an emergency exists where: there is inadequate time to effect a safe transfer to another Hospital before delivery; or the transfer may pose a threat to the health or safety of the woman or unborn child. Employee means a Full-Time bona fide Employee (25 hours per week) of the Policyholder. Employees who work on a temporary or substitute basis or who are participating in an employee welfare arrangement established pursuant to a collective bargaining agreement are not considered to be Employees for the purpose of the Policy. Pursuant to 26 USC 4980H, partners, proprietors and independent contractors are not employees of the Policyholder. Employee Open Enrollment Period means the 30-day period each year designated by the Policyholder during which: a) Employees and Dependents who are eligible under the Policy but who are Late Enrollees may enroll for coverage under the Policy; and b) Employees and Dependents who are covered under Policy may elect coverage under a different policy, if any, offered by the Policyholder.

B-E Certificate


Employee's Eligibility Date means the later of: a) the date of employment; b) the day after any applicable waiting period ends, or. c) the day after any applicable Orientation Period ends. Employer means Employer Open Enrollment Period means the period from November 15 through December 15 each year beginning in 2014. Enrollment Date means, with respect to a Covered Person, the Effective Date or, if earlier, the first day of any applicable waiting period. If an Employee changes plans or if the Employer transfers coverage to another carrier, the Covered Person’s Enrollment Date does not change. Experimental or Investigational means Aetna determines a service or supply is: a) not of proven benefit for the particular diagnosis or treatment of a particular condition; or b) not generally recognized by the medical community as effective or appropriate for the particular diagnosis or treatment of a particular condition; or c) provided or performed in special settings for research purposes or under a controlled environment or clinical protocol. Unless otherwise required by law with respect to drugs which have been prescribed for treatment for which the drug has not been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Aetna will not cover any services or supplies, including treatment, procedures, drugs, biological products or medical devices or any hospitalizations in connection with Experimental or Investigational services or supplies. Aetna will also not cover any technology or any hospitalization primarily to receive such technology if such technology is obsolete or ineffective and is not used generally by the medical community for the particular diagnosis or treatment of a particular condition. Governmental approval of technology is not necessarily sufficient to render it of proven benefit or appropriate or effective for a particular diagnosis or treatment of a particular condition, as explained below. Aetna will apply the following five criteria in determining whether services or supplies are Experimental or Investigational: a.

Any medical device, drug, or biological product must have received final approval to market by the FDA for the particular diagnosis or condition. Any other approval granted as an interim step in the FDA regulatory process, e.g., an Investigational Device Exemption or an Investigational New Drug Exemption, is not sufficient. Once FDA approval has been granted for a particular diagnosis or condition, use of the medical device, drug or biological product for another diagnosis or condition will require that one or more of the following established reference compendia:

1. 2.

The American Hospital Formulary Service Drug Information; or The United States Pharmacopeia Drug Information

recognize the usage as appropriate medical treatment. As an alternative to such recognition in one or more of the compendia, the usage of the drug will be recognized as appropriate if it is recommended by a clinical study or recommended by a review article in a major peer reviewed professional journal. A medical device, drug, or biological product that meets the above tests will not be considered Experimental or Investigational. In any event, any drug which the Food and Drug Administration has determined to be contraindicated for the specific treatment for which the drug has been prescribed will be considered Experimental or Investigational.

B-E Certificate



Conclusive evidence from the published peer-reviewed medical literature must exist that the technology has a definite positive effect on health outcomes; such evidence must include well designed investigations that have been reproduced by non-affiliated authoritative sources, with measurable results, backed up by the positive endorsem*nts of national medical bodies or panels regarding scientific efficacy and rationale;


Demonstrated evidence as reflected in the published peer-reviewed medical literature must exist that over time the technology leads to improvement in health outcomes, i.e., the beneficial effects outweigh any harmful effects;


Proof as reflected in the published peer-reviewed medical literature must exist that the technology is at least as effective in improving health outcomes as established technology, or is usable in appropriate clinical contexts in which established technology is not employable; and


Proof as reflected in the published peer reviewed medical literature must exist that improvements in health outcomes; as defined item c. above, is possible in standard conditions of medical practice, outside clinical investigatory settings.

Extended Care Center means a Facility which mainly provides full-time Skilled Nursing Care for Ill or Injured people who do not need to be in a Hospital. Aetna will recognize it if it carries out its stated purpose under all relevant state and local laws, and it is either: a) accredited for its stated purpose by the Joint Commission; or b) approved for its stated purpose by Medicare. In some places, an "Extended Care Center" may be called a "Skilled Nursing Facility." Facility means a place Aetna is required by law to recognize which: a) is properly licensed, certified, or accredited to provide health care under the laws of the state in which it operates; and b) provides health care services which are within the scope of its license, certificate or accreditation. Full-Time means a normal work week of 25 or more hours. Work must be at the Policyholder's regular place of business or at another place to which an Employee must travel to perform his or her regular duties for his or her full and normal work hours. Government Hospital means a Hospital operated by a government or any of its subdivisions or agencies, including but not limited to a Federal, military, state, county or city Hospital. Group Health Plan means an employee welfare benefit plan, as defined in Title I of section 3 of Pub.L.93-406, the “Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974” (ERISA) (29 U.S.C. §1002(1)) to the extent that the plan provides medical care and includes items and services paid for as medical care to employees or their dependents directly or through insurance, reimbursem*nt or otherwise.

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Health Benefits Plan means any hospital and medical expense insurance policy or certificate; health, hospital, or medical service corporation contract or certificate; or health maintenance organization subscriber contract or certificate delivered or issued for delivery in New Jersey by any carrier to a Small Employer group pursuant to section 3 of P.L. 1992. c. 162 (C. 17B: 27A-19) or any other similar contract, policy, or plan issued to a Small Employer, not explicitly excluded from the definition of a health benefits plan. Health Benefits Plan does not include one or more, or any combination of the following: coverage only for accident or disability income insurance, or any combination thereof; coverage issued as a supplement to liability insurance; liability insurance, including general liability insurance and automobile liability insurance; workers’ compensation or similar insurance; automobile medical payment insurance; credit-only insurance; coverage for on-site medical clinics; and other similar insurance coverage, as specified in federal regulations, under which benefits for medical care are secondary or incidental to other insurance benefits. Health Benefits Plans shall not include the following benefits if they are provided under a separate policy, certificate or contract of insurance or are otherwise not an integral part of the plan: limited scope dental or vision benefits; benefits for long term care, nursing home care, home health care, community based care, or any combination thereof; and such other similar, limited benefits as are specified in federal regulations. Health Benefits Plan shall not include hospital confinement indemnity coverage if the benefits are provided under a separate policy, certificate or contract of insurance, there is no coordination between the provision of the benefits and any exclusion of benefits under any group Health Benefits Plan maintained by the same Plan Sponsor, and those benefits are paid with respect to an event without regard to whether benefits are provided with respect to such an event under any Group Health Plan maintained by the same Plan Sponsor. Health Benefits Plan shall not include the following if it is offered as a separate policy, certificate or contract of insurance: Medicare supplemental health insurance as defined under section 1882(g)(1) of the federal Social Security Act; and coverage supplemental to the coverage provided under chapter 55 of Title 10, United States Code; and similar supplemental coverage provided to coverage under a Group Health Plan. Health Status-Related Factor means any of the following factors: health status; medical condition, including both physical and mental Illness; claims experience; receipt of health care; medical history; genetic information; evidence of insurability, including conditions arising out of acts of domestic violence; and disability. Home Health Agency means a Provider which provides Skilled Nursing Care for Ill or Injured people in their home under a home health care program designed to eliminate Hospital stays. Aetna will recognize it if it is licensed by the state in which it operates, or it is certified to participate in Medicare as a Home Health Agency. Hospice means a Provider which provides palliative and supportive care for terminally Ill or terminally Injured people under a hospice care program. Aetna will recognize a hospice if it carries out its stated purpose under all relevant state and local laws, and it is either: a) approved for its stated purpose by Medicare; or b) accredited for its stated purpose by the Joint Commission, the Community Health Accreditation Program or the Accreditation Commission for Health Care. Hospital means a Facility which mainly provides Inpatient care for Ill or Injured people. Aetna will recognize it if it carries out its stated purpose under all relevant state and local laws, and it is either: a) accredited as a Hospital by the Joint Commission; or b) approved as a Hospital by Medicare. Among other things, a Hospital is not a convalescent home, rest or nursing Facility, or a Facility, or part of it which mainly provides Custodial Care, educational care or rehabilitative care. A Facility for the aged or substance abusers is also not a Hospital. Illness or Ill means a sickness or disease suffered by a Covered Person or a description of a Covered Person suffering from a sickness or disease. Illness includes Mental Illness. Initial Dependent means those eligible Dependents an Employee has at the time he or she first becomes eligible for Employee coverage. If at the time the Employee does not have any eligible Dependents, but later acquires them, the first eligible Dependents he or she acquires are his or her Initial Dependents.

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Injury or Injured means all damage to a Covered Person's body and all complications arising from that damage, or a description of a Covered Person suffering from such damage. Inpatient means a Covered Person who is physically confined as a registered bed patient in a Hospital or other recognized health care Facility; or services and supplies provided in such settings. Joint Commission means the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Health Care Organizations. Late Enrollee means an eligible Employee or Dependent who requests enrollment under the Policy more than 30 days after first becoming eligible. However, an eligible Employee or Dependent will not be considered a Late Enrollee under certain circ*mstances. See the Employee Coverage and Dependent Coverage sections of the Policy. Legend Drug means any drug which must be labeled “Caution – Federal Law prohibits dispensing without a prescription. Mail Order Program means a program under which a Covered Person can obtain Prescription Drugs from: a) a Participating Mail Order Pharmacy by ordering the drugs through the mail or b) a Participating Pharmacy that has agreed to accept the same terms, conditions, price and services as a Participating Mail Order Pharmacy. Maintenance Drug means only a Prescription Drug used for the treatment of chronic medical conditions. Medically Necessary and Appropriate means that a service or supply is provided by a recognized health care Provider, and Aetna determines at its Discretion, that it is: a) necessary for the symptoms and diagnosis or treatment of the condition, Illness or Injury; b) provided for the diagnosis, or the direct care and treatment, of the condition, Illness or Injury; c) in accordance with generally accepted medical practice; d) not for the convenience of a Covered Person; e) the most appropriate level of medical care the Covered Person needs; and f) furnished within the framework of generally accepted methods of medical management currently used in the United States. The fact that an attending Practitioner prescribes, orders, recommends or approves the care, the level of care, or the length of time care is to be received, does not make the services Medically Necessary and Appropriate. Medicaid means the health care program for the needy provided by Title XlX of the United States Social Security Act, as amended from time to time. Medicare means Parts A and B of the health care program for the aged and disabled provided by Title XVIII of the United States Social Security Act, as amended from time to time. Mental Health Center means a Facility which mainly provides treatment for people with Mental Illness. Aetna will recognize such a place if it carries out its stated purpose under all relevant state and local laws, and it is either: a) accredited for its stated purpose by the Joint Commission; b) approved for its stated purpose by Medicare; or c) accredited or licensed by the state of New Jersey to provide mental health services. Mental Illness means a behavioral, psychological or biological dysfunction. Mental illness includes a biologicallybased mental illness as well as a mental illness that is not biologically-based. With respect to mental illness that is biologically based, mental illness means a condition that is caused by a biological disorder of the brain and results in a clinically significant or psychological syndrome or pattern that substantially limits the functioning of the person with the illness, including but not limited to: schizophrenia; schizoaffective disorder; major depressive disorder; bipolar disorder; paranoia and other psychotic disorders; obsessive-compulsive disorder; panic disorder and pervasive developmental disorder or autism.

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The current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Conditions of the American Psychiatric Association may be consulted to identify conditions that are considered mental illness. Network Provider means a Provider which has an agreement directly or indirectly with Aetna to provide covered services or supplies. The Employee will have access to up-to-date lists of Network Providers. Newly Acquired Dependent means an eligible Dependent an Employee acquires after he or she already has coverage in force for Initial Dependents. Nicotine Dependence Treatment means “Behavioral Therapy,” as defined below, and Prescription Drugs which have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the management of nicotine dependence. For the purpose of this definition, covered “Behavioral Therapy” means motivation and behavior change techniques which have been demonstrated to be effective in promoting nicotine abstinence and long term recovery from nicotine addiction. Non-Covered Charges are charges which do not meet the Policy's definition of Covered Charges or which exceed any of the benefit limits shown in the Policy, or which are specifically identified as Non-Covered Charges or are otherwise not covered by the Policy. Non-Preferred Drug means a drug that has not been designated as a Preferred Drug. Nurse means a registered nurse or licensed practical nurse, including a nursing specialist such as a nurse mid-wife or nurse anesthetist, who: a) is properly licensed or certified to provide medical care under the laws of the state where he or she practices; and b) provides medical services which are within the scope of his or her license or certificate. Orientation Period means a period of no longer than one month during which the employer and employee determine whether the employment situation is satisfactory for each party and any necessary orientation and training processes commence. As used in this definition, one month is determined by adding one calendar month and subtracting one calendar day, measured from an Employee’s start date in a position that is otherwise eligible for coverage. Refer to 26 C.F.R. 54.9815-2708(c)(iii). Orthotic Appliance means a brace or support but does not include fabric and elastic supports, corsets, arch supports, trusses, elastic hose, canes, crutches, cervical collars, dental appliances or other similar devices carried in stock and sold by drug stores, department stores, corset shops or surgical supply facilities. Outpatient means a Covered Person who is not confined as a registered bed patient in a Hospital or recognized health care Facility and is not an Inpatient; or services and supplies provided in such Outpatient settings. Participating Mail Order Pharmacy means a licensed and registered pharmacy operated by Us or with whom We have signed a pharmacy service agreement, that is: a) equipped to provide Prescription Drugs through the mail; or b) is a Participating Pharmacy that is willing to accept the same pharmacy agreement terms, conditions, price and services as exist in the Participating Mail Order Pharmacy agreement. Participating Pharmacy means a licensed and registered pharmacy operated by Aetna or with whom Aetna has signed a pharmacy services agreement. Period of Confinement means consecutive days of Inpatient services provided to an Inpatient or successive Inpatient confinements due to the same or related causes, when discharge and re-admission to a recognized Facility occurs within 90 days or less. Aetna determines if the cause(s) of the confinements are the same or related. Plan means the Aetna group health benefit plan purchased by the Employer.

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Planholder means the Employer who purchased group health benefit plan. Plan Sponsor has the meaning given that term under Title I, section 3 of Pub.L.93-406, the ERISA (29 U.S.C. §1002(16)(B)). That is: a) the Small Employer in the case of an employee benefit plan established or maintained by a single employer; b) the employee organization in the case of a plan established or maintained by an employee organization; or c) in the case of a plan established or maintained by two or more employers or jointly by one or more employers and one or more employee organizations, the association, committee, joint board of trustees, or other similar group of representatives of the parties who establish or maintain the plan. Plan Year means the year that is designated as the plan year in the plan document of a Group Health Plan, except if the plan document does not designate a plan year or if there is no plan document, the Plan Year is a Calendar Year. Policy means this group policy, including the application and any riders, amendments, or endorsem*nts, between the Employer and Aetna. Policyholder means the Employer who purchased the Policy. Practitioner means a person Aetna is required by law to recognize who: a) is properly licensed or certified to provide medical care under the laws of the state where he or she practices; and b) provides medical services which are within the scope of his or her license or certificate. For purposes of Applied Behavior Analysis as included in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities provision, Practitioner also means a person who is credentialed by the national Behavior Analyst Certification Board as either a Board Certified Behavior Analyst – Doctoral or as a Board Certified Behavior Analyst. Pre-Approval or Pre-Approved means Aetna’s approval using paper or electronic means for specified services and supplies prior to the date charges are incurred. For more information regarding the services for which Aetna requires Pre-Approval, consult the website at www.aetna.com. Preferred Drug means a Prescription Drug that; a) has been designated as such by either Us, or a third party with which Aetna contracts, as a Preferred Drug; b) is a drug that has been approved under the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act; and c) is included in the list of Preferred Drugs distributed to Preferred Providers and made available to Covered Persons, upon request. The list of Preferred Drugs will be revised, as appropriate. Prescription Drugs are drugs, biologicals and compound prescriptions which are sold only by prescription and which are required to show on the manufacturer's label the words: "Caution-Federal Law Prohibits Dispensing Without a Prescription" or other drugs and devices as determined by Aetna, such as insulin. Preventive Care. As used in the Policy preventive care means: a) Evidence based items or services that are rated “A” or “B” in the current recommendations of the United States Preventive Services task Force with respect to the Covered Person; b) Immunizations for routine use for Covered Persons of all ages as recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention with respect to the Covered Person; c) Evidence–informed preventive care and screenings for Covered Persons who are infants, children and adolescents, as included in the comprehensive guidelines supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration; d) Evidence–informed preventive care and screenings for female Covered Persons as included in the comprehensive guidelines supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration; and e) Any other evidence-based or evidence-informed items as determined by federal and/or state law.

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Examples of preventive care include, but are not limited to: routine physical examinations, including related laboratory tests and x-rays, immunizations and vaccines, well baby care, pap smears, mammography, screening tests, bone density tests, colorectal cancer screening, and Nicotine Dependence Treatment. Private Duty Nursing means Skilled Nursing Care for Covered Persons who require individualized continuous Skilled Nursing Care provided by a registered nurse or a licensed practical nurse. Prosthetic Appliance means any artificial device that is not surgically implanted that is used to replace a missing limb, appendage or any other external human body part including devices such as artificial limbs, hands, fingers, feet and toes, but excluding dental appliances and largely cosmetic devices such as artificial breasts, eyelashes, wigs and other devices which could not by their use have a significantly detrimental impact upon the musculoskeletal functions of the body. Provider means a recognized Facility or Practitioner of health care in accordance with the terms of the Policy Referral means specific direction or instructions from a Covered Person’s Primary Care Physician in conformance with Aetna’s policies and procedures that direct a Covered Person to a Facility or Practitioner for health care. Rehabilitation Center means a Facility which mainly provides therapeutic and restorative services to Ill or Injured people. Aetna will recognize it if it carries out its stated purpose under all relevant state and local laws, and it is either: a) accredited for its stated purpose by either the Joint Commission or the Commission on Accreditation for Rehabilitation Facilities; or b) approved for its stated purpose by Medicare. In some places a Rehabilitation Center is called a "rehabilitation hospital." Routine Foot Care means the cutting, debridement, trimming, reduction, removal or other care of corns, calluses, flat feet, fallen arches, weak feet, chronic foot strain, dystrophic nails, excrescences, helomas, hyperkeratosis, hypertrophic nails, non-infected ingrown nails, deratomas, keratosis, onychauxis, onychocryptosis tylomas or symptomatic complaints of the feet. Routine Foot Care also includes orthopedic shoes, and supportive devices for the foot. Routine Nursing Care means the appropriate nursing care customarily furnished by a recognized Facility for the benefit of its Inpatients. Schedule means the Schedule of Insurance and Premium Rates contained in the Policy. Skilled Nursing Care means services which are more intensive than Custodial Care, are provided by a registered nurse or licensed practical nurse, and require the technical skills and professional training of a registered nurse or licensed practical nurse. Skilled Nursing Facility (see Extended Care Center). Small Employer means a)

in connection with a Group Health Plan with respect to a Calendar Year and a Plan Year, any person, firm, corporation, partnership, or political subdivision that is actively engaged in business that employed an average of at least one but not more than 50 eligible Employees on business days during the preceding Calendar Year and who employs at least one eligible Employee on the first day of the Plan Year. All persons treated as a single employer under subsection (b), (c), (m) or (o) of section 414 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 shall be treated as one employer. In the case of an employer that was not in existence during the preceding Calendar Year, the determination of whether the employer is a small or large employer shall be based on the average number of eligible Employees that it is expected that the employer will employ on business days in the current Calendar Year; OR

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b) in connection with a Group Health Plan with respect to a Calendar Year and a Plan year, an employer who employed an average of at least 1 but not more than 50 employees on business days during the preceding calendar year and who employs at least 1 employee on the first day of the Plan Year. All persons treated as a single employer under subsection (b), (c), (m) or (o) of section 414 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 shall be treated as one employer. In the case of an Employer which was not in existence throughout the preceding Calendar Year, the determination of whether such employer is a small or large employer shall be based on the average number of employees that it is reasonably expected such Employer will employ on business days in the current Calendar Year. The following calculation must be used to determine if an employer employs at least 1 but not more than 50 employees. For purposes of this calculation: a) Employees working 30 or more hours per week are full-time employees and each full-time Employee counts as 1; b) Employees working fewer than 30 hours per week are part-time and counted as the sum of the hours each parttime Employee works per week multiplied by 4 and the product divided by 120 and rounded down to the nearest whole number. Add the number of full-time Employees to the number that results from the part-time employee calculation. If the sum is at least 1 but not more than 50 the employer employs at least 1 but not more than 50 Employees. Special Care Unit means a part of a Hospital set up for very ill patients who must be observed constantly. The unit must have a specially trained staff. And it must have special equipment and supplies on hand at all times. Some types of Special Care Units are: a) intensive care units; b) cardiac care units; c) neonatal care units; and d) burn units. Special Enrollment Period means a period of time that is no less than 30 days or 60 days, as applicable, following the date of a Triggering Event during which: a) Late Enrollees are permitted to enroll under the Policyholder’s Policy; and b) Covered Employees and Dependents who already have coverage are permitted to replace current coverage with coverage under a different policy, if any, offered by the Policyholder. Specialty Pharmaceuticals are oral or injectable drugs that have unique production, administration or distribution requirements. They require specialized patient education prior to use and ongoing patient assistance while under treatment. These Prescription Drugs may be dispensed through specialty pharmaceutical providers. Examples of Prescription Drugs that are considered Specialty Pharmaceuticals include some orally administered anti-cancer Prescription Drugs and those used to treat the following conditions: Crohn’s Disease; Infertility; Hemophilia; Growth Hormone Deficiency; RSV; Cystic Fibrosis; Multiple Sclerosis; Hepatitis C; Rheumatoid Arthritis; and Gaucher’s Disease. Aetna will provide a complete list of Specialty Pharmaceuticals. The list is also available on Aetna’s website. Substance Abuse means abuse of or addiction to drugs or alcohol. Substance Abuse Centers are Facilities that mainly provide treatment for people with substance abuse problems. Aetna will recognize such a place if it carries out its stated purpose under all relevant state and local laws, and it is either: a) accredited for its stated purpose by the Joint Commission; or b) approved for its stated purpose by Medicare. Supplemental Limited Benefit Insurance means insurance that is provided in addition to a Health Benefits Plan on an indemnity non-expense incurred basis.

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Surgery means: a) the performance of generally accepted operative and cutting procedures, including surgical diagnostic procedures, specialized instrumentations, endoscopic examinations, and other invasive procedures; b) the correction of fractures and dislocations; c) reasonable and customary preoperative and post-operative care; or d) any of the procedures designated by Current Procedural Terminology codes as Surgery. Therapeutic Manipulation means the treatment of the articulations of the spine and musculoskeletal structures for the purpose of relieving certain abnormal clinical conditions resulting from the impingement upon associated nerves causing discomfort. Some examples are manipulation or adjustment of the spine, hot or cold packs, electrical muscle stimulation, diathermy, skeletal adjustments, massage, adjunctive, ultra-sound, doppler, whirlpool, hydro therapy or other treatment of similar nature. Triggering Event means the following dates: a) The date an Employee or Dependent loses eligibility for minimum essential coverage including a loss of coverage resulting from the decertification of a qualified health plan by the marketplace. A loss of coverage resulting from nonpayment of premium, fraud or misrepresentation of material fact shall not be a Triggering Event. b) The date an Employee acquires a Dependent or becomes a Dependent due to marriage, birth, adoption, placement for adoption, or placement in foster care. c) The date an Employee’s enrollment or non-enrollment in a qualified health plan is the result of error, misrepresentation or inaction by the federal government. d) The date an Employee or eligible Dependent demonstrates to the marketplace that the qualified health plan in which he or she is enrolled substantially violated a material provision of its contract in relation to the enrollee. e) The date the Employee or Dependent gains access to new qualified health plans as a result of a permanent move. f) The date the Employee or Dependent loses eligibility for Medicaid or NJ FamilyCare. g) The date the Employee or Dependent becomes eligible for assistance under a Medicaid or NJ FamilyCare plan. h) The date of a court order that requires coverage for a Dependent. Total Disability or Totally Disabled means, except as otherwise specified in the Policy, that an Employee who, due to Illness or Injury, cannot perform any duty of his or her occupation or any occupation for which he or she is, or may be, suited by education, training and experience, and is not, in fact, engaged in any occupation for wage or profit. A Dependent is totally disabled if he or she cannot engage in the normal activities of a person in good health and of like age and sex. The Employee or Dependent must be under the regular care of a Practitioner. Urgent Care means care for a non-life threatening condition that requires care by a Provider within 24 hours. Waiting Period means, with respect to a Group Health Plan and an individual who is a potential participant or beneficiary in the Group Health Plan, the period that must pass with respect to the individual before the individual is covered for benefits under the terms of the Group Health Plan. The Waiting Period begins on the first day following the end of the Orientation Period, if any. We, Us, Our and Aetna mean Aetna Life Insurance Company. You, Your and Yours means an Employee who is insured under the Policy. EMPLOYEE COVERAGE Eligible Employees Subject to the Conditions of Eligibility set forth below, and to all of the other conditions of the Policy, all of the Policyholder's Employees who are in an eligible class will be eligible if the Employees are Actively at Work FullTime Employees.

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In certain situations, the Actively at Work requirement will not apply. If an Employee is not Actively at Work due to a Health Status-Related Factor, the Employee will nevertheless be considered an Eligible Employee. In addition, refer to the Exception below. Conditions of Eligibility Full-Time Requirement Except where an Employee is not Actively at Work due to a Health Status-Related Factor, and except as stated below, Aetna will not insure an Employee unless the Employee is an Actively at Work Full-Time Employee. Enrollment Requirement Aetna will not insure the Employee until the Employee enrolls and agrees to make the required payments, if any. If the Employee does this within 30 days of the Employee's Eligibility Date, coverage is scheduled to start on the Employee's Eligibility Date. If the Employee enrolls and agrees to make the required payments, if any: a) more than 30 days after the Employee's Eligibility Date; or b) after the Employee previously had coverage which ended because the Employee failed to make a required payment, Aetna will consider the Employee to be a Late Enrollee. Late enrollees may enroll during the Employee Annual Enrollment Period. Coverage will take effect on the Policyholder’s Policy Anniversary date following enrollment. Special Enrollment Rules When an Employee initially waives coverage under the Policy, the Plan Sponsor or Aetna should notify the Employee of the requirement for the Employee to make a statement that waiver was because he or she was covered under another group plan, if such other coverage was in fact the reason for the waiver, and the consequences of that requirement. If an Employee initially waived coverage under the Policy and the Employee stated at that time that such waiver was because he or she was covered under another group plan, and Employee now elects to enroll under the Policy, Aetna will not consider the Employee and his or her Dependents to be Late Enrollees, and will assign an effective date consistent with the provisions that follow provided the coverage under the other plan ends due to one of the following events: a) termination of employment or eligibility; b) reduction in the number of hours of employment; c) involuntary termination; d) divorce or legal separation or dissolution of the civil union; e) death of the Employee's spouse; f) termination of the Employer’s contribution toward coverage; or g) termination of the other plan's coverage. But, the Employee must enroll under the Policy within 90 days of the date that any of the events described above occur. Coverage will take effect as of the date the applicable event occurs. If an Employee initially waived coverage under the Policy because he or she had coverage under a Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) continuation provision and the Employee requests coverage under the Policy within 30 days of the date the COBRA continuation ended, Aetna will not consider the Employee to be a Late Enrollee. Coverage will take effect as of the date the COBRA continuation ended. In addition, an Employee and any Dependents will not be considered Late Enrollees if the Employee is employed by an employer which offers multiple Health Benefits Plans and the Employee elects a different plan during the open enrollment period.

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Further, an Employee and his or her Dependent spouse, if any, will not be considered Late Enrollees because the Employee initially waived coverage under the Policy for himself or herself and any then existing Dependents provided the Employee enrolls to cover himself or herself and his or her existing Dependent spouse, if any, under the Policy within 30 days of the marriage, birth, adoption or placement for adoption of a Newly Acquired Dependent. If an Employee or any Dependent experiences a Triggering Event the Employee and Dependents may elect to enroll during the Special Enrollment Period that follows the Triggering Event. The election period is generally the 30 day period following the Triggering Event. If the Triggering Event is losing or gaining eligibility for Medicaid or NJ Family Care, the election period is 60 days. If the Triggering Event is marriage, birth, adoption, placement for adoption, or placement in foster care, coverage will take effect as of the date of the marriage, birth, adoption, placement for adoption, or placement in foster care. For all other Triggering Events, coverage will take effect as of the first of the month following receipt of the enrollment form. The Orientation Period and Waiting Period The Policy has an Orientation Period and the following waiting periods: Employees in an eligible class on the Effective Date, who have competed the Orientation Period and who have completed at least days of Full-Time service with the Policyholder by that date, are covered under this Policy from the Effective Date. Employees in an eligible class on the Effective Date, who are completing or have completed the Orientation Period but who have not completed at least days of Full-Time service with the Policyholder by that date, are eligible for coverage under this Policy from the day after Employees complete days of Full-Time service. Employees who enter an eligible class after the Effective Date who have completed the Orientation Period are eligible for coverage under this Policy from the day after Employees complete days of Full-Time service with the Policyholder. Multiple Employment If an Employee works for both the Policyholder and a covered Affiliated Company, or for more than one covered Affiliated Company, Aetna will treat the Employee as if only one entity employs the Employee. And such an Employee will not have multiple coverage under the Policy. But, if the Policy uses the amount of an Employee's earnings or number of work hours to determine class, or for any other reason, such Employee's earnings or number of work hours will be figured as the sum of his or her earnings or work hours from all Affiliated Companies. When Employee Coverage Starts Except where an Employee is not Actively at Work due to a Health Status-Related Factor, and except as stated below, an Employee must be Actively at Work, and working his or her regular number of hours, on the date his or her coverage is scheduled to start. And he or she must have met all the conditions of eligibility which apply to him or her. If an Employee is not Actively at Work on the scheduled Effective Date, and does not qualify for the exception to the Actively at Work requirement, Aetna will postpone the start of his or her coverage until he or she returns to Active Work. Sometimes, a scheduled Effective Date is not a regularly scheduled work day. But an Employee's coverage will start on that date if he or she was Actively at Work, and working his or her regular number of hours, on his or her last regularly scheduled work day. The Employee must elect to enroll and agree to make the required payments, if any, within 30 days of the Employee's Eligibility Date. If he or she does this within 30 days of the Employee's Eligibility Date, his or her coverage is scheduled to start on the Employee's Eligibility Date. Such Employee's Eligibility Date is the Effective Date of an Employee's coverage.

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If the Employee does this more than 30 days after the Employee’s Eligibility Date, Aetna will consider the Employee a Late Enrollee. The Employee may request enrollment during the Employee Open Enrollment period. Coverage will take effect on the Policyholder’s Anniversary date following enrollment. EXCEPTION to the Actively at Work Requirement The Exception applies if the Policyholder who purchased the Policy purchased it to replace a plan the Policyholder had with some other carrier. An Employee who is not Actively at Work due to Total Disability on the date the Policy takes effect will initially be eligible for limited coverage under the Policy if: the Employee was validly covered under the Policyholder’s old plan on the date the Policyholder’s old plan ended; and b) the Policy takes effect immediately upon termination of the prior plan. a)

Except as stated below, the coverage under the Policy will be limited to coverage for services or supplies for conditions other than the disabling condition. Such limited coverage under the Policy will end one year from the date the person’s coverage under the Policy begins. Coverage for services or supplies for the disabling condition will be provided as stated in an extended health benefits, or like provision, contained in the Policyholder’s old plan. Thereafter, coverage will not be limited as described in this provision, but will be subject to the terms and conditions of the Policy. Exception: If the coverage under the Policy is richer than the coverage under the Policyholder’s old plan, the Policy will provide coverage for services and supplies related to the disabling condition. The Policy will coordinate with the Policyholder’s old plan, with the Policy providing secondary coverage, as described in the Coordination of Benefits and Services provision. When Employee Coverage Ends An Employee's insurance under the Policy will end on the first of the following dates: a)

the date an Employee ceases to be an Actively at Work Full-Time Employee for any reason. Such reasons include death, retirement, lay-off, leave of absence, and the end of employment. b) the date an Employee stops being an eligible Employee under the Policy. c) the date the Policy ends, or is discontinued for a class of Employees to which the Employee belongs. d) the last day of the period for which required payments are made for the Employee, subject to the Payment of Premiums - Grace Period section. DEPENDENT COVERAGE Policyholder Election A Policyholder that elects to make Dependent coverage available under the Policy may choose to make coverage available for all eligible Dependents, as defined below or may choose to make coverage available only for Dependent Children. If the Policyholder limits Dependent coverage to Dependent Children, the term “Dependent” as used in this Policy is limited to Dependent Children. Eligible Dependents for Dependent Health Benefits Your eligible Dependents are Your: a) legal spouse which shall include a civil union partner pursuant to P.L. 2006, c. 103 as well as same sex relationships legally recognized in other jurisdictions when such relationships provide substantially all of the rights and benefits of marriage; except that legal spouse shall be limited to spouses of a marriage as marriage is defined in Federal law, with respect to: • the provisions of the Policy regarding continuation rights required by the Federal Consolidated Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1986 (COBRA), Pub. L. 99-272, as subsequently amended; and • the provisions of this Policy regarding Medicare Eligibility by reason of Age and Medicare Eligibility by Reason of Disability. b) Dependent children who are under age 26.

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Note: If the Policyholder elects to limit coverage to Dependent Children, the term Dependent excludes a legal spouse. Under certain circ*mstances, an incapacitated child is also a Dependent. See the Incapacitated Children section of the Certificate. Your "Dependent child" includes: a) your legally adopted children, b) your step-children, c) his or her foster child, d) the child of his or her civil union partner, and e) children under a court appointed guardianship. Aetna treats a child as legally adopted from the time the child is placed in the home for purpose of adoption. Aetna treats such a child this way whether or not a final adoption order is ever issued. Incapacitated Children You may have an unmarried child with a mental or physical incapacity, or Developmental Disability, who is incapable of earning a living. Subject to all of the terms of this section and the Policy, such a child may stay eligible for Dependent health benefits past the Policy's age limit for eligible Dependents. The child will stay eligible as long as the child is and remains unmarried and incapable of earning a living, if: a) the child's condition started before he or she reached the Policy's age limit; b) the child became insured by the Policy or any other policy before the child reached the age limit and stayed continuously insured after reaching such limit; and c) the child depends on You for most of his or her support and maintenance. But, for the child to stay eligible, You must send Aetna written proof that the child is incapacitated or Developmentally Disabled and depends on You for most of his or her support and maintenance. You have 31 days from the date the child reaches the age limit to do this. Aetna can ask for periodic proof that the child's condition continues. But, after two years, Aetna cannot ask for this more than once a year. The child's coverage ends when Your coverage ends. Enrollment Requirement You must enroll Your eligible Dependents in order for them to be covered under the Policy. Aetna considers an eligible Dependent to be a Late Enrollee, if You: a) enroll a Dependent and agree to make the required payments more than 30 days after the Dependent's Eligibility Date; b) in the case of a Newly Acquired Dependent, have other eligible Dependents whose coverage previously ended because You failed to make the required contributions, or otherwise chose to end such coverage. If Your dependent coverage ends for any reason, including failure to make the required payments, Your Dependents will be considered Late Enrollees when their coverage begins again. When an Employee initially waives coverage for a spouse and/or eligible Dependent children under the Policy, the Plan Sponsor or Aetna should notify the Employee of the requirement for the Employee to make a statement that waiver was because the spouse and/or eligible Dependent children were covered under another group plan, if such other coverage was in fact the reason for the waiver, and the consequences of that requirement. If the Employee previously waived coverage for the Employee's spouse or eligible Dependent children under the Policy and stated at that time that, such waiver was because they were covered under another group plan and the Employee now elects to enroll them in the Policy, the Dependent will not be considered a Late Enrollee, provided the Dependent's coverage under the other plan ends due to one of the following events: a) termination of employment or eligibility;

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b) reduction in the number of hours of employment; c) involuntary termination; d) divorce or legal separation or dissolution of the civil union; e) death of the Employee's spouse; f) termination of the contribution toward coverage that was being made by the employer that offered the group plan under which the Dependent was covered; or g) termination of the other plan's coverage. But, the Employee's spouse or eligible Dependent children must be enrolled by the Employee within 90 days of the date that any of the events described above occur. Coverage will take effect as of the date the applicable event occurs. And, Aetna will not consider an Employee's spouse or eligible Dependent children for which the Employee initially waived coverage under the Policy, to be a Late Enrollee, if: a) the Employee is under legal obligation to provide coverage due to a court order; and b) the Employee's spouse or eligible Dependent children are enrolled by the Employee within 30 days of the issuance of the court order. Coverage will take effect as of the date required pursuant to a court order. In addition, if an Employee initially waived coverage under the Policy for the Employee's spouse or eligible Dependent children because the spouse and/or Dependent children had coverage under a Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) continuation provision and the Employee requests coverage for the spouse and/or Dependent children under the Policy within 30 days of the date the COBRA continuation ended, Aetna will not consider the spouse and/or Dependent children to be Late Enrollees. Coverage will take effect as of the date the COBRA continuation ended. When Dependent Coverage Starts In order for Your dependent coverage to begin You must already be insured for Employee coverage or enroll for Employee and Dependent coverage at the same time. Subject to all of the terms of the Policy, the date Your dependent coverage starts depends on when You elect to enroll Your Initial Dependents and agree to make any required payments. If You do this within 30 days of the Dependent's Eligibility Date, the Dependent's Coverage is scheduled to start on the later of: a) the Dependent's Eligibility Date, or b) the date the Employee becomes insured for Employee coverage. If You do this more than 30 days after the Dependent's Eligibility Date, Aetna will consider the Dependent a Late Enrollee. An Employee may elect to cover a Dependent who is a Late Enrollee during the Employee Open Enrollment Period. Coverage will take effect on the Policyholder’s Policy Anniversary date following enrollment. Once an Employee has dependent coverage for Initial Dependents the Employee must notify Aetna of a Newly Acquired Dependent within 30 days after the Newly Acquired Dependent's Eligibility Date. If the Employee does not, the Newly Acquired Dependent is a Late Enrollee. A Newly Acquired Dependent other than a newborn child or newly adopted child, including a child placed for adoption, will be covered from the later of: a) the date the Employee notifies Aetna and agrees to make any additional payments, or b) the Dependent's Eligibility Date for the Newly Acquired Dependent. If the Policyholder who purchased the Policy purchased it to replace a plan the Policyholder had with some other carrier, a Dependent who is Totally Disabled on the date the Policy takes effect will initially be eligible for limited coverage under the Policy if:

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the Dependent was validly covered under the Policyholder’s old plan on the date the Policyholder’s old plan ended; and b) the Policy takes effect immediately upon termination of the prior plan. a)

The coverage under the Policy will be limited to coverage for services or supplies for conditions other than the disabling condition. Such limited coverage under the Policy will end one year from the date the person’s coverage under the Policy begins. Coverage for services or supplies for the disabling condition will be provided as stated in an extended health benefits, or like provision, contained in the Policyholder’s old plan. Thereafter coverage will not be limited as described in this provision, but will be subject to the terms and conditions of the Policy. Newborn Children Aetna will cover an Employee's newborn child for 31 days from the date of birth without additional premium. Health benefits may be continued beyond such 31-day period as stated below: a) If the Employee is already covered for Dependent child coverage on the date the child is born, coverage automatically continues beyond the initial 31 days, provided the premium required for Dependent child coverage continues to be paid. The Employee must notify Aetna of the birth of the newborn child as soon as possible in order that Aetna may properly provide benefits under the Policy. b) If the Employee is not covered for Dependent child coverage on the date the child is born, the Employee must: • give written notice to enroll the newborn child; and • pay the premium required for Dependent child coverage within 31 days after the date of birth. If the notice is not given and the premium is not paid within such 31-day period, the newborn child’s coverage will end at the end of such 31-day period. If the notice is given and the premium paid after that 31-day period, the child will be a Late Enrollee. When Dependent Coverage Ends A Dependent's insurance under the Policy will end on the first of the following dates: a) the date Employee coverage ends; b) the date the Employee stops being a member of a class of Employees eligible for such coverage; c) the date the Policy ends; d) the date Dependent coverage is terminated from the Policy for all Employees or for an Employee's class. e) the date an Employee fails to pay any required part of the cost of Dependent coverage. It ends on the last day of the period for which the Employee made the required payments, unless coverage ends earlier for other reasons. f) at 12:01 a. m. on the date the Dependent stops being an eligible Dependent. EXCLUSIVE PROVIDER ORGANIZATION (EPO) PROVISIONS Definitions a) Primary Care Provider (PCP) means the Practitioner the Covered Person selects to supervise and coordinate his or her health care in the New Jersey Provider Organization. Aetna will supply the Covered Person with a list of PCPs who are members of the New Jersey Provider Organization. b) Provider Organization (PO) means a network of health care Providers located in a Covered Person's Service Area. c) Service Area means the geographical area which is served by the Practitioners in the New Jersey Provider Organization. Provider Organization (PO) The Provider Organization for this Policy is the New Jersey Provider Organization. The Covered Person will periodically be given up-to date lists of New Jersey PO Providers. The up-to date lists will be furnished automatically, without charge. Except in the case of Urgent Care or a medical Emergency, a Covered Person must obtain covered services and supplies from Network PO Providers to receive benefits under this Policy. Services and supplies obtained from Providers that are not Network PO Providers will generally not be covered.

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The Primary Care Practitioner (PCP) The PCP will supervise and coordinate the Covered Person's health care in the New Jersey PO. The PCP must authorize all services and supplies. In addition, he or she will refer the Covered Person to the appropriate Practitioner and Facility when Medically Necessary and Appropriate. The Covered Person must obtain an authorized Referral from his or her PCP before he or she visits another Practitioner or Facility. Except in case of Urgent Care or an Emergency, if the Covered Person does not comply with these requirements, he or she will not be eligible for benefits under this Policy. Aetna will provide Network Benefits for covered services and supplies furnished to a Covered Person when authorized by his or her PCP. If the PCP obtains approval from Aetna and refers a Covered Person to a NonNetwork Provider for a service or supply, the service or supply shall be covered as a Network service or supply and Aetna is fully responsible for payment to the Provider and the Covered Person is only responsible for any applicable Network level Copayment, Coinsurance or Deductible for the service or supply. If services or supplies are obtained from New Jersey Providers but have not been authorized by the PCP, the Covered Person will not be eligible for benefits. A Covered Person may change his or her PCP to another PCP once per month. He or she may select another PCP from the list of Practitioners, and notify New Jersey PO by phone or in writing. For a discretionary change, the new PCP selection will take effect no more than 14 days following the date of the request. For a change necessitated by termination of the prior PCP from the Network, the new PCP selection will take effect immediately. When a Covered Person uses the services of a PCP, he or she must present his or her ID card and pay the Copayment, if applicable. When a Covered Person's PCP refers him or her to another New Jersey PO Provider, the Covered Person must pay the Copayment, if applicable, to such Provider. Most New Jersey PO Practitioners will prepare any necessary claim forms and submit them to Us. A female Covered Person may use the services of a New Jersey PO gynecologist for non-surgical gynecological care and routine pregnancy care without Referral from her PCP. She must obtain authorization from her PCP for other services. Emergency Services In the case of Urgent Care or an Emergency, a Covered Person may go to a New Jersey Health Care Network provider or a non- New Jersey Health Care Network provider. If a Covered Person receives Urgent Care or care and treatment for an Emergency from a non- New Jersey Health Care Network provider, and the Covered Person calls Aetna within 48 hours, or as soon as reasonably possible, Aetna will provide benefits for the Urgent Care or Emergency care and treatment to the same extent as would have been provided if care and treatment were provided by a New Jersey Health Care Network provider. However, follow-up care or treatment by a non- New Jersey Health Care Network provider will be treated as Network Benefits only to the extent it is Medically Necessary and Appropriate care or treatment rendered before the Covered Person can return to the New Jersey Health Care Network service area. Service Area The entire state of New Jersey. Different providers in Aetna's Network have agreed to be paid in different ways by Aetna. A Provider may be paid each time he or she treats a Covered Person (“fee for service”, or may be paid a set fee for each month for each Covered Person whether or not the Covered Person actually receives services (“capitation”). These payment methods may include financial incentive agreements to pay some providers more (“bonuses”) or less (“withholds”) based on many factors: Covered Person satisfaction, quality of care, and control of costs and use of services among them. If a Covered Person desires additional information about how Aetna's primary care physicians or any other Provider in Aetna's Network are compensated, please call Aetna at the telephone number for Member Services listed on the back of your ID card.

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The laws of the state of New Jersey, at N.J.S.A. 45:9-22.4 et seq., mandate that a physician, chiropractor or podiatrist who is permitted to make Referrals to other health care Providers in which he or she has a significant financial interest inform his or her patients of any significant financial interest he or she may have in a health care Provider or Facility when making a Referral to that health care Provider or Facility. If a Covered Person wants more information about this, contact the Covered Person’s physician, chiropractor or podiatrist. If a Covered Person believes he or she is not receiving the information to which he or she is entitled, contact the Division of Consumer Affairs in the New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety at (973) 504-6200 OR (800) 242-5846. APPEALS PROCEDURE Definitions Adverse Benefit Determination (Decision): A denial; reduction; termination of; or failure to; provide or make payment (in whole or in part) for a service, supply or benefit. As to medical and Prescription Drug claims only, an Adverse Benefit Determination also means a decision to terminate a your coverage back to the original effective date (rescission) as it applies under any rescission of coverage provision of the Group Policy or Certificate. Such Adverse Benefit Determination may be based on: • • • • •

Your eligibility for coverage. Coverage determinations including plan limitations or exclusions The results of any Utilization Review (UR) activities. A decision that the service or supply is Experimental or Investigational. A decision that the service or supply is not Medically Necessary.

Appeal: A written request to Aetna to reconsider an Adverse Benefit Determination. Complaint: Any oral or written expression of dissatisfaction about quality of care or the operation of the Plan. Concurrent Care Claim Extension: A request to extend a course of treatment that was previously approved. Concurrent Care Claim Reduction or Termination: A decision to reduce or terminate a course of treatment that was previously approved. Emergency Care Claim: Any claim for a medical condition manifesting itself by acute symptoms of sufficient severity, including but not limited to severe pain, psychiatric disturbances and/or symptoms of substance abuse such that a prudent layperson possessing an average knowledge of medicine and health, could reasonably expect the absence of immediate medical attention to result in: • • • •

Placing your health in serious jeopardy; or Serious impairment to bodily function; or Serious dysfunction of a body part or organ; or In the case of a pregnant woman, serious jeopardy to the health of the women or unborn child. With respect to a pregnant woman who is having contractions, an emergency exists where: there is inadequate time to effect a safe transfer to another Hospital before delivery; or the transfer may pose a threat to the health or safety of the woman or the unborn child.

External Review: A review of an Adverse Benefit Determination or a Final Internal Adverse Benefit Determination by an Independent Utilization Review Organization (IURO) assigned by the State Insurance Commissioner made up of physicians or other appropriate health care providers. The IURO must have expertise in the problem or question involved. Final Internal Adverse Benefit Determination: An Adverse Benefit Determination that has been upheld by Aetna at the completion of the internal appeal process or an Adverse Benefit Determination with respect to which the internal Appeal process has been exhausted under the deemed exhaustion rules.

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Pre-Service Claim: Any claim for medical care or treatment that requires approval before the medical care or treatment is received. Post-Service Claim: Any claim that is not a “Pre-Service Claim.” Urgent Care Claim: Any claim for medical care or treatment (which shall include all situations in which the covered person is confined in an inpatient facility) with respect to which the application of the time periods for making non-urgent care determinations could: • • • • • • •

seriously jeopardize your life or health; jeopardize your ability to regain maximum function; or in the case of a pregnant woman, cause serious jeopardy to the health of the fetus. An Urgent Care Claim could be for any condition if in the opinion of a physician with knowledge of the claimant’s medical condition would cause you to suffer severe pain that cannot be adequately managed without the requested medical care or treatment; or any claim that a physician with knowledge of the claimant’s medical condition determines is a claim involving urgent care; or in the case of an individual acting on behalf of the plan applying the judgment of a prudent layperson who possess an average knowledge of health and medicine determines urgent care is needed; or for a non-life threatening condition that requires care by a provider within 24 hours.

Full and Fair Review of Claim Determinations and Appeals As to medical and Prescription Drug claims and Appeals only, Aetna prior to issuing a Final Internal Adverse Benefit Determination will provide you with any new or additional evidence considered, relied upon, or generated by us in connection with the claim at issue, free of charge. This will be provided to you in advance of the date on which the notice of the final Internal Adverse Benefit Determination is required to be provided so that you, your authorized representative, or a Practitioner acting on your behalf may respond prior to that date. Claim Determinations – Group Health Coverage Notice of a claim benefit decision will be provided to you in accordance with the guidelines and timelines provided below. If Aetna makes an Adverse Benefit Determination, written notice will be provided to you, or in the case of a concurrent care claim, to your Provider. You, your authorized representative, or a Practitioner acting on your behalf must be given written notice of any Adverse Benefit Determination within two business days of the Adverse Benefit Determination. The written notice must include an explanation of the Appeals Process. Urgent or Emergency Care Claims Aetna will notify you of an Urgent or Emergency Care claim decision whether adverse or not as soon as possible, but not later than 72 hours after the claim is made. If more information is needed to make an Urgent or Emergency Care claim decision, Aetna will notify the claimant or an authorized representative (which includes health care professionals with knowledge of a claimant’s medical condition) within 72 hours of receipt of the claim. The claimant or authorized representative has 48 hours after receiving such notice to provide Aetna with the additional information. Aetna will notify the claimant or authorized representative within 48 hours of the earlier to occur: • the receipt of the additional information; or • the end of the 48 hour period given the claimant or authorized representative to provide Aetna with the information.

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Pre-Service Claims Aetna will notify you of a Pre-Service Claim decision as soon as possible, but not later than 15 calendar days or sooner if the medical exigencies dictate, upon request, of any determination to deny coverage or authorization of services or payment of benefits after the claim is made. The notice will include an explanation of the Appeal process. Post-Service Claims Aetna will notify you of a Post-Service Claim decision as soon as possible, but not later than 30 calendar days after the claim is made or the time limit established by Medicare, if earlier, after the Post-Service Claim is made if the claim is submitted electronically, or 40 days, if submitted by a means other than electronic. Aetna may determine that due to matters beyond its control a claim may require special treatment. If so, Aetna will notify you in writing including the reason for delay within 30 days. If special treatment is needed because Aetna needs additional information to make a decision, the notice shall specifically describe the required information. In the event that payment is withheld on all or a portion of the claim, because the claim required special treatment, a claim determination will be made on the withheld portion no later than 30 calendar days or the time limit established by Medicare, if earlier, following receipt of the required documentation for claims submitted by electronic means and no later than 40 days following receipt of the required documentation for claims submitted other than electronically. Concurrent Care Claim Extension Following a request for a Concurrent Care Claim Extension, Aetna will notify you of a claim decision for Emergency or Urgent Care as soon as possible, but not later than 24 hours, provided the request is received at least 24 hours prior to the expiration of the approved course of treatment. A decision will be provided within the time frame applicable to (1) an Urgent Care Claim (if the care is urgent) or (2) a Pre-Service or Post-Service Claim (if the care is not urgent or has been completed). Concurrent Care Claim Reduction or Termination Aetna will notify you of a claim decision to reduce or terminate a previously approved course of treatment with enough time for you to file an Appeal. If you file an Appeal, coverage under the plan will continue for the previously approved course of treatment until a final Appeal decision is rendered. During this continuation period, you are responsible for any Copayments, Coinsurance, and Deductibles, that apply to the services, supplies, and treatment, that are rendered in connection with the claim that is under Appeal. If Aetna's initial claim decision is upheld in the final internal appeal decision, you will be responsible for all charges incurred for services, supplies, and treatment, received during this continuation period. If Aetna makes a claim determination to reduce or terminate a previously approved course of treatment while the treatment or services are ongoing, you (or a provider on your behalf) may request an expedited Appeal, and Aetna will handle such a request as a Level One Appeal or an Urgent Care Claim (see Appeals of Adverse Benefit determinations). Aetna will not deny coverage based on Medical Necessity for previously approved services unless the approval was based on material misrepresentation or fraudulent information submitted by you or the provider. Rescission of Coverage Aetna will notify you of a rescission of coverage (termination of coverage back to the original effective date) with a 30-day advance written notification to allow you to Appeal.

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Complaints If you are dissatisfied with the service you receive from the Plan or want to complain about a Network Provider you must write Member Services. The Complaint must include a detailed description of the matter and include copies of any records or documents that you think are relevant to the matter. Aetna will review the information and provide you with a written response within 30 calendar days of the receipt of the Complaint, unless more information is needed and it cannot be obtained within this period. The notice of the decision will tell you what you need to do to seek an additional review. Appeals of Adverse Benefit Determinations You may submit an Appeal if Aetna gives notice of an Adverse Benefit Determination. This Plan provides two levels of Appeal. You have 180 calendar days with respect to Group Health Claims following the receipt of notice of an Adverse Benefit Determination to request your Level One Appeal. Your Appeal must be submitted in writing and must include: • • • • •

Your name. The Policyholder's name. A copy of Aetna’s notice of an Adverse Benefit Determination. Your reasons for making the Appeal. Any other information you would like to have considered. You have the option to provide Aetna with additional information about your Appeal; however, you are not required to provide additional information in order to have your claim decision reviewed.

Send your written Appeal to Member Services at the address shown on your ID Card. You may also choose to have another person (an authorized representative) make the Appeal on your behalf. You must provide written consent to Aetna. You may be allowed to provide evidence or testimony during the Appeal process in accordance with the guidelines established by the Federal Department of Health and Human Services. Level One Appeal – Group Health Claims involving UR Claims A review of a Level One Appeal of an Adverse Benefit Determination shall be provided by Aetna personnel. They shall not have been involved in making the Adverse Benefit Determination. Urgent Care Claims (May Include Concurrent Care Claim Reduction or Termination) Aetna shall issue a decision within 36 hours of receipt of the request for an Appeal. An Urgent Care Claim Appeal may be submitted orally or in writing. Pre-Service Claims (May Include Concurrent Care Claim Reduction or Termination) Aetna shall issue a decision within 10 calendar days of receipt of the request for an Appeal. Post-Service Claims Aetna shall issue a decision within 10 calendar days of receipt of the request for an Appeal. Level One Appeal – Group Health Claims involving non-UR Claims Rescission of Coverage Aetna shall issue a decision within 30 calendar days of receipt of the request for an Appeal.

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Post-Service Claim Aetna shall issue a decision within 30 calendar days of receipt of the request for an Appeal. Level Two Appeal – Group Health Claims for UR Claims If Aetna upholds an Adverse Benefit Determination at the Level One Appeal, and the reason for the decision was based on Medical Necessity or Experimental or Investigational reasons or in situations where the denial is based on characterizing the service as dental or as cosmetic, you or your authorized representative have the right to file a Level Two Appeal. The Appeal must be submitted within 60 calendar days following the receipt of a decision of a Level One Appeal. Review of a Level Two Appeal of an Adverse Benefit Determination of an Urgent Care Claim, a Pre-Service Claim, or a Post-Service Claim shall be provided by Aetna personnel. They shall not have been involved in making the Adverse Benefit Determination. A Level Two Appeal of an Adverse Benefit Determination of a Pre-Service Claim or a Post-Service Claim will be reviewed by the Aetna Appeal Committee. Urgent Care Claims (May Include Concurrent Care Claim Reduction or Termination) Aetna shall issue a decision within 36 hours of receipt of the request for a Level Two Appeal. Pre-Service Claims (May Include Concurrent Care Claim Reduction or Termination) Aetna shall issue a decision within 15 calendar days of receipt of the request for a Level Two Appeal. Post-Service Claims Aetna shall issue a decision within 15 calendar days of receipt of the request for a Level Two Appeal. Level Two Appeal – Group Health Claims for non-UR Claims Rescission of Coverage Aetna shall issue a decision within 30 calendar days of receipt of the request for an Appeal. Post-Service Claim Aetna shall issue a decision within 30 calendar days of receipt of the request for an Appeal. Please Read: You may contact the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance to file a Complaint/Appeal or request an investigation of a Complaint/Appeal at any time. You are not required to exhaust the Level One and Level Two Appeals process before contacting the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance. Before filing a Level One or Two Appeal with Aetna, you or your authorized representative, may also contact the New Jersey Office of Insurance Claims Ombudsman if you are dissatisfied with the decision reached by Aetna. Office of Insurance Claims Ombudsman Department of Banking and Insurance P.O. Box 472 Trenton, NJ 08625-0472 Phone: 800-446-7467 Email: [emailprotected]

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Exhaustion of Process Under certain circ*mstances you may seek simultaneous review through the internal Appeal procedure and External Review processes—these include Urgent Care Claims and situations where you are receiving an ongoing course of treatment. When you seek a simultaneous expedited External Review, the Appeal process will be deemed to have been exhausted. Important Note: If Aetna waives the requirement to Appeal, does not adhere to all claim determination and Appeal requirements of the Federal Department of Health and Human Services, or you have applied for an expedited review at the same time as applying for an expedited internal Appeal, you are considered to have exhausted the Appeal requirements and may proceed with External Review or any of the actions mentioned below. There are limits, though, on what sends a claim or an Appeal straight to an External Review. Your claim or internal Appeal will not go straight to External Review if: • a rule violation was minor and isn’t likely to influences a decision or harm you; • it was for a good cause or was beyond Aetna’s control; and • it was part of an ongoing, good faith exchange between you and Aetna. You, your authorized representative, or a Practitioner acting on your behalf may request a written explanation of the violation from Aetna and Aetna must provide such explanation of the violation within ten days, including a specific description of its basis, if any, for asserting that the violation should not cause the internal Claim and Appeal Process to be deemed exhausted. If an external reviewer or a court rejects your request, your authorized representative’s request, or Practitioner’s request for immediate review on the basis that Aetna met the standards for the exception set forth in this section, you, your authorized representative, or provider has the right to resubmit and pursue the internal Appeal of the claim. An Appeal should be made within a reasonable time after the external reviewer or court rejects the claim for immediate review, not to exceed ten (10) days. Aetna must provide notice of the opportunity to resubmit and pursue the internal Appeal. The time period for submitting the Appeal begins to run when you, your authorized representative, or provider receives notice. Unless serious or significant harm has occurred or will imminently occur to you, you must exhaust an Appeal through the Independent Health Care Appeals Program before you establish any litigation, arbitration, or administrative proceeding regarding an alleged breach of the Group Policy terms by Aetna Life Insurance Company; or any matter within the scope of the Appeal procedure. External Review You may receive an Adverse Benefit Determination or Final Internal Adverse Benefit Determination because Aetna determines that: • the care is not Medically Necessary; or • a service, supply or treatment is Experimental or Investigational in nature. In either of these situations, you may request an External Review if you or your provider disagrees with Aetna’s decision in accordance with the procedures set forth below for Final Internal Adverse Benefit Determinations based on Medical Necessity, appropriateness, health care setting, level of care or effectiveness of a Covered Charge. An External Review is a review by an Independent Utilization Review Organization (IURO) assigned by the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance made up of Practitioners or other appropriate health care providers. The IURO must have expertise in the problem or question involved. To request an External Review, any of the following requirements must be met: • •

You have received an Adverse Benefit Determination notice by Aetna, and Aetna did not adhere to all claim determination and Appeal requirements of the Federal Department of Health and Human Services. You have received a Final Internal Adverse Benefit Determination notice by Aetna.

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Your claim was denied because Aetna determined that the care was not Medically Necessary or was Experimental or Investigational. You have exhausted the applicable internal Appeal processes or you qualify for a faster review as explained below.

The notice of Adverse Benefit Determination or Final Internal Adverse Benefit Determination that you receive from Aetna will describe the process to follow if you wish to pursue an External Review, including a copy of the Request for External Review Form. You must submit the Request for External Review Form with a general release executed by you for all medical records pertinent to the Appeal within 123 calendar days of the date you received the Adverse Benefit Determination or Final Internal Adverse Benefit Determination notice. You also must include a copy of the notice and all other pertinent information that supports your request. The request shall be mailed to: New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance Office of Managed Care Consumer Protection Services P.O. Box 329 Courier: 20 West State Street Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0329 The fee for filing an appeal shall be $25.00, payable by check or money order to the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance. The filing fee is payable by you. The filing fee shall be refunded if the Final Internal Adverse benefit Determination is reversed by the IURO. Upon a determination of financial hardship, the fee may be reduced to $2.00. Financial hardship may be demonstrated by you through evidence of eligibility for either the Pharmaceutical Assistance to the Aged and Disabled, Medicaid, New Jersey Family Care, General Assistance, SSI, or New Jersey Unemployment Assistance. Annual filing fees for any one Covered Person shall not exceed $75.00. Upon receipt of the Appeal, together with the executed release and the appropriate fee, the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance shall immediately assign the Appeal to an IURO. Upon receipt of the request for Appeal from the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance, the IURO shall conduct a preliminary review of the Appeal and accept it for processing if it determines that: i. ii.

The individual was or is covered by Aetna; The service which is the subject of the Complaint or Appeal reasonably appears to be a Covered Charge under the plan. iii. You have fully complied with both the Level One and Level Two Appeal processes unless Aetna fails to comply with any of the deadlines for completion of the Internal Appeals Process. This will not apply if Aetna’s violation does not cause and is not likely to cause, prejudice, or harm to the Covered Person or provider. Aetna must demonstrate that the violation was for good cause or due to matters beyond Aetna’s control and that the violation occurred in the context of an ongoing good faith exchange between Aetna, you, your authorized representative, and/or provider acting on your behalf and is not reflective of a pattern of non-compliance by Aetna. iv. You have provided all information required by the IURO and the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance to make the preliminary determination including the Appeal form and a copy of any information provided by Aetna regarding its decision to deny, reduce, or terminate the Covered Charge, and a fully executed release to obtain any necessary medical records from Aetna and any other relevant health care provider. v. You have remitted the required fee to the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance. Upon completion of the preliminary review, the IURO shall immediately notify you and/or provider in writing as to whether the Appeal has been accepted for processing and if not so accepted, the reasons therefore.

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Upon acceptance of the Appeal for processing, the IURO shall conduct a full review to determine whether, you were deprived of Medically Necessary Covered Charges. In reaching this determination, the IURO shall take into consideration all pertinent medical records, consulting physician reports, and other documents submitted by the parties, any applicable, generally accepted practice guidelines developed by the Federal government, national or professional medical societies, boards and associations, and any applicable clinical protocols and/or practice guidelines developed by Aetna. The full review referenced above shall refer all cases for review to an expert physician in the same specialty or area of practice who would generally manage the type of treatment that is the subject of the Appeal. All final decisions of the IURO shall be approved by the medical director of the IURO who shall be a physician licensed to practice in New Jersey. The IURO shall complete its review and issue its recommended decision as soon as possible in accordance with the medical exigencies of the case which, except as provided for in this subsection, in no event shall exceed 45 calendar days from receipt of all documentation necessary to complete the review. The IURO may, however, extend its review for a reasonable period of time as may be necessary due to circ*mstances beyond its control. In such an event, the IURO shall, prior to the conclusion of the preliminary review, provide written notice to you, to the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance, and to Aetna setting forth the status of its review and the specific reasons for the delay. If the IURO determines that you were deprived of Medically Necessary Covered Charges, the IURO shall recommend to you, Aetna, and the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance, the appropriate covered health care services you should receive. Once the review is complete, Aetna will abide by the decision of the IURO except to the extent that other remedies are available to either party under State or Federal law. Aetna shall provide benefits (including payment on the claim) pursuant to the IURO’s determination without delay even if Aetna plans to seek judicial review of the external review decision (unless there is a judicial decision stating otherwise). Within 10 business days of the receipt of the decision of the IURO, Aetna must submit a written report to the IURO, you, your authorized representative, or the provider who made the Appeal acting on your behalf with your consent and the Department of Banking and Insurance indicating how Aetna will implement the IURO’s determination. A faster review is possible if your Practitioner certifies (by telephone or on a separate Request for External Review Form) that a delay in receiving the service would: • endanger your health; or • jeopardize your ability to regain maximum function; or • if the Adverse Benefit Determination relates to Experimental or Investigational treatment, if the Practitioner certifies that the recommended or requested health care service, supply or treatment would be significantly less effective if not promptly initiated. If the Appeal involves care for an urgent or emergency case, an admission, availability of care, continued stay, heath care services for which the Covered Person received emergency services but has not been discharged from a facility or involves a medical condition for which standard external review time frame would seriously jeopardize the life or health of the Covered Person or jeopardize the Covered Person’s ability to regain maximum function, the IURO must complete its review within no more than 48 hours following its receipt of the Appeal. You are responsible for the cost of compiling and sending the information that you wish to be reviewed by the IURO to New Jersey’s Department of Banking and Insurance. Aetna is responsible for the cost of sending its information to the IURO. For more information about the External Review process, call the Member Services telephone number shown on your ID card.

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General Information •

Please note that Covered Persons shall not be held financially liable for payments to Network Providers for any sums, other than required Copayments, Coinsurance or Deductibles, owed for covered services, if Aetna fails to pay for the covered services for any reason.

Subsequent changes in this coverage shall be evidenced in a separate document issued to the Covered Person. CONTINUATION OF CARE

Aetna shall provide written notice to each Covered Person at least 30 business days prior to the termination or withdrawal from Aetna’s Provider network of a Covered Person’s PCP and any other Provider from which the Covered Person is currently receiving a course of treatment, as reported to Aetna. The 30-day prior notice may be waived in cases of immediate termination of a health care professional based on a breach of contract by the health care professional, a determination of fraud, or where Aetna’s medical director is of the opinion that the health care professional is an imminent danger to the patient or the public health, safety or welfare. Aetna shall assure continued coverage of covered services at the contract rate by a terminated health care professional for up to four months in cases where it is Medically Necessary and Appropriate for the Covered Person to continue treatment with the terminated health care professional. In case of pregnancy of a Covered Person, coverage of services for the terminated health care professional shall continue to the postpartum evaluation of the Covered Person, up to six weeks after the delivery. With respect to pregnancy, Medical Necessity and Appropriateness shall be deemed to have been demonstrated. For a Covered Person who is receiving post-operative follow-up care, Aetna shall continue to cover the services rendered by the health care professional for the duration of the treatment or for up to six months, whichever occurs first. For a Covered Person who is receiving oncological treatment or psychiatric treatment, Aetna shall continue to cover services rendered by the health care professional for the duration of the treatment or for up to 12 months, whichever occurs first. For a Covered Person receiving the above services in an acute care Facility, Aetna will continue to provide coverage for services rendered by the health care professional regardless of whether the acute care Facility is under contract or agreement with Aetna. Services shall be provided to the same extent as provided while the health care professional was employed by or under contact with Aetna. Reimbursem*nt for services shall be pursuant to the same schedule used to reimburse the health care professional while the health care professional was employed by or under contract with Aetna. If a Covered Person is admitted to a health care Facility on the date the Policy is terminated, Aetna shall continue to provide benefits for the Covered Person until the date the Covered Person is discharged from the facility or exhaustion of the Covered Person’s benefits under the Policy, whichever occurs first. Aetna shall not continue services in those instances in which the health care professional has been terminated based upon the opinion of Aetna’s medical director that the health care professional is an imminent danger to a patient or to the public health, safety and welfare, a determination of fraud or a breach of contract by a health care professional. The determination of the Medical Necessity and Appropriateness of a Covered Person’s continued treatment with a health care professional shall be subject to the appeal procedures set forth in the Policy. Aetna shall not be liable for any inappropriate treatment provided to a Covered Person by a health care professional who is no longer employed by or under contract with Aetna. If Aetna refers a Covered Person to a Non-Network provider, the service or supply shall be covered as a network service or supply. Aetna is fully responsible for payment to the health care professional and the Covered Person’s liability shall be limited to any applicable Network Copayment, Coinsurance or Deductible for the service or supply.

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HEALTH BENEFITS INSURANCE This health benefits insurance will pay many of the medical expenses incurred by a Covered Person. Note: Aetna’s payments will be reduced if a Covered Person does not comply with the Utilization Review and Pre-Approval requirements contained in the Policy. BENEFIT PROVISION The Schedule lists Copayments, Deductible Amounts, and/or Coinsurance as well as Maximum Out of Pocket Amounts. These terms are explained below. The Cash Deductible Each Calendar Year, each Covered Person must have Covered Charges that exceed the Cash Deductible before Aetna pays any benefits to that person. The Cash Deductible is shown in the Schedule. The Cash Deductible cannot be met with Non-Covered Charges Only Covered Charges incurred by the Covered Person while insured by the Policy can be used to meet this Cash Deductible. Once the Cash Deductible is met, Aetna pays benefits for other Covered Charges above the Cash Deductible incurred by that Covered Person, less any applicable Coinsurance or Copayments, for the rest of that Calendar Year. But all charges must be incurred while that Covered Person is insured by the Policy. And what Aetna pays is based on all the terms of the Policy. Family Deductible Limit: The Policy has a family deductible limit of two Cash Deductibles for each Calendar Year. Once two Covered Persons in a family meet their individual Cash Deductibles in a Calendar Year, Aetna pays benefits for other Covered Charges incurred by any member of the covered family, less any applicable Coinsurance or Copayments, for the rest of that Calendar Year. What Aetna pays is based on all the terms of the Policy. Network Maximum Out of Pocket Network Maximum Out of Pocket means the annual maximum dollar amount that a Covered Person must pay as Copayment, Deductible and Coinsurance for all Network covered services and supplies in a Calendar Year. All amounts paid as Copayment, Deductible and Coinsurance shall count toward the Network Maximum Out of Pocket. Once the Network Maximum Out of Pocket has been reached, the Covered Person has no further obligation to pay any amounts as Copayment, Deductible and Coinsurance for Network covered services and supplies for the remainder of the Calendar Year. Once any combination of Covered Persons in a family meet an amount equal to two times the individual Maximum Out of Pocket, no Covered Person in that family will be required to pay any amounts as Copayments, Deductible or Coinsurance for covered services and supplies for the remainder of the Calendar Year. Payment Limits Aetna limits what Aetna will pay for certain types of charges. See the Schedule for these limits. Benefits From Other Plans The benefits Aetna will pay may be affected by a Covered Person’s being covered by 2 or more plans or policies. Read the provision Coordination of Benefits to see how this works. The benefits Aetna will pay may also be affected by Medicare. Read the Medicare as Secondary Payor section for an explanation of how this works. If This Plan Replaces Another Plan The Policyholder who purchased the Policy may have purchased it to replace a plan the Policyholder had with some other carrier.

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The Covered Person may have incurred charges for covered expenses under the Policyholder's old plan before it ended. If so, these charges will be used to meet the Policy's Cash Deductible if: a) the charges were incurred during the Calendar Year in which the Policy starts or during the 90 days preceding the effective date, whichever is the greater period; b) the Policy would have paid benefits for the charges if the Policy had been in effect: c) the Covered Person was covered by the old plan when it ended and enrolled in the Policy on its Effective Date; and d) the Policy takes effect immediately upon termination of the prior plan. Please note: Although Deductible credit is given, there is no credit for Coinsurance. The Covered Person may have satisfied part of the eligibility Waiting Period under the Policyholder's old plan before it ended. If so, the time satisfied will be used to satisfy the Policy's eligibility Waiting Period if: a) the Employee was employed by the Policyholder on the date the Policyholder's old plan ended: and b) the Policy takes effect immediately upon termination of the prior plan. Extended Health Benefits If the Policy ends, and a Covered Person is Totally Disabled on such date, and under a Practitioner's care, Aetna will extend health benefits for that person under the Policy as explained below. This is done at no cost to the Covered Person. Aetna will only extend benefits for Covered Charges due to the disabling condition. The charges must be incurred before the extension ends. And what Aetna will pay is based on all the terms of the Policy. Aetna does not pay for charges due to other conditions. And Aetna does not pay for charges incurred by other covered family members. The extension ends on the earliest of: a) the date the Total Disability ends; b) one year from the date the person's insurance under the Policy ends; or c) the date the person has reached the payment limit for his or her disabling condition. The Employee must submit evidence to Aetna that he or she or his or her Dependent is Totally Disabled, if Aetna requests it. COVERED CHARGES This section lists the types of charges Aetna will consider as Covered Charges. But what Aetna will pay is subject to all the terms of the Policy. Read the entire Certificate to find out what Aetna limits or excludes. Hospital Charges Aetna covers charges for Hospital room and board and Routine Nursing Care when it is provided to a Covered Person by a Hospital on an Inpatient basis. But Aetna limits what Aetna pays each day to the room and board limit shown in the Schedule. And Aetna covers other Medically Necessary and Appropriate Hospital services and supplies provided to a Covered Person during the Inpatient confinement. Except as stated below, Aetna covers charges for Inpatient care for: a) a minimum of 72 hours following a modified radical mastectomy; and b) a minimum of 48 hours following a simple mastectomy. Exception: The minimum 72 or 48 hours, as appropriate, of Inpatient care will not be covered if the Covered Person, in consultation with the Practitioner, determine that a shorter length of stay is medically necessary and appropriate.

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As an exception to the Medically Necessary and Appropriate requirement of the Policy, Aetna also provides coverage for the mother and newly born child for: a) a minimum of 48 hours of Inpatient care in a Hospital following a vagin*l delivery; and b) a minimum of 96 hours of Inpatient Hospital care following a cesarean section. Aetna provides childbirth and newborn care coverage subject to the following: a) the attending Practitioner must determine that Inpatient care is medically necessary; or b) the mother must request the Inpatient care. As an alternative to the minimum level of Inpatient care described above, the mother may elect to participate in a home care program provided by Aetna. If a Covered Person incurs charges as an Inpatient in a Special Care Unit, Aetna covers the charges up to the daily room and board limit for a Special care Unit shown in the Schedule. Aetna will also cover Outpatient Hospital services, including services provided by a Hospital Outpatient clinic. And Aetna covers emergency room treatment, subject to the Policy's Emergency Room Copayment Requirement section. Any charges in excess of the Hospital semi-private daily room and board limit are a Non-Covered Charge. The Policy's utilization review features have penalties for non-compliance that may reduce what Aetna pays for Hospital charges. Emergency Room Copayment Requirement Each time a Covered Person uses the services of a Hospital emergency room, he or she must pay the Copayment shown in the Schedule, in addition to the Cash Deductible, any other Copayments, and Coinsurance, if he or she is not admitted within 24 hours. Emergency and Urgent Care Services Coverage for Emergency and Urgent Care includes coverage of trauma services at any designated level I or II trauma center as Medically Necessary and Appropriate, which shall be continued at least until, in the judgment of the attending physician, the Covered Person is medically stable, no longer requires critical care, and can be safely transferred to another Facility. Aetna also provides coverage for a medical screening examination provided upon a Covered Person’s arrival in a Hospital, as required to be performed by the Hospital in accordance with Federal law, but only as necessary to determine whether an emergency medical condition exists. Pre-Admission Testing Charges Aetna covers pre-admission x-ray and laboratory tests needed for a planned Hospital admission or Surgery. Aetna only covers these tests if, the tests are done on an Outpatient basis within seven days of the planned admission or Surgery. However, Aetna will not cover tests that are repeated after admission or before Surgery, unless the admission or Surgery is deferred solely due to a change in the Covered Person's health. Extended Care or Rehabilitation Charges Subject to Aetna’s Pre-Approval Aetna covers charges up to the daily room and board limit for room and board and Routine Nursing Care shown in the Schedule, provided to a Covered Person on an Inpatient basis in an Extended Care Center or Rehabilitation Center. Charges above the daily room and board limit are a Non-Covered Charge. And Aetna covers all other Medically Necessary and Appropriate services and supplies provided to a Covered Person during the confinement. But the confinement must: a) start within 14 days of a Hospital stay; and b) be due to the same or a related condition that necessitated the Hospital stay.

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Home Health Care Charges Subject to Aetna’s Pre-Approval, when home health care can take the place of Inpatient care, Aetna covers such care furnished to a Covered Person under a written home health care plan. Aetna covers all Medically Necessary and Appropriate services or supplies, such as: a) Routine Nursing care furnished by or under the supervision of a registered Nurse; b) physical therapy; c) occupational therapy; d) medical social work; e) nutrition services; f) speech therapy; g) home health aide services; h) medical appliances and equipment, drugs and medications, laboratory services and special meals to the extent such items and services would have been covered under the Policy if the Covered Person had been in a Hospital; and i) any Diagnostic or therapeutic service, including surgical services performed in a Hospital Outpatient department, a Practitioner's office or any other licensed health care Facility, provided such service would have been covered under the Policy if performed as Inpatient Hospital services. Payment is subject to all of the terms of this Policy and to the following conditions: a.

b. 1. 2. 3.

The Covered Person's Practitioner must certify that home health care is needed in place of Inpatient care in a recognized Facility. Home health care is covered only in situations where continuing hospitalization or confinement in a Skilled Nursing Facility or Rehabilitation Center would otherwise have been required if Home Health Care were not provided. The services and supplies must be: ordered by the Covered Person's Practitioner; included in the home health care plan: and furnished by, or coordinated by, a Home Health Agency according to the written home health care plan. The services and supplies must be furnished by recognized health care professionals on a part-time or intermittent basis, except when full-time or 24 hour service is needed on a short-term (no more than three-day) basis.


d. 1. 2.

The home health care plan must be set up in writing by the Covered Person's Practitioner within 14 days after home health care starts. And it must be reviewed by the Covered Person's Practitioner at least once every 60 days. Aetna does not pay for: services furnished to family members, other than the patient; or services and supplies not included in the home health care plan.

Any visit by a member of a home health care team on any day shall be considered as one home health care visit. Benefits for Home health Care are provided for no more than 60 visits per Calendar Year. Practitioner's Charges for Non-Surgical Care and Treatment Aetna covers Practitioner's charges for the Medically Necessary and Appropriate non-surgical care and treatment of an Illness or Injury. We also cover E-Visit charges. Practitioner's Charges for Surgery Aetna covers Practitioner's charges for Medically Necessary and Appropriate Surgery. Aetna does not pay for Cosmetic Surgery unless it is required as a result of an Illness or Injury or to correct a functional defect resulting from a congenital abnormality or developmental anomaly. Aetna covers reconstructive breast Surgery, Surgery to restore and achieve symmetry between the two breasts and the cost of prostheses following a mastectomy on one breast or both breasts. Aetna also covers treatment of the physical complications of mastectomy, including lymphedemas.

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Coverage is provided for surgical treatment of morbid obesity for one surgical procedure within a two-year period, measured from the date of the first surgical procedure to treat morbid obesity, unless a multi-stage procedure is planned and Aetna authorizes coverage for such multi-stage procedure. In addition, Aetna will cover surgery required as a result of complications that may arise from surgical treatment of morbid obesity. For the purpose of this coverage, morbid obesity means a body mass index that is greater than 40 kilograms per meter squared; or equal to or greater than 35 kilograms per meter squared with a high risk comorbid condition. Body mass index is calculated by dividing the weight in kilograms by the height in meters squared. Second Opinion Charges Aetna covers Practitioner's charges for a second opinion and charges for related x-rays and tests when a Covered Person is advised to have Surgery or enter a Hospital. If the second opinion differs from the first, Aetna covers charges for a third opinion. Aetna covers such charges if the Practitioners who give the opinions: a) are board certified and qualified, by reason of their specialty, to give an opinion on the proposed Surgery or Hospital admission; b) are not business associates of the Practitioner who recommended the Surgery; and c) in the case of a second surgical opinion, they do not perform the Surgery if it is needed. Dialysis Center Charges Aetna covers charges made by a dialysis center for covered dialysis services. Ambulatory Surgical Center Charges Aetna covers charges made by an Ambulatory Surgical Center in connection with covered Surgery. Hospice Care Charges Subject to Aetna’s Pre-Approval, Aetna covers charges made by a Hospice for palliative and supportive care furnished to a terminally Ill or terminally Injured Covered Person under a Hospice care program. "Palliative and supportive care" means care and support aimed mainly at lessening or controlling pain or symptoms; it makes no attempt to cure the Covered Person's terminal Illness or terminal Injury. "Terminally Ill" or "terminally Injured" means that the Covered Person's Practitioner has certified in writing that the Covered Person's life expectancy is six months or less. Hospice care must be furnished according to a written "hospice care program". A "hospice care program" is a coordinated program with an interdisciplinary team for meeting the special needs of the terminally Ill or terminally Injured Covered Person. It must be set up and reviewed periodically by the Covered Person's Practitioner. Under a Hospice care program, subject to all the terms of the Policy, Aetna covers any services and supplies including Prescription Drugs, to the extent they are otherwise covered by the Policy. Services and supplies may be furnished on an Inpatient or Outpatient basis. The services and supplies must be: a) needed for palliative and supportive care; b) ordered by the Covered Person's Practitioner; c) included in the Hospice care program; and d) furnished by, or coordinated by a Hospice. Aetna does not pay for: a) services and supplies provided by volunteers or others who do not regularly charge for their services; b) funeral services and arrangements; c) legal or financial counseling or services; or d) treatment not included in the Hospice care plan.

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Mental Illness or Substance Abuse Aetna pays benefits for the Covered Charges a Covered Person incurs for the treatment of Mental Illness or Substance Abuse the same way Aetna would for any other Illness, if such treatment is prescribed by a Practitioner. But Aetna does not pay for Custodial Care, education, or training. Inpatient or day treatment may be furnished by any licensed, certified or State approved facility, including but not limited to: a) a Hospital; b) a detoxification Facility licensed under New Jersey P.L. 1975, Chapter 305; c) a licensed, certified or state approved residential treatment Facility under a program which meets the minimum standards of care of the Joint Commission; d) a Mental Health Center; or e) a Substance Abuse Center. Pregnancy The Policy pays for pregnancies the same way Aetna would cover an Illness. The charges Aetna covers for a newborn child are explained below. Birthing Center Charges Aetna covers Birthing Center charges made by a Practitioner for pre-natal care, delivery, and post-partum care in connection with a Covered Person's pregnancy. Aetna covers charges up to the daily room and board limit for room and board shown in the Schedule when Inpatient care is provided to a Covered Person by a Birthing Center. But charges above the daily room and board limit are a Non-Covered Charge. Aetna covers all other Medically Necessary and Appropriate services and supplies during the confinement. Benefits for a Covered Newborn Child Aetna covers charges for the child's routine nursery care while he or she is in the Hospital or a Birthing Center. Charges are covered up to a maximum of 7 days following the date of birth. This includes: a) nursery charges; b) charges for routine Practitioner's examinations and tests; and c) charges for routine procedures, like circumcision. Subject to all of the terms of the Policy, Aetna covers the care and treatment of a covered newborn child if he or she is Ill, Injured, premature, or born with a congenital birth defect. Anesthetics and Other Services and Supplies Aetna covers anesthetics and their administration; hemodialysis, casts; splints; and surgical dressings. Aetna covers the initial fitting and purchase of braces, trusses, orthopedic footwear and crutches Aetna covers Medically Necessary and Appropriate replacements or repairs for braces, trusses, orthopedic footwear and crutches. Blood Unless otherwise provided in the Charges for the Treatment of Hemophilia section below, Aetna covers blood, blood products, blood transfusions and the cost of testing and processing blood. But Aetna does not pay for blood which has been donated or replaced on behalf of the Covered Person. Charges for the Treatment of Hemophilia Aetna covers Medically Necessary and Appropriate home treatment services for bleeding episodes associated with hemophilia including the purchase of blood products and blood infusion equipment. Aetna will cover the services of a clinical laboratory at a Hospital with a state-designated outpatient regional care center regardless of whether the Hospital’s clinical laboratory is a Network Provider if the Covered Person’s Practitioner determines that the Hospital’s clinical laboratory is necessary because: a) the results of laboratory tests are medically necessary immediately or sooner than the normal return time for the Aetna’s network clinical laboratory; or b) accurate test results need to be determined by closely supervised procedures in venipuncture and laboratory techniques in controlled environments that cannot be achieved by Aetna’s network clinical laboratory.

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Aetna will pay the Hospital’s clinical laboratory for the laboratory services at the same rate Aetna would pay a Network clinical laboratory for comparable services. Ambulance Charges Aetna covers Medically Necessary and Appropriate charges for transporting a Covered Person to: a) a local Hospital if needed care and treatment can be provided by a local Hospital; b) the nearest Hospital where needed care and treatment can be given, if a local Hospital cannot provide such care and treatment. But it must be connected with an Inpatient confinement; or c) transporting a Covered Person to another Inpatient health care Facility. It can be by professional Ambulance service, train or plane. But Aetna does not pay for chartered air flights. And Aetna will not pay for other travel or communication expenses of patients, Practitioners, Nurses or family members. Durable Medical Equipment Subject to Aetna’s Pre-Approval, Aetna covers charges for the rental of Durable Medical Equipment needed for therapeutic use. At Aetna’s option, and with Aetna’s Pre-Approval, Aetna may cover the purchase of such items when it is less costly and more practical than rental. But Aetna does not pay for: a) replacements or repairs; or b) the rental or purchase of items such as air conditioners, exercise equipment, saunas and air humidifiers which do not fully meet the definition of Durable Medical Equipment. Items such as walkers, wheelchairs and hearing aids are examples of durable medical equipment that are also habilitative devices. Orthotic or Prosthetic Appliances We pay benefits for Covered Charges incurred in obtaining an Orthotic Appliance or a Prosthetic Appliance if the Covered Person’s Practitioner determines the appliance is medically necessary. The deductible, coinsurance or copayment as applicable to a non-specialist physician visit for treatment of an Illness or Injury will apply to the Orthotic Appliance or Prosthetic Appliance. The Orthotic Appliance or Prosthetic Appliance may be obtained from any licensed orthotist or prosthetist or any certified pedorthist. Benefits for the appliances will be provided to the same extent as other Covered Charges under the Policy. Treatment of Wilm’s Tumor Aetna pays benefits for Covered Charges incurred for the treatment of Wilm's tumor in a Covered Person. Aetna treats such charges the same way Aetna treats Covered Charges for any other Illness. Treatment can include, but is not limited to, autologous bone marrow transplants when standard chemotherapy treatment is unsuccessful. Aetna pays benefits for this treatment even if it is deemed Experimental or Investigational. What Aetna pays is based on all of the terms of the Policy. Nutritional Counseling Subject to Aetna’s Pre-Approval, Aetna covers charges for nutritional counseling for the management of disease entities which have specific diagnostic criteria that can be verified. The nutritional counseling must be prescribed by a Practitioner, and provided by a Practitioner. Food and Food Products for Inherited Metabolic Diseases Aetna covers charges incurred for the therapeutic treatment of inherited metabolic diseases, including the purchase of medical foods (enteral formula) and low protein modified food products as determined to be medically necessary by the Covered Person’s Practitioner. For the purpose of this benefit: • “inherited metabolic disease” means a disease caused by an inherited abnormality of body chemistry for which testing is mandated by law;

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“low protein modified food product” means a food product that is specially formulated to have less than one gram of protein per serving and is intended to be used under the direction of a Practitioner for the dietary treatment of an inherited metabolic disease, but does not include a natural food that is naturally low in protein; and “medical food” means a food that is intended for the dietary treatment of a disease or condition for which nutritional requirements are established by medical evaluation and is formulated to be consumed or administered enterally under the direction of a Practitioner.

Specialized Infant Formulas Aetna covers specialized non-standard infant formulas to the same extent and subject to the same terms and conditions as coverage is provided under the Policy for Prescription Drugs. Aetna covers specialized non-standard infant formulas provided: a) The Child’s Practitioner has diagnosed the Child as having multiple food protein intolerance and has determined the formula to be medically necessary; and b) The Child has not been responsive to trials of standard non-cow milk-based formulas, including soybean and goat milk. Aetna may review continued Medical Necessity and Appropriateness of the specialized infant formula. X-Rays and Laboratory Tests Aetna covers x-rays and laboratory tests which are Medically Necessary and Appropriate to treat an Illness or Injury. But, except as covered under the Policy's Preventive Care section, Aetna does not pay for x-rays and tests done as part of routine physical checkups. Prescription Drugs Subject to Aetna’s Pre-Approval, for certain Prescription Drugs Aetna covers drugs to treat an Illness or Injury and contraceptive drugs which require a Practitioner's prescription. Maintenance Drugs may be obtained from a Participating Mail Order Pharmacy. But Aetna only covers drugs which are: a. approved for treatment of the Covered Person's Illness or Injury by the Food and Drug Administration; b. approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of a particular diagnosis or condition other than the Covered Person's and recognized as appropriate medical treatment for the Covered Person's diagnosis or condition in one or more of the following established reference compendia: 1. The American Hospital Formulary Service Drug Information; 2. The United States Pharmacopeia Drug Information; or c. recommended by a clinical study or recommended by a review article in a major peer-reviewed professional journal. Coverage for the above drugs also includes medically necessary services associated with the administration of the drugs. In no event will Aetna pay for: a. drugs labeled: "Caution - Limited by Federal Law to Investigational Use"; or b. any drug which the Food and Drug Administration has determined to be contraindicated for the specific treatment for which the drug has been prescribed, except as stated above. And Aetna excludes drugs that can be bought without a prescription, even if a Practitioner orders them. As explained in the Orally Administered Anti-Cancer Prescription Drugs provision below additional benefits for such prescription drugs may be payable. Aetna has identified certain Prescription Drugs including Specialty Pharmaceuticals for which Pre-Approval is required. Aetna will provide the list of Prescription Drugs for which Pre-Approval is required to each Employee prior to enforcing the Pre-Approval requirement. Aetna will give at least 30 days advance written notice to the Employee before adding a Prescription Drug to the list.

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If a Covered Person brings a prescription for a Prescription Drug for which Aetna requires Pre-Approval to a Pharmacy and Pre-Approval has not yet been secured, the Covered Person must contact Aetna to request PreApproval. The Pharmacy will dispense a 96-hour supply of the Prescription Drug. Aetna will review the PreApproval request within the time period allowed by law. If Aetna gives Pre-Approval, Aetna will notify the Pharmacy and the balance of the Prescription Drug will be dispensed with benefits for the Prescription Drug being paid subject to the terms of the Policy. If Aetna does not give Pre-Approval, the Covered Person may ask that the Pharmacy dispense the balance of the Prescription Drug, with the Covered Person paying for the Prescription Drug. The Covered Person may submit a claim for the Prescription Drug, subject to the terms of the Policy. The Covered Person may appeal the decision by following the Appeals Procedure process set forth in the Policy. If a Covered Person purchases a Brand Name Drug when there is a Generic Prescription Drug alternative, Aetna will cover the Generic Prescription Drug subject to the applicable cost sharing, whether Deductible, Coinsurance or Copayment. Except as stated below, the Covered Person is responsible for the difference between the cost of the Brand Name Drug and the Generic Prescription Drug. Exception: If the Provider states “Dispense as Written” on the prescription the Covered Person will be responsible for the applicable cost sharing for the Brand Name Prescription Drug. A Covered Person must pay the appropriate Copayment shown below for each Prescription Drug each time it is dispensed by a Participating Pharmacy or by a Participating Mail Order Pharmacy. The Copayment must be paid before the Policy pays any benefit for the Prescription Drug. The Copayment for each prescription or refill is shown in the Schedule. After the Copayment is paid, Aetna will pay the Covered Charge in excess of the Copayment for each Prescription Drug dispensed by a Participating Pharmacy or by a Participating Mail Order Pharmacy while the Covered Person is insured. What Aetna pays is subject to all the terms of the Policy. A Covered Person and his or her Practitioner may request that a Non-Preferred Drug be covered subject to the applicable copayment for a Preferred Drug. Aetna will consider a Non-Preferred Drug to be Medically Necessary and Appropriate if: a) It is approved under the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act; or its use is supported by one or more citations included or approved for inclusion in The American Hospital Formulary Service Drug Information or the United States Pharmacopoeia-Drug Information, or it is recommended by a clinical study or review article in a major peer-reviewed journal; and b) The Practitioner states that all Preferred Drugs used to treat the Illness or Injury have been ineffective in the treatment of the Covered Person's Illness or Injury, or that all drugs have caused or are reasonably expected to cause adverse or harmful reactions in the Covered Person. Aetna shall respond to the request for approval of a Non-Preferred Drug within one business day and shall provide written confirmation within 5 business days. Denials shall include the clinical reason for the denial. The Covered Person may follow the Appeals Procedure set forth in the Policy. In addition, the Covered Person may appeal a denial to the Independent Health Care Appeals Program. The Policy only pays benefits for Prescription Drugs which are: a) prescribed by a Practitioner (except for insulin) b) dispensed by a Participating Pharmacy or by a Participating Mail Order Pharmacy; and c) needed to treat an Illness or Injury covered under this Policy. Such charges will not include charges made for more than: a) a 90-day supply for each prescription or refill which is not obtained through the Mail Order Program where the copayment is calculated based on the multiple of 30-day supplies received; b) a 90-day supply of a Maintenance Drug obtained through the Mail Order Program where the copayment is the copayment specified for a 90-day supply; and c) the amount usually prescribed by the Covered Person's Practitioner. A charge will be considered to be incurred at the time the Prescription Drug is received.

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Aetna will arrange for audits that will take place at a time mutually agreeable to the Participating Pharmacy and the Participating Mail Order Pharmacy or the pharmacist and the auditor. The audits shall only include the review of documents relating to persons and prescription plans reimbursable by Aetna. Aetna will not restrict or prohibit, directly or indirectly, a Participating Pharmacy or a Participating Mail Order Pharmacy from charging the Covered Person for charges that are in addition to charges for the Prescription Drug, for dispensing the Prescription Drug or for prescription counseling provided such other charges have been approved by the New Jersey Board of Pharmacy, and the amount of the charges for the additional services and the purchaser's out-of-pocket cost for those services has been disclosed to the Covered Person prior to dispensing the drug. Supplies to Administer Prescription Drugs Aetna covers Medically Necessary and Appropriate supplies which require a prescription, are prescribed by a Practitioner, and are essential to the administration of the prescription drug. Orally Administered Anti-Cancer Prescription Drugs As used in this provision, orally administered anti-cancer prescription drugs means Prescription Drugs that are used to slow or kill the growth of cancerous cells and are administered orally. Such anti-cancer Prescription Drugs does not include those that are prescribed to maintain red or white cell counts, those that treat nausea or those that are prescribed to support the anti-cancer prescription drugs. Any such Prescription Drugs are covered under the Prescription Drugs provision of the Policy. Aetna covers orally administered anti-cancer prescription drugs that are Medically Necessary and Appropriate as Network Services and Supplies if the Covered Person is receiving care and treatment from a Network Practitioner who writes the prescription for such Prescription Drugs. The anti-cancer Prescription Drug will be covered subject to the terms of the Prescription Drug provision of the Certificate. The Covered Person must pay the copayment, deductible, and/or coinsurance required under such Prescription Drug coverage. Aetna will review and compare claims monthly for any orally administered anti-cancer Prescription Drugs processed under the Prescription Drug coverage to the coverage the Certificate provides for intravenously (IV) administered or injected anti-cancer medications to determine which is more favorable to the Covered Person in terms of costs incurred for copayments, deductible, and/or coinsurance for different places of service and/or locations. If a Covered Person paid a Prescription Drug copayment, deductible, and/or coinsurance that exceeds the applicable Network copayment, deductible, and/or coinsurance for IV administered or injected anticancer medications, the Covered Person will be reimbursed for the difference. COVERED CHARGES WITH SPECIAL LIMITATIONS Clinical Trial The coverage described in this provision applies to Covered Persons who are eligible to participate in an approved clinical trial, Phase I, II, III and/or IV according to the trial protocol with respect to the treatment of cancer or another life threatening condition. Aetna provides coverage for the clinical trial if the Covered Person’s practitioner is participating in the clinical trial and has concluded that the Covered Person’s participation would be appropriate; or the Covered Person provides medical and scientific information establishing that his or her participation in the clinical trial would be appropriate. Aetna provides coverage of routine patient costs for items and services furnished in connection with participation in the clinical trial. Aetna will not deny a qualified Covered Person participation in an approved clinical trial with respect to the treatment of cancer or another life threatening disease or condition. Aetna will not deny or limit or impose additional conditions on the coverage of routine patient costs for items and services furnished in connection with participation in the clinical trial. Aetna will not discriminate against the Covered Person on the basis of the Covered Person’s participation in the clinical trial. Dental Care and Treatment This Dental Care and Treatment provision applies to all Covered Persons.

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Aetna covers: a) the diagnosis and treatment of oral tumors and cysts; and b) the surgical removal of bony impacted teeth. Aetna also covers treatment of an Injury to natural teeth or the jaw, but only if: a) the Injury was not caused, directly or indirectly by biting or chewing; and b) all treatment is finished within 6 months of the date of the Injury. Treatment includes replacing natural teeth lost due to such Injury. But in no event does Aetna cover orthodontic treatment. Dental Benefits Subject to the applicable Deductible, Coinsurance or Copayments shown on the Schedule of Insurance and Premium rates, Aetna covers the diagnostic, preventive, restorative, endodontic, periodontal, prosthodontic, oral and maxillofacial surgical, orthodontic and certain adjunctive services in the dental benefit package as described in this provision for Covered Persons through the end of the month in which the Covered Person turns age 19 when services are provided by a Network provider. • Dental services are available from birth with an age one dental visit encouraged. • A second opinion is allowed. • Emergency treatment is available without prior authorization. Emergency treatment includes, but may not be limited to treatment for: pain, acute or chronic infection, facial, oral or head and neck injury, laceration or trauma, facial, oral or head and neck swelling, extensive, abnormal bleeding, fractures of facial bones or dislocation of the mandible. • Diagnostic and preventive services are linked to the provider, thus allowing a member to transfer to a different provider/practice and receive these services. The new provider is encouraged to request copies of diagnostic radiographs if recently provided. If they are not available radiographs needed to diagnose and treat will be allowed. • Denials of services to the dentist shall include an explanation and identify the reviewer including their contact information. • Services with a dental laboratory component that cannot be completed can be considered for prorated payment based on stage of completion. • Unspecified services for which a specific procedure code does not exist can be considered with detailed documentation and diagnostic materials as needed by report. • Services that are considered experimental in nature will not be considered. • This Policy will not cover any charges for broken appointments. Diagnostic Services * Indicated diagnostic services that can be considered every 3 months for individuals with special healthcare needs are denoted with an asterisk. a) Clinical oral evaluations once every 6 months * 1. Comprehensive oral evaluation– complete evaluation which includes a comprehensive and thorough inspection of the oral cavity to include diagnosis, an oral cancer screening, charting of all abnormalities, and development of a complete treatment plan allowed once per year with subsequent service as periodic oral evaluation 2. Periodic oral evaluation – subsequent thorough evaluation of an established patient* 3. Oral evaluation for patient under the age of 3 and counseling with primary caregiver* 4. Limited oral evaluations that are problem focused 5. Detailed oral evaluations that are problem focused b) Diagnostic Imaging with interpretation 1. A full mouth series can be provided every 3 years. The number of films/views expected is based on age with the maximum being 16 intraoral films/views. 2. An extraoral panoramic film/view and bitewings may be substituted for the full mouth series with the same frequency limit. 3. Additional films/views needed for diagnosing can be provided as needed.

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4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Bitewings, periapicals, panoramic and cephlometric radiographic images Intraoral and extraoral radiographic images Oral/facial photographic images Maxillofacial MRI, ultrasound Cone beam image capture

c) d) e) f) g)

Tests and Examinations Viral culture Collection and preparation of saliva sample for laboratory diagnostic testing Diagnostic casts – for diagnostic purposes only and not in conjunction with other services Oral pathology laboratory 1. Accession/collection of tissue, examination – gross and microscopic, preparation and transmission of written report 2. Accession/collection of exfoliative cytologic smears, microscopic examination, preparation and transmission of a written report 3. Other oral pathology procedures, by report

Preventive Services * Indicates preventive services that can be considered every 3 months for individuals with special healthcare needs are denoted with an asterisk. a) Dental prophylaxis once every 6 months* b) Topical fluoride treatment once every 6 months – in conjunction with prophylaxis as a separate service* c) Fluoride varnish once every 3 months for children under the age of 6 d) Sealants, limited to one time application to all occlusal surfaces that are unfilled and caries free, in premolars and permanent molars. Replacement of sealants can be considered with prior authorization. e) Space maintainers – to maintain space for eruption of permanent tooth/teeth, includes placement and removal 1. fixed – unilateral and bilateral 2. removable – bilateral only 3. recementation of fixed space maintainer 4. removal of fixed space maintainer – considered for provider that did not place appliance Restorative Services • • • • • • •

There are no frequency limits on replacing restorations (fillings) or crowns. Request for replacement due to failure soon after insertion, may require documentation to demonstrate material failure as the cause. Reimbursem*nt will include the restorative material and all associated materials necessary to provide the standard of care, polishing of restoration, and local anesthesia. The reimbursem*nt for any restoration on a tooth shall be for the total number of surfaces to be restored on that date of service. Only one procedure code is reimbursable per tooth except when amalgam and composite restorations are placed on the same tooth. Reimbursem*nt for an occlusal restoration includes any extensions onto the occlusal one-third of the buccal, facial or lingual surface(s) of the tooth. Extension of interproximal restorations into self-cleansing areas will not be considered as additional surfaces. Extension of any restoration into less than 1/3 of an adjacent surface is not considered an additional surface and will not be reimbursable (or if paid will be recovered).

Restorative service to include: a) Restorations (fillings) – amalgam or resin based composite for anterior and posterior teeth. Service includes local anesthesia, pulp cap (direct or indirect) polishing and adjusting occlusion. b) Gold foil - Service includes local anesthesia, polishing and adjusting occlusion but only covered if the place of service is a teaching institution or residency program c) Inlay/onlay restorations – metallic, service includes local anesthesia, cementation, polishing and adjusting occlusion but only covered if the place of service is a teaching institution or residency program

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d) Porcelain fused to metal, cast and ceramic crowns (single restoration) – to restore form and function. 1. Service requires prior authorization and will not be considered for cosmetic reasons, for teeth where other restorative materials will be adequate to restore form and function or for teeth that are not in occlusion or function and have a poor long term prognosis 2. Service includes local anesthesia, temporary crown placement, insertion with cementation, polishing and adjusting occlusion. 3. Provisional crowns are not covered. e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) p)

Recement of inlay, onlay, custom fabricated/cast or prefabricated post and core and crown, Prefabricated stainless steel, stainless steel crown with resin window and resin crowns. Service includes local anesthesia, insertion with cementation and adjusting occlusion. Core buildup including pins Pin retention Indirectly fabricated (custom fabricated/cast) and prefabricated post and core Additional fabricated ( custom fabricated/cast) and prefabricated post Post removal Temporary crown (fractured tooth) Additional procedures to construct new crown under existing partial denture Coping Crown repair Protective restoration/sedative filling

Endodontic Services • • • •

Service includes all necessary radiographs or views needed for endodontic treatment. Teeth must be in occlusion, periodontally sound, needed for function and have good long term prognosis. Emergency services for pain do not require prior authorization. Service requires prior authorization and will not be considered for teeth that are not in occlusion or function and have poor long term prognosis.

Endodontic service to include: a) Therapeutic pulpotomy for primary and permanent teeth b) Pulpal debridement for primary and permanent teeth c) Partial pulpotomy for apexogensis d) Pulpal therapy for anterior and posterior primary teeth e) Endodontic therapy and retreatment f) Treatment for root canal obstruction, incomplete therapy and internal root repair of perforation g) Apexification: initial, interim and final visits h) Pulpal regeneration i) Apicoectomy/Periradicular Surgery j) Retrograde filling k) Root amputation l) Surgical procedure for isolation of tooth with rubber dam m) Hemisection n) Canal preparation and fitting of preformed dowel or post o) Post removal Periodontal Services Services require prior authorization with submission of diagnostic materials and documentation of need. a) Surgical services 1. Gingivectomy and gingivoplasty 2. Gingival flap including root planning 3. Apically positioned flap 4. Clinical crown lengthening

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5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Osseous surgery Bone replacement graft – first site and additional sites Biologic materials to aid soft and osseous tissue regeneration Guided tissue regeneration Surgical revision Pedicle and free soft tissue graft Subepithelial connective tissue graft Distal or proximal wedge Soft tissue allograft Combined connective tissue and double pedicle graft

b) Non-Surgical Periodontal Service 1. Provisional splinting – intracoronal and extracoronal – can be considered for treatment of dental trauma 2. Periodontal root planing and scaling – with prior authorization, can be considered every 6 months for individuals with special healthcare needs 3. Full mouth debridement to enable comprehensive evaluation 4. Localized delivery of antimicrobial agents c)

Periodontal maintenance

Prosthodontic Services • • • • • •

All dentures, fixed prosthodontics (fixed bridges) and maxillofacial prosthetics require prior authorization. New dentures or replacement dentures may be considered every 7 ½ years unless dentures become obsolete due to additional extractions or are damaged beyond repair. All needed dental treatment must be completed prior to denture fabrication. Patient identification must be placed in dentures in accordance with State Board regulation. Insertion of dentures includes adjustments for 6 months post insertion. Prefabricated dentures or transitional dentures that are temporary in nature are not covered.

Prosthodontic services to include: a) Complete dentures and immediate complete dentures – maxillary and mandibular to address masticatory deficiencies. Excludes prefabricated dentures or dentures that are temporary in nature b) Partial denture – maxillary and mandibular to replace missing anterior tooth/teeth (central incisor(s), lateral incisor(s) and cuspid(s)) and posterior teeth where masticatory deficiencies exist due to fewer than eight posterior teeth (natural or prosthetic) resulting in balanced occlusion. 1. Resin base and cast frame dentures including any conventional clasps, rests and teeth 2. Flexible base denture including any clasps, rests and teeth 3. Removable unilateral partial dentures or dentures without clasps are not considered Overdenture – complete and partial Denture adjustments –6 months after insertion or repair Denture repairs – includes adjustments for first 6 months following service Denture rebase – following 12 months post denture insertion and subject to prior authorization denture rebase is covered and includes adjustments for first 6 months following service g) Denture relines – following 12 months post denture insertion denture relines are covered once a year without prior authorization and includes adjustments for first 6 months following service h) Precision attachment, by report i) Maxillofacial prosthetics - includes adjustments for first 6 months following service 1. Facial moulage, nasal, auricular, orbital, ocular, facial, nasal septal, cranial, speech aid, palatal augmentation, palatal lift prosthesis – initial, interim and replacement 2. Obturator prosthesis: surgical, definitive and modifications 3. Mandibular resection prosthesis with and without guide flange 4. Feeding aid 5. Surgical stents c) d) e) f)

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6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. j)

Radiation carrier Fluoride gel carrier Commissure splint Surgical splint Topical medicament carrier Adjustments, modification and repair to a maxillofacial prosthesis Maintenance and cleaning of maxillofacial prosthesis

Implant Services – are limited to cases where facial defects and or deformities resulting from trauma or disease result in loss of dentition capable of supporting a maxillofacial prosthesis or cases where documentation demonstrates lack of retention and the inability to function with a complete denture for a period of two years. Covered services include: implant body, abutment and crown.

k) Fixed prosthodontics (fixed bridges) – are selective and limited to cases with an otherwise healthy dentition with unilateral missing tooth or teeth generally for anterior replacements where adequate space exists. 1. The replacement of an existing defective fixed bridge is also allowed when noted criteria are met. 2. A child with special health needs that result in the inability to tolerate a removable denture can be considered for a fixed bridge or replacement of a removable denture with a fixed bridge. 3. Considerations and requirements noted for single crowns apply 4. Posterior fixed bridge is only considered for a unilateral case when there is masticatory deficiency due to fewer than eight posterior teeth in balanced occlusion with natural or prosthetic teeth. 5. Abutment teeth must be periodontally sound and have a good long term prognosis 6. Repair and recementation l)

Pediatric partial denture – for select cases to maintain function and space for permanent anterior teeth with premature loss of primary anterior teeth, subject to prior authorization.

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgical Services Local anesthesia, suturing and routine post op visit for suture removal are included with service. a) Extraction of teeth: 1. Extraction of coronal remnants – deciduous tooth, 2. Extraction, erupted tooth or exposed root 3. Surgical removal of erupted tooth or residual root 4. Impactions: removal of soft tissue, partially boney, completely boney and completely bony with unusual surgical complications b) Extractions associated with orthodontic services must not be provided without proof that the orthodontic service has been approved. c) Other surgical Procedures 1. Oroantral fistula 2. Primary closure of sinus perforation and sinus repairs 3. Tooth reimplantation of an accidentally avulsed or displaced by trauma or accident 4. Surgical access of an unerupted tooth 5. Mobilization of erupted or malpositioned tooth to aid eruption 6. Placement of device to aid eruption 7. Biopsies of hard and soft tissue, exfoliative cytological sample collection and brush biopsy 8. Surgical repositioning of tooth/teeth 9. Transseptal fiberotomy/supra crestal fiberotomy 10. Surgical placement of anchorage device with or without flap 11. Harvesting bone for use in graft(s) d) Alveoloplasty in conjunction or not in conjunction with extractions e) Vestibuloplasty f) Excision of benign and malignant tumors/lesions g) Removal of cysts (odontogenic and nonodontogenic) and foreign bodies h) Destruction of lesions by electrosurgery

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i) Removal of lateral exostosis, torus palatinus or torus madibularis j) Surgical reduction of osseous tuberosity k) Resections of maxilla and mandible - Includes placement or removal of appliance and/or hardware to same provider. l) Surgical Incision 1. Incision and drainage of abscess - intraoral and extraoral 2. Removal of foreign body 3. Partial ostectomy/sequestrectomy 4. Maxillary sinusotomy m) Fracture repairs of maxilla, mandible and facial bones – simple and compound, open and closed reduction. Includes placement or removal of appliance and/or hardware to same provider. n) Reduction of dislocation and management of other temporomandibular joint dysfunctions (TMJD), with or without appliance. Includes placement or removal of appliance and/or hardware to same provider. 1. Reduction - open and closed of dislocation. Includes placement or removal of appliance and/or hardware to same provider. 2. Manipulation under anesthesia 3. Condylectomy, discectomy, synovectomy 4. Joint reconstruction 5. Services associated with TMJD treatment require prior authorization o) Arthrotomy, arthroplasty, arthrocentesis and non-arthroscopic lysis and lavage p) Arthroscopy q) Occlusal orthotic device – includes placement and removal to same provider r) Surgical and other repairs 1. Repair of traumatic wounds – small and complicated 2. Skin and bone graft and synthetic graft 3. Collection and application of autologous blood concentrate 4. Osteoplasty and osteotomy 5. LeFort I, II, III with or without bone graft 6. Graft of the mandible or maxilla – autogenous or nonautogenous 7. Sinus augmentations 8. Repair of maxillofacial soft and hard tissue defects 9. Frenectomy and frenoplasty 10. Excision of hyperplastic tissue and pericoronal gingiva 11. Sialolithotomy, sialodochoplasty, excision of the salivary gland and closure of salivary fistula 12. Emergency tracheotomy 13. Coronoidectomy 14. Implant – mandibular augmentation purposes 15. Appliance removal – “by report” for provider that did not place appliance, splint or hardware Orthodontic Services Medical necessity must be met by demonstrating severe functional difficulties, developmental anomalies of facial bones and/or oral structures, facial trauma resulting in functional difficulties or documentation of a psychological/psychiatric diagnosis from a mental health provider that orthodontic treatment will improve the mental/psychological condition of the child. • Orthodontic treatment requires prior authorization and is not considered for cosmetic purposes. • Orthodontic consultation can be provided once annually as needed by the same provider. • Pre-orthodontic treatment visit for completion of the HLD (NJ-Mod2) assessment form and diagnostic photographs and panoramic radiograph/views is required for consideration of services. • Orthodontic cases that require extraction of permanent teeth must be approved for orthodontic treatment prior to extractions being provided. The orthodontic approval should be submitted with referral to oral surgeon or dentist providing the extractions and extractions should not be provided without proof of approval for orthodontic service. • Initiation of treatment should take into consideration time needed to treat the case to ensure treatment is completed prior to 19th birthday.

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• • • •

Periodic oral evaluation, preventive services and needed dental treatment must be provided prior to initiation of orthodontic treatment. The placement of the appliance represents the treatment start date. Reimbursem*nt includes placement and removal of appliance. Removal can be requested by report as separate service for provider that did not start case and requires prior authorization. Completion of treatment must be documented to include diagnostic photographs and panoramic radiograph/view of completed case and submitted when active treatment has ended and bands are removed. Date of service used is date of band removal.

Orthodontic service to include: a) Limited treatment for the primary, transitional and adult dentition b) Interceptive treatment for the primary and transitional dentition c) Minor treatment to control harmful habits d) Continuation of transfer cases or cases started outside of the program e) Comprehensive treatment for handicapping malocclusions of adult dentition. Case must demonstrate medical necessity based on score total equal to or greater than 26 on the HLD (NJ-Mod2) assessment form with diagnostic tools substantiation or total scores less than 26 with documented medical necessity. f) Orthognathic Surgical Cases with comprehensive orthodontic treatment g) Repairs to orthodontic appliances h) Replacement of lost or broken retainer i) Rebonding or recementing of brackets and/or bands Request for treatment must include diagnostic materials to demonstrate need, the completed HDL (NJ-Mod2) form and documentation that all needed dental preventive and treatment services have been completed. Approval for comprehensive treatment is for up to 12 visits at a time with request for continuation to include the previously mentioned documentation and most recent diagnostic tools to demonstrate progression of treatment.

Adjunctive General Services Palliative treatment for emergency treatment – per visit Anesthesia Local anesthesia NOT in conjunction with operative or surgical procedures. Regional block Trigeminal division block. Deep sedation/general anesthesia provided by a dentist regardless of where the dental services are provided for a medical condition covered by this Policy which requires hospitalization or general anesthesia. 2 hour maximum time 5. Intravenous conscious sedation/analgesia – 2 hour maximum time 6. Nitrous oxide/analgesia 7. Non-intravenous conscious sedation – to include oral medications c) Behavior management – for additional time required to provide services to a child with special needs that requires more time than generally required to provide a dental service. Request must indicate specific medical diagnosis and clinical appearance. • One unit equals 15 minutes of additional time • Utilization thresholds are based on place of service as follows. Prior authorization is required when thresholds are exceeded. • Office or Clinic maximum – 2 units • Inpatient/Outpatient hospital – 4 units • Skilled Nursing/Long Term Care – 2 units d) Consultation by specialist or non-primary care provider e) Professional visits • House or facility visit – for a single visit to a facility regardless of the number of members seen on that day. • Hospital or ambulatory surgical center call • For cases that are treated in a facility. a) b) 1. 2. 3. 4.

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• f)

For cases taken to the operating room – dental services are provided for patient with a medical condition covered by this Policy which requires this admission as in-patient or out-patient. Prior authorization is required. • General anesthesia and outpatient facility charges for dental services are covered • Dental services rendered in these settings by a dentist not on staff are considered separately Office visit for observation – (during regular hours) no other service performed

Drugs • Therapeutic parenteral drug • Single administration • Two or more administrations - not to be combined with single administration • Other drugs and/or medicaments – by report

Application of desensitizing medicament – per visit Occlusal guard – for treatment of bruxism, clenching or grinding Athletic mouthguard covered once per year Occlusal adjustment • Limited - (per visit) • Complete (regardless of the number of visits), once in a lifetime k) Odontoplasty l) Internal bleaching g) h) i) j)

For a Covered Person who is severely disabled or who is a Child under age 6, Aetna covers: a) general anesthesia and Hospitalization for dental services; and b) dental services rendered by a dentist regardless of where the dental services are provided for a medical condition covered by this Policy which requires Hospitalization or general anesthesia.

Treatment for Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ) Aetna covers charges for the Medically Necessary and Appropriate surgical and non-surgical treatment of TMJ in a Covered Person. However, with respect to coverage of TMJ Aetna does not cover any charges for orthodontia, crowns or bridgework. Mammogram Charges Aetna covers charges made for mammograms provided to a female Covered Person according to the schedule given below. Benefits will be paid, subject to all the terms of the Policy, and the following limitations: Aetna will cover charges for: a) one baseline mammogram for a female Covered Person who is 40 years of age; b) one mammogram, every year, for a female Covered Person age 40 and older; and c) a mammogram at the ages and intervals the female Covered Person’s Practitioner deems to be Medically Necessary and Appropriate with respect to a female Covered Person who is less than 40 years of age and has a family history of breast cancer or other breast risk factors. In addition, if the conditions listed below are satisfied after a baseline mammogram Aetna will cover charges for: a) an ultrasound evaluation; b) a magnetic resonance imaging scan; c) a three-dimensional mammography; and d) other additional testing of the breasts. The above additional charges will be covered if one of following conditions are satisfied. a) The mammogram demonstrates extremely dense breast tissue; b) The mammogram is abnormal within any degree of breast density including not dense, moderately dense, heterogeneously dense, or extremely dense breast tissue; or

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If the female Covered Person has additional risk factors of breast cancer including but not limited to family history of breast cancer, prior personal history of breast cancer, positive genetic testing, extremely dense breast tissue based on the Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System established by the American College of Radiology or other indications as determined by the female Covered Person’s Practitioner.

Please note that mammograms and the additional testing described above when warranted as described above, are included under the Preventive Care provision. Colorectal Cancer Screening Charges Aetna covers charges made for colorectal cancer screening provided to a Covered Person age 50 or over and to younger Covered Persons who are considered to be high risk for colorectal cancer. Benefits will be paid, subject to all the terms of this Policy, and the following limitations: Subject to the American Cancer Society guidelines, and medical necessity as determined by the Covered Person’s Practitioner in consultation with the Covered Person regarding methods to use, Aetna will cover charges for: a) Annual gFOBT (guaiac-based fecal occult blood test) with high test sensitivity for cancer; b) Annual FIT (immunochemical-based fecal occult blood test) with high test sensitivity for cancer; c) Stool DNA (sDNA) test with high sensitivity for cancer d) flexible sigmoidoscopy, e) colonoscopy; f) contrast barium enema; g) Computed Tomography (CT) Colonography h) any combination of the services listed in items a – g above; or i) any updated colorectal screening examinations and laboratory tests recommended in the American Cancer Society guidelines. Aetna will cover the above methods at the frequency recommended by the most recent published guidelines of the American Cancer Society and as determined to be medically necessary by the Covered Person’s practitioner in consultation with the Covered Person. High risk for colorectal cancer means a Covered Person has: a) A family history of: familial adenomatous polyposis, hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer; or breast, ovarian, endometrial or colon cancer or polyps; b) Chronic inflammatory bowel disease; or c) A background, ethnicity or lifestyle that the practitioner believes puts the person at elevated risk for colorectal cancer. Please note that colorectal cancer screening is included under the Preventive Care provision. Private Duty Nursing Care Aetna only covers charges by a Nurse for Medically Necessary and Appropriate private duty nursing care if such care is authorized as part of a written home health care plan, coordinated by a Home Health Agency, and covered under the Home Health Care Charges section. Any other charges for private duty nursing care are a Non-Covered Charge. Therapy Services Therapy Services mean services or supplies, ordered by a Practitioner and used to treat, or promote recovery from, an Injury or Illness: Subject to the stated limits, Aetna covers the Therapy Services listed below when such services are provided to a Covered Person as an Outpatient. Aetna covers other types of Therapy Services provided they are performed by a licensed Provider, are Medically Necessary and Appropriate and are not Experimental or Investigational. a. b.

Chelation Therapy - the administration of drugs or chemicals to remove toxic concentrations of metals from the body. Chemotherapy - the treatment of malignant disease by chemical or biological antineoplastic agents.

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c. d.


Dialysis Treatment - the treatment of an acute renal failure or a chronic irreversible renal insufficiency by removing waste products from the body. This includes hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. Radiation Therapy - the treatment of disease by x-ray, radium, cobalt, or high energy particle sources. Radiation therapy includes rental or cost of radioactive materials. Diagnostic Services requiring the use of radioactive materials are not radiation therapy. Respiration Therapy - the introduction of dry or moist gases into the lungs.

Subject to Aetna’s Pre-Approval, Aetna covers the Therapy Services listed below, subject to stated limitations: f.


Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy - the retraining of the brain to perform intellectual skills which it was able to perform prior to disease, trauma, Surgery, or previous therapeutic process; or the training of the brain to perform intellectual skills it should have been able to perform if there were not a congenital anomaly. Speech Therapy -except as stated below, treatment for the correction of a speech impairment resulting from Illness, Surgery, Injury, congenital anomaly, or previous therapeutic processes. Exception: For a Covered Person who has been diagnosed with a biologically-based mental illness, speech therapy means treatment of a speech impairment.

Coverage for Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy and Speech Therapy, combined, is limited to 30 visits per Calendar Year. h.


Occupational Therapy - except as stated below, treatment to restore a physically disabled person's ability to perform the ordinary tasks of daily living. Exception: For a Covered Person who has been diagnosed with a biologically-based mental illness, occupational therapy means treatment to develop a Covered Person’s ability to perform the ordinary tasks of daily living.. Physical Therapy - except as stated below, the treatment by physical means to relieve pain, restore maximum function, and prevent disability following disease, Injury or loss of limb. Exception: For a Covered Person who has been diagnosed with a biologically-based mental illness, physical therapy means treatment to develop a Covered Person’s physical function.

Coverage for Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy, combined, is limited to 30 visits per Calendar Year. j.

Infusion Therapy – Subject to Aetna's Pre-Approval, the administration of antibiotic, nutrients, or other therapeutic agents by direct infusion.

Note: The limitations on Therapy Services contained in this Therapy Services provision do not apply to any therapy services that are received under the Home Health Care provision to services provided while a Covered Person is confined in a Facility or to therapy services received under the Diagnosis and Treatment of Autism or Other Developmental Disabilities provision. Diagnosis and Treatment of Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities Aetna provides coverage for charges for the screening and diagnosis of autism and other developmental disabilities. If a Covered Person’s primary diagnosis is autism or another developmental disability Aetna provides coverage for the following medically necessary therapies as prescribed through a treatment plan. These are habilitative services in that they are provided to develop rather than restore a function. The therapy services are subject to the benefit limits set forth below: a) occupational therapy where occupational therapy refers to treatment to develop a Covered Person’s ability to perform the ordinary tasks of daily living; b) physical therapy where physical therapy refers to treatment to develop a Covered Person’s physical function; and c) speech therapy where speech therapy refers to treatment of a Covered Person’s speech impairment.

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Coverage for occupational therapy and physical therapy combined is limited to 30 visits per Calendar Year for the treatment of conditions other than autism. Coverage for speech therapy is limited to 30 visits per Calendar Year for the treatment of conditions other than autism. These therapy services are covered whether or not the therapies are restorative. The therapy services covered under this provision do not reduce the available therapy visits available under the Therapy Services provision. If a Covered Person’s primary diagnosis is autism, in addition to coverage for the therapy services as described above, Aetna also cover medically necessary behavioral interventions based on the principles of applied behavior analysis and related structured behavioral programs as prescribed through a treatment plan. The treatment plan(s) referred to above must be in writing, signed by the treating physician, and must include: a diagnosis, proposed treatment by type, frequency and duration; the anticipated outcomes stated as goals; and the frequency by which the treatment plan will be updated. Aetna may request additional information if necessary to determine the coverage under the Policy. Aetna may require the submission of an updated treatment plan once every six months unless Aetna and the treating physician agree to more frequent updates. If a Covered Person: a) is eligible for early intervention services through the New Jersey Early Intervention System; and b) has been diagnosed with autism or other developmental disability; and c) receives physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, applied behavior analysis or related structured behavior services; the portion of the family cost share attributable to such services is a Covered Charge under this Policy. The deductible, coinsurance or copayment as applicable to a non-specialist physician visit for treatment of an Illness or Injury will apply to the family cost share. The therapy services a Covered Person receives through New Jersey Early Intervention do not reduce the therapy services otherwise available under this Diagnosis and Treatment of Autism and Other Disabilities provision. Fertility Services Subject to Aetna’s Pre-Approval Aetna covers charges for procedures and Prescription Drugs to enhance fertility, except where specifically excluded in the Policy. Aetna covers charges for: artificial insemination; and standard dosages, lengths of treatment and cycles of therapy of Prescription Drugs used to stimulate ovulation for artificial insemination or for unassisted conception. The Prescription Drugs noted in this section are subject to the terms and conditions of the Prescription Drugs section of the Policy. Preventive Care Aetna covers charges for routine physical examinations including related laboratory tests and x-rays. Aetna also covers charges for immunizations and vaccines, well baby care, pap smears, mammography, screening tests, bone density testing, colorectal cancer screening, and Nicotine Dependence Treatment. Immunizations and Lead Screening Aetna will cover charges for: a) screening by blood measurement for lead poisoning for children, including confirmatory blood lead testing and medical evaluation as specified by the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services and any necessary medical follow-up and treatment for lead poisoned children; and b) all childhood immunizations as recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the United States Public Health Services and New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services. Hearing Aids Aetna covers charges for medically necessary services incurred in the purchase of a hearing aid for a Covered Person age 15 or younger. Coverage includes the purchase of one hearing aid for each hearing-impaired ear every 24 months. Coverage for all other medically necessary services incurred in the purchase of a hearing aid is unlimited. Such medically necessary services include fittings, examinations, hearing tests, dispensing fees, modifications and repairs, ear molds and headbands for bone-anchored hearing implants. The hearing aid must be recommended or prescribed by a licensed physician or audiologist.

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The deductible, coinsurance or copayment applicable to Durable Medical Equipment will apply to the purchase of hearing aid. The deductible, coinsurance or copayment as applicable to a non-specialist physician visit for treatment of an Illness or Injury will apply to the medically necessary services incurred in the purchase of a hearing aid. Hearing aids are habilitative devices. Newborn Hearing Screening Aetna covers charges up to a maximum of 28 days following the date of birth for screening for newborn hearing loss by appropriate electrophysiologic screening measures. In addition, Aetna covers charges between age 29 days and 36 months for the periodic monitoring of infants for delayed onset hearing loss. Vision Screening Aetna covers vision screening for Dependent children, through age 17, to determine the need for vision correction. The vision screening is generally performed by the pediatrician during the course of a routine physical examination. The vision screening may suggest that the Covered Person should undergo a vision examination. Vision Benefit Subject to the applicable Deductible, Coinsurance or Copayments shown on the Schedule of Services and Supplies, Aetna covers the vision benefits described in this provision for Covered Persons through the end of the month in which he or she turns age 19. Aetna covers one comprehensive eye examination by a Network ophthalmologist or optometrist in a 12 month period. Aetna covers one pair of lenses, for glasses or contact lenses, in a 12 month period. Aetna covers one pair of frames in a 12 month period. Standard frames refers to frames that are not designer frames such as Coach, Burberry, Prada and other designers. Aetna covers charges for a one comprehensive low vision evaluation every 5 years. Aetna covers low vision aids such as high-power spectacles, magnifiers and telescopes and medically-necessary follow-up care. As used in this provision, low vision means a significant loss of vision, but not total blindness. Therapeutic Manipulation Aetna limits what Aetna covers for therapeutic manipulation to 30 visits per Calendar Year. And Aetna covers no more than two modalities per visit. Charges for such treatment above these limits are a Non-Covered Charge. Transplant Benefits Aetna covers Medically Necessary and Appropriate services and supplies for the following types of transplants: a) Cornea b) Kidney c) Lung d) Liver e) Heart f) Pancreas g) Intestine h) Allogeneic Bone Marrow i) Autologous Bone Marrow and Associated Dose Intensive Chemotherapy only for treatment of: • Leukemia • Lymphoma • Neuroblastoma • Aplastic Anemia • Genetic Disorders • SCID • WISCOT Aldrich Subject to Aetna’s Pre-Approval, breast cancer, if the Covered Person is participating in a National Cancer Institute sponsored clinical trial.

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Peripheral Blood Stem Cell transplants, but only if performed by institutions approved by the National Cancer Institute, or pursuant to protocols consistent with the guidelines of the American Society of Clinical Oncologists.

If the donor does not have health coverage that would cover the costs associated with his or her role as donor, the Policy will cover the donor’s medical costs associated with the donation. Aetna does not cover costs for travel, accommodations or comfort items. IMPORTANT NOTICE The Policy has utilization review features. Under these features, Aetna reviews Hospital admissions and Surgery performed outside of a Practitioner's office. These features must be complied with if a Covered Person: a) is admitted as an Inpatient to a Hospital, or b) is advised to enter a Hospital or have Surgery performed outside of a Practitioner's office. If a Covered Person does not comply with these utilization review features, he or she will not be eligible for full benefits under the Policy. See the Utilization Review Features section for details. The Policy has centers of excellence features. Under these features, a Covered Person may obtain necessary care and treatment from Providers with whom Aetna has entered into agreements. See the Centers of Excellence Features section for details. What Aetna pays is subject to all of the terms of the Policy. Read the Certificate carefully and keep it available when consulting a Practitioner. If an Employee has any questions after reading the Certificate he or she should call the number shown on his or her identification card. The Policy is not responsible for medical or other results arising directly or indirectly from the Covered Person's participation in these Utilization Review or Centers of Excellence Features.

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UTILIZATION REVIEW FEATURES Important Notice: If a Covered Person does not comply with the Policy's utilization review features, he or she will not be eligible for full benefits under the Policy. Compliance with the Policy's utilization review features does not guarantee what Aetna will pay for Covered Charges. What Aetna pays is based on: a) the Covered Charges actually incurred; b) the Covered Person being eligible for coverage under the Policy at the time the Covered Charges are incurred; and c) the Cash Deductible, Copayment and Coinsurance provisions, and all of the other terms of the Policy. Definitions "Hospital admission" means admission of a Covered Person to a Hospital as an Inpatient for Medically Necessary and Appropriate care and treatment of an Illness or Injury. By "covered professional charges for Surgery" Aetna means Covered Charges that are made by a Practitioner for performing Surgery. Any surgical charge which is not a Covered Charge under the terms of the Policy is not payable under the Policy. "Regular working day" means Monday through Friday from 9 am. to 9 pm. Eastern Time, not including legal holidays. Grievance Procedure If a Covered Person is not satisfied with a utilization review decision, the Covered Person or the Covered Person’s Practitioner may appeal such decision by calling Us. A Nurse reviewer will collect any additional medical information required and submit the case to a second medical review Practitioner. This Practitioner will discuss the case with the Practitioner reviewer who made the initial decision. The second medical review Practitioner will then discuss the case with the Covered Person’s Practitioner. The Covered Person’s Practitioner is then notified of the appeal's recommendation and referred to Us for any further appeals. REQUIRED HOSPITAL STAY REVIEW Important Notice: If a Covered Person does not comply with these Hospital stay review features, he or she will not be eligible for full benefits under the Policy. Notice of Hospital Admission Required Aetna requires notice of all Hospital admissions. The times and manner in which the notice must be given is described below. When a Covered Person does not comply with the requirements of this section Aetna reduces what it pays for covered Hospital charges as a penalty. Pre-Hospital Review All non-Emergency Hospital admissions must be reviewed by Aetna before they occur. The Covered Person or the Covered Person's Practitioner must notify Aetna and request a pre-hospital review. Aetna must receive the notice and request as soon as possible before the admission is scheduled to occur. For a maternity admission, a Covered Person or his or her Practitioner must notify Aetna and request a pre-hospital review at least 60 days before the expected date of delivery, or as soon as reasonably possible. When Aetna receives the notice and request, they evaluate: a) the Medical Necessity and Appropriateness of the Hospital admission b) the anticipated length of stay and c) the appropriateness of health care alternatives, like home health care or other out-patient care. Aetna notifies the Covered Person's Practitioner by phone, of the outcome of their review. And they confirm the outcome of their review in writing.

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If Aetna authorizes a Hospital admission, the authorization is valid for: a) the specified Hospital; b) the named attending Practitioner; and c) the authorized length of stay. The authorization becomes invalid and the Covered Person's admission must be reviewed by Aetna again if: a) he or she enters a Facility other than the specified Facility b) he or she changes attending Practitioners; or c) more than 60 days elapse between the time he or she obtains authorization and the time he or she enters the Hospital, except in the case of a maternity admission. Emergency Admission Aetna must be notified of all Emergency admissions by phone. This must be done by the Covered Person or the Covered Person's Practitioner no later than the end of the next regular working day or as soon as possible after the admission occurs. When Aetna is notified by phone, they require the following information: a) the Covered Person's name, social security number and date of birth; b) the Covered Person group plan number; c) the reason for the admission d) the name and location of the Hospital e) when the admission occurred; and f) the name of the Covered Person's Practitioner. Continued Stay Review The Covered Person or his or her Practitioner, must request a continued stay review for any Emergency admission. This must be done at the time Aetna is notified of such admission. The Covered Person, or his or her Practitioner, must also initiate a continued stay review whenever it is Medically Necessary and Appropriate to change the authorized length of a Hospital stay. This must be done before the end of the previously authorized length of stay. Aetna also has the right to initiate a continued stay review of any Hospital admission. And Aetna may contact the Covered Person's Practitioner or Hospital by phone or in writing. In the case of an Emergency admission, the continued stay review evaluates: a) the Medical Necessity and Appropriateness of the Hospital admission; b) the anticipated length of stay; and c) the appropriateness of health care alternatives. In all other cases, the continued stay review evaluates: a) the Medical Necessity and Appropriateness of extending the authorized length of stay; and b) the appropriateness of health care alternatives. Aetna notifies the Covered Person's Practitioner by phone, of the outcome of the review. And Aetna confirms the outcome of the review in writing. The notice always includes any newly authorized length of stay. Penalties for Non-Compliance In the case of a non-Emergency Hospital admission, as a penalty for non-compliance, Aetna reduces what it pays for covered Hospital charges, by 50% if: a) the Covered Person does not request a pre-hospital review; or b) the Covered Person does not request a pre-hospital review as soon as reasonably possible before the Hospital admission is scheduled to occur; or c) Aetna's authorization becomes invalid and the Covered Person does not obtain a new one; or d) Aetna does not authorize the Hospital admission.

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In the case of an Emergency admission, as a penalty for non-compliance, Aetna reduces what it pays for covered Hospital charges by 50%, if: a) Aetna is not notified of the admission at the times and in the manner described above; b) the Covered Person does not request a continued stay review; or c) the Covered Person does not receive authorization for such continued stay. The penalty applies to covered Hospital charges incurred after the applicable time limit allowed for giving notice ends. For any Hospital admission, if a Covered Person stays in the Hospital longer than Aetna authorizes, Aetna reduces what it pays for covered Hospital charges incurred after the authorized length of stay ends by 50% as a penalty for non-compliance. Penalties cannot be used to meet the Policy's Maximum Out of Pocket or Cash Deductible. REQUIRED PRE-SURGlCAL REVIEW Important Notice: If a Covered Person does not comply with these pre-surgical review features, he or she will not be eligible for full benefits under the Policy. Aetna requires a Covered Person to get a pre-surgical review for any non-Emergency procedure performed outside of a Practitioner's office. When a Covered Person does not comply with the requirements of this section Aetna reduces what it pays for covered professional charges for Surgery, as a penalty. The Covered Person or his or her Practitioner, must request a pre-surgical review from Aetna. Aetna must receive the request at least 24 hours before the Surgery is scheduled to occur. If the Surgery is being done in a Hospital, on an Inpatient basis, the pre-surgical review request should be made at the same time as the request for a pre-hospital review. When Aetna receives the request, they evaluate the Medical Necessity and Appropriateness of the Surgery and they either: a) approve the proposed Surgery, or b) require a second surgical opinion regarding the need for the Surgery. Aetna notifies the Covered Person's Practitioner, by phone, of the outcome of the review. Aetna also confirms the outcome of the review in writing. Second Surgical Opinion If Aetna's review does not confirm the Medical Necessity and Appropriateness of the Surgery, the Covered Person may obtain a second surgical opinion. If the second opinion does not confirm the medical necessity of the Surgery, the Covered Person may obtain a third opinion, although he or she is not required to do so. Aetna will give the Covered Person a list of Practitioners in his or her area who will give a second opinion. The Covered Person may get the second opinion from a Practitioner on the list, or from a Practitioner of his or her own choosing, if the Practitioner: a) is board certified and qualified, by reason of his or her specialty, to give an opinion on the proposed Surgery; b) is not a business associate of the Covered Person's Practitioner; and c) does not perform the Surgery if it is needed. Aetna gives second opinion forms to the Covered Person. The Practitioner he or she chooses fills them out, and then returns them to Aetna. Aetna covers charges for additional surgical opinions, including charges for related x-ray and tests. But what Aetna pays is based on all the terms of the Policy, except, these charges are not subject to the Cash Deductible or Coinsurance.

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Pre-Hospital Review If the proposed Surgery is to be done on an Inpatient basis, the Required Pre-Hospital Review section must be complied with. See the Required Pre-Hospital Review section for details. Penalties for Non-Compliance As a penalty for non-compliance, Aetna reduces what it pays for covered professional charges for Surgery by 50% if: a) the Covered Person does not request a pre-surgical review; or b) Aetna is not given at least 24 hours to review and evaluate the proposed Surgery; or c) Aetna requires additional surgical opinions and the Covered Person does not get those opinions before the Surgery is done; d) Aetna does not confirm the need for Surgery. Penalties cannot be used to meet the Policy's Maximum Out of Pocket or Cash Deductible. CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE FEATURES Important Notice: No Covered Person is required, in any way, to receive medical care and treatment at a Center of Excellence. Definitions "Center of Excellence" means a Provider that has entered into an agreement with Aetna to provide health benefit services for specific procedures. The Centers of Excellence are identified in the Listing of Centers of Excellence. "Pre-Treatment Screening Evaluation" means the review of past and present medical records and current x-ray and laboratory results by the Center of Excellence to determine whether the Covered Person is an appropriate candidate for the Procedure. "Procedure" means one or more surgical procedures or medical therapy performed in a Center of Excellence. Covered Charges In order for charges to be Covered Charges, the Center of Excellence must: a) perform a Pre-Treatment Screening Evaluation; and b) determine that the Procedure is Medically Necessary and Appropriate for the treatment of the Covered Person. Benefits for services and supplies at a Center of Excellence will be subject to the terms and conditions of the Policy. However, the Utilization Review Features will not apply. EXCLUSIONS Payment will not be made for any charges incurred for or in connection with: Care or treatment by means of acupuncture except when used as a substitute for other forms of anesthesia. The amount of any charge which is greater than an Allowed Charge. Services for ambulance for transportation from a Hospital or other health care Facility, unless the Covered Person is being transferred to another Inpatient health care Facility. Blood or blood plasma which is replaced by or for a Covered Person. Care and or treatment by a Christian Science Practitioner.

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Completion of claim forms. Services or supplies related to Cosmetic Surgery except as otherwise stated in the Policy; complications of Cosmetic Surgery; drugs prescribed for cosmetic purposes. Services related to custodial or domiciliary care. Dental care or treatment, including appliances and dental implants, except as otherwise stated in the Policy. Care or treatment by means of dose intensive chemotherapy, except as otherwise stated in the Policy. Services or supplies, the primary purpose of which is educational providing the Covered Person with any of the following: training in the activities of daily living; instruction in scholastic skills such as reading and writing; preparation for an occupation; or treatment for learning disabilities except as otherwise stated in the Policy. Experimental or Investigational treatments, procedures, hospitalizations, drugs, biological products or medical devices, except as otherwise stated in the Policy. Extraction of teeth, except for bony impacted teeth or as otherwise covered under the Policy. Services or supplies for or in connection with: a) except as otherwise stated in the Policy, exams to determine the need for (or changes of) eyeglasses or lenses of any type; b) eyeglasses or lenses of any type except initial replacements for loss of the natural lens or as otherwise covered under the Policy; or c) eye surgery such as radial keratotomy or lasik surgery, when the primary purpose is to correct myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness) or astigmatism (blurring). Services or supplies provided by one of the following members of the Employee's family: spouse, child, parent, inlaw, brother, sister or grandparent. Services or supplies furnished in connection with any procedures to enhance fertility which involve harvesting, storage and/or manipulation of eggs and sperm. This includes, but is not limited to the following: a) procedures: invitro fertilization; embryo transfer; embryo freezing; and Gamete Intra-fallopian Transfer (GIFT) and Zygote Intra-fallopian Transfer (ZIFT); donor sperm, surrogate motherhood and b) Prescription Drugs not eligible under the Prescription Drugs section of the Policy; and c) ovulation predictor kits. See also the separate Exclusion addressing sterilization reversal. Except as stated in the Hearing Aids and Newborn Hearing Screening provisions, services or supplies related to hearing aids and hearing exams to determine the need for hearing aids or the need to adjust them. Services or supplies related to herbal medicine. Services or supplies related to hypnotism. Services or supplies necessary because the Covered Person engaged, or tried to engage, in an illegal occupation or committed or tried to commit an indictable offense in the jurisdiction in which it is committed, or a felony. Exception: As required by 29 CFR 2590.702(b)(2)(iii) this exclusion does not apply to injuries that result from an act of domestic violence or to injuries that result from a medical condition. Except as stated below, Illness or Injury, including a condition which is the result of disease or bodily infirmity, which occurred on the job and which is covered or could have been covered for benefits provided under workers' compensation, employer's liability, occupational disease or similar law.

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Exception: This exclusion does not apply to the following persons for whom coverage under workers’ compensation is optional unless such persons are actually covered for workers’ compensation: a self-employed person or a partner of a limited liability partnership, members of a limited liability company or partners of a partnership who actively perform services on behalf of the self-employed business, the limited liability partnership, limited liability company or the partnership. Local anesthesia charges billed separately if such charges are included in the fee for the Surgery. Membership costs for health clubs, weight loss clinics and similar programs. Services and supplies related to marriage, career or financial counseling, sex therapy or family therapy, nutritional counseling and related services, except as otherwise stated in the Policy. Nicotine Dependence Treatment, except as otherwise stated in the Preventive Care section of the Policy. Any charge identified as a Non-Covered Charge or which are specifically limited or excluded elsewhere in the Policy, or which are not Medically Necessary and Appropriate, except as otherwise stated in the Policy. Non-prescription drugs or supplies, except a) insulin needles and syringes and glucose test strips and lancets; b) colostomy bags, belts and irrigators; and c) as stated in the Policy for food and food products for inherited metabolic diseases. Services provided by a pastoral counselor in the course of his or her normal duties as a religious person. Personal convenience or comfort items including, but not limited to, such items as TV's, telephones, first aid kits, exercise equipment, air conditioners, humidifiers, saunas, hot tubs. Services or supplies that are not furnished by an eligible Provider. Services related to Private Duty Nursing care, except as provided under the Private Duty Nursing section of the Policy. The following exclusions apply specifically to Outpatient coverage of Prescription Drugs: a) Charges to administer a Prescription Drug. b) Charges for: • immunization agents, • allergens and allergy serums • biological sera, blood or blood plasma, unless they can be self-administered. c) Charges for a Prescription Drug which is: labeled "Caution — limited by Federal Law to Investigational use"; or experimental. d) Charges for refills in excess of that specified by the prescribing Practitioner, or refilled too soon, or in excess of therapeutic limits. e) Charges for refills dispensed after one year from the original date of the prescription. f) Charges for Prescription Drugs as a replacement for a previously dispensed Prescription Drug that was lost, misused, stolen, broken or destroyed g) Charges for drugs, except insulin, which can be obtained legally without a Practitioner's prescription. h) Charges for a Prescription Drug which is to be taken by or given to the Covered Person, in whole or in part, while confined in: • a Hospital • a rest home • a sanitarium • an Extended Care Facility • a Hospice • a Substance Abuse Center • an alcohol abuse or mental health center

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j) k) l) m) n) o) p) q) r)

s) t)

u) v) w)

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• a convalescent home • a nursing home or similar institution • a provider’ office. Charges for: • therapeutic devices or appliances • hypodermic needles or syringes, except insulin syringes • support garments; and • other non-medical substances, regardless of their intended use. Charges for vitamins, except Legend Drug vitamins. Charges for drugs for the management of nicotine dependence. Charges for topical dental fluorides. Charges for any drug used in connection with baldness. Charges for drugs needed due to conditions caused, directly or indirectly, by a Covered Person taking part in a riot or other civil disorder; or the Covered Person taking part in the commission of a felony. Charges for drugs needed due to conditions caused, directly or indirectly, by declared or undeclared war or an act of war. Charges for drugs dispensed to a Covered Person while on active duty in any armed force. Charges for drugs for which there is no charge. This usually means drugs furnished by the Covered Person's employer, labor union, or similar group in its medical department or clinic; a Hospital or clinic owned or run by any government body; or any public program, except Medicaid, paid for or sponsored by any government body. But, if a charge is made, and Aetna is legally required to pay it, Aetna will. Charges for drugs covered under Home Health Care; or Hospice Care section of the Policy. Except as stated below, charges for drugs needed due to an on-the-job or job-related Injury or Illness; or conditions for which benefits are payable by Workers' Compensation, or similar laws. Exception: This exclusion does not apply to the following persons for whom coverage under workers’ compensation is optional unless such persons are actually covered for workers’ compensation: a self-employed person or a partner of a limited liability partnership, members of a limited liability company or partners of a partnership who actively perform services on behalf of the self-employed business, the limited liability partnership, limited liability company or the partnership. Compounded drugs that do not contain at least one ingredient that requires a Prescription Order. Prescription Drugs or new dosage forms that are used in conjunction with a treatment or procedure that is determined to not be a Covered Service. Drugs when used for cosmetic purposes. This exclusion is not applicable to Covered Persons with a medically diagnosed congenital defect or birth abnormality who have been covered under the group policy from the moment of birth. Drugs used solely for the purpose for weight loss. Life Enhancement Drugs for the treatment of sexual dysfunction, (e.g. Viagra). Prescription Drugs dispensed outside of the United States, except as required for Emergency treatment.

Services or supplies related to rest or convalescent cures. Room and board charges for a Covered Person in any Facility for any period of time during which he or she was not physically present overnight in the Facility. Except as stated in the Preventive Care section, Routine examinations or preventive care, including related x-rays and laboratory tests, except where a specific Illness or Injury is revealed or where a definite symptomatic condition is present; premarital or similar examinations or tests not required to diagnose or treat Illness or Injury. Services or supplies related to Routine Foot Care except: a) an open cutting operation to treat weak, strained, flat, unstable or unbalanced feet, metatarsalgia or bunions; b) the removal of nail roots; and c) treatment or removal of corns, calluses or toenails in conjunction with the treatment of metabolic or peripheral vascular disease.

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Self-administered services such as: biofeedback, patient-controlled analgesia on an Outpatient basis, related diagnostic testing, self-care and self-help training. Services provided by a social worker, except as otherwise stated in the Policy. Services or supplies: a) eligible for payment under either federal or state programs (except Medicaid and Medicare). This provision applies whether or not the Covered Person asserts his or her rights to obtain this coverage or payment for these services; b) for which a charge is not usually made, such as a Practitioner treating a professional or business associate, or services at a public health fair; c) for which a Covered Person would not have been charged if he or she did not have health care coverage; d) provided by or in a government Hospital except as stated below, or unless the services are for treatment: • of a non-service Emergency; or • by a Veterans' Administration Hospital of a non-service related Illness or Injury; Exception: This exclusion does not apply to military retirees, their Dependents and the Dependents of active duty military personnel who are covered under both the Policy and under military health coverage and who receive care in facilities of the Uniformed Services. e)

provided outside the United States unless the Covered Person is outside the United States for one of the following reasons: • travel, provided the travel is for a reason other than securing health care diagnosis and/or treatment, and travel is for a period of 6 months or less; • business assignment, provided the Covered Person is temporarily outside the United States for a period of 6 months or less; or

Subject to Aetna’s Pre-Approval, eligibility for full-time student status, provided the Covered Person is either enrolled and attending an Accredited School in a foreign country; or is participating in an academic program in a foreign country, for which the institution of higher learning at which the student matriculates in the United States, grants academic credit. Charges in connection with full-time students in a foreign country for which eligibility as a full-time student has not been Pre-Approved by Aetna are Non-Covered Charges. Stand-by services required by a Provider. Sterilization reversal - services and supplies rendered for reversal of sterilization. Surgery, sex hormones, and related medical, psychological and psychiatric services to change a Covered Person's sex; services and supplies arising from complications of sex transformation. Telephone consultations. Transplants, except as otherwise listed in the Policy. Transportation, travel. Vision therapy. Vitamins and dietary supplements. Services or supplies received as a result of a war, or an act of war, if the Illness or Injury occurs while the Covered Person is serving in the military, naval or air forces of any country, combination of countries or international organization and Illness or Injury suffered as a result of special hazards incident to such service if the Illness or Injury occurs while the Covered Person is serving in such forces and is outside the home area.

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Weight reduction or control including surgical procedures, medical treatments, weight control/loss programs, dietary regimens and supplements, food or food supplements, appetite suppressants or other medications; exercise programs, exercise or other equipment; and other services and supplies that are primarily intended to control weight or treat obesity, including morbid obesity, or for the purpose of weight reduction, regardless of the existence of comorbid conditions, except as otherwise provided in the surgery section of this Policy and except as provided in the Nutritional Counseling and Food and Food Products for Inherited Metabolic Diseases provisions. Wigs, toupees, hair transplants, hair weaving or any drug if such drug is used in connection with baldness. CONTINUATION RIGHTS COORDINATION AMONG CONTINUATION RIGHTS SECTIONS As used in this section, COBRA means the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 as enacted, and later amended. A Covered Person may be eligible to continue his or her group health benefits under this Policy’s COBRA CONTINUATION RIGHTS (CCR) section and under other continuation sections of this Policy at the same time. Continuation Under CCR and NEW JERSEY GROUP CONTINUATION RIGHTS (NJGCR): A Covered Person who is eligible to continue his or her group health benefits under CCR is not eligible to continue under NJGCR. Continuation under CCR and NJGCR and NEW JERSEY CONTINUATION RIGHTS FOR OVER-AGE DEPENDENTS (NJCROD): A Dependent who has elected to continue his or her coverage under the group policy under which his or her parent is currently covered pursuant to NJCROD shall not be entitled to further continue coverage under CCR or NJGCR when continuation pursuant to NJCROD ends. Continuation Under CCR and any other continuation section of this Policy: If a Covered Person elects to continue his or her group health benefits under this Policy's CCR or NJGCR, as applicable, and any other continuation other than NJCROD, the continuations: a) start at the same time; b) run concurrently; and c) end independently on their own terms. While covered under more than one continuation section, the Covered Person: a) will not be entitled to duplicate benefits; and b) will not be subject to the premium requirements of more than one section at the same time. AN IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT CONTINUATION RIGHTS The following COBRA CONTINUATION RIGHTS section may not apply to the Employer's Policy. The Employee must contact his or her Employer to find out if: a) the Employer is subject to the COBRA CONTINUATION RIGHTS section in which case; b) the section applies to the Employee. COBRA CONTINUATION RIGHTS (Generally applies to employer groups with 20 or more employees) Important Notice Under this section, "Qualified Continuee" means any person who, on the day before any event which would qualify him or her for continuation under this section, is covered for group health benefits under this Policy as: a) an active, covered Employee; b) the spouse of an active, covered Employee; or

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the Dependent child (except for the child of the Employee’s domestic partner or civil union partner) of an active, covered Employee. Except as stated below, any person who becomes covered under this Policy during a continuation provided by this section is not a Qualified Continuee.

A domestic partner, a civil union partner, and the child of an Employee’s domestic partner or civil union partner are never considered Qualified Continuees eligible to elect CCR. They may, however, be a Qualified Continuee eligible to elect under New Jersey Group Continuation Rights (NJGCR). Refer to the NJGCR section for more information. Exception: A child who is born to the covered Employee, or who is placed for adoption with the covered Employee during the continuation provided by this section is a Qualified Continuee. If An Employee's Group Health Benefits Ends If an Employee's group health benefits end due to his or her termination of employment or reduction of work hours, he or she may elect to continue such benefits for up to 18 months, unless he or she was terminated due to gross misconduct. A Qualified Continuee may elect to continue coverage under COBRA even if the Qualified Continuee: a) is covered under another group plan on or before the date of the COBRA election; or b) is entitled to Medicare on or before the date of the COBRA election. The continuation: a) may cover the Employee and any other Qualified Continuee; and b) is subject to the When Continuation Ends section. Extra Continuation for Disabled Qualified Continuees If a Qualified Continuee is determined to be disabled under Title II or Title XVI of the United States Social Security Act on the date his or her group health benefits would otherwise end due to the Employee's termination of employment or reduction of work hours or during the first 60 days of continuation coverage, he or she and any Qualified Continuee who is not disabled may elect to extend his or her 18 month continuation period above for up to an extra 11 months. To elect the extra 11 months of continuation, the Qualified Continuee or other person acting on his or her behalf must give the Employer written proof of Social Security's determination of his or her disability within 60 days measured from the latest of: a) the date on which the Social Security Administration issues the disability determination; b) the date the group health benefits would have otherwise ended; or c) the date the Qualified Continuee receives the notice of COBRA continuation rights. If, during this extra 11 month continuation period, the Qualified Continuee is determined to be no longer disabled under the Social Security Act, he or she must notify the Employer within 30 days of such determination, and continuation will end, as explained in the When Continuation Ends section. An additional 50% of the total premium charge also may be required from the Qualified Continuee by the Employer during this extra 11 month continuation period. If An Employee Dies While Insured If an Employee dies while insured, any Qualified Continuee whose group health benefits would otherwise end may elect to continue such benefits. The continuation can last for up to 36 months, subject to the When Continuation Ends section. If An Employee's Marriage Ends If an Employee's marriage ends due to legal divorce or legal separation, any Qualified Continuee whose group health benefits would otherwise end may elect to continue such benefits. The continuation can last for up to 36 months, subject to the When Continuation Ends section.

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If A Dependent Loses Eligibility If a Dependent child's group health benefits end due to his or her loss of dependent eligibility as defined in this Policy, other than the Employee's coverage ending, he or she may elect to continue such benefits. However, such Dependent child must be a Qualified Continuee. The continuation can last for up to 36 months, subject to When Continuation Ends. Concurrent Continuations If a Dependent elects to continue his or her group health benefits due to the Employee's termination of employment or reduction of work hours, the Dependent may elect to extend his or her 18 month continuation period to up to 36 months, if during the 18 month continuation period, either: a) the Dependent becomes eligible for 36 months of group health benefits due to any of the reasons stated above; or b) the Employee becomes entitled to Medicare. The 36 month continuation period starts on the date the 18 month continuation period started, and the two continuation periods will be deemed to have run concurrently. Special Medicare Rule Except as stated below, the “special rule” applies to Dependents of an Employee when the Employee becomes entitled to Medicare prior to termination of employment or reduction in work hours. The continuation period for a Dependent upon the Employee’s subsequent termination of employment or reduction in work hours will be the longer of the following: a) 18 months from the date of the Employee’s termination of employment or reduction in work hours; or b) 36 months from the date of the Employee’s earlier entitlement to Medicare. Exception: If the Employee becomes entitled to Medicare more than 18 months prior to termination of employment or reduction in work hours, this “special rule” will not apply. The Qualified Continuee's Responsibilities A person eligible for continuation under this section must notify the Employer, in writing, of: a) the legal divorce or legal separation of the Employee from his or her spouse; or b) the loss of dependent eligibility, as defined in this Policy, of an insured Dependent child. Such notice must be given to the Employer within 60 days of either of these events. The Employer's Responsibilities The Employer must notify the Qualified Continuee, in writing, of: a) his or her right to continue this Policy's group health benefits; b) the monthly premium he or she must pay to continue such benefits; and c) the times and manner in which such monthly payments must be made. Such written notice must be given to the Qualified Continuee within 44 days of: a) the date a Qualified Continuee's group health benefits would otherwise end due to the Employee's death or the Employee's termination of employment or reduction of work hours; or b) the date a Qualified Continuee notifies the Employer, in writing, of the Employee's legal divorce or legal separation from his or her spouse, or the loss of dependent eligibility of an insured Dependent child. The Employer's Liability The Employer will be liable for the Qualified Continuee's continued group health benefits to the same extent as, and in place of, Aetna, if: a) the Employer fails to remit a Qualified Continuee's timely premium payment to Aetna on time, thereby causing the Qualified Continuee's continued group health benefits to end; or b) the Employer fails to notify the Qualified Continuee of his or her continuation rights, as described above.

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Election of Continuation To continue his or her group health benefits, the Qualified Continuee must give the Employer written notice that he or she elects to continue. An election by a minor Dependent Child can be made by the Dependent Child’s parent or legal guardian. This must be done within 60 days of the date a Qualified Continuee receives notice of his or her continuation rights from the Employer as described above. And the Qualified Continuee must pay the first month's premium in a timely manner. The subsequent premiums must be paid to the Employer, by the Qualified Continuee, in advance, at the times and in the manner specified by the Employer. No further notice of when premiums are due will be given. The monthly premium will be the total rate which would have been charged for the group health benefits had the Qualified Continuee stayed insured under this Policy on a regular basis. It includes any amount that would have been paid by the Employer. Except as explained in the Extra Continuation for Disabled Qualified Continuees section, an additional charge of two percent of the total premium charge may also be required by the Employer. If the Qualified Continuee fails to give the Employer notice of his or her intent to continue, or fails to pay any required premiums in a timely manner, he or she waives his or her continuation rights. Grace in Payment of Premiums A Qualified Continuee's premium payment is timely if, with respect to the first payment after the Qualified Continuee elects to continue, such payment is made no later than 45 days after such election. In all other cases, such premium payment is timely if it is made within 31 days of the specified date. If timely payment is made to the plan in an amount that is not significantly less than the amount the Employer requires to be paid for the period of coverage, then the amount paid is deemed to satisfy the Employer’s requirement for the amount that must be paid, unless the plan notifies the Qualified Continuee of the amount of the deficiency and grants an additional 30 days for payment of the deficiency to be made. An amount is not significantly less than the amount the Employer requires to be paid for a period of coverage if and only if the shortfall is no greater than the lesser of the following two amounts: a) Fifty dollars (or such other amount as the Commissioner may provide in a revenue ruling, notice, or other guidance published in the Internal Revenue Code Bulletin); or b) Ten percent of the amount the plan requires to be paid. Payment is considered as made on the date on which it is sent to the Employer. When Continuation Ends A Qualified Continuee's continued group health benefits end on the first of the following: a) with respect to continuation upon the Employee's termination of employment or reduction of work hours, the end of the 18 month period which starts on the date the group health benefits would otherwise end; b) with respect to a Qualified Continuee who has elected an additional 11 months of continuation due to his or her own disability or the disability of a family member, the earlier of: • the end of the 29 month period which starts on the date the group health benefits would otherwise end; or • the first day of the month which coincides with or next follows the date which is 30 days after the date on which a final determination is made that a disabled Qualified Continuee is no longer disabled under Title II or Title XVI of the United States Social Security Act; c) with respect to continuation upon the Employee's death, the Employee's legal divorce or legal separation or the end of an insured Dependent's eligibility, the end of the 36 month period which starts on the date the group health benefits would otherwise end; d) with respect to a Dependent whose continuation is extended due to the Employee's entitlement to Medicare, the end of the 36 month period which starts on the date the group health benefits would otherwise end; e) the date this Policy ends; f) the end of the period for which the last premium payment is made; g) the date he or she becomes covered under any other group health plan which contains no limitation or exclusion with respect to any Pre-Existing Condition of the Qualified Continuee or contains a pre-existing conditions limitation or exclusion that is eliminated through the Qualified Continuee’s total period of creditable coverage.; h) the date he or she becomes entitled to Medicare;

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termination of a Qualified Continuee for cause (e.g. submission of a fraudulent claim) on the same basis that the Employer terminates coverage of an active employee for cause.

NEW JERSEY GROUP CONTINUATION RIGHTS (NJGCR) Important Notice Except as stated below, under this section, "Qualified Continuee" means any person who, on the day before any event which would qualify him or her for continuation under this section, is covered for group health benefits under this Policy as: a) a full-time covered Employee; b) the spouse of a full-time covered Employee; or c) the Dependent child of a full-time covered Employee. Exception: A Newly Acquired Dependent, where birth, adoption, or marriage occurs after the Qualifying Event is also a “Qualified Continuee” for purposes of being included under the Employee’s continuation coverage. If An Employee's Group Health Benefits Ends If an Employee's group health benefits end due to his or her termination of employment or reduction of work hours to fewer than 25 hours per week, he or she may elect to continue such benefits for up to 18 months, unless he or she was terminated for cause. The Employee’s spouse and Dependent children may elect to continue benefits even if the Employee does not elect continuation for himself or herself. A Qualified Continuee may elect to continue coverage under NJGCR even if the Qualified Continuee: a) is covered under another group plan on or before the date of the NJGCR election; or b) is entitled to Medicare on or before the date of the NJGCR election. The continuation: a) may cover the Employee and/or any other Qualified Continuee; and b) is subject to the When Continuation Ends section. Extra Continuation for Disabled Qualified Continuees If a former Employee who is a Qualified Continuee is determined to be disabled under Title II or Title XVI of the United States Social Security Act on the date his or her group health benefits would otherwise end due to the termination of employment or reduction of work hours to fewer than 25 hours per week or during the first 60 days of continuation coverage, he or she may elect to extend his or her 18-month continuation period for himself or herself and any Dependents who are Qualified Continuees for up to an extra 11 months. To elect the extra 11 months of continuation, the Qualified Continuee must give the Aetna written proof of Social Security's determination of his or her disability before the earlier of: a) the end of the 18 month continuation period; and b) 60 days after the date the Qualified Continuee is determined to be disabled. If, during this extra 11 month continuation period, the Qualified Continuee is determined to be no longer disabled under the Social Security Act, he or she must notify the Aetna within 31 days of such determination, and continuation will end, as explained in the When Continuation Ends section. An additional 50% of the total premium charge also may be required from the Qualified Continuee by the Employer during this extra 11 month continuation period. If An Employee Dies While Insured If an Employee dies while insured, any Qualified Continuee whose group health benefits would otherwise end may elect to continue such benefits. The continuation can last for up to 36 months, subject to the When Continuation Ends section.

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If An Employee's Marriage or Civil Union Ends If an Employee's marriage ends due to legal divorce or legal separation or dissolution of the civil union, any Qualified Continuee whose group health benefits would otherwise end may elect to continue such benefits. The continuation can last for up to 36 months, subject to the When Continuation Ends section. If A Dependent Loses Eligibility If a Dependent child's group health benefits end due to his or her loss of dependent eligibility as defined in this Policy, other than the Employee's coverage ending, he or she may elect to continue such benefits for up to 36 months, subject to When Continuation Ends. The Employer's Responsibilities Upon loss of coverage due to termination of employment or reduction in work hours, the Employer must notify the former employee in writing, of: a) his or her right to continue this Policy's group health benefits; b) the monthly premium he or she must pay to continue such benefits; and c) the times and manner in which such monthly payments must be made. Upon being advised of the death of the Employee, divorce, dissolution of the civil union, or Dependent child’s loss of eligibility, the Employer should notify the Qualified Continuee in writing, of: a) his or her right to continue this Policy's group health benefits; b) the monthly premium he or she must pay to continue such benefits; and c) the times and manner in which such monthly payments must be made. Election of Continuation To continue his or her group health benefits, the Qualified Continuee must give the Employer written notice that he or she elects to continue. An election by a minor Dependent Child can be made by the Dependent Child’s parent or legal guardian. This must be done within 30 days of the date coverage ends. The first month's premium must be paid within 30 days of the date the Qualified Continuee elects continued coverage. The subsequent premiums must be paid to the Employer, by the Qualified Continuee, in advance, at the times and in the manner specified by the Employer. The monthly premium will be the total rate which would have been charged for the group health benefits had the Qualified Continuee stayed insured under this Policy on a regular basis. It includes any amount that would have been paid by the Employer. Except as explained in the Extra Continuation for Disabled Qualified Continuees section, an additional charge of two percent of the total premium charge may also be required by the Employer. If the Qualified Continuee does not give the Employer notice of his or her intent to continue coverage, or fails to pay any required premiums in a timely manner, he or she waives his or her continuation rights. Grace in Payment of Premiums A Qualified Continuee's premium payment is timely if, with respect to the first payment after the Qualified Continuee elects to continue, such payment is made no later than 30 days after such election. In all other cases, such premium payment is timely if it is made within 31 days of the date it is due. The Continued Coverage The continued coverage shall be identical to the coverage provided to similarly situated active Employees and their Dependents under the Employer’s plan. If coverage is modified for any group of similarly situated active Employees and their Dependents, the coverage for Qualified Continuees shall also be modified in the same manner. Evidence of insurability is not required for the continued coverage.

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When Continuation Ends A Qualified Continuee's continued group health benefits end on the first of the following: a) with respect to continuation upon the Employee's termination of employment or reduction of work hours, the end of the 18 month period which starts on the date the group health benefits would otherwise end; b) with respect to a Qualified Continuee who has elected an additional 11 months of continuation due to his or her own disability, the end of the 29 month period which starts on the date the group health benefits would otherwise end. However, if the Qualified Continuee is no longer disabled, coverage ends on the later of: • the end of the 18-month period; or • the first day of the month that begins more than 31 days after the date on which a final determination is made that a disabled Qualified Continuee is no longer disabled under Title II or Title XVI of the United States Social Security Act; c) with respect to continuation upon the Employee's death, the Employee's legal divorce or legal separation, dissolution of the civil union, or the end of an insured Dependent's eligibility, the end of the 36 month period which starts on the date the group health benefits would otherwise end; d) the date the Employer ceases to provide any health benefits plan to any active Employee or Qualified Continuee; e) the end of the period for which the last premium payment is made; f) the date he or she first becomes covered under any other group health benefits plan, as an employee or otherwise, which contains no limitation or exclusion with respect to any Pre-Existing Condition of the Qualified Continuee ; or g) the date he or she first becomes entitled to Medicare. NEW JERSEY CONTINUATION RIGHTS FOR OVER-AGE DEPENDENTS (Applies to all size groups): As used in this provision, “Over-Age Dependent” means an Employee’s child by blood or law who: a) has reached the limiting age under the group plan, but is less than 31 years of age; b) is not married or in a domestic partnership or civil union partnership; c) has no Dependents of his or her own; d) is either a resident of New Jersey or is enrolled as a full-time student at an Accredited School; and e) is not covered under any other group or individual health benefits plan, group health plan, church plan or health benefits plan, and is not entitled to Medicare on the date the Over-Age Dependent continuation coverage begins. If A Dependent Is Over the Limiting Age for Dependent Coverage If a Dependent Child is over the age 26 limiting age for dependent coverage and: a) the Dependent child's group health benefits are ending or have ended due to his or her attainment of age 26; or b) the Dependent child has proof of prior creditable coverage or receipt of benefits, he or she may elect to be covered under the Employer’s plan until his or her 31 st birthday, subject to the Conditions for Election, Election of Continuation and When Continuation Ends sections below. Conditions for Election An Over-Age Dependent is only entitled to make an election for continued coverage if all of the following conditions are met. a) The Over-Age Dependent must provide evidence of prior creditable coverage or receipt of benefits under a group or individual health benefits plan, group health plan, church plan or health benefits plan or Medicare. Such prior coverage must have been in effect at some time prior to making an election for this Over-Age Dependent coverage. b) A parent of an Over-Age Dependent must be enrolled as having elected Dependent coverage at the time the Over-Age Dependent elects continued coverage. Except, if the Employee has no other Dependents, or has a Spouse who is covered elsewhere, the Over-Age Dependent may nevertheless select continued coverage.

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Election of Continuation To maintain continuous group health benefits, the Over-Age Dependent must make written election to Aetna within 30 days of the date the Over-Age Dependent attains age 26. The effective date of the continued coverage will the date the Dependent would otherwise lose coverage due to attainment of age 26 provided written notice of the election of coverage is given and the first premium is paid. For a Dependent who was not covered on the date he or she reached the limiting age, the written election may be made within 30 days of the date the Over-Age Dependent attains age 26. The effective date of coverage will be the date the Dependent attains age 26 provided written notice of the election of coverage is given and the first premium is paid within such 30-day period. For a person who did not qualify as an Over-Age Dependent because he or she failed to meet all the requirements of an Over-Age Dependent, but who subsequently meets all of the requirements for an Over-Age Dependent, written election may be made within 30 days of the date the person meets all of the requirements for an Over-Age Dependent. If the election is not made within the 30-day periods described above an eligible Over-Age Dependent may subsequently enroll during an Employee Open Enrollment Period. Payment of Premium The first month's premium must be paid within the 30-day election period provided above. If the election is made during the Employee Annual Enrollment Period the first premium must be paid before coverage takes effect on the Policyholder’s Anniversary Date following the Employee Open Enrollment Period. The Over-Age Dependent must pay subsequent premiums monthly, in advance, at the times and in the manner specified by Aetna. Grace in Payment of Premiums An Over-Age Dependent’s premium payment is timely if, with respect to all payments other than the first payment, such premium payment is made within 30 days of the date it is due. The Continued Coverage The continued coverage shall be identical to the coverage provided to the Over-Age Dependent’s parent who is covered as an Employee under the Policy. If coverage is modified for Dependents who are under the limiting age, the coverage for Over-Age Dependents shall also be modified in the same manner. When Continuation Ends An Over-Age Dependent’s continued group health benefits end on the first of the following: a) the date the Over-Age Dependent: 1. attains age 31 2. marries or enters into a civil union partnership; 3. acquires a Dependent; 4. is no longer either a resident of New Jersey or enrolled as a full-time student at an Accredited School; or 5. becomes covered under any other group or individual health benefits plan, group health plan, church plan or health benefits plan, or becomes entitled to Medicare b) the end of the period for which premium has been paid for the Over-Age Dependent, subject to the Grace Period for such payment; c) the date the Policy ceases to provide coverage to the Over-Age Dependent’s parent who is the Employee under the Policy. d) The date the Policy under which the Over-Age Dependent elected to continue coverage is amended to delete coverage for Dependents. e) The date the Over-Age Dependent’s parent who is covered as an Employee under the Policy waives Dependent coverage. Except, if the Employee has no other Dependents, the Over-Age Dependent’s coverage will not end as a result of the Employee waiving Dependent coverage.

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A TOTALLY DISABLED EMPLOYEE'S RIGHT TO CONTINUE GROUP HEALTH BENEFITS If An Employee is Totally Disabled An Employee who is Totally Disabled and whose group health benefits end because his or her active employment or membership in an eligible class ends due to that disability, can elect to continue his or her group health benefits. But he or she must have been insured by the Policy for at least three months immediately prior to the date his or her group health benefits ends. The continuation can cover the Employee, and at his or her option, his or her then insured Dependents. How And When To Continue Coverage To continue group health benefits, the Employee must give the Employer written notice that he or she elects to continue such benefits. And he or she must pay the first month's premium. This must be done within 31 days of the date his or her coverage under the Policy would otherwise end. Subsequent premiums must be paid to the Employer monthly, in advance, at the times and in the manner specified by the Employer. The monthly premium the Employee must pay will be the total rate charged for an active FullTime Employee, insured under the Policy on a regular basis, on the date each payment is due. It includes any amount which would have been paid by the Employer. Aetna will consider the Employee's failure to give notice or to pay any required premium as a waiver of the Employee's continuation rights. If the Employer fails, after the timely receipt of the Employee's payment, to pay Aetna on behalf of such Employee, thereby causing the Employee's coverage to end; then such Employer will be liable for the Employee's benefits, to the same extent as, and in place of, Aetna. When This Continuation Ends These continued group health benefits end on the first of the following: a) the end of the period for which the last payment is made, if the Employee stops paying. b) the date the Covered Person becomes employed and eligible or covered for similar benefits by another group plan, whether it be an insured or uninsured plan; c) the date the Policy ends or is amended to end for the class of Employees to which the Employee belonged; or d) with respect to a Dependent, the date he or she stops being an eligible Dependent as defined in the Policy. AN EMPLOYEE'S RIGHT TO CONTINUE GROUP HEALTH BENEFITS DURING A FAMILY LEAVE OF ABSENCE Important Notice This section may not apply to an Employer's Policy. The Employee must contact his or her Employer to find out if: a) the Employer must allow for a leave of absence under Federal law in which case; b) the section applies to the Employee. If An Employee's Group Health Coverage Ends Group health coverage may end for an Employee because he or she ceases Full-Time work due to an approved leave of absence. Such leave of absence must have been granted to allow the Employee to care for a sick family member or after the birth or adoption of a child. If so, his or her group health benefits insurance will be continued. Dependents' insurance may also be continued. The Employee will be required to pay the same share of premium as before the leave of absence. When Continuation Ends Insurance may continue until the earliest of: a) the date the Employee returns to Full-Time work; b) the end of a total leave period of 12 weeks in any 12 month period; c) the date on which the Employee's coverage would have ended had the Employee not been on leave; or d) the end of the period for which the premium has been paid.

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A DEPENDENT'S RIGHT TO CONTINUE GROUP HEALTH BENEFITS If an Employee dies, any of his or her Dependents who were insured under the Policy may elect to continue coverage. Subject to the payment of the required premium, coverage may be continued until the earlier of: a) 180 days following the date of the Employee's death; or b) the date the Dependent is no longer eligible under the terms of the Policy. EFFECT OF INTERACTION WITH A HEALTH MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATION PLAN HEALTH MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATION ("HMO") means a prepaid alternative health care delivery system. A Policyholder may offer its Employees HMO membership in lieu of the group health benefits insurance provided by the Policy. If the Employer does the following provisions apply. IF AN INSURED EMPLOYEE ELECTS HMO MEMBERSHIP Date Group Health Benefits Insurance Ends Insurance for an Employee and his or her Dependents will end on the date the Employee becomes an HMO member. Benefits After Group Health Benefits Insurance Ends When an Employee becomes an HMO member, the Extended Health Benefits section of the Policy will not apply to him or her and his or her Dependents. Exception: IF, on the date membership takes effect, the HMO does not provide benefits due to: a) an HMO waiting period b) an HMO Pre-Existing Conditions limit, or c) a confinement in a Hospital not affiliated with the HMO AND the HMO provides benefits for Total Disability when membership ends THEN group health benefits will be paid until the first of the following occurs: a) 30 days expire from the date membership takes effect b) the HMO's waiting period ends c) the HMO's Pre-Existing Conditions limit expires, or d) hospitalization ends. IF AN HMO MEMBER ELECTS GROUP HEALTH BENEFITS INSURANCE PROVIDED BY THE POLICY Date Transfer To Such Insurance Takes Effect Each Employee who is an HMO member may transfer to such insurance by written request. If he or she elects to do so, any Dependents who are HMO members must also be included in such request. The date such persons are to be insured depends on when and why the transfer request is made. Request made during an open enrollment period Aetna and the Policyholder will agree when this period will be. If an Employee requests insurance during this period, he or she and his or her Dependents will be insured on the date such period ends. Request made because: a) an HMO ends its operations b) the Employee no longer lives, works or resides in the HMO service area If an Employee requests insurance because membership ends for these reasons, the date he or she and his or her Dependents are to be insured depends on the date the request is made.

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If it is made: a) on or before the date membership ends, they will be insured on the date such membership ends b) within 31 days after the date membership ends, they will be insured on the date the request is made c) more than 31 days after the date membership ends, the Employee and his or her Dependents will be Late Enrollees. Request made because an HMO becomes insolvent If an Employee requests insurance because membership ends for this reason, the date he- or she and his or her Dependents are to be insured depends on the date the request is made. If it is made: a) within 31 days after the date membership ends, they will be insured on the date the request is made b) more than 31 days after the date membership ends, the Employee and his or her Dependents will be Late Enrollees. Request made at any other time An Employee may request insurance at any time other than that described above. In this case, he or she and his or her Dependents will be Late Enrollees. Other Provisions Affected By A Transfer If a person makes a transfer, the following provisions, if required by the Policy for such insurance, will not apply on the transfer date: a) an Actively at Work requirement b) a waiting period to the extent it has already been satisfied, or c) Pre-Existing Conditions Limitation provisions to the extent it has already been satisfied. Charges not covered Charges incurred before a person becomes insured will be considered Non-Covered Charges. Right to change premium rates Aetna has the right to change premium rates when, in its opinion, its liability under the Policy is changed by interaction with an HMO plan. COORDINATION OF BENEFITS AND SERVICES Purpose Of This Provision A Covered Person may be covered for health benefits or services by more than one Plan. For instance, he or she may be covered by this Policy as an Employee and by another plan as a Dependent of his or her spouse. If he or she is covered by more than one Plan, this provision allows Aetna to coordinate what Aetna pays or provides with what another Plan pays or provides. This provision sets forth the rules for determining which is the Primary Plan and which is the Secondary Plan. Coordination of benefits is intended to avoid duplication of benefits while at the same time preserving certain rights to coverage under all Plans under which the Covered Person is covered. DEFINITIONS The words shown below have special meanings when used in this provision. Please read these definitions carefully. Throughout this provision, these defined terms appear with their initial letter capitalized. Allowable Expense: The charge for any health care service, supply or other item of expense for which the Covered Person is liable when the health care service, supply or other item of expense is covered at least in part under any of the Plans involved, except where a statute requires another definition, or as otherwise stated below. When this Policy is coordinating benefits with a Plan that provides benefits only for dental care, vision care, prescription drugs or hearing aids, Allowable Expense is limited to like items of expense.

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Aetna will not consider the difference between the cost of a private hospital room and that of a semi-private hospital room as an Allowable Expense unless the stay in a private room is Medically Necessary and Appropriate. When this Policy is coordinating benefits with a Plan that restricts coordination of benefits to a specific coverage, Aetna will only consider corresponding services, supplies or items of expense to which coordination of benefits applies as an Allowable Expense. Allowed Charge: An amount that is not more than the usual or customary charge for the service or supply as determined by Aetna, based on a standard which is most often charged for a given service by a Provider within the same geographic area. Claim Determination Period: A Calendar Year, or portion of a Calendar Year, during which a Covered Person is covered by this Policy and at least one other Plan and incurs one or more Allowable Expense(s) under such plans. Plan: Coverage with which coordination of benefits is allowed. Plan includes: a) Group insurance and group subscriber contracts, including insurance continued pursuant to a Federal or State continuation law; b) Self-funded arrangements of group or group-type coverage, including insurance continued pursuant to a Federal or State continuation law; c) Group or group-type coverage through a health maintenance organization (HMO) or other prepayment, group practice and individual practice plans, including insurance continued pursuant to a Federal or State continuation law; d) Group hospital indemnity benefit amounts that exceed $150 per day; e) Medicare or other governmental benefits, except when, pursuant to law, the benefits must be treated as in excess of those of any private insurance plan or non-governmental plan. Plan does not include: a) Individual or family insurance contracts or subscriber contracts; b) Individual or family coverage through a health maintenance organization or under any other prepayment, group practice and individual practice plans; c) Group or group-type coverage where the cost of coverage is paid solely by the Covered Person except that coverage being continued pursuant to a Federal or State continuation law shall be considered a Plan; d) Group hospital indemnity benefit amounts of $150 per day or less; e) School accident –type coverage; f) A State plan under Medicaid. Primary Plan: A Plan whose benefits for a Covered Person’s health care coverage must be determined without taking into consideration the existence of any other Plan. There may be more than one Primary Plan. A Plan will be the Primary Plan if either “a” or “b” below exist: a) The Plan has no order of benefit determination rules, or it has rules that differ from those contained in this Coordination of Benefits and Services provision; or b) All Plans which cover the Covered Person use order of benefit determination rules consistent with those contained in the Coordination of Benefits and Services provision and under those rules, the plan determines its benefits first. Secondary Plan: A Plan which is not a Primary Plan. If a Covered Person is covered by more than one Secondary Plan, the order of benefit determination rules of this Coordination of Benefits and Services provision shall be used to determine the order in which the benefits payable under the multiple Secondary Plans are paid in relation to each other. The benefits of each Secondary Plan may take into consideration the benefits of the Primary Plan or Plans and the benefits of any other Plan which, under this Coordination of Benefits and Services provision, has its benefits determined before those of that Secondary Plan. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY PLAN Aetna considers each plan separately when coordinating payments.

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The Primary Plan pays or provides services or supplies first, without taking into consideration the existence of a Secondary Plan. If a Plan has no coordination of benefits provision, or if the order of benefit determination rules differ from those set forth in these provisions, it is the Primary Plan. A Secondary Plan takes into consideration the benefits provided by a Primary Plan when, according to the rules set forth below, the plan is the Secondary Plan. If there is more than one Secondary Plan, the order of benefit determination rules determine the order among the Secondary Plans. During each Claim Determination Period the Secondary Plan(s) will pay up to the remaining unpaid allowable expenses, but no Secondary Plan will pay more than it would have paid if it had been the Primary Plan. The method the Secondary Plan uses to determine the amount to pay is set forth below in the “Procedures to be Followed by the Secondary Plan to Calculate Benefits” section of this provision. The Secondary Plan shall not reduce Allowable Expenses for medically necessary and appropriate services or supplies on the basis that precertification, preapproval, notification or second surgical opinion procedures were not followed. RULES FOR THE ORDER OF BENEFIT DETERMINATION The benefits of the Plan that covers the Covered Person as an employee, member, subscriber or retiree shall be determined before those of the Plan that covers the Covered Person as a Dependent. The coverage as an employee, member, subscriber or retiree is the Primary Plan. The benefits of the Plan that covers the Covered Person as an employee who is neither laid off nor retired, or as a dependent of such person, shall be determined before those for the Plan that covers the Covered Person as a laid off or retired employee, or as such a person’s Dependent. If the other Plan does not contain this rule, and as a result the Plans do not agree on the order of benefit determination, this portion of this provision shall be ignored. The benefits of the Plan that covers the Covered Person as an employee, member, subscriber or retiree, or Dependent of such person, shall be determined before those of the Plan that covers the Covered Person under a right of continuation pursuant to Federal or State law. If the other Plan does not contain this rule, and as a result the Plans do not agree on the order of benefit determination, this portion of this provision shall be ignored. If a child is covered as a Dependent under Plans through both parents, and the parents are neither separated nor divorced, the following rules apply: a) The benefits of the Plan of the parent whose birthday falls earlier in the Calendar Year shall be determined before those of the parent whose birthday falls later in the Calendar Year. b) If both parents have the same birthday, the benefits of the Plan which covered the parent for a longer period of time shall be determined before those of plan which covered the other parent for a shorter period of time. c) Birthday, as used above, refers only to month and day in a calendar year, not the year in which the parent was born. d) If the other plan contains a provision that determines the order of benefits based on the gender of the parent, the birthday rule in this provision shall be ignored. If a child is covered as a Dependent under Plans through both parents, and the parents are separated or divorced, the following rules apply: a) The benefits of the Plan of the parent with custody of the child shall be determined first. b) The benefits of the Plan of the spouse of the parent with custody shall be determined second. c) The benefits of the Plan of the parent without custody shall be determined last. d) If the terms of a court decree state that one of the parents is responsible for the health care expenses for the child, and if the entity providing coverage under that Plan has actual knowledge of the terms of the court decree, then the benefits of that plan shall be determined first. The benefits of the plan of the other parent shall be considered as secondary. Until the entity providing coverage under the plan has knowledge of the terms of the court decree regarding health care expenses, this portion of this provision shall be ignored.

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If the above order of benefits does not establish which plan is the Primary Plan, the benefits of the Plan that covers the employee, member or subscriber for a longer period of time shall be determined before the benefits of the Plan(s) that covered the person for a shorter period of time. Procedures to be Followed by the Secondary Plan to Calculate Benefits In order to determine which procedure to follow it is necessary to consider: a) the basis on which the Primary Plan and the Secondary Plan pay benefits; and b) whether the provider who provides or arranges the services and supplies is in the network of either the Primary Plan or the Secondary Plan. Benefits may be based on the Allowed Charge (AC), or some similar term. This means that the provider bills a charge and the Covered Person may be held liable for the full amount of the billed charge. In this section, a Plan that bases benefits on an Allowed Charge is called an “AC Plan.” Benefits may be based on a contractual fee schedule, sometimes called a negotiated fee schedule, or some similar term. This means that although a provider, called a network provider, bills a charge, the Covered Person may be held liable only for an amount up to the negotiated fee. In this section, a Plan that bases benefits on a negotiated fee schedule is called a “Fee Schedule Plan.” Fee Schedule Plans may require that Members use network providers. Examples of such plans are Health Maintenance Organization plans (HMO) and Exclusive Provider organization plans (EPO). If the Covered Person uses the services of a non-network provider, the plan will be treated as an AC Plan even though the plan under which he or she is covered allows for a fee schedule. Examples of such plans are Preferred provider organization plans (PPO) and Point of Service plans (POS). Payment to the provider may be based on a “capitation”. This means that then HMO or EPO or other plans pays the provider a fixed amount per Covered Person. The Covered Person is liable only for the applicable deductible, coinsurance or copayment. If the Covered Person uses the services of a non-network provider, the HMO or other plans will only pay benefits in the event of emergency care or urgent care. In this section, a Plan that pays providers based upon capitation is called a “Capitation Plan.” In the rules below, “provider” refers to the provider who provides or arranges the services or supplies and “HMO” refers to a health maintenance organization plan and “EPO” refers to Exclusive Provider Organization. Primary Plan is an AC Plan and Secondary Plan is an AC Plan The Secondary Plan shall pay the lesser of: a) the difference between the amount of the billed charges and the amount paid by the Primary Plan; or b) the amount the Secondary Plan would have paid if it had been the Primary Plan. When the benefits of the Secondary Plan are reduced as a result of this calculation, each benefit shall be reduced in proportion, and the amount paid shall be charged against any applicable benefit limit of the plan. Primary Plan is Fee Schedule Plan and Secondary Plan is Fee Schedule Plan If the provider is a network provider in both the Primary Plan and the Secondary Plan, the Allowable Expense shall be the fee schedule of the Primary Plan. The Secondary Plan shall pay the lesser of: a) The amount of any deductible, coinsurance or copayment required by the Primary Plan; or b) the amount the Secondary Plan would have paid if it had been the Primary Plan. The total amount the provider receives from the Primary plan, the Secondary plan and the Covered Person shall not exceed the fee schedule of the Primary Plan. In no event shall the Covered Person be responsible for any payment in excess of the copayment, coinsurance or deductible of the Secondary Plan. Primary Plan is an AC Plan and Secondary Plan is Fee Schedule Plan If the provider is a network provider in the Secondary Plan, the Secondary Plan shall pay the lesser of: a) the difference between the amount of the billed charges for the Allowable Expenses and the amount paid by the Primary Plan; or b) the amount the Secondary Plan would have paid if it had been the Primary Plan.

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The Covered Person shall only be liable for the copayment, deductible or coinsurance under the Secondary Plan if the Covered Person has no liability for copayment, deductible or coinsurance under the Primary Plan and the total payments by both the primary and Secondary Plans are less than the provider’s billed charges. In no event shall the Covered Person be responsible for any payment in excess of the copayment, coinsurance or deductible of the Secondary Plan. Primary Plan is Fee Schedule Plan and Secondary Plan is an AC Plan If the provider is a network provider in the Primary Plan, the Allowable Expense considered by the Secondary Plan shall be the fee schedule of the Primary Plan. The Secondary Plan shall pay the lesser of: a) The amount of any deductible, coinsurance or copayment required by the Primary Plan; or b) the amount the Secondary Plan would have paid if it had been the Primary Plan. Primary Plan is Fee Schedule Plan and Secondary Plan is an AC Plan or Fee Schedule Plan If the Primary Plan is an HMO or EPO plan that does not allow for the use of non-network providers except in the event of urgent care or emergency care and the service or supply the Covered Person receives from a non-network provider is not considered as urgent care or emergency care, the Secondary Plan shall pay benefits as if it were the Primary Plan. Primary Plan is Capitation Plan and Secondary Plan is Fee Schedule Plan or an AC Plan If the Covered Person receives services or supplies from a provider who is in the network of both the Primary Plan and the Secondary Plan, the Secondary Plan shall pay the lesser of: a) The amount of any deductible, coinsurance or copayment required by the Primary Plan; or b) the amount the Secondary Plan would have paid if it had been the Primary Plan. Primary Plan is Capitation Plan or Fee Schedule Plan or an AC Plan and Secondary Plan is Capitation Plan If the Covered Person receives services or supplies from a provider who is in the network of the Secondary Plan, the Secondary Plan shall be liable to pay the capitation to the provider and shall not be liable to pay the deductible, coinsurance or copayment imposed by the Primary Plan. The Covered Person shall not be liable to pay any deductible, coinsurance or copayments of either the Primary Plan or the Secondary Plan. Primary Plan is an HMO or EPO and Secondary Plan is an HMO or EPO If the Primary Plan is an HMO or EPO plan that does not allow for the use of non-network providers except in the event of urgent care or emergency care and the service or supply the Covered Person receives from a non-network provider is not considered as urgent care or emergency care, but the provider is in the network of the Secondary Plan, the Secondary Plan shall pay benefits as if it were the Primary Plan. Except that the Primary Plan shall pay out-of-Network services, if any, authorized by the Primary Plan. BENEFITS FOR AUTOMOBILE RELATED INJURIES This section will be used to determine a person's benefits under the Policy when expenses are incurred as a result of an automobile related Injury. Definitions "Automobile Related Injury" means bodily Injury sustained by a Covered Person as a result of an accident: a) while occupying, entering, leaving or using an automobile; or b) as a pedestrian; caused by an automobile or by an object propelled by or from an automobile. "Allowable Expense means a medically necessary, reasonable and customary item of expense covered at least in part as an eligible expense by: a) the Policy; b) PIP; or c) OSAIC.

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"Eligible Expense" means that portion of expense incurred for treatment of an Injury which is covered under the Policy without application of Cash Deductibles and Copayments, if any or Coinsurance. "Out-of-State Automobile Insurance Coverage" or "OSAIC" means any coverage for medical expenses under an automobile insurance policy other than PIP. OSAIC includes automobile insurance policies issued in another state or jurisdiction. "PIP" means personal injury protection coverage provided as part of an automobile insurance policy issued in New Jersey. PIP refers specifically to provisions for medical expense coverage. Determination of primary or secondary coverage. The Policy provides secondary coverage to PIP unless health coverage has been elected as primary coverage by or for the Covered Person under the Policy. This election is made by the named insured under a PIP policy. Such election affects that person's family members who are not themselves named insureds under another automobile policy. The Policy may be primary for one Covered Person, but not for another if the person has separate automobile policies and has made different selections regarding primacy of health coverage. The Policy is secondary to OSAIC, unless the OSAIC contains provisions which make it secondary or excess to the policyholder's plan. In that case the Policy will be primary. If there is a dispute as to which policy is primary, the Policy will pay benefits as if it were primary. Benefits the Policy will pay if it is primary to PIP or OSAIC. If the Policy is primary to PIP or OSAIC it will pay benefits for eligible expenses in accordance with its terms. The rules of the COORDINATION OF BENEFITS AND SERVICES section of the Policy will apply if: a) the Covered Person is insured under more than one insurance plan; and b) such insurance plans are primary to automobile insurance coverage. Benefits the Policy will pay if it is secondary to PIP or OSAIC. If the Policy is secondary to PIP or OSAlC the actual benefits payable will be the lesser of: a) the allowable expenses left uncovered after PIP or OSAIC has provided coverage after applying Cash Deductibles and Copayments, or b) the benefits that would have been paid if the Policy had been primary. Medicare If the Policy supplements coverage under Medicare it can be primary to automobile insurance only to the extent that Medicare is primary to automobile insurance. MEDICARE AS SECONDARY PAYOR IMPORTANT NOTICE The following sections regarding Medicare may not apply to the Employer's Policy. The Employee must contact his or her Employer to find out if the Employer is subject to Medicare as Secondary Payor rules. If the Employer is subject to such rules, this Medicare as Secondary Payor section applies to the Employee. If the Employer is NOT subject to such rules, this Medicare as Secondary Payor section does not apply to the Employee, in which case, Medicare will be the primary health plan and the Policy will be the secondary health plan for Covered Persons who are eligible for Medicare. The following provisions explain how the Policy's group health benefits interact with the benefits available under Medicare as Secondary Payor rules. A Covered Person may be eligible for Medicare by reason of age, disability, or End Stage Renal Disease. Different rules apply to each type of Medicare eligibility, as explained below.

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With respect to the following provisions: a) "Medicare" when used above, means Part A and B of the health care program for the aged and disabled provided by Title XVIII of the United States Social Security Act, as amended from time to time. b) A Covered Person is considered to be eligible for Medicare by reason of age from the first day of the month during which he or she reaches age 65. However, if the Covered Person is born on the first day of a month, he or she is considered to be eligible for Medicare from the first day of the month which is immediately prior to his or her 65th birthday. c) A "primary" health plan pays benefits for a Covered Person's Covered Charge first, ignoring what the Covered Person's "secondary" plan pays. A "secondary" health plan then pays the remaining unpaid allowable expenses. See the Coordination of Benefits section for a definition of "allowable expense". d) "We" means Aetna. MEDICARE ELIGIBILITY BY REASON OF AGE (Generally applies to employer groups with 20 or more employees) Applicability This section applies to an Employee or his or her insured spouse who is eligible for Medicare by reason of age. This section does not apply to an insured civil union partner who is eligible for Medicare by reason of age. Under this section, such an Employee or insured spouse is referred to as a "Medicare eligible". This section does not apply to: a) a Covered Person, other than an Employee or insured spouse b) an Employee or insured spouse who is under age 65, or c) a Covered Person who is eligible for Medicare solely on the basis of End Stage Renal Disease. When An Employee or Insured Spouse Becomes Eligible For Medicare When an Employee or insured spouse becomes eligible for Medicare by reason of age, he or she must choose one of the two options below. Option (A) - The Medicare eligible may choose the Policy as his or her primary health plan. If he or she does, Medicare will be his or her secondary health plan. See the When The Policy is Primary section below, for details. Option (B) - The Medicare eligible may choose Medicare as his or her primary health plan. If he or she does, group health benefits under the Policy will end. See the When Medicare is Primary section below, for details. If the Medicare eligible fails to choose either option when he or she becomes eligible for Medicare by reason of age, Aetna will pay benefits as if he or she had chosen Option (A). When the Policy is primary When a Medicare eligible chooses the Policy as his or her primary health plan, if he or she incurs a Covered Charge for which benefits are payable under both the Policy and Medicare, the Policy is considered primary. The Policy pays first, ignoring Medicare. Medicare is considered the secondary plan. When Medicare is primary If a Medicare eligible chooses Medicare as his or her primary health plan, he or she will no longer be covered for such benefits by the Policy. Coverage under the Policy will end on the date the Medicare eligible elects Medicare as his or her primary health plan. A Medicare eligible who elects Medicare as his or her primary health plan, may later change such election, and choose the Policy as his or her primary health plan.

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MEDICARE ELIGIBILITY BY REASON OF DISABILITY (Generally applies to employer groups with 100 or more employees) Applicability This section applies to a Covered Person who is: a) under age 65 except for the Employee’s civil union partner or the child of the Employee’s civil union partner; and b) eligible for Medicare by reason of disability. Under this section, such Covered Person is referred to as a "disabled Medicare eligible". This section does not apply to: a) a Covered Person who is eligible for Medicare by reason of age; b) a Covered Person who is eligible for Medicare solely on the basis of End Stage Renal Disease ; or c) A Covered Person who is the Employee’s civil union partner or the child of the Employee’s civil union partner. When A Covered Person Becomes Eligible For Medicare When a Covered Person becomes eligible for Medicare by reason of disability, the Policy is the primary plan. Medicare is the secondary plan. If a Covered Person is eligible for Medicare by reason of disability, he or she must be covered by both Parts A and B. Benefits will be payable as specified in the COORDINATION OF BENEFITS AND SERVICES section of the Policy. MEDICARE ELIGIBILITY BY REASON OF END STAGE RENAL DISEASE (Applies to all employer groups) Applicability This section applies to a Covered Person who is eligible for Medicare on the basis of End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). Under this section such Covered Person is referred to as an "ESRD Medicare eligible". This section does not apply to a Covered Person who is eligible for Medicare by reason of disability. When A Covered Person Becomes Eligible For Medicare Due to ESRD When a Covered Person becomes eligible for Medicare solely on the basis of ESRD, for a period of up to 30 consecutive months, if he or she incurs a charge for the treatment of ESRD for which benefits are payable under both the Policy and Medicare, the Policy is considered primary. The Policy pays first, ignoring Medicare. Medicare is considered the secondary plan. This 30 month period begins on the earlier of: a) the first day of the month during which a regular course of renal dialysis starts; and b) with respect to a ESRD Medicare eligible who receives a kidney transplant, the first day of the month during which such Covered Person becomes eligible for Medicare. After the 30 month period described above ends, if an ESRD Medicare eligible incurs a charge for which benefits are payable under both the Policy and Medicare, Medicare is the primary plan. The Policy is the secondary plan. If a Covered Person is eligible for Medicare on the basis of ESRD, he or she must be covered by both Parts A and B. Benefits will be payable as specified in the COORDINATION OF BENEFITS section of the Policy.

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STATEMENT OF ERISA RIGHTS The following Statement may not apply to the Employer's Policy. The Employee must contact his or her Employer to find out if the Employer is subject to these ERISA requirements As a plan participant, you are entitled to certain rights and protections under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). ERISA provides that all plan participants shall be entitled to: Receive Information About Your Plan and Benefits Examine, without charge, at the plan administrator’s office and at other specified locations, such as worksites and union halls, all documents governing the plan, including insurance contracts and collective bargaining agreements, and a copy of the latest annual report (Form 5500 Series) filed by the plan with the U.S. Department of Labor and available at the Public Disclosure Room of the Employee Benefit Security Administration. Obtain, upon written request to the plan administrator, copies of documents governing the operation of the plan, including insurance contracts and collective bargaining agreements, and copies of the latest annual report (Form 5500 Series) and updated summary plan description. The administrator may make a reasonable charge for the copies. Receive a summary of the plan’s annual financial report. The plan administrator is required by law to furnish each participant with a copy of this summary annual report. Continue Group Health Plan Coverage Continue health care coverage for yourself, spouse or dependents if there is a loss of coverage under the plan as a result of a qualifying event. You or your dependents may have to pay for such coverage. Review the summary plan description and the documents governing the plan on the rules governing your COBRA continuation coverage rights, if COBRA is applicable to your plan. Prudent Actions by Plan Fiduciaries In addition to creating rights for plan participants ERISA imposes duties upon the people who are responsible for the operation of the employee benefit plan. The people who operate your plan, called “fiduciaries” of the plan, have a duty to do so prudently and in the interest of you and other plan participants and beneficiaries. No one, including your employer, your union, or any other person, may fire you or otherwise discriminate against you in any way to prevent you from obtaining a benefit or exercising your rights under ERISA. Enforce Your Rights If your claim for a benefit is denied or ignored, in whole or in part, you have a right to know why this was done, to obtain copies of documents relating to the decision without charge, and to appeal any denial, all within certain time schedules. Under ERISA, there are steps you can take to enforce the above rights. For instance, if you request a copy of plan documents or the latest annual report from the plan and do not receive them within 30 days, you may file suit in a Federal court. In such a case, the court may require the plan administrator to provide the materials and pay you up to $110 a day until you receive the materials, unless the materials were not sent because of reasons beyond the control of the administrator. If you have a claims for benefits which is denied or ignored, in whole or in part, you may file suit in a state or Federal court. In addition, if you disagree with the plan’s decision or lack thereof concerning the qualified status of a domestic relations order or medical support order, you may file suit in Federal court. If it should happen that plan fiduciaries misuse the plan’s money, or if you are discriminated against for asserting your rights, you may seek assistance from the U.S. Department of Labor, or you may file suit in a Federal court. The court will decide who should pay court costs and legal fees. If you are successful the court may order the person you have sued to pay these costs and fees. If you lose, the court may order you to pay these costs and fees, for example, if it finds your claim is frivolous.

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Assistance With Your Questions If you have any questions about your plan, you should contact the plan administrator. If you have any questions about this statement or about your rights under ERISA, or if you need assistance in obtaining documents from the plan administrator, you should contact the nearest office of the Employee Benefit Security Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, listed in your telephone directory or the Division of Technical Assistance and Inquiries, Employee Benefit Security Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20210. You may also obtain certain publications about your rights and responsibilities under ERISA by calling the publications hotline of the Employee Benefit Security Administration. CLAIMS PROCEDURE Claim forms and instructions for filing claims may be obtained from the Plan Administrator. Completed claim forms and any other required material should be returned to the Plan Administrator for submission to Aetna. Aetna is the Claims Fiduciary with discretionary authority to determine eligibility for benefits and to construe the terms of the plan with respect to claims. In addition to the basic claim procedure explained in the Employee's certificate, Aetna will also observe the procedures listed below. All notifications from Aetna will be in writing. a)

If a claim is wholly or partially denied, the claimant will be notified of the decision within 45 days after Aetna received the claim. b) If special circ*mstances require an extension of time for processing the claim, written notice of the extension shall be furnished to the claimant prior to the termination of the initial 90-day period. In no event shall such extension exceed a period of 90 days from the end of such initial period. The extension notice shall indicate the special circ*mstances requiring an extension of time and the date by which Aetna expects to render the final decision. c) If a claim is denied, Aetna will provide the Plan Administrator, for delivery to the claimant, a notice that will set forth: • • • •

the specific reason(s) the claim is denied; specific references to the pertinent plan provision on which the denial is based; a description of any additional material or information needed to make the claim valid, and an explanation of why the material or information is needed; an explanation of the plan's claim review procedure.

A claimant must file a request for review of a denied claim within 60 days after receipt of written notification of denial of a claim. d) Aetna will notify the claimant of its decision within 60 days of receipt of the request for review. If special circ*mstances require an extension of time for processing, Aetna will render a decision as soon as possible, but no later than 120 days after receiving the request. Aetna will notify the claimant about the extension. The above procedures are required under the provisions of ERISA.

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The Aetna Life Insurance Company Small Group Health Benefits Policy and Certificate, Plan C EPO plan, is hereby amended as follows: 1.

The following has been added to the cover page of the Certificate: PLEASE NOTE: Benefits are paid only for Network Provider services and supplies. However benefits are paid for Emergency care in an emergency room (including medical screening to determine if an emergency medical condition exists), a Level 1 or Level II trauma center, and Urgent care at an urgent care facility when rendered by a Non-Network provider. No other benefits are paid for Non-Network Provider services.


The following has been added as the second and third paragraph of the “Network Maximum Out of Pocket” Limit in the Benefit Provision Section: Network Maximum Out of Pocket: The Per Covered Person and Per Covered Family Network Maximum Out of Pocket amounts are shown in the Schedule of Covered Services and Supplies. In the case of single coverage, for a Covered Person, the Network Maximum Out of Pocket is the annual maximum dollar amount that a Covered Person must pay as per Covered Person Cash Deductible plus Copayment or Coinsurance for all covered services and supplies in a Calendar Year. Once the Per Covered Person Network Maximum Out of Pocket has been met during a Calendar Year, no further Copayment, Deductible, or Coinsurance will be required for such Covered Person for the rest of the Calendar Year. In the case of coverage which is other than single coverage, for a Covered Family, the Network Maximum Out of Pocket is the annual maximum dollar amount that members of a covered family must pay as per Covered Family Cash Deductible plus Copayment or Coinsurance for all covered services and supplies in a Calendar Year. Once the Per Covered Family Network Maximum Out of Pocket has been met during a Calendar Year, no further Copayment, Deductible, or Coinsurance will be required for members of the covered family for the rest of the Calendar Year.

All other terms and conditions of the Certificate shall remain in full force and effect except as amended herein.





The Aetna Life Insurance Company Small Group Health Benefits Certificate, Plan C EPO plan, is hereby amended as follows: 1.

The following has been deleted from the “Diagnostic Services” term appearing in the Definitions section: “Except as allowed under the Preventive Care Covered Charge, Diagnostic Services are not covered under the Policy if the procedures are ordered as part of a routine or periodic physical examination or screening examination.”


The “Pre-Approval or Pre-Approved” term appearing in the Definitions section is hereby deleted and replaced with the following: Pre-Approval or Pre-Approved means a process where Aetna is contacted before certain services are provided to determine whether the services being recommended or the drugs prescribed are considered Covered Charges under the plan. It is not a guarantee that benefits will be payable. A Covered Person does not need to Pre-Approve services provided by a Network Provider. Network Providers will be responsible for obtaining necessary Pre-Approval for the Covered Person. Since Pre-Approval is the provider’s responsibility, there are no additional out-of-pocket costs to a Covered Person as a result of a Network Provider’s failure to Pre-Approve services.


The Definitions section is hereby amended to add the following: E-visit. An online, internet, consultation between a Network Provider and an established Member about a health care matter that is not a Medical Emergency or Urgent Care. An E-visit shall not substitute a Member’s initial in-person consultation with a Network Provider, and it must be conducted through an Aetna vendor. Walk-in Clinic. A Network free-standing health care facility Provider that is a treatment alternative to a Network Provider’s office for unscheduled, non- Medical Emergency services and supplies to treat illnesses and injuries and the administration of certain immunizations as appropriate for such Provider. Neither an emergency room, nor the outpatient department of a Hospital, shall be considered a Walk-in Clinic. Services rendered at a Walk-in Clinic for ongoing care are not covered benefits.


The last two paragraphs of the “Hospital Charges” provision appearing in the Covered Charges section is hereby deleted and replaced with the following: Aetna will also cover Outpatient Hospital services, including services provided by a Hospital Outpatient clinic. And Aetna covers emergency room treatment, subject to the Policy's Emergency Room Copayment Requirement section. Any charges in excess of the Hospital semi-private daily room and board limit are a Non-Covered Charge.


The “Emergency Room Copayment Requirement” provision appearing in the Covered Charges section is hereby deleted.




The “X-Rays and Laboratory Tests” provision is hereby deleted and replaced with: X-Rays and Laboratory Tests Aetna covers x-rays and laboratory tests which are Medically Necessary and Appropriate to treat an Illness or Injury, including x-rays and tests done as part of routine physical checkups.


The following have been added to the Covered Charges section: Diabetic Equipment and Self-Management Education Expenses Aetna covers certain expenses incurred in connection with the treatment of diabetes. expenses are provided to the same extent as benefits for any other illness.

Benefits for these

Hospital Expenses, Convalescent or Skilled Nursing Facility Expenses, and Home Health Care Expenses will be paid at the applicable Payment Percentage. If a physician, nurse practitioner, or clinical nurse specialist: • • •

diagnoses diabetes; or diagnoses a significant change in the person's diabetic symptoms or condition that requires a change in the person's self-management of the disease; or determines that a person who is a diabetic needs reeducation or refresher education;

charges for the following will be included: Equipment - Charges for: • • • •

blood glucose monitors, including monitors for the legally blind; and test strips for glucose monitors; and visual reading and urine testing strips; and insulin, injection aids, cartridges for the legally blind, syringes, insulin pumps and appurtenances, insulin infusion devices, and oral agents for controlling blood sugar.

Self-Management Education - Charges made by: • •

a physician, nurse practitioner, clinical nurse specialist; or a pharmacist or dietitian who is legally qualified by the State of New Jersey to provide diabetic management education;

for diabetic self-management education. "Diabetic self-management education" is training designed to instruct a person in the self-management of diabetes. It may include training in self-care or diet. Charges incurred for the following are not included: • • •

a diabetic education program whose only purpose is weight control; or which is available to the public at no cost; or a general program not just for diabetics; or a program made up of services not generally accepted as necessary for the management of diabetes.

Diabetic Equipment and Self-Management Education Expenses will be payable in accordance with the type of expense and the place where the service is provided. Primary Care Physician E-visits: Covered benefits include E-visits. Registration with an internet service vendor may be required. Information about Network Providers who conduct E-visits may be found in the provider Directory, online in DocFind on www.aetna.com or by calling the number on your Member identification card.



The Schedule of Insurance is amended to include the following: Copayments Primary Care Physician E-Visits

$15 per visit

Specialist Physician E-visits: Covered benefits include E-visits. Registration with an internet service vendor may be required. Information about Network Providers who conduct E-visits may be found in the provider Directory, online in DocFind on www.aetna.com or by calling the number on your Member identification card. The Schedule of Insurance is amended to include the following: Copayments Specialist Physician E-Visits

$15 per visit

Walk-in Clinic: Covered charges include charges made by Walk-in Clinics for: • Unscheduled, non-emergency illnesses and injuries; • The administration of certain immunizations administered within the scope of the clinic’s license; and • Individual screening and counseling services to aid you: - to stop the use of tobacco products; - in weight reduction due to obesity; - in stress management. The stress management counseling sessions will: • •

help you to identify the life events which cause you stress (the physical and mental strain on your body); and teach you techniques and changes in behavior to reduce the stress.

Limitations: Unless specified above, not covered under this benefit are charges incurred for services and supplies furnished in a group setting for screening and counseling services. Important Note: • Not all services are available at all Walk-In Clinics. The types of services offered will vary by the provider and location of the clinic. • Please see the Schedule of Covered Services and Supplies for the screening and counseling services provided on the use of tobacco products and to aid in weight reduction due to obesity. • These services may also be obtained from your Network Practitioner.

The Schedule of Insurance is amended to include the following: Copayments Walk-In Clinic


$30 per visit



The following provision has been added to the Covered Charges with Special Limitations section: Adult Routine eye exams, including eye refraction, are limited to one exam every 12 consecutive months. Adult Routine Eye Examinations provides for direct access to providers, and a Covered Person can go to any Network ophthalmologist or optometrist. The Schedule of Insurance is amended to include the following: Copayment Adult Routine Eye Exam

$0 per visit

The Payment Limits section of the Schedule of Insurance is amended to include the following: Adult Routine eye exams, including eye refraction.

One exam every 12 months.

Routine Eye Examinations provides for direct access to providers, and a Covered Person can go to any Network ophthalmologist or optometrist.


The Penalties for Non-Compliance sections under the Required Hospital Stay Review and Required PreSurgical Review provisions are hereby deleted.

All other terms and conditions of the Policy and Certificate shall remain in full force and effect except as amended herein.



AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (NEW JERSEY) OVER-AGE DEPENDENT COVERAGE RIDER Small Group Health Benefits Policy and Certificate The Aetna Life Insurance Company Small Group Policy and Certificate Basic Plan A document is hereby amended as follows: This Rider amends the Group Policy and the Certificates issued to over-age dependents who elected coverage under the NEW JERSEY CONTINUATION RIGHTS FOR OVER-AGE DEPENDENTS provision. I.

The DEPENDENT COVERAGE section is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following section entitled OVER-AGE DEPENDENT COVERAGE.

OVER-AGE DEPENDENT COVERAGE Eligible Dependents An Employee’s child by blood or law who: a) has reached the limiting age of 19 or 23, as applicable, but is less than 31 years of age; b) is not married or in a domestic partnership or civil union partnership; c) has no Dependents of his or her own; d) is either a resident of New Jersey or is enrolled as a full-time student at an Accredited School; and e) is not covered under any other group or individual health benefits plan, group health plan, church plan or health benefits plan, and is not entitled to Medicare. Enrollment Requirement To continue group health benefits, the Over-Age Dependent must make written election to Aetna. For a Dependent whose coverage has not yet terminated due to the attainment of age 19 or 23, as applicable, the written election must be made within 30 days prior to termination of coverage due to the attainment of age 19 or 23. For a person who did not qualify as an Over-Age Dependent because he or she failed to meet all the requirements of an Over-Age Dependent, but who subsequently meets all of the requirements for an Over-Age Dependent, written election must be made within 30 days after the person first subsequently meets all of the requirements for an OverAge Dependent. This election opportunity is explained in greater detail as follows: a) If a person did not qualify because he or she was married or a partner in a domestic partnership or civil union, the notice must be given within 30 days of the date he or she is no longer married or the domestic partnership or civil union dissolved. b) If a person did not qualify because he or she had a Dependent of his or her own, the election must be made within 30 days of the date he or she no longer has a Dependent. c) If a person did not qualify because he or she either was not a resident of New Jersey or was not a full-time student at an Accredited school, the election must be made within 30 days of the date he or she becomes a resident of New Jersey, or becomes a full-time student at an accredited school. d) If a person did not qualify because he or she was covered under any other group or individual health benefits plan, group health plan, church plan or health benefits plan, or was entitled to Medicare, the election must be made within 30 days of the date he or she is no longer covered under any other group or individual health benefits plan, group health plan, church plan or health benefits plan, or is no longer entitled to Medicare.



An Over-Age Dependent may make written election to continue coverage during a 30 day period beginning on each anniversary date of the date the dependent lost coverage due to attaining the limiting age, provided he or she meets the definition of an “Over-Age Dependent” during that 30-day period.

When Over-Age Dependent Coverage Starts The effective date of the continued coverage will be the later of: a) the date the Over-Age Dependent gives written notice to Aetna; or b) the date the Over-Age Dependent pays the first premium; or c) the date the Dependent would otherwise lose coverage due to attainment of the limiting age. When Over-Age Dependent Coverage Ends An Over-Age Dependent’s continued group health benefits end on the first of the following: a) the date the Over-Age Dependent: 1. attains age 31; 2. marries or enters into a domestic partnership or a civil union partnership; 3. acquires a Dependent; 4. is no longer either a resident of New Jersey or enrolled as a full-time student at an Accredited School; or 5. becomes covered under any other group or individual health benefits plan, group health plan, church plan or health benefits plan, or becomes entitled to Medicare b) the end of the period for which premium has been paid for the Over-Age Dependent, subject to the Grace Period for such payment; c) the date the Policy ceases to provide coverage to the Over-Age Dependent’s parent who is the Employee under the Policy. d) The date the Policy under which the Over-Age Dependent elected to continue coverage is amended to delete coverage for Dependents. e) The date the Over-Age Dependent’s parent who is covered as an Employee under the Policy waives Dependent coverage. Except, if the Employee has no other Dependents, the Over-Age Dependent’s coverage will not end as a result of the Employee waiving Dependent coverage. II. Coverage for an Over-Age Dependent is single coverage. Any Deductible, Coinsurance and/or Copayments paid by an Over-Age Dependent is independent of any Deductible, Coinsurance and/or Copayments paid by the Over-Age Dependents parents, or siblings. Any provision in the Group Policy, Certificate and optional benefit rider allowing for a family deductible or a family Maximum Out of Pocket does not apply to the coverage for the Over-Age Dependent. III. The following provisions are deleted in their entirety: a) COBRA CONTINUATION RIGHTS, b) NEW JERSEY GROUP CONTINUATION RIGHTS, c) A TOTALLY DISABLED EMPLOYEE'S RIGHT TO CONTINUE GROUP HEALTH BENEFITS, d) AN EMPLOYEE'S RIGHT TO CONTINUE GROUP HEALTH BENEFITS DURING A FAMILY LEAVE OF ABSENCE, e) A DEPENDENT'S RIGHT TO CONTINUE GROUP HEALTH BENEFITS f) CONVERSION RIGHTS FOR DIVORCED SPOUSES g) COORDINATION OF BENEFITS AND SERVICES

This rider is part of the Policy and Certificate. Except as stated above, nothing in this rider changes or affects any other terms of the Policy and Certificate.



AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (NEW JERSEY) RIDER FOR PRESCRIPTION DRUG INSURANCE Policy Holder: Group Policy No: Effective Date: PLEASE NOTE: This Rider contains certain benefits that may be subject to Copayment or Coinsurance and Deductible. Please review this Rider carefully for those features. The Prescription Drug coverage under this Rider supplements the Prescription Drug coverage specified under the Policy and Certificate to which this Rider is attached when Prescription Drugs are obtained from a Retail Pharmacy, Mail Order Pharmacy or Specialty Pharmacy. Subject to Aetna’s Precertification of certain Prescription Drugs, Aetna covers Prescription Drugs to treat an Illness or Injury and female contraceptive drugs or devices which require a Practitioner’s prescription. But Aetna only covers drugs which are: a) approved for treatment of the Covered Person’s Illness or Injury by the Food and Drug Administration; b) approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of a particular diagnosis or condition other than the Covered Person’s and recognized as appropriate medical treatment for the Covered Person’s diagnosis or condition in one or more of the following established reference compendia: • The American Hospital Formulary Service Drug Information; • The United States Pharmacopeia Drug Information; or c) recommended by a clinical study or recommended by a review article in a major peer-reviewed professional journal. Coverage for the above Prescription Drugs also includes Medically Necessary and Appropriate services associated with the administration of the Prescription Drugs. In no event will Aetna pay for: a) drugs labeled: “Caution – Limited by Federal Law to Investigational use”; or b) any drug which the Food and Drug Administration has determined to be contraindicated for the specific treatment for which the drug has been prescribed, except as otherwise stated above. And Aetna excludes drugs that can be bought without a prescription, except for insulin, even if the Practitioner orders them. DEFINITIONS Act of War means: any act peculiar to military, naval or air operations in time of war. Aetna means: Aetna Life Insurance Company, an affiliate, or a third party vendor under contract with Aetna. Biosimilar Prescription Drug(s). A biological Prescription Drug that is accepted/approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as therapeutically similar to a drug with a proprietary name assigned to it by the manufacturer and so indicated by Medi-Span or similar publication designated by Us. Brand Name Prescription Drug(s). Prescription drugs and insulin with a proprietary name assigned to it by the manufacturer or distributor and so indicated by MediSpan or any other similar publication designated by Us. Brand Name Prescription Drugs do not include those drugs classified as Generic Prescription Drugs as defined below.

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Preferred Drug List means a listing of Prescription Drugs and insulin established by Aetna which includes Brand Name Prescription Drugs, Biosimilar Prescription Drugs, and Generic Prescription Drugs. This list is subject to periodic review and modification by Aetna. A copy of the Preferred Prescription Drugs list is available at any time upon request by the Covered Person or may be accessed at the Aetna website, at www.aetna.com. Preferred Prescription Drug means a product or drug listed on the Preferred Drug List. Generic Prescription Drug(s). Prescription drugs and insulin, whether identified by its chemical, proprietary, or non-proprietary name, that is accepted by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as therapeutically equivalent and interchangeable with drugs having an identical amount of the same active ingredient and so indicated by Medi-Span or any other similar publication designated by Us. Home Area means the 50 states of the United States of America and the District of Columbia. Legend Drugs means any drug which must be labeled: “Caution – Federal Law prohibits dispensing without a prescription.” Mail Order Program means a pharmacy, which has contracted with Aetna, an affiliate, or a third party vendor, to provide covered outpatient Prescription Drugs or medicines, and insulin to Covered Persons by mail or other carrier. Negotiated Charge means the amount Aetna has established for each Prescription Drug obtained from a Participating Pharmacy, Participating Mail Order Pharmacy or Specialty Pharmacy Network pharmacy. The Negotiated Charge will reflect amounts Aetna has agreed to pay directly to the Participating Pharmacy, Participating Mail Order Pharmacy or Specialty Pharmacy Network pharmacy or to a third party vendor for the Prescription Drug. The Negotiated Charge does not include or reflect any amount Aetna, an affiliate, or a third party vendor, may receive under a rebate arrangement between Aetna, an affiliate or a third party vendor and a drug manufacturer for any Prescription Drug, including Prescription Drugs on the Preferred Drug List. Based on its overall drug purchasing, Aetna may receive rebates from the manufacturers of Prescription Drugs and may receive or pay additional amounts from or to third parties under price guarantees. These amounts will not change the Negotiated Charge under this Rider. Non-Preferred Prescription Drug means a product or drug not listed on the Preferred Drug List which includes Brand Name Prescription Drugs and Biosimilar Prescription Drugs. Non-Participating Pharmacy means a pharmacy that has not contracted with Aetna, an affiliate, or a third party vendor, and does not participate in the pharmacy network. Participating Mail Order Pharmacy means a pharmacy which has contracted with Aetna, an affiliate, or a third party vendor, to provide covered outpatient Prescription Drugs or medicines, and insulin to Covered Persons by mail or other carrier or is a Participating Pharmacy that is willing to accept the same pharmacy agreement terms, conditions price and services as exist for a Participating Mail Order Pharmacy. Participating Retail Pharmacy means a community pharmacy which has contracted with Aetna, an affiliate, or a third party vendor, to provide covered outpatient Prescription Drugs to Covered Persons. Prescription Drug means: a) Legend Drugs; b) compound medications of which at least one ingredient is a Legend Drug; c) insulin; d) Biosimilar Prescription Drugs; and e) any other drug, which by law may only by dispensed with a prescription from a Practitioner.

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Prescription Female Contraceptives means any drug or device used for contraception by a female, which is approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration for that purpose, that can only be purchased in this State with a prescription written by a health care professional licensed or authorized to write prescriptions and includes, but is not limited to, birth control pills and diaphragms. Specialty Care Drugs are Prescription Drugs covered under this rider that include Biosimilar Prescription Drugs, injectable, infusion and oral Prescription Drugs prescribed to address complex, chronic disease with associated comorbidities such as cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, hemophilia, multiple sclerosis and which are listed on the Specialty Care Drug list. An updated copy of the list of covered Specialty Care Drugs, designated by Aetna, an affiliate, or a third party vendor for coverage under this rider, shall be available upon request by the Covered Person or may be accessed on the Aetna website at www.aetna.com. The list is subject to change by Aetna. Specialty Pharmacy Network means a network of Participating pharmacies designated to fill Specialty Care Drug prescriptions. Therapeutic Drug Class. A group of drugs or medications that have a similar or identical mode of action or exhibit similar or identical outcomes for the treatment of a disease or injury War includes, but is not limited to, declared war, and armed aggression by one or more countries resisted on Orders of any other country, combination of countries or international organization. SPECIALTY CARE DRUGS Specialty Care Drugs are covered when prescribed by a Practitioner licensed to prescribe Legend Drugs. The prescription may be filled at either a Participating Retail Pharmacy or Specialty Pharmacy Network pharmacy. Coverage of Specialty Care Drugs may, in Aetna’s discretion, be subject to the Precertification Program or the Medical Exception Process. Additionally, all Prescription Drugs are subject to the Exclusions and Limitations shown in the Policy, Certificate and this Rider. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Specialty Care Drugs are covered when the off-label use of the drug has not been approved by the FDA for that indication, provided that such drug is recognized for treatment of such indication in one of the standard reference compendia (the United States Pharmacopoeia Drug Information, the American Medical Association Drug Evaluations, or the American Hospital Formulary Service Drug Information), or it is recommended by a clinical study or review article in a major-peer reviewed professional journal. Coverage of off label use of these drugs may, in Aetna’s discretion, be subject to the Precertification Program or the Medical Exception Process. Additionally, all Prescription Drugs are subject to the Exclusions and Limitations shown in Policy, Certificate and this Rider. Covered Person is responsible for the payment of the applicable Copayment or Coinsurance for each prescription or refill. The Copayment or Coinsurance is specified in the Copayment or Coinsurance section below. CONTRACEPTIVES Covered Charges include the following services and supplies provided by a Network Physician, Practitioner, or Pharmacy for: • • • •

Female contraceptives that are Brand Name Prescription Drugs and Generic Prescription Drugs; Female contraceptive devices that are generic devices and brand name devices including the related services and supplies needed to administer the device; FDA-approved female: - brand name and generic emergency contraceptives - brand name and generic over-the-counter (OTC) emergency contraceptives Other FDA-approved female brand name and generic over-the-counter (OTC) contraceptives.

When contraceptive methods are obtained at a Pharmacy, prescriptions must be submitted to the pharmacist for processing.

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The Covered Person will be reimbursed for the cost of the prescription or OTC drug or device obtained from a Pharmacy. The Covered Person must submit proof of loss to Us to receive a claim payment. For more information contact Member Services by logging onto Our website at www.aetna.com or calling the tollfree number on the back of the ID card for assistance. Unless specified above, Non-Covered Contraceptive Services and Supplies are: • • • • • • • • •

Services which are covered to any extent under any other part of this Plan; Services and supplies incurred for an abortion; Services provided as a result of complications resulting from a voluntary sterilization procedure and related follow-up care; Services which are for the treatment of an identified illness or injury; Services that are not given by a Practitioner or under his or her direction; Psychiatric, psychological, personality or emotional testing or exams; Any contraceptive methods that are only "reviewed" by the FDA and not "approved" by the FDA; Male contraceptive methods, sterilization procedures or devices; and The reversal of voluntary sterilization procedures, including any related follow-up care.

Covered Person is responsible for the payment of the applicable Copayment or Coinsurance for each prescription or refill. The Copayment or Coinsurance is specified in the Copayment or Coinsurance section below. COPAYMENT OR COINSURANCE A Covered Person must pay the appropriate Copayment or Coinsurance shown below for each Prescription Drug each time it is dispensed by a Participating Pharmacy, Participating Mail Order Pharmacy or Specialty Pharmacy Network pharmacy. The Copayment or Coinsurance must be paid before the Policy and Certificate provide any benefit for the Prescription Drug. The Prescription Drug Copayment or Coinsurance does apply to the medical Maximum Out-of-Pocket, if any shown in the Schedule of Insurance. If a Practitioner prescribes a covered Brand-Name Prescription Drug where a Generic Prescription Drug equivalent is available and specifies “Dispense As Written” (DAW), the Covered Person will pay the cost sharing for the Brand-Name Prescription Drug. If a Practitioner does not specify DAW and the Covered Person requests a covered Brand-Name Prescription Drug where a Generic Prescription Drug equivalent is available the Covered Person will be responsible for the cost difference between the Brand-Name Prescription Drug and the Generic Prescription Drug equivalent, plus the applicable cost sharing. Prescription Drug/Medicine Quantity

Generic Prescription Drugs

Brand Name Preferred Prescription Drugs

Brand Name NonPreferred Prescription Drugs

Less than a 31-day supply




More than a 30-day supply but less than a 91-day supply




COVERED DRUGS Coverage of Prescription Drugs may be subject to the Precertification Program and the Claim systems checks limitations. In addition, coverage is subject to the Exclusions Section of this Rider. Claim systems checks promote proper claim submission. Some examples of these claim system checks include: - refilling a prescription too soon;

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duplicate claim; filled before Coverage effective; filled after Coverage terminated; claim is too old; claim is post-dated; pharmacy not contracted with plan; and drug to drug interactions.

The Policy and Certificate only provide benefits for Prescription Drugs that are: a) prescribed by a Provider (except for insulin); b) dispensed by a Participating Retail Pharmacy, Participating Mail Order Pharmacy or Specialty Pharmacy Network pharmacy, (except in a Medical Emergency situation or when a Covered Person is traveling outside Our Service Area); c) needed to treat an Illness or Injury; and d) prescription female contraceptive drugs or devices as needed for contraception by a female, or necessary to preserve the life or health of a Covered Person. Such prescription or refill will not include a prescription or refill that is more than: a) a 90 day supply for each prescription or refill which is not obtained through the Mail Order Program; b) a 90 day supply of a Prescription Drug obtained through the Mail Order Program; and c) the amount usually prescribed by the Covered Person’s Practitioner. A supply will be considered to be furnished at the time the Prescription Drug is received. PRECERTIFICATION REQUIREMENT Aetna has identified certain Prescription Drugs for which Precertification is required. Aetna will provide the list of Prescription Drugs for which Precertification is required to each subscriber. Aetna will give at least 30 days advance written notice to the subscriber before revising the list of Prescription Drugs to add a Prescription Drug to the list. If a Covered Person brings a prescription for a Prescription Drug for which Aetna requires Precertification to a Pharmacy and Precertification has not yet been secured, the Covered Person or prescribing provider must contact Aetna to request Precertification. The Pharmacy will dispense a 96-hour supply of the Prescription Drug. Aetna will review the Precertification request within the time period allowed by law. If Aetna gives Precertification, Aetna will notify the Pharmacy, and the balance of the Prescription Drug will be dispensed with benefits for the Prescription Drug being paid subject to the terms of the Policy. If Aetna does not give Precertification, the Covered Person may ask that the Pharmacy dispense the balance of the Prescription Drug, with the Covered Person paying for the Prescription Drug. The Covered Person may submit a claim for the Prescription Drug, subject to the terms of the Policy. The Covered Person may appeal a denial by following the Appeals Procedure process set forth in the Policy. MEDICAL EXCEPTION PROCESS Medical Exception Process means that a Covered Person and his or her Practitioner may request that a NonPreferred Prescription Drug be covered subject to the applicable Copayment or Coinsurance for a Preferred Drug. Aetna will consider a Non-Preferred Prescription Drug to be Medically Necessary and Appropriate if: a)

its use is supported by one or more citations included or approved for inclusion in The American Hospital Formulary Service Drug Information or the United States Pharmacopoeia—Drug Information; or it is recommended by a clinical study or review article in a major peer reviewed professional journal; and b) the prescribing Provider documents and supplies Aetna with information that all Preferred Prescription Drugs, as outlined in Our Coverage Policy, have been ineffective in the treatment of the Covered Person’s disease or condition and cause or are reasonably expected to cause adverse or harmful reactions.

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Regarding the Medical Exception Process, We will respond to the Participating Provider by telephone or other telecommunication device within 24 hours of a request for Medical Exception. Our failure to respond within 24 hours may be deemed an approval of the request. Clinical denials shall be issued to the Participating Provider and the Covered Person in writing within five business days of receipt of the request for approval of coverage of a NonPreferred Prescription Drug. The denial shall include the clinical reason for the denial and that the denial is appealable to the Independent Health Care Appeals Program in the Department of Banking and Insurance. EMERGENCY PRESCRIPTIONS Emergency Prescriptions are covered subject to the following terms: When a Covered Person needs a prescription filled in an Emergency or Urgent Care situation, or when the Covered Person is traveling outside of the Aetna Service Area, Aetna will reimburse the Covered Person as described below: •

When a Covered Person obtains an Emergency or out-of-area Urgent Care prescription at a Non-Participating retail pharmacy, Covered Person must directly pay the pharmacy in full for the cost of the prescription. Covered Person is responsible for submitting a request for reimbursem*nt in writing to Aetna with a receipt for the cost of the prescription. Upon approval of the claim, Aetna will directly reimburse the Covered Person 100% of the cost of the prescription, less the applicable Copayment or Coinsurance specified above. Coverage for items obtained from a Non-Participating Pharmacy is limited to items obtained in connection with covered Emergency and out-of-area Urgent Care services.

When a Covered Person obtains an Emergency or Urgent Care prescription at any Participating Retail Pharmacy, including an out-of-area Participating Retail Pharmacy, Covered Person will pay to the Participating Retail Pharmacy the Copayment or Coinsurance as described above. Covered Persons are required to present their ID Card at the time the prescription is filled. Aetna will not cover claims submitted as a direct reimbursem*nt request from a Covered Person for a prescription purchased at a Participating Retail Pharmacy except upon professional review and approval by Aetna.

FDA approved Prescription Drugs are covered when the off-label use of the drugs has not been approved by the FDA for that indication, provided that such drug is recognized for treatment of such indication in one of the standard reference compendia (The United States Pharmacopoeia Drug Information or the American Hospital Formulary Service Drug Information), or it is recommended by a clinical study or review article in a major-peer reviewed professional journal. Coverage of off label use of these drugs may be subject to Precertification Program, the Medical Exception Process or the Claim systems checks limitations. In addition, coverage is subject to the Exclusions Section of this Rider. Claim system check examples are noted above. OTHER CHARGES Aetna will not restrict or prohibit, directly or indirectly, a Participating Retail Pharmacy, Participating Mail Order Pharmacy or Specialty Pharmacy Network pharmacy from charging the Covered Person for charges that are in addition to charges for the Prescription Drug, for dispensing the Prescription Drug or for the prescription counseling provided such other charges have been approved by the New Jersey Board of Pharmacy, and the amount of the charges for the additional services and the purchaser’s out-of-pocket cost for those services has been disclosed to the Covered Person prior to dispensing the drug. EXCLUSIONS We will not provide for any of the following Services or Supplies: a)

Immunization agents.

b) Biological sera. c)

Blood or Blood Plasma.

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d) Drugs prescribed for uses other than uses approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic law and regulations, or any Prescription Drug labeled “Caution – Limited by Federal Law to Investigational use” or experimental. This exclusion does not apply to Prescription Drugs when the off-label use has not been approved by the FDA for that indication, provided that such drug is recognized for treatment of such indication in one of the standard reference compendia described in the Covered Drugs section of this rider, or it is recommended by a clinical study or review article in a major-peer reviewed professional journal e)

Refills in excess of the amount specified by the prescribing Practitioner. Before recognizing charges, We may require a new prescription or evidence as to need, if a prescription or refill appears excessive under accepted medical practice standards.


Any refill dispensed more than 1 year from the date the latest prescription order was written, or as otherwise permitted by applicable law of the jurisdiction in which the drug is dispensed.

g) Drugs, except insulin, which can be obtained legally without a Practitioner’s prescription (i.e., an over-thecounter drug) or for which an equivalent over the counter product (i.e. same strength and active ingredient) is available even when a prescription is written, unless otherwise covered by Aetna. h) Prescription Drugs which are taken by or given to a Covered Person, in whole or in part, while confined in: • a Hospital • a rest home • a sanitarium • an Extended Care Center or Rehabilitation Center • a Substance Abuse Center • an alcohol abuse or mental health center • a convalescent home • a nursing home or similar institution. i)

Medical supplies, therapeutic devices (not including contraceptive devices) or appliances, hypodermic needles, syringes, test agents and devices, equipment, support garments and other non-medical supplies or substances, regardless of their intended use except for insulin and diabetic use.


Vitamins, except for Legend Drug vitamins.

k) Topical dental fluorides. l)

Drugs for the management of nicotine dependence.

m) Cosmetic drugs or any drugs used for cosmetic purposes or in connection with baldness, including but not limited to health and beauty aids, except as Medically Necessary and Appropriate for treatment of medically diagnosed congenital defects or birth abnormalities in children covered under the Policy and Certificate from the moment of birth. n) Drugs needed due to conditions caused, directly or indirectly, by a Covered Person taking part in a riot or other civil disorder, or the Covered Person taking part in the commission of a felony. o) Drugs needed due to conditions caused directly or indirectly, by declared or undeclared War or an Act of War. This exclusion applies to the extent the Covered Person: •

as a result of War or an Act of War, while the Covered Person is serving in the military, naval or air forces of any country, combination of countries or international organization or is in a civilian non-combatant unit supporting or accompanying the military, naval or air forces of any country, combination of countries or international; and as a result of the special hazards incident to such service incurs an illness or injury while the Covered Person is serving in such forces or unit and is outside the Home Area.

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as a result of War or an Act of War while the Covered Person is a civilian not in the military, naval or air forces of any country, combination of countries or international organization or in any civilian noncombatant unit supporting or accompanying such forces, incurs an illness or injury outside the Home Area.

p) Drugs furnished by the Covered Person’s employer, labor union, or similar group in its medical department or clinic; a Hospital or clinic owned or run by any government body; or any public program, except Medicaid, paid for or sponsored by any government body. But if a change is made, and Aetna is legally required to pay it, Aetna will. q) Drugs needed due to an on the job or job related Injury or Illness; or conditions for which benefits are payable by Worker’s Compensation, or similar laws. Exception: This exclusion does not apply to the following persons for whom coverage under workers’ compensation is optional unless such persons are actually covered for workers’ compensation: a self-employed person or a partner of a limited liability partnership, members of a limited liability company or partners of a partnership who actively perform services on behalf of the selfemployed business, the limited liability partnership, limited liability company or the partnership. r)

Drugs dispensed by other than a Participating Retail Pharmacy, Participating Mail Order Pharmacy or Specialty Pharmacy Network pharmacy, except as Medically Necessary and Appropriate for treatment of a Medical Emergency inside or outside the Service Area.


Any drug determined not to be Medically Necessary or Appropriate for the treatment of disease of injury unless otherwise covered under this rider.


Any charges for the administration or injection of Prescription Drugs or injectable insulin and other injectable drugs covered by Aetna.

u) Take home prescriptions dispensed from a Hospital pharmacy upon discharge, unless the pharmacy is a Participating Retail Pharmacy. v) Drugs used for the purpose of weight reduction (i.e., appetite suppressants), including the treatment of obesity. w) Prescription orders filled prior to the effective date or after the termination date of the coverage provided by this rider. x) Replacement for lost or stolen prescriptions. y) Drugs and supplies when not indicated or prescribed for a medical condition as determined by Aetna; except for Prescription Female Contraceptives covered under this rider. z)

Medication packaged in unit dose form.

aa) Drugs for the convenience of a Covered Person or for preventive purposes unless otherwise covered by Aetna in the Covered Charges or Covered Charges with Special Limitations section of the Medical Plan. bb) Charges for drugs covered under the Policy and Certificate to which this Rider is attached which are covered under the Home Health Care or Hospice Care sections of the Policy and Certificate. cc) Performance, athletic performance or lifestyle enhancement drugs and supplies. dd) Drugs or supplies used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, impotence or sexual dysfunction or inadequacy, including but not limited to sildenafil citrate, phentolamine, apomorphine and alprostadilin oral, injectable and topical (including but not limited to gels, creams, ointments and patches) forms, any Prescription Drug in oral or topical form that is in a similar or identical class, has a similar or identical mode of action or exhibits similar or identical outcomes.

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ee) Injectable drugs used for the purpose of treating Infertility, unless otherwise covered by Aetna in the Covered Charges or Covered Charges with Special Limitations section of the Medical Plan. ff) Prophylactic drugs for travel. AUDIT PROCEDURES Aetna, or Aetna’s agent, will audit reimbursem*nts to a Participating Retail Pharmacy, Participating Mail Order Pharmacy or Specialty Pharmacy Network pharmacy to ensure compliance with program guidelines. Audits may take the form of a phone call, letter or an on-site visit. Any audit shall take place at a time mutually agreeable to the Participating Retail Pharmacy, Participating Mail Order Pharmacy or Specialty Pharmacy Network pharmacy and the auditor. No audit shall include a review of any document relating to any person or prescription plan other than those reimbursable by Aetna. Any potential discrepancies are identified and forwarded to the Participating Retail Pharmacy, Participating Mail Order Pharmacy or Specialty Pharmacy Network pharmacy for review and response within 14 calendar days. Substantive discrepancies (involving dollar discrepancies) that are not resolved in a reasonable period of time will result in full or partial charge backs to the Participating Retail Pharmacy, Participating Mail Order Pharmacy or Specialty Pharmacy Network pharmacy. Non-substantive discrepancies will not be used to calculate charge backs to the Participating Retail Pharmacy, Participating Mail Order Pharmacy or Specialty Pharmacy Network pharmacy. Aetna, or Aetna's agent, employ auditing procedures that apply statistically valid sampling methods. Factors considered during the audit process include: • •

Review of prescription drug records associated with claims paid to the Participating Retail Pharmacy, Participating Mail Order Pharmacy or Specialty Pharmacy Network pharmacy during the previous 12 to 18 months; Access to examine, audit and copy all original records deemed necessary to determine compliance with the terms of the Participating Retail Pharmacy’s, Participating Mail Order Pharmacy’s or Specialty Pharmacy Network pharmacy’s agreement to provide prescription drugs to Covered Persons under the Policy and Certificate. Timely submission (within 14 calendar days) of requests for any information necessary to verify and/or substantiate compliance with the terms of the Participating Retail Pharmacy’s, Participating Mail Order Pharmacy’s or Specialty Pharmacy Network pharmacy’s agreement to provide prescription drugs to Covered Persons under the Policy and Certificate; Records of prescription drugs, including oral, telephone and/or computer generated prescription, which document information that includes, but is not limited to, the: patient’s name; prescriber’s name and address; name and strength of medication prescribed; prescriber’s generic substitution instructions; early refill documentation; signature of individual securing prescription.

Records of documentation necessary to determine compliance with the terms of the Participating Retail Pharmacy’s, Participating Mail Order Pharmacy’s or Specialty Pharmacy Network pharmacy’s agreement to provide prescription drugs to Covered Persons under the Policy and Certificate will be maintained, in a retrievable manner, in accordance with industry standards and applicable laws, rules and regulations (and for at least six (6) years, or in the case of minors until six (6) years after majority). Such records will include: • Paper prescription drug records • Signature Logs • Quality assurance plans or dispensing procedures • Daily prescription drug logs • Wholesaler, manufacturer and distributor invoices • Refill data • Prescriber information • Patient information Aetna does not prohibit a Participating Retail Pharmacy, Participating Mail Order Pharmacy or Specialty Pharmacy Network pharmacy from charging Covered Person for services that are in addition to charges for the prescription drug, for dispensing the prescription drug, or for prescription drug counseling. Services for which a Participating Retail Pharmacy, Participating Mail Order Pharmacy or Specialty Pharmacy Network pharmacy may impose additional charges are subject to the approval of the Board of Pharmacy. Prior to dispensing a prescription drug, the

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Participating Retail Pharmacy, Participating Mail Order Pharmacy or Specialty Pharmacy Network pharmacy must disclose to the Covered Person all charges for additional services in connection with dispensing that prescription drug, and the Covered Person’s out-of-pocket cost for those services. A Participating Retail Pharmacy, Participating Mail Order Pharmacy or Specialty Pharmacy Network pharmacy shall not impose any additional charges for patient counseling or for other services required by the Board of Pharmacy or state or federal law. RECOVERY OF OVERPAYMENT If a benefit payment is made by Aetna, to or on the Covered Person’s behalf, which exceeds the benefit amount that the Covered Person is entitled to receive, Aetna has the right: • •

To require the return of the overpayment; or To reduce by the amount of the overpayment, any future benefit payment made to or on behalf of that person or another person in their family; within the following guidelines:

With the exception of claims that were submitted fraudulently or submitted by Providers that have a pattern of inappropriate billing or claims that were subject to coordination of benefits, Aetna will not seek reimbursem*nt for overpayment of a claim previously paid later than 18 months after the date the first payment on the claim was made. Aetna will not seek more than one reimbursem*nt for overpayment of a particular claim. At the time the reimbursem*nt request is submitted to the Provider, Aetna will provide written documentation that identifies the error made in the processing or payment of the claim that justifies the reimbursem*nt request. Aetna will not base a reimbursem*nt request for a particular claim on extrapolation of other claims, except under the following circ*mstances: a) in judicial or quasi-judicial proceedings, including arbitration; b) in administrative proceedings; c) in which relevant records required to be maintained by the Provider have been improperly altered or reconstructed, or a material number of the relevant records are otherwise unavailable; or d) in which there is clear evidence of fraud by the Provider and Aetna has investigated the claim in accordance with its fraud prevention plan and referred the claim, together with supporting documentation, to the Office of the Insurance Fraud Prosecutor in the Department of Law and Public Safety. In seeking reimbursem*nt for the overpayment from the Provider, except in cases where the overpayment to the Provider is a result of fraud, Aetna shall not collect or attempt to collect: a) the funds for the reimbursem*nt on or before the 45th calendar day following the submission of the reimbursem*nt request to the Provider; b) the funds for the reimbursem*nt if the Provider disputes the request and initiates an appeal on or before the 45th calendar day following the submission of the reimbursem*nt request to the Provider and until the Provider's rights to appeal are exhausted; or c) a monetary penalty against the reimbursem*nt request, including but not limited to, an interest charge or a late fee. Aetna may collect the funds for the reimbursem*nt request by assessing them against payment of any future claims submitted by the Provider after the 45th calendar day following the submission of the reimbursem*nt request to the Provider or after the Provider's rights to appeal have been exhausted if Aetna submits an explanation in writing to the provider in sufficient detail so that the provider can reconcile the covered person’s bill. If Aetna has determined that the overpayment to the Provider is a result of fraud committed by the Provider and the Aetna has conducted its investigation and reported the fraud to the Office of the Insurance Fraud Prosecutor as required by law, Aetna may collect an overpayment by assessing it against payment of any future claim submitted by the Provider. This rider is part of the Policy and Certificate. Except as stated above, nothing in this rider changes or affects any other terms of the Policy and Certificate.

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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.