Martinsville Bulletin from Martinsville, Virginia (2024)

NAVEL RECRUITING Little Egypt Does Her Thing By ROGER DOUGHTY A NEW. YORK (NEA). -The annual convention of the Society for the Prevention of Bad Mouthing Belly Dancers to Police Films On Rioting Withdrawn RICHMOND -The Vir. ginia State Police have decided to stop showing training. films that four civil rights groups in the state said were "calculated to: ignite the basest prejudices in those who view them." The films were withdrawn after.

a recent "review and reevaluation of the training program" and are being replaced by "other training aids," "'according police Maj. J. T. Marshall. The films were criticized by the American Civil Liberties Union, the NAACP, the Virginia Council on Human Relations and the Urban League.

The ACLU said the three films entitled "Revolution Under Way," "Communists on Campus" and "The Truth about Communism" painted incidents of unrest -among minority groups with "a.big red brush." The. use of the films: had been defended last week by State Police Supt. H. W. Burges who said the manner in which state troopers conducted themselves during periods of unrest.

and disorder "speaks well -for our training An average of seven of every 10 bank tellers are women. Many work only part time. place in' a deserted East Side cafe -the -other day: and before! it concluded word was leaked to the press that the group's chairlady, Little Lorraine. Egypt, had an important statement make. Weaving my way through unin dulating female forms clad in harem pants, I stumbled upon Little Egypt (she really is little, being only 4 feet: 11 tall, but carries a 36-23-36 figure) just as she was about to address the assembled throng of news hawks.

"The public has to be said Lorraine. "They see some former stripper doing bumps and grinds and they think they're seeing the real thing. Well, they're Lorraine is something of an expert when it comes to belly dancing Arabic. dancing, 1 for Egyptian dancing, or whatever you want to call: it. -Her greatgrandmother was the original Little Egypt (she's the lady who sent temperatures soaring when she did her thing at the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago in 1893) and Lorraine cut her teeth on "'The Dance of.

the Seven Veils." "I was raised doing this kind of dancing," Lorraine stroking her derbeke (that's an Arabic drum, wise "from the time- I was five years "old. I'm 27. now and I could go on for another 10-years, but who wants to. look at an old belly dancer?" Turns out that Little Egypt Is a nice girl from Brooklyn who is married to' her manager, has an older sister who belly dances around the house and a six-yearold niece who, says Lorraine, "may grow up to be the greatest belly dancer of all time." But these are hard times for belly dancers, what with topless and bottomless dancers flooding the market and causing unfair. competition for the traditionalists.

"My kind of dancing is Lorraine says, I wouldn't ever vulgarize But a lot of these strippers do and a girl has to eat, so I'm becoming an actress." -Turns out Lorraine has been' studying with Lee Strasberg for the last few years, has done 1 Broadway show and will' soon be- turning up on the tube in a Hallmark Ball of Fame presentation of: Gideon March 26 over NBC-TV. But this does not mean that Little Egypt is throwing in the veil as far as dancing is con'cerned. No. indeed, she's doing her best to promote a new wave of belly. dancing all over the country.

SATER'S ONE-OF-A-KIND CLEARANCE Reg. $269.95 2 PC: RED VINYL SOFA CHAIR $188 Reg. $599.95 4-PIECE BEDROOM SUITE $48995 Many Other One-Of-A-Kind Values! SAT for furniture 25 E. Main St. DIAL 632-2388 Globman's JANUARY CLEARANCE Huge Selection Of Shoes For The Family! 1 Large Group of Ladies.

Famous Brand Shoes $10.00 to $30.00 'Values 497 to 1997 Large Group Boys', Girls' Teen Shoes $6.99 to 397 For Dress, to School 797 and Play Group of Men's Famous Brand Shoes $10.00 $34.95 Values 897 to 2497 Choose Oxfords. of- Slip-ons in Black or Brown If We Can't Fit You In This Shoes Church St. Level Sale Freeman Group. Shoe You at can buy eRr discount Page 6-Martinsville Bulletin, Friday, January 1, 19711 ENCOURAGED BY TEACHER Danville Girl Picked As Maid Of Cotton 5. MEMPHIS, Tenn.

'(AP) A 22-year-old home economics mafor from Danville, who was encouraged to enter the contest by one of her teachers, is the now Maid of Cotton for .1971. She is Patricia Dianne Perry, inches tall beauty with long light brown hair and bright blue eyes. Miss Perry is the first Virginian to be named Maid of Cotton in the 33-year history of the contest. She is a senior at Longwood College. First runner-up was 20-yearold.

Judith Ann Friend, sprightly 5-foot-8 blonde from Newport Beach, Calif. Another 5-foot-8 blonde, Martha. Latimer of: Dallas, was second runner Miss Perry's was shaking visibly as photographers surrounded the family and when her father, James Perry, was asked if he had thought his daughter could win he explained: "Well, sure." On New Year's Day, Miss. Perry will begin her duties by appearing at the Cotton Bowl football game in Dallas. Then she will embark on 1 tour of 25 North American cities and 10 foreign countries.

i But before the tour she will travel to New York to be outfitted with. a complete: all -cotton wardrobe. She succeeds Gayle Thornton of Meridian, as Maid of 5. McCartney Sues Other 3 Beatles LONDON (AP) Paul brought a court action today against the other three Beatles- -John Lenon, George Harrison and Ringo, Starr-demanding that the group be legally dissolved. The writ was filed in the chancery division of the London High Court.

-McCartney's suit came after months of rumor that the Beawere breaking up permanently. They have not played in public together for more than two years. Isn't It Time To Change -To Super Comfort? $89.50 Mattress $89.50 Box Spring Only EA. $54 50 COMPLETE SET $99" Firm, Extra- Firm or- Super Firm Quilted or -Smooth Top Free Delivery Open 5:30 A Except Fridays to McCarty Bedding Co. COLLINSVILLE- DIAL- 647-5261 Director Signs Law HOLLYWOOD (AP) John Phillip Law was signed by Mike Frankovich to play Robin Stone in the film version of Jacqueline.

Susann's "'The Love Machine" for Columbia Pictures. Law replaces Brian Kelly who is perating from. a serious injury he Incurred on Thanksgiving day. 2- UPI Photo. GOING HOME- Princess Margaret, wearing one of the midi coats that.

has become her trademark, takes her husband, Lord Snowdon, home from The London Clinic and away from the public glare that followed an American report they have agreed to divorce. Showdon been hospitalized for two weeks for minor surgery. The nature of the surgery was disclosed. 8,000 Pounds Of Fish Contaminated; Seized LOS ANGELES 8,000 pounds of kingfish off Los Angeles have been, pounded by. federal agents, described it as the nation's Lloyd's Clearance Sale! Costume Jewelry PRICE if CLOSEOUT Radios and Polaroid Cameras PRICE Special Table GIFTWARES 3 PRICE Lloyd's Inc.

BANK fu WE HONOR master charge 41 THE INTERBANK CARD DOWNTOWN 4 i for 1 and the of the con'cerned. 4 1900 3 AM 4 Some seizure of DDT -contaminated caught. saltwater fish. The seizure was made when who tests showed the fish had a contm- tent of the insecticide of about first 19 parts -per million, 14. parts -above the federal limit, said.

Kleber, Food and Drug Administration officer. The seizure, made earlier this month but revealed only occurred at State Fish of San Pedro, a community on the Port of Los Angeles. An earlier attempt to impound some 1,200 pounds of DDT -tainted, fish ate the "firm failed when the fish were sold: before federal agents "could move in, Kleber At seized fish- sweet-tasting and generally found- near sew. age outfalls--apparently were caught within ,20 miles of the coast near Los. Angele's, Kleber said.

The fish were sold for both human and animal -consump tion. The fish were frozen cartons labeled "Fiesta Del Mar Brand Packed by State. Fish San Pedro, said a complaint filed Dec. 4 Dist. Afty.

Larry Dier. An attorney for State Fish Co. said the company would cooperate with the government and "it really isn't worth our while to fight the thing," referring to the complaint. A Road, according to Henry County deputies. City police said 11.

cartridge tapes valued at $77, were stolen from an auto belonging to James B. Wade. Wade's auto was -entered while parked co Endless I Street, he -told police Aerial Unit Leaves Vietnam SAIGON (AP) The U.S. Command announced today the withdrawal of an Army aerial unit, the- 54th Utility Airplane resulting in a 170-man reduction of authorized U.S: troop strength in Vietnam. Based in the Long Thanh, east of Saigon, the company flew sin-.

gle engine Otters, carrying and mainly in the Saigon region and the Mo kong Delta, since 1965. The aircraft will be returned to the United: States, spokesmen said. Minor Thefts Are Reported City county authorities- reported two minor thefts Thursday. A saw valued at $80 was stolen from the construction site at Bassett Walker Knitting Company on the Dye Plant dE 3 TRIE CU Styles include- Dress, ea Casual, Pants and Sport Shoes. Entire Stock of Evening Shoes Timely savings for your New Year's event! Values to $18.00 1097 to 1497 A Choose.

Silver, Gold, White Peau or Silver, Gold Thread Sandals,.

Martinsville Bulletin from Martinsville, Virginia (2024)


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