The Chicago Evening Mail from Chicago, Illinois (2024)

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THE CHICAGO EVENING MAIL SATURDAY NOVEMBER 2 is72 taw qpoeb l)C Evening iUml morning at II and evening at 7:30 Advent street Lear Christian Chapel on Green a drion Frank Burr pastor een a member c-1 the Board ol Pub ic Works besides holding several minor offices Personally Mr Conley has an army frit cels who will be only too glad to help put him where he has in retold re served faithfully while those unaecjua'nted with lmn can rest assured that he is no political hack lmt a gOGd man for the place WHERE ARE NOW? Anything But a Scarcity of Horn Catarrli in Chicago 1 Everybody Obliged to Trudge Uowu to Eusiuess this morning Meeting of tha Coaimitteaof ivant Last Nigiit- Adoption of an Addrssa to the People of Chicago The Law and Order Committee ol Seventy met at oVl tk last evening in Boone block in the room of the Builders Exchange Judge Gookins in the chair The meeting was opened with prayer by Mr Bray man after which the minutes of the las- meeting were read and adopted The Committee of Light on Elections reported that they had found good men in most of the wards who would be at the polls to see that tickets were distributed It was agreed that this committee have power to fill any vacancies and that they 'unease their number to the- number ot voting precincts in the city THE ADDRESS The Committee on Address submitted the following which was adopted To the Voters of Chicago and Cooi County In the midst ot an exciting campaign on national politics vou a eonlrouted with a new question of overwhelming importance While debating into whose hands it will be safest to entrust tlie execution of national I'- we are roused to the fact that laws affecting our domestic safety are not eutbreou A decent respect for the intelligence of the community requires that we should make a plain statement of what we promise to do ami why we propose to do it We exist by the appointment of a public meeting of the friends of law and order and were created to use all honorable means to -eciire the impartial enforcement of law and to protect the public peace We are in tlie canvass for public servants because the issue has been crowded upon US A' long ago as 1SG7 the Brewers' held in Chicago threw they down the gauntlet resolving Saturday November 2 1873 AMUsem*nTS THIS EYES INC Hoc-lev Kiralfy Combination ET-Maggic Mitchell WcVickersT and Mrs Chas Young N-xom Aphith Matut and Barthol-pmew rantoHUme Xroape TO" TALK yer 'os' I-vu" Bp c-veryw-(Te liard lo preserve your tit 21 cst kv Dgton All kinds of trucking costs a Uvie price to-df7 of every STS Madison street Tliree barglaric were committed lari night in tli 3 est Divi 1 Try Pete Cauld well's at 204 East Washington-st If yon can't get home go and some ot Burke's fresh oyster Low priced In Is for" sick horses at Chase State and Harrison streets on the Grover A Baker machine at the rooms 97 I Wabash avenue The relief Employment Bureau is the place to find a1! kinds or help Myers can now run hi- pneumi i dummy without searing any horses Hor-e doctors and shoemakers now rejoice in a little corner" How did you like it pad fin your business this morning Heavy French plate man glasses at 24 West shlngton There wil1 be a large numb of extra policemen sworn in for duty on election da'- The 410 laborers at the new Custom House received their monthly ty yesterday amounting to $9000 Board ol Health will co-operate with the Humane Society in preventing the working of diseased horses who cannot get home now to dinner avail themselves ot Burke's famous Ck'ii The new magicians? who trans'hrm one hat into five styles are Cooper A- Heunegen hatters and furriers 120 Clark street It costs the Belief Society 1 12 a month to run the lodging house No 14 North Union street Nelson's popularity as a clothes cleaner is nearly as proverbial as the I101 sc distemper dames Hopkins had hi- arm broken this morning in the Ashland Block bv- brick which fell upon it Hr Far wed set the bone The finest display of mantel and er heavy French plate looking-glasses at Cogge-shaii's Art -fiery 24 Wot Washington Patrick Binche a 1 abort 50 years old died suddenly Tuesday evening from the effects of bad whisky at his residence on Lincoln street The Fi-st Soc-'rty ol Spiritualists will have services to morrow at 99 We ila street at 19:29 a and Lyman Ilowr speaker Albums lieidiug 50 albums holding 100 afthfiios bolding 209 albums ho! bur and card photographs in splendid variety at Lovejoy A A more elegant line ol woolens was never opened out in Chicago than tli dis -played at the tailoring parlors of Hay A Strc-ng 256 Madison street The large and elegant Ladies Oyiter Parlor of the No 374 West Ma lison street seems to a favorite resort for parties oi ir 1 Overcoats ys Overcoats and suits tine for meu $15 to 5 5 No 225 West Washington street Dudley No rent paid or charged Coggedi all will deliver hea ran-rors on time if all the horses are sick and be must send them by man power from 24 West Washington Messrs Richards Shaw is have three ox teams for service should the home disease take all their horses They might a-well yoke them up housekeeper should be without Tin-Cabinet" cook stove tail to see it It beats all others uses but ii tie fuel 6 Brown 04 South Canal red -The Mover has dec: that billiards a game of chance when the loser pay-foe the game and if that practice is pursue 1 0:1 Sunday the rooms must be closed new Sherman House will be op ene 1 cu the ol March next by Muuvon CL-rk A Co proprietors of the Grand tra: who have leased the buildintt for ten era-s The South Side Tanners are a1- i to buh a hub on Twenty-second street -tween State and Wabas avenue It wib A three lories and basem*nt Inga feet frort by 200 deep TheBaltimoie and Ohio Railroad Company expect to obtain a barter perinittnia it to operate in this State shor -tnd tut off ers of the company wk establ -h the nisei 1 es this city Psnj on is rot al cause of bumaniiv He fined Sam Han Wed Washington £100 he full exteu i ladies all lap we mean the or sale by J- A Bee 745 North Wells street elected every day saloon keepers reel bunko prole-of tee law vesttrda for President Co 741 710 A new Presk were examine- The Streets Almost Deserted Vehicles by The horse disease is at its height in Chicago tc-f a and the streets present a bare and som' i appearance rendered all the more gloomy by a izzhng vain and a ioggv chilly atmosphere There are very few horse- to be seen upon the streets and said transport by animal power is almost entirely suspend: STOPPED All 1 dree! car a cm: 'bus lines have trai th 10 have de- a in ibc conveyance from uones to --C: v-t ere c-jinpcdcdto TAKING A BE -t he disrate i 1 a fr yet an- 'i -rat ak -ti wise pre to wi 1 i all jaials to-day 11 i uul they are sum- 1 ev io tv mi 2 II IT AFFECTS The sease so weak th compe attacked I and if rapidly an ag- ar-e so that from 1 'V mules ic avey are as inject uf them are 6 Ct to pii em gt wo: i I Fst i rm dcI 1 1 take g- ca- vieaih MaDyViu -v Ollid not ca a mistaken I 0 to it as the se and ne laid up with it It is esiima In the Chicago am 0 THREE-F tTHS with the disease withtlew their ve a tlse street 1 ay USE nill SO tha a halt dozen ve it ev-ipee tn a 25 000 irse mptuies ernoon s' a ruaning mere than the eoa-are hauled milk hi it this to appear tnd it they -me a in upon theK ail or I -ointmmt been iUseliokU be- -oi ti 1 bp -r the erand thegi tod th orders BRING UP CORNER-Where vehicles save fabulous prices ar- pd The tekmen on the stands are charging don sto-dayand be viola- oi the or si ig their rates '1 ho i of as lias taken 1 ccautiony to ha a go i of coal at ate water war: lth here is no danger to be apprehQH'nyd from fire to iioV tne bum engines on the Nor ill a- toira 2 railway had not been cal ed iro servi- DErUITMENT HOB KS ALE RIGHT jAere are 92 horses in the Fire Depart- servicea-nd bn are sick and tireat care has the Assistant M-r- ir co Alice of all irs Petrie Benner and 11 pre iig for the ap in the Cast -v all the horses id Ant and th- were cle tb rnib they only gfi been exercised sh 3 in th i tbs stables Mess: Shanks have since it a notvv lnsra lithe city are thos mem are as fri as shas uo not expect th Cape THE SOUTH SIDE loo- very dull wpp -h usual number of horses in the sti-eets 3 burned district who clothe fetching oi materia only tho-e engagr buildings finishing' a lay ot Li ha eiuir s' r-fswere attache withl-nck th mornl: VF0i frequently Inals in order to deliver TIIE CHICAGO Comp an stabl only 90 of the nune thou burgeon Wit! to advise Supeiin ea- workmen iu the rd i on horses for cpiit work in the interior of re employed TtfS stopped A few to yvagons loaded and tae drivers a to rest the ani-tbcr loads CITY RAILWAY 700 animals and arc unfit for service thought it best out Or-t ne to vitadraw ail ttiie cars because of the inclement weather The course oi treatment has been successial and xor-es firs attacked are now wei and re a for duty It is probable the a ox mon to-morro iV orMou- THE I 1 LINE stag! is la up and 108 ot its horses are sick The stables are on Twenty-second street and have been cleansed and disinfected The animals are Improving rapidly and the? will be ead business on Monday it the weather is fine YOUNG LINE has stopped running 14C horses being sick ro en wih be pu in service until en- THE PEOPLE coot re err inuring their 2 rpfet to escape any serioi Loir vehicles hve been wib ON THE NORTH SIDE The railway conipun have 270 ni: 1 a of tuem caught the i Travn iix been enti and he ibles closed ON THE WEST SIDE noli to the ubtic travel -tret railway company's horses are ear a sir i ut step have been ta ea to x-- ni oe rex tor ee next xion- Nu-aser Naturalized hj- he Courts up to Data 2990 -s Up lO a total oi ol RESTAUR lo Tamu Bros was deficient ere a lew a con-d get a clean square 1 change has i'iiere are al- among them the ill s0 iiOt dal 100m trout for coups -Cc will je i to 89 jou need on Plymouth Congregational Church cor-n( rliuiiauaavenue and Twenty-sixth stree ii eaciitrg morning and evening by the Rev Tv in AG in Bartlett Ik aver meeting Wednesday evening at tlie usual hour First Baptist Church Wabash avenue south of Hubbard court Rev Everts pastor Services at 11 a ami 7:50 The as! or will preach in the morning: in tlie evening there will be a Gospel meeting conducted by Jacobs Sabbath School and Bible Classes at 9:30 a A tlie Indiana Avenue Chapel corner of Thirtieth street Dr wii preach in tlie morning and Dr Everts in the evening and a prayer meeting will be held at this place every Wednesday evening Park Presbyterian Chuiuh West Adams corner of Throop street Rev Robert Patterson DD will preach Sabbath 10:30 a an elect on sermon on the right sort ot rulers Rev Dwiglit LLJ) editor of the Interior will preach at 7 :30 in St John's Protestant Episcopal Church Ashland avenue south ol Madison street Rev D-D- rector Services at 1:30 a and 7:30 Sunday school at 2:45 in to the voters of the North Side by Rev Parkliurst Sabbath evening Grace Church corner White and La Salle streets rear ol church now building Subject by request ot Pontius IR Jj At 66a will preach Sunday morning aud evening at the North Side Taber- nacle corner Wells and Sunday School at 3 in Ontario streets PERSON VL Louis Kormendy is rapidly and is not expected to live Tiffany The Rev Tiffany DD formerly a popular clergyman in Chicago this week enters upon his new chaige in Washington c-Hy Ellis Detective Sam Ellis has been appointed to the vacant Mergeantcy occasioned by the resignation of Berdeli t'nd has been detailed for duty at Headquarters Km Still retains his posit ion as of Detectives Dun Dun of New York is at the Gardner Merchants stand round Farley Hon Farley 31 and railroad man is at the Sherman' Ex-Gov Denni-on of Ohm is at the Gardner Smith President of the I A IE with a party of friends was registerday at the Garduer Arthur Col Arthur formerly of this city now of St Louis was at the Fremont yesterday He lias made a thorough exploration ot a proposed new air line short route across Somnern Indiana and lias visited every part of the field in person Good for Him We are in favor of4 re-election as ofeen as he wishes it aud this is the season: A wife-hammering brute was eonv iced before him and vva-i fined $100 The wretch happened to have $25 in his pocket and tried to beg oft' by the payment that sum Sc illy took the money gav'e it to the well- ugli starved wife reduced the fine to $75 and sent the miscreant lo tlie Bridewell in default o'pay-ment v- Sloan the well-knov fire reporter was on yesterday appointed special policeman to the Board 01 Underwriters Ills headquarters will be the fire alarm telegraph rooms in the City Hall Scout Horace Scott General Superintendent of the Indianapolis aud Jeffersonville railroad was in the city on yesterdav The Rev JEM Boring recently pastor of the Grant Place Methodist Church has resumed hi- superintendency of the Home of the Friendless Scott George Scott who has been concerned in some real estate transactions round about Washington Heights wa-arraigned before Commissioner Hoyne on yesterday charged with gvirg an unstamped deed Rev 3Iiner of Be1-videre is in the city and stopping with It Hoffman Esq of West Adam- street He has recently resigned the pastorate of the First Baptist Church of Belvidere EVANSTON A number of enterprising men have established a Lecture Course Association and soon will Lyons' Hall re-echo with the learning eloquence and humor of such men as Tilton Saxe Du Chaillu tlie African explorer and the celebrated English novelist Edmund Yates This course will also ineiude Sirs Cady Stanton and a brilliant concert by the Yescilius Republicans at Evanston will hold their final rally next Monday evening at Lyons' Ha I The speakers wih be General Beveridge Hon William Yocke and Chus Rando'ph BUSINESS NOTICES Nervous With its sleoiny attendants low spirits depression physical weakness loss ot energy spermatorrhu-a loss of power dizzy head loss of memory aud threatened impotence and imbecility lind a sovereign cure in Hom-eapathic Specific No Twenty-Eight Comcosed of the most valuable mild and potent Curatives they strike at once ot the roo ol the matter tone up the system arrest the discharges and impart vigor and energy life and vitality' to the entire man They have cured thousands of cases Price $: per package of Jive boxes and a laige $2vial which is very important in obstinate o- old cases or $1 per single box Sold by ail druggists and sent by mail on receipt ol price Address hom*oeopathic Medicine Co 0G2 Broadway New York fiO-ly Save Money by Buyins the NewWi'son Uu- de ed Sewing Machine and also get the most perfect durable and beautiful maehne ever made in America It is sold on easy terms and none should Jail to call and see it Salesroom at 87e West Madison -st Chicago 111 and in all other cities the United States The company want agents country towns fail to loots at those Cabinet Cook Stove- ami salamander Furnaces we told you about the other day Bliss Brown 04 South Canal 50-2ut Ask for Prutsing' Celebrated Vinegar dbc-l-lLO FlfiAHCiAL Chicago Nov 2 Messrs Bunt Ppxston Kean Bankers lfn and 159 LaSalle street and corner ol Randolph and Hal-led streets furnish quotations for government bonds and local securities as follows: Bavins lit IKS' Ills Selling 116 IB i Ills' 111 A IB 111 114 108' 10 lib 100 and mt 09 and int 99 and int and 95 United States 6s ot 5-kOs of 5-20s of 5-208 Of 5 ol '65 Jan an 3 July II 5-208 of Jan and July 114 5-208 of '63 Jan and July IP: 10-40S 10 New Five per Cents 8 currency 6s 112 Northern Pacific gold 7-30s Chicago City 7s Cook County 7s 7 Illinois county Town 10s 03 Eastern Exchange l-lo dis par 1-10 prem Sterling ex (largedralts) 108 '110 Gold Exchange 112 Gold and coupons 11 1 111 Money on approved collaterals 9 to 10 J6 Not War 1812 177 1S7 1208 124 142 Agricultural college land sop 1751S0 COMMERCIAL Ofstcs of the Evening Mail No 2 1872 FLO In good demand and price-steany SPRING WHEAT Closed weak No 1 -llSal18i No 2 slO81lOy cash aud Sl07val09 seller November: $107-7al09 seller December elo-sing inside No 07iaf8ic rejected SiJJasDe Active and higher ca-li 31ja32je seller December rejected Dull No 20 21 ca-uf 2Vh-for seller the month rejected I7alc Was good demand fieri lira light prices firm anil 4a2e higher Sale were made at 52a54c Rejected inactive and nominally' a shade firmer RLE A triile Aimer Sales of cash No 2 at Ooiafrie -eller at outside in A A Co's seller the month sold at 01 62 ic and seller December at 02c: sales "of No 3 were made at 50ia52c according to location Rejected soid at 9ri40lc Sample lot- were dull and quiet prices weak with -ales at 05a 72c for good to choice Uncharged receipt- 1100 Duiet at ha20e decline Sales at 4 254 50 Receipts 9500 BE PTER and prices weak Quotable at (ial2jc tor low to medium and 15a25c for good to choice EGG Searee and higher with sales at 24a2tk Tickled dull aUlSa24c OUR SECOND OF i t1 A FOREIGN EDITION Destruction of tlie Fiuast Public Hall in England Tlie Political Crisis in Prussia-Great Excitement DISASTROUS FIRE London Nov 1 -A dispatch from oxford states that Music Hull in that city was destroyed by fire this morning Before the fire was discovered the flames had made considerable progress The Fire Department were promptly on hand and used every' exertion to save tlie building Immense volumes of smoke and flames issuing from the windows and doors rendefee the work of the firemen useless The amount of damage is estimated at upwards of £75000 The hall was one of the finest in the country having an immense seating capacity Its magnificent organs were taken out tie else was saved MaDRID Nra elected by a large majority' TH: PRUSSIAN CRISIS Berlin Nov 1 The political crisis continues The action of the Prussian Diet yesterday in rejecting the Country-Reform bill by a diminished majority in direct opposition to the wishes of the Ministry- has created a profound sensation in political circles The Government has resolved to create new peers as being necessary to carry through the bill for freedom of' local government It is generally-believed the threat of the Ministry-to dissolve the diet will be' carried into effect to-day Meantime the greatest excitement exists pending the --'lie of the dead lock oPAIN v- ra 1 Senor MaxQueralis ice President oi the Spanish fT- NEW YORK Tlie Morse Disease Readies iis Hospitalities on a Xew Steamer THE IIOR'E DIiEA -E New oiiiv Nov 1 The horse disease appears to have reached a crisis and to be now decreasing The number of new cases is reported gradually becoming less but the large proportion' of affected animals are still dangerously sick The general traffic oi the city has greatly recovered within the last two days and the stage and street railroad travel is partially-resumed Veterinary surgeons also report a slight improVement In Jersey Cityj and adjacent districts the disease appears to he only developing and is committing gre havoc NEW STEAMKn The pioneer steamer Glamorgan the New- South Wales and Atlantic Steamship Company w-hieh arrived on Saturday- from Cardiff England was thrown open to the public yesterday and the occasion was celebrated by a grand banquet at which a number of prominent English and American officials were present A number of toasts were given and responded to The affair passed off in a most pleasing manner She sails on Saturday on her leturn trip LOUISVILLE liailroiitl Found Dead in a Sewer A ILROAD -SUBSCRI1 ION Louisville Nov 1 An ordinance subscribing $100000 to the Elizabeth and Paducah railroad to build a branch to this city- w-as finally -adopted bv the City-Council last evening This gives Louisville another southern railroad FOUND DEAD Peter Ulanday was found drowned in a sewer in course of construction in the western portion of the city last evening It is supposed he attempted to cross a park and fell in tlie water hich is several feet deep His relatives reside in Pittsburgh GRIME Safe Breaker Pound et to Ieath IIai kkn'ACk Nov 1 Gustave Kenat alias Oapt 3iarshali a notorious safe breaker and escaped convict was arrested yesterday- charged with robbing the safe ot the ilaekensaek Jewelry Manufactory ot jewelry valued at S-2U00 and about 84000 in money on August 1 Ft AVayne Ind Nov At Emerald yesterday about 2 o'clock a horrible murder was perpetrated A man named Nathan Me Co wan and one U'rn Richardson both drunk gSt to quarrelling when 3 le Cowan knocked Richardson down anil beat him to death McGowan is now- in jail MISCELLANEOUS Here richness It is said that upon Hudson river steamboats they frequently carry passengers whose baggage lias European mark- upon it and "the baggage master of the steamer and of otherToaus and place- are instructed bv the snobs who ow the baggage to be and not efface the foreign it requires a very misanthropical turn of mind to believe in such incredible asininitv Within the past few' years it is said Boston has added to its population thousands of youig men and women from the lower provinces of Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick So great has been the drain of young people that in some sections few remain except the middle-aged and elderly people and the children A political orator New Orleans quoted hi-tory by reierring- to iron coffin of De Soto cont-iining the gold trumpet presented to the illustrious "discoverer by Queen you tool!" exclaimed an intelligent auditor Victoria was't born for two hundred years aft De 8otu died an how could she give him a gold trumpet lelt it solendy replied the orator A private company lias made a proposition to the Spanish Government to construct and maintain at its own expense imes of telegraph throughout the country! Boston belle no longer have their ears pierced lor ear-rings but wear those articles of jewelry suspended by a hook worn behind the ear' A small toy-balloon was recently sent up in Troy New York and within twenty-four hour- was picked up in Pleasant-ville Bedford county Pennsylvania The subject for debate at the Boston was "That ownership is the true relation for domestic Imagine Bostonians discussing slavery in sneli a mild guise as this: and suppose'the embowered philosophers decide shall we buy Chinamen or do out-own w'ork Too much of the architecture of the day may rightily -hare the fate of tlie new capital at Hartford as foreshadowed lay a critical gentlemen of that city who proposed that building should he composed of snow- and ice aud then ali ihe churches in the city should be induced to pray for a good long warm Music has charms but it does not seem to be very parti ular as to how their siren influence' shall be exerted Tlu- cabinet organ of the Congregational Church at South Well fleet was stolen from the church sometime last week a nd if is rumored that tlu of th barn? its now era I PPffM i i u- JLlA McVJFK fKs Madisoil-st between TH4A 3' it I-: arid lediborii Engagement of ti '-radar irura- IVIACCiE MITCHELL Who will appear on Monday Oct 2s amt every evening until liutlier notice in her powerful rendition ol' iTAAJNTIEl ISYTIR-IHIj Snppoit by Sir SHE vVEIL er vageel or tlie occasion Excellent cast Saturday SJaggie 31itciiell Matinee AIKESJS theatre Corner Wabash- av and Congress st IxIjVIlIn LA WLOit MRHR2T2T3 aiternoon at 2K veiiirg- at two performance oi the TICKET-OF-LEAVE MAN! FRANK AIKEN as ROBERT BRIRJtLY MONDAY NEXT Nov i Geo Fox and Hunroiy fmwdy ACABEMT t)? MWIC To-day Fuy-f navi Chanfrau 3Iatinse Joiuistone Un vff i I ng positively last appearance of Sirs when ml b2 repeated by request Christie Johustoiuj Together with the Roaring Faroe of NAN THE GOOD-FOa NOrflESTO NAN MISS ALEXANDER Monday BLACK CROOK mxoNAs Last appearance of the popnlar MAFFITT AND BARTHOLOMEW MATINEE AND EVENING Immense Benefit Bill! Two Great Ldii tom i rues JAOKi JILL! LES DEUX FUQITIg'S! As played bv them over 2019 times JAUifiKo STKOr Alafiitr UOBERV V-C A 3 Bartholomew The entire irjuo- will appear in both pieces OPiRA HOrSE Blonroe-rSt bet State and Dearborn-sts Great atiractions for tins wetk ARLINGTON COTTON AND MINSTRELS And mPLESQFS COMPANY GEORGE AND CHARLES UraVNOlDS The Hottentots The Stranger Scenes a She Coloiid Cadet Fveiy Evening and Saturday afkfluee Next week the laugh able burlesque Sir JOHN SHEPPARD and JOSEPH BLUE-SKIN OPERA HOUSE Randolph-st between Clark and Three La-1 Nights of 'h? THREE HUNCH SACKS Grand Family Matinee on Saturday Monday Nov 1 3 neTV edition of HU MPT DUMPTY and Tyro Other Sensations See next week bills OJLOBE THEATRE WOOD SINN Lessees uud Managers TO-NIGHT and Wednesday ant Matinees the infant violinist AMERICO the European Dualogue Artists MR AND MRS CHARLES YOUNG MASTER BARNEY PETE LEE A Gardner The artistic Premiere Danseuse Mi- 1 -Remmetsberg and GEM TROUT in two Grand Ballets THE UNLUCKY GOOSE FIR Vi' ASSUAL BALL OF THE and OF CHICAGO to be held at Tumor Hall West Twelfth-! ON Tuesday Evening November 12 1372 Y'eursclf and ladic-s are respectlully invited Committee of George Schindler Charles Young Baker Cool Floor Director James KiUilc-n DANCING ACADEMY 82 SOUTH HALSTED -ST Is Now Open -r Pupil Wednesday at 4 Saturdays at 2 Auuit Class AAVednesdav aud Satuidays iOCji in Strict attention paid! pc t--oancmg etiunette etc Private instruction gr tn at the Academy for terms call at Boom 26 62 Halsted-st SNOW Principal Hall to rent for select parties with or Without music 60-2 4-6-20t ART GALLERY ART GALLERY The Largest Stock in the city of MIRRORS and PIER CLASSES Of extraordinary sizes at wholesale and retail at close figures also a brilliant display of the best CHROMOS and ENGRAVINGS framed the free gallery 24 and 2b WASHING-TON- ST 14-1873 mialinery goods WEBSTER'S 241 WEST PtflADiSON STREET LATENT NOA ELTIES just receive A aiil daily arriving CHOICE STYLES OF TRIM-Imported Flowers a specialty id -21 SHIRTS 0 ROGERS 09 319 West sVladlson-st 04 BEST SHIRTS REDUCED PER DOB SOCIETY NOTICES CARPENTERS Si JOINERS All members of Union No 601 tlie Carpet ers a Joiners are requested tj meet at tneir Hail corner ot Wentworth and Arclier-avs on Saturday evening as business ot importance ni be transacted REAL ESTATE FOR SALE YTIOR SALE FIVE VERY DESIRABLE cottages first-class iinisli wa er running in each one same as hydrant ai Englewood Very easy terms TILLOTSON BIIOS corner Jackson-st 10-2-4-6-ti HEAP CITY SALESMEN W'ANT-y I want to engage seve'al good partii -to sell on big commission at private -si-- to interfere with their business 5 ra that are cheap and good for investmi-- -era to pay monthly Address kixi'" 5S-tl TO RENT- T( A easy Hums new two-story 12 room com brooms finished up stairs Rent $15 pra mr Arnold-st ti TO RENT THE AND Hall 155 Fiftli-av (cor A -cade Court) suitab lor Lodg or Unions Apply to JOHN CONNOLLY It li Shoo or AN State-st 33-ti' mO A GOOD -TORE ON CNN between Washington an Rcdois Inquire at the office of the Evening Mail WANTED iraNTCD-UPHOLSTEPEPA A UP CHENEY 2- WMa-rison- FOR SALE Jj co of v- ebst fD AMUsem*nTS Tlie Dramatic Pabulum of tlie Present Week The Collation to bo Spread Next Week for Which thsPubiic are Expected to Supply the MC is The perennial little witch of the stage Maggie Mitchell has been playing to good houses throughout the week Her rendition ot Jane Eyre is a highly perfected piece of acting embodying as it does iuto a harmonious whole all the eccentricities and peculiarities of that eccentric and peculiar character of Charlotte novel Her Very cast oi countenance seems fit ted to the impersonation of the role On Monday night -ho appears in her favorite pail winch will certainly deserve large houses the academy The second week of Mrs en-gageme-t at the Academy of Music has not resiilted'so profitably to the management as it has deserved The lady lias fully proved her title to the reputation as an emotional actress which she brought with her from tlie East She possesse a rare naturalness in acting coupled with a gentle modesty avoiding all contact with sensationalism 01 the doing of anything for etiect All the ha which she has assumed were given in a manner deserving unqualified praise tn Monday the great spectacle win be presented at the Aeademv with the original scenery and transformations- Adh a large number 01 people a good loBet etc fit course it will draw It always does The attraction at this place during the week has been the reguia" company in well-known with Mr Aiken in his favorite and well-known of obt rt Ericrbj Next week Mr Aiken will produce with flic best of stage effects and appointments the ever-popuiar pantomine Dumpty with George and Charley Fox as clown and pantaloon the former having played the part over one thousand nights without missing a single performance lu connection with this troupe the Martens will appear in their wonderful Cat Duet" 3 lie Abbott-Kiralfy Combination have during tlie week been giving the fine panto! mine oi the II unclibaoks" There were a number of new and laughable tricks while the dancing of the iva- superb 'i lie Duet" by the Grat sisters was well received as was also the lithe phonic music of the Jee brothers O11 Monday the programme will be changed giving a new version of Dumpty with other accessories and specia ities not yet announced GLOBE VAUDEVILLE The bill Ol tlie week at this place of amusem*nt has maintained the reputation for variety which nas been acq aired by its management Among the praiDpal attractions have been Mr and Mrs Charles oung in their interlocutory specialties Amencus the young violinist' and Costa's Gem Ballet Troupe The bill lor next wTeelc has not been announced but it will be taken for granted that an enjoyable performance will be given The minstrel presented a very accentabie bill during the week embracing George and A liailes Reynolds as the and the excellent company in at Campbells" the etc Next week a sparkling new first part in which Arlington and Cotton will appear to advantage will be gvven besides a laughable burlesque entitled Sheppai'd ami Joseph Blueskiu NIXON'S During the week theMaffltt and Bartholomew troupe have been giving the pantomime of Jack and Jill" taking a benefit iast evening in and and Les Deux a pantomime founded on the play oi Macaire" Next week we are promised something out of the ordinary line in a troupe of nna-rirels who are genuine darkies and who in a rough-and-tumble on the stage will nut be afraiu of losing their wooly wigs They- have performed both in this country and Europe and are highly praised by the press A FAMILY MATTER Rtimioii at the Residence of JB Taft A pleasant family gathering took place on Thursday last at tlie residence of Taft on TVest Washington street There were present Mr and Mrs Col Brown and son Governor of the Soldiers' Home a -ton Ohio Mr and Mrs Britte General Freight Agent Milwaukee A st Paul railroad Mr and 31r- Samuel Gallagher ol sedaiia Missouri Mrs Dr Beecher! and -laughter Memphis Tenn Mr- Edwin Marshall Medina Mr jh Lester Clow of Evanston members Britt iaxuily The brothers and ers have not met nil together for nineteen yeais They celebrated by a good dinner and an extended drive about what were our rs and expre-sed lie usual amazement at our veconsu action Very Good Women At a meeting of the Women'- Aid Society held on Thursday the following was -c-d Whereas The object of the Woman's Aid A ssi tation as in the constitution i- the promotion of the temporal and -pistnai welfare of wor iug women and giv'' therefore we recommend thatthe nl- mate objects of the Women's Aid Association be to establish a home tor the working class ot women and girls It was also rec-ommesded that an office be opened to aid 'men in iimiing work and to establish in-iiv-ti -i-! 00 Is and mothe meet ings 't'he ol M'uiagc-rs are Mines a Elis Strong Cun Osdel Hubbasd and S- CGi'iggs f'onvenicnt and Attractive Most people think there is little attraction 11 medical depo's but Halsey Brothers have exercised great taste in fitting up at a large expense the Chicago Homu-opathic withdrew after tlie fire to the upper pi-r ion of State street and kept up tb-ir wholesale trade which business is now done in large basem*nts The retail sleek i- conveniently located at 72 State street and is easy ol aevr-s to everv one specially to residents of lit- West i ri key have opened a large sock of the --t toilette ods and ha thcarge-t an elegant phatmacy in the country Have You Any Goad Ftirnlluro that wants upholstering? If r-o take it to 3L sir- Colby A V' irtN at their new store No- 292 and tate st-ect Those gentlemen have given up their auction sales and now sell nothing but new liimiture of wli they ive ah Immense -lock of all sty cs and aid- and as they are manufae-agents they make prices low as ri bou-e I'pho -ter ng of any kind is done bv them at shori no we I tlie oat Fit it Tnis tiling lia- no reference to olitics It I- intended a- a piece of advice to people who wear clothes and know what they are when they once get them on They are the words addressed to "whom it may concern" by Gioft Brothers 132 West Madison street who know that if the coat is made bv them it will fit and that's an end ot it And coats are not the only things they make Pants and vest- ai-o come within their line and they arc- ju-t as certain in pre curies a rood fit in them as in coat- Now Chicago Ahead 1 here is nothing under the sun that can't be had at the great Exposition Dollar Bazar No 221 West Madison street for from 25 nits to Eve: ytrajy who see- that won-sera ornamental and Java fir 3 would sustain ro candidate of whatever Party in any election who is in any way favorably disposed toward this cause" and that would patronize only such business men as would joiu hand and hand with them This was reaffirmed by the National Convention of Liquor Dealers at Buffalo in 186S and by the Beer Brewers again in ISC!) And within the last ten days the great mass of saloon-keepers of our city have been in frequent session to secure tlie evil ends Many candidates a'ready iu the field have been pledged to repeal the laws dearer to tis than all other issue- and we cannot stultify ourselves by voting away what we must The' issue is thrust upon us: we must act We cannot afford to be longer disfranchised many ot our best citizens have been practically shut from the polls for years became they would not crowd their way into saloon- and dead-tails to vote for men morally and intellectually unfitted for public twists We have a right to insist on the enforcement and maintenance of the protective law commonly known as the Temperance of the last Legislature It simply protects against the damages resulting trout the sale oi intoxicating liquors Mark this language It is not prohibitory it is not sumptuary: it is only protective Founded upon common law it simply holds the liquor dealer like all other men responsible for his act- We have a right to a safe and peaceable Sabbath an institution woven into the early history of our country and underlying its vigor and prosperity We cannot stand idly by and see the disorderly undermine our'liberths by corrupting the public morals by lowering the general intelligence anil by discouraging productive industry We can neither blot out nor forget the bloody Sundays of September whose horrors shocked the whole conu-ti 'e mint deny any right to complain at being prevented from disturbing the public peace and trampling upon the law V- regard personal protection neces--aiy to personal safety Personal liberty does not allow a man to' use his property to ihe injury ot others The ox that is wont to push with his horns ha- no right to graze upon the common We cannot let this matter alone The assassin stabbing your sleeping babe cries me Jeff Davis' a-ked onlv to be Devils cried out us alone" 31ere politicians by the same cry show their lineal descent We must take the local offices out of politics and vote for men We recognize in tlm no party lines It good men favoring law and order are upon the tickets of both 'parties we do not interfere If only one of them is to be trusted we indorse him If neither then we must act tor ourselves Some of the candidates in legislative districts where we have made no nominations have fully by advocacy and vote indentified themselves' with the law and order movement Others have not committed themselves and being able to gain no jmsitive information rather than do them an injustice we leave them to their respective merits We oppose the Rum and Ruin League the anti-temperance and anti-Sabbath partv beeeuse they occasion three-fourths of all the crime in tile city because their business loads us down with taxes because they des- late thousands ot homes and threaten all homes: because they generate and nurse ignorance: because they are the productive source of aU manner of corruptions because they desecrate the Sabbath violating Go U-law' and enlightened conscience because they habitually lawless because the success would con vert our city into a slaughter pen our citizens by familiarity with cold-bloc vied murder as witnessed in August and Septembar make life and property insecure betray the great trust the world has so recently reposed in us and darken the good name ot our beautiful city We appeal to the great laboring classes whose wages are purloined whose families are threatened and whose day of healthful rest is imperilled by being made common In this intense laud capital will soon -ay to the poor mau days or biiall this day of healthful rest be lost in a day of exhaustive dissipation? Brothers in honest industry we appeal to yon for help Save your homes and your Sabbaths ipul the good order of the city We appeal to the business men whose taxes are greatly augmented by these evils and whose property is endangered by lawlessness We appeal to all who believe in Gc cl and His day to come up in this crisis with prayer and works and ballots We appeal to all men ot common human feeling and moral sense to -top the great crimes now seeking justification by unholy legi-lation We appeal to all patriots to save the citv from the curse of barbariani-m that threatens us 11 productive labor is reduced one -half and crimes increased three-fold and the Sabbath turned into a day for racing drinking gambling and fighting our public di -grace will only precede our inevitable ruin We appeal to all interested in the public intelligence on behalf of our schools robbed of thousands of children on behait ol our very streets crowded With involuntarv 1 -abends 0 We appeal to all who love order and believe in law We are at the mortal struggle If lose we shah he comnelled to walk by the bodies of our murdered citizen-through a severe struggi agaiu-t all crimes back to law and order again The past tells n- too clearly what we rnav expect but we mu-! not fail We cannot aft'ore to take one backward step I 1 every honest man every well-w isher lor society to make thi-his work until the ictory is'raiined Be -it the polls as long as there 'is a vote uncast It is a short struggle it means busi-re- cumulate your votes when neees-ary We submit the law and order ticket for your approval and ratification invoking upon your action tilt blesn-g ol G-d and "the favorable judgment of the voters On behalf ot the Committee on Address 1: owler Chairman On benaif ol the Commute of Seventy Goonixs Chairman On uehalf ot the Committee ot Fifteen LvAitrs Chairman On benalf of the Election Committee -C Morrison Chairman i he remainder of the session was oc-cu with discussions of minor questions CHUR 1 HFS TO-MORROW A 1 Saints Church corner of Carpenter and 1 curth streets ltev Henry Perry rector Services morning and evening fcUuday School at 2 ni Seats free Church ot the Pilgrims A-Lley street near Robey street Rev James Harrison pastor services at 10:45 a in Sabbath school at 2:30 Chapel Phird Guiversaustj Indiana avenue near Twenty-ninth street Public religious services acted bj the ft 1 1 i iiii'beb and the line put in lull ruuni vo 1)6 (i I an Have Oie that he Znijn Parlor -at '2s on installments of $10 a Ct Vi us only one cjuui ter of the room common edstead and enables you to I gf-tr: in ene room Nobody 1 now without lbs exam Iriyjor Bedstead N-- st: et Now Opening of tine black mobair aipacca at cents hers ask cents to 5000 pi-ce Japanese po--s uis cost 40 cents to import pieces rich plain and plai-i d- lioro 2 to 624 cents which r't for less than st to i'tO piece-35 44 and for same g-Hits at 25 10000 got ds so! 9 in 33i ei oi a 1 kinds sav' usr nearly one-ha! A IP ni'-ir -n Vi A JM ulison 1 of goods can th ir money and 120 hes 942 State cV 1 ri Tried mul Not Four-d Wax learn that Phi! Gonley las eon-to run lor do: man of the First Mr Conley served some twelve or urn lears ago lx year in that eapa- ml tne fact that some of our solid citi-s ko wc-re in his election among his most earnest supporters speaks volumes in hi- favor Mr -u property owner owning real or per- pc ty in nearly every ward in the we think would be earnest and Lie fa thlul discharge of lu duty I cus a public record that aav man I ht to be proud of and that too iftei years A ire a United i te" toms a iiSng haa wr tu a Work Coroner Stephens the ft vests yesterday: on the b-u aged 50 ears who in-iv falling down r- on 011 Bail i-k- ilaitky Peis ol intemperaaoe un infai bckongiiig to is hr- die on I tea A a V'- A It is estimated that 200000000 feet of pine lunifio vv- Mown down and destroyed by 1 tortra'o uj the CJiijipewa 'iver' last wrari: no jorfy yoke of ox: it Li 1 i.

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Author information

Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.